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Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Hampshire Debate

Click on the link below. This will take you to the Fox News video page. Click on "Top Videos" in the upper right quarter of the page.
1. Identify 5 major issues focused on by the candidates.
2.Each segment is about 7-10 minutes long. Watch at least one segment and respond to at least two of the candidates performance in the segment. What did you like/dislike about the candidate or teh responses? You must identify the specific candidates and topics discussed to get credit.NOTE: If the debates are no longer in the "Top Videos," click on the Videos link and then select "Politics" or go to the Google Videos linked below.,2933,295899,00.html



Anonymous said...


Jillian Moruzzi said...

1. Five major issues focused on by the candidates include illegal immigration, the use of torture on prisoners, tracking suspects of terror or hate crimes, maintaining the facility on Guantanamo Bay, and family values/ abortion.

2. The clip that I watched and will comment on is called “Preventive Attacks.” In this clip, the issues discussed include tracking Islamic extremists, the use of torture on prisoners, the use of the prison camp on Guantanamo Bay (including how long to hold prisoners that were not convicted, but are too dangerous to set free), and finally, the amount of independence the candidate would grant their vice-president. The portion of this segment that I would like to comment on is in regards to the use of torture on prisoners. Tom Tancredo and John McCain were the two candidates who discussed this issue. I believe that both of them presented themselves with dignity, and presented their arguments with confidence and determination. During the debate, Tancredo agreed with the use of torture. He did not believe that water board was a form of torture, as it did no physical damage. He did, however, say that he would go even further than the use of the water board to gain information. Tancredo said that he would do what is necessary to protect this country, and that he would go to great lengths to keep this country safe. In saying this, he implied that he would, without question, use more extreme and physically damaging types of torture. John McCain, on the other hand, disagreed with torture. He believed that any information we may gain through the use of torture can never be counterbalanced by the damage it does to America’s reputation. McCain also pointed out the risk that when an American is in the hands of an enemy, they will use the fact that we tortured people as an excuse to torture our brave men and women in the military. McCain was not prepared to take that risk. Though I believe that both men presented their arguments well, I disagree with Tancredo. I think that he, unlike McCain, does not understand all that torture encompasses. McCain was in the military and was a Prisoner of War, so he fully understands what torture entails. Tancredo, on the other hand, does not understand the enormity of what he is prepared to do to fellow humans. He also fails to see the possible repercussions of his actions. Overall, I like McCain’s views on this issue. He makes a valid point that others may not have foreseen. It is entirely possible that other countries will hold it against us if we use torture. I like John McCain because I feel that he is devoted to his morals, and that he will not let the pressure of presidency sway him.

courtneym said...

1. 5 major issues focused on by the candidates in the GOP Debate were illegal immigration, gun control/protection, gay marriage rights, the support phase over seas, and the war on terror.

2. The segment that I watched was on the continuation of family values and the issue of abortion. This part included discussion of maintaining the reputation of the republican party as the supporters of family values, Senator Larry Craig, and abortion. The part that I chose to comment on is abortion. The two men that were focused on were Romney and Huckabee, and they seemed to have about the same opinion on the subject. Romney stated that in his perfect USA, there would be no abortion and he hopes that one day we might reach a country where abortion is demolished. He believes in pro-life legislation, yet he thinks that its up to the states to decide whether or not they will allow abortion to occur. I felt like he was trying to make both sides happy instead of actually saying what he thought would be the best decision against abortion. If he was president, I believe that he would take more action to try and ban abortion to get closer to persuing his country of no abortion. Senator Huckabee promptly stated that he believes in the Human Life Ammendment, and that a life should be protected from the moment that it is created. He is strictly pro-life, and will keep to his opinions. I thought he put up a strong argument for those who support his views and think the same way, but I think it turned off half of the audience. Personally as a woman, I agree with Guililani in that it is the womans choice whether she should have or abort the baby because it is more than one life at stake. Really, men don’t know what kind of a decision has to be made in a situation like this, so I don’t think they are the ones that should decide and there shouldn’t be a forced law against it. I would have liked to see what they thought about pregnancies through rape and how they shouuld be carried out, but obviously there was not enough time for that.

Lindsay C said...

1. Five major topics that were covered during the debate included illegal immigration, gun control, the torture of prisoners, abortion and family values, and gay marriage.

