Democratic presidential hopefuls debate
Debate Excerpts:
Biden on Iraq
Edwards on Iraq
Hillary Clinton
Obama on Iran and Why he is Running
Edwards on Healthcare
Bill Richardson
Same-Sex Marriage
Hardball w/ Chris Mathews - Debate Review
No offense to any democrats out there, but most of the candidates are idiots. To point out a few, Hilary really said some stupid things out there. She refused to answer some questions, interrupting the Debate guy, and kept shutting down Republicans. Then there was the guy in the beginning who wants to get the troops back in September 2007. Wow. Then there was the guy who shut down his fellow candidates for signing the bill on Iran. Not to mention the guy who thinks we can pull out all of our troop from Iraq in a Year. Speaking of which, is it that hard to answer a question without mentioning Iraq? Seriously! The republicans at least had some common sense and some honest viewpoints. Watching these debates has changed me from a DisAffected to a Republican. Seriously, the Democrats need to step up. Notice how in the Republican debate, the audience was cheering and clapping, but in the Democrat debate, the audience was so quite you could hear a pin drop. I'm very disappointed.
Before watching the Democratic debate, I had thought that despite their varying ethnicities, the candidates all had more or less on the same platform. I was very impressed by Obama not promising to bring the troops home, avoiding an obvious trap to surely be used by critics in the coming years. Hillary disappointed as being one of the only candidates who pulled the usual "answer another question" maneuver, and Richardson not only made his first "appearance" on MY political radar, but also proved that like Howard Dean and Ron Paul (two candidates I would love to cast votes for) he is unfortunately too passionate for winning the primary, let alone the presidency.
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