Read/view multiple perspectives on the immigration reform debate and make up your own mind. This will be one of the topics for our debate rounds in the new year.
Question to Respond to:
How should we as a nation address the issue of immigration? Justify your response by citing evidence/arguments presented in the sources below. You must incorporate at least three four sources into your response for full credit. Due Monday 12/8/08
Specific areas of immigration you can address. These are but a few.:
Cost to Taxpayers
Border Control
Illegal Immigrants
Effect of Population Growth
Additional Guiding Questions:
- On what issues do the various sides agree?
- What are the major points of disagreement?
The Arrival of Immigrants at Ellis Island - Brief look at immigration from a historical perspective.
By the Numbers - (Numbers USA - Advocacy Organization) What is this organization advocating? Are there flaws in the interpretation of the "Numbers"?
Immigration and Hispanics Forum - (NDN - Advocacy Organization)
Beginning to 19:00. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) - Introductory comments
23:00 to 39:00.Simon Rosenberg - President of NDN - Changing demographics and the hispanic voters.
States' Immigrant Policies Diverge
In Differences, Some See Obstacles For a National Law
Benefits of Immigration
Minutemen: The Immigration Debate
English only debate over immigration in Carpentersille, Illinois. A small town grapples with immigration.
The above videos and stories are but the tip of the iceberg. Do some of your own research.