2. The segment I will be responding to is called “Sanctuary Cities, Part 1”. In this clip, the candidates discussed illegal immigration which is a major issue plaguing our country. Some topics covered were the completion of the fence that borders our country from Mexico, what to do with the millions of illegal immigrants already in our country, and putting an end to sanctuary cities. Duncan Hunter of California believes that he will continue the law he passed and finish the 854 miles left of fence to build along our border. Giuliani wants to use the latest technology along the fence because guarding it isn’t enough. Motion detectors and heat sensors would catch those trying to illegally enter our country. Romney, on the other hand, believes illegal immigration will end when sanctuary cities are put to rest. Once these cities, such as New York and Hartford, loose their appeal to immigrants, Romney believes these efforts will go much farther than a single fence. All of the candidates had very impressive arguments, but in my opinion I agree most with Rudy Giuliani. With the technology these days being so advanced, not only will it catch these immigrants but I think it will scare them away. I also have to agree with Romney, removing sanctuary cities will loose the appeal for immigrants and decrease the illegal immigration. If I could vote for a republican candidate right now, I would have to choose Rudy Giuliani. I believe his major points and arguments are well supported and in the best of my interests.

Anonymous said...

1.) Five major topics discussed in the GOP Debate were illegal immigration, gun control, gay marriage, national security, and domestic terrorism.

2.) The republican debate that took place in New Hampshire revealed two candidates’ views on gun control in America. The segment I watched was called “Arming America” and dealt with the issues of gun controls and how they might have affected events from the past. The first candidate to respond was Rudy Giuliani. He was asked if the tragedy at Virginia Tech would have been less harmful if students were allowed to carry guns. In response to this question, Giuliani stated that he felt it was up to a state’s government to legislate their own gun control laws. He also referenced that the constitution allows any citizen the right to bear arms. By supporting both the constitution and states’ legislative power, he was able to appeal to a large majority of the GOP who feel less government involvement is the proper role for it. He was also able to avoid taking a strong side against an issue that has many people from both parties supporting different beliefs. In addition to this question, Giuliani was asked about the safety of his city with their current gun control laws. He responded by saying that when he was in office he made one of the most dangerous cities into one of the least dangerous cities. He expanded by saying that he accomplished this feat by not focusing on gun control but on catching criminals. He solidified his argument by comparing his city to Boston by saying his was safer. In this way, he was able to sound superior to Mit Romney, a close competitor, in this area. The other candidate, Congressman Paul, was asked about the prevention of 9-11 if passengers on the planes had guns to protect themselves. He responded that it was not the people’s responsibility to protect themselves on an airline. He said it was the airline’s responsibility to protect their passenger. He disapproved of the fact that the federal government had taken this responsibility. He was upset by how bogged down trying to go through airports were. Both candidates agreed that gun control should not be in the hands of the federal government.

Gerard Wrenn said...

1.)Five issues talked about were banning gay marriage, illegal immigration, increasing taxes, role of U.S. troops in Iraq, and various scenarios concerning Iran.
2.)I clicked on and will be discussing “Illegal Immigration”. The question was to Duncan Hunter, what are you going to do to start and complete the Border fence? If the fence is built, it will go into some of the ranchers and farmers land what do u say? He says, “It’s the law. I built a fence in San Diego and it is really a double fence with a road in between and it reduced the amount of people and drugs getting smuggled into San Diego which was the #1 smuggling area. Also it is the law to complete it because the president signed on it.” I agree with what Duncan Hunter is saying we need to do something and getting the fence built form California to Texas will help make a difference like he emphasized. Another question was to Rudy Giuliani How do you not call it amnesty? He responds, “I turned the names into INS no one gets deported. We need to stop illegal immigrants form coming in at our borders. It is a national priority. A physical fence is not going to do the hole thing we need a technological fence. We need photo graphing equipment, Heat seeking equipment, and motion detection material. It didn’t exist 10 years ago, it didn’t exist 20 years ago, but it exist today. We need a tamper proof single ID card for every person from a foreign county. We need to promote Legal immigration not illegal immigration.” I agree with every thing Rudy Giuliani said. We have the technology to protect the boarder and we need to do every thing to stop the illegal immigrants form getting into this country.

Bill Herlihy said...

1) Five major issues discussed include gay marriage, the situation in Iran, the role of troops in Iraq, family values, and illegal mmigration/ border patrol.

2) The segment that I watched and will discuss is "Sanctuary Cities, Pt 1". In this clip, the issue of illegal immigrants and border patrol was dicussed, but more specifically on the idea of the border fence and also what to do with existing illegal immigrants. The parts I will focus on include the ideas of Hunter, Romney, and Giuliani. Overall, I had a more positive feeling on the ideas of Romney and Giuliani as oppossed to Hunter. Hunter seems to think that just putting up a fence will do the job. He talked about what his double fence with a road in the middle did in San Diego, but that may not work out all along the border. I also believe it is unrealistic to complete an effective fence almost 900 miles long in 6 months. Giuliani was a lot more realistic when he said that the fence would have to be "techniological" and not just "physical". Although the high tech equipment will cost more, it will also be a lot more effective and reliable in preventing illegal immigration. Giuliani also had a good idea with requiring anybody that was born outside the United States to have a certain I.D. card. Romeny appealed to me when he went beyond the contruction of the border fence. I also feel as if more will have to be done. Romney got his point across that sanctuary cities in the U.S. need to be taken care of for those are the cities that attract illegals. He said that those cities would be punished by the federal government if they did not follow the law, and I believe that's the way to go. This is not an issue of race or feeling sorry for people, it is about rules and regulations and following the law. Alike with Giuliani and Romney, I firmly believe immigration is a great thing for American when it is dealt with right and people come here legally.

Em Sgorbati said...

1.Five majors issues discussed in the debate were illegal immigration, homeland security, gay marriage, the war on terror, and gun control.
2.The segment I watched was called “Arming Americans” and I will discuss the viewpoints of Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul. Personally, I didn’t agree with either of the candidates, but I thought that Rudy was much more convincing than Ron because he seemed much more confident about his ability to enforce gun control. Rudy’s main point was that we should focus more on the criminals who are committing the gun crimes as opposed to the guns, while Ron’s main idea was to bring the decision of gun ownership down to the state level. Ron got the viewers attention by mentioning September 11th and stating that this would not have happened if the government had honored the 2nd amendment and allowed regular personnel, more specifically airline workers, to carry guns. He also suggested that Virginia Tech could have been prevented if students were able to carry guns. While the comments were received with great applause, I completely disagree with both of those statements, and I don’t think it was very convincing. Rudy Giuliani defended himself against a statement made by Fred Thompson who said he never felt safe in New York City because no one was carrying guns. Rudy responded that by enforcing gun control, he reduced shootings in New York City 75%, and made the city safer than 100+ smaller cities in the country. Overall I think that Rudy came across as more personable, and is greatly respected for the way he dealt with the aftermath of September 11th, therefore if I had to pick a better candidate, it would be him.

Justine Miano said...

1. The Five major issues focused on by the candidates in the debates were illegal immigration, taxes and spending, foreign policy, abortion, and gay marriage rights.
2. The debate that I watched was a Republican debate held on September 5, 2007, between Mitt Romney and Rudy Guiliani. The part of the debate that I focused on was the issue of illegal immigrants in the United States. Both candidates were asked how they went upon dealing with the issue of illegal immigration in their areas. Mitt Romney talked about how he had authorized the police to enforce laws against illegal immigrants. He also stated that federal funding should be cut off from "sanctuary cities". I do not believe that this is a good way to go upon solving the issue of illegal immigration. Cutting off federal funding would only do harm to the city by cutting off support to its economy. He also adresses that government should not support the illegal immigrants in working in their cities. If this is to happen, a major part of the city's economy would decline, and the city would have to deal with new issues of what to do with these illegal immigrants, seeing as only a fragment have been deported. On the other hand, Rudy Guiliani is faced with supporting his statement said on June 10, 1994 in the New York Times which stated, " If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city. You are somebody who we want to protect and we want you get out from under what is often a life of being a fugitive, which is really unfair." (Rudy Guiliani) He supports this statement by giving an example of trying to enforce illegal immigration through the government. He told authorities to report ilegal immigrants for crimes they have commited. This plan ended him up with a list of 400,000 fugatives, making New York the most dangerous city on the charts. The number was obviously innacurate and Guiliani changed the law to allow illegal immigrants to report crimes commited against them. This may seem that he is supporting illegal immigration, but in reality he was just supporting the safety of his city. He also adressed that there were also about 60,000 illegal immigrant children in the city. He could not leave these children on the streets; therefore, he had to protect the rights of illegal immigrants. He did this by allowing them to seek medical aid, and help from the authorities. In turn, Guiliani made his city a safer place to live in, with a flourishing economy. I fully support Guiliani and his policies. He looks past on what "looks good" and focuses on what is needed to protect the people. Although he had to bend some political morals, he ended up benifitting New York City, and that is what is needed in a United States President.

Ryan Dupont said...

1. There were five major issues on which the Republican candidates focused on during this debate. These topics included tracking terror suspects, the situation in Guantanamo Bay, the use of torture, illegal immigration, and family values including the topic of abortion.

2.The clip that i watched was called "National Secuirty". The two candidates in this clip were Sen. John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. Sen. McCain started the started the topic by saying that he was fit to help the country through this time of uncertainty concerning the nation's safety. He mentioned that he led the largest squadron in the United States Navy which does show that he has significant military experience. He also mentioned that even though Giuliani did lead us through the tragic 9/11 attacks, that may not lead to a great United States leadership throughout the world. Giuliani did respond well however, stating how he turned the city of New York around from one of the highest rated crime cities in the world to one of the safest. He also said that if there was any situation that one could go through to help the prepare to deal with the responsibilities of the Presidency, that 9/11 was as close as you can get. I do believe in that yet i do have some insecurities that he may not be able to fully understand a global military operation such as being the Commander in Chief. Overall, both candidates presented themselves positively and confident.

amanda c said...

1. 5 major issues that the candidates focused on were gay marriage, the war on terror, abortion, illegal immigration and gun control.

2. The segment that I watched dealt with the issue of illegal immigration. Two of the candidates that responded were Rudy Giuliani and John McCain. I think that both of them gave their ideas with confidence and the facts to support them. I agreed with Giuliani and Romney's ideas that immigration is a positive thing for the US when people come here legally. I also though that Giuliani's idea that people born outside America should get there own I.D. card.Guiliani was also asked to defend his statement in the New York Times," If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city. You are somebody who we want to protect and we want you get out from under what is often a life of being a fugitive, which is really unfair." He wanted the government to report ilegal immigrants for their crimes. This plan led to a very high number of immigrants committing crimes fugatives, making New York a very dangerous city. Guiliani changed his plan to allow illegal immigrants to report crimes that were also commited against them. Although this led people to believe that he supported illegal immigrants,he was just trying to protect the people of his city, especially with the high number of illegal immigrant children that couldn't be left to the sreets.I liked the fact that Giuliani looked past what the government thought would be right in order to make New York a safer place.

nicoleb said...

1. Five major issues the candidates focused on were keeping troops in Iraq, gay marriages, gun control, illegal immigration, and war on terror.
2. The debate I watched was between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. The debate was about if our troops should stay in Iraq or come home. Paul had said that he is and anti-war candidate and Huckabee is pro war. I agree with Ron Paul when he said that we should have our troops come home. I feel that he had made some very good points on why we should send our troops home. He said the American people didn’t go in to Iraq, but only a few did, and they shouldn’t be punished by staying over. Huckabee’s response was when we make a mistake, it’s the United States that made the mistake not the divided states of America. Paul said that as the representatives of the American people, it is our job to correct the mistake and not to continue with the mistake. I think he’s right when he said it’s their job to fix the mistake, not to keep making the mistake, and to bring the troops home. He also made a very good point when he said “we have lost over 5 thousand American in Iraq, how many more do you want to lose?”

Sam Almassian said...

1)Five issues talked about were banning gay marriage, illegal immigration, increasing taxes, role of U.S. troops in Iraq, and the tracking of suspects of terror and/or hate crimes

2)The clip that i watched and will begin to comment on was entitled "Preventive Attacks". The topic in discussion is the tracking and finding of Islamic terrorists and extremists. Furthermore the clip goes on discuss the use of torture on prisoners, the use of the prison camp that is located on Guantanamo Bay, and also the amount of independence the certain candidate would give to there vice president. I don't like how governor Romney wants to wire tap some masqs to try and follow people that are supposedly trying to "teaching doctrines of terror and hate." I believe this is a completely unfair accusations on an entire community of Muslims in this community who live everyday lives just like every other Americans. When Timothy McVae was charged with the bombing in Oklahoma city, no one was saying they should go and wire tap churches. The Koran actually specifically is against terrorism and the killings of others in Gods name. Then Tom Tancrado believes that it is ok to use torture to get answers from supposed terrorism. I in no way believe that is to be accepted in the united states due to the fact that we do not want to be on the other side being tortured in other countries for answers to things we don't know. John Mcain was against torturing prisoners. He stated that any information that we would gain would not be able to counteract the slash to the American reputation it would make. Out of the representatives that i watched, i like John Mcain the most because of his stance on torturing prisoners for information.

Lindsay Blevins said...

1. Five major issues that were discussed:
-Illegal Immigration
-Gay Marriage
-War on Terror
-Taxes/Tax Reform

2. The two candidates I chose from the segments were John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. I watched several of the segments. The first one was debating tax reform. John McCain was asked why he did not sign the pledge to cut taxes. He replied that he does oppose tax increases and has for many years. He also promised to veto any bill that does try to increase taxes. He says that he did not sign the pledge because it did not deal with restraints in spending. I commend the senator on not signing a pledge just because it seems like a good/popular idea. He put his ideas and beliefs above what would appear to look good to the American people. I think this shows that he has a plan for America and is set on sticking to it for the good of the country and not just for his popularity. Rudy Giuliani was the other candidate that did not sign the pledge. I really liked his reason for not doing so. He said a President should take one pledge, and that is to uphold the constitution. He also plans to lower taxes but does not think it requires him to sign a pledge just to prove it. Another segment that I watched also deals with a very important issue. The segment was about the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Both John McCain and Rudy Giuliani had about the same opinion. McCain said that he thinks the troops are still needed. He is positive that they are making progress. He feels that withdrawing them too early would equal surrender. He wants to bring them home with honor. Giuliani also has this view. He said, “When has a nation ever won a war when the discussion was, ‘what kind of time table are we going to set for our retreat’”. This quote is very similar to McCain’s view of withdrawal as surrendering. Giuliani also says that the objective should be to stabilize Iraq and to make sure they will not be a threat to themselves, the U.S., and the world. I somewhat agree with both candidates. I think that some of the decisions about the war have not been the best and the war has not gone very smoothly, but I understand why we needed to go in there. Now that we have gone in, I don’t think it’s fair to leave until the government is stable and safe. The people of Iraq deserve that. I want the troops home just as much as anyone else, but someone has to protect our safety as well as the world’s safety.

Anonymous said...

Five major issues that the were focused on by the candidates in the debate were illegal immigration, the use of torture on prisoners, family values/abortion, gun control, and support for the war in Iraq.

The section of the debate that I watched focused on support or the war in Iraq. The major candidates that the section focused on were Paul, Brownback, Huckabee, and Hunter. Paul was very much against the war in Iraq and felt that American troops should withdraw right away. Brownback, however, felt that Iraq should be separated into three different states (still united under one country) and have US troops stay in each territory over an indefinite amount of time until the areas are secure. Huckabee also supported the war in Iraq and felt that troops should only be pulled out when the situation is settled and America has taken full responsibility for starting the war. Hunter, another supporter of the war, believed American troops should be pulled out after the Iraqi army is ready to take on the battle themselves.
I personally agreed with Paul on this issue because I am against the war, and Paul was the only candidate out of the four that opposed the war in Iraq. However, I liked the metaphor Huckabee used of how America should take responsibility for “breaking something” and how he praised another candidate (McCain) for his previous sacrifices. Therefore, I feel that America should indeed take some responsibility for instigating the war, but forces should be pulled out as soon as possible.

Chris Neale said...

Five Topics that the candidates talked about in the debate were gun control, abortion, illegal immigration, the war in Iraq and the torture of suspected terrorists with key military intelligence.

Senator Sam Brownback took a progressive stance in the war in Iraq. Believing that peace could not be attained between the warring sects of Iraqis, he believed that a longterm US troop presence would be needed in Iraq, especially in the Kurd and Sunni regions. He believed that the region was too unstable to be left alone even if it was divided or distributed among the 3 factions, and that there would be no guarantee of being able to safely leave the country behind to reconcile with its deep partitions. I believe that it is imperative to keep a force in Iraq, but there have to be plans to pull out after squandering so many lives and funds.
However, Ron Paul stated that he would pull out immediately. He said that there was no logical reason to have troops on the Arabian peninsula. He proposed an isolationist foreign policy, one of focusing on home defense and cutting the losses from Iraq. Believing the war was unconstitutional and aggressive, he was against any further involvement whatsoever as a threat to home security. I thought he portrayed his argument much more passionately and powerfully than the other candidates. He believed it was the responsibility of the politicians to change bad policies and it is their duty to correct what they have done wrong in the past, while Brownback believed that it was their duty to change them through their continual efforts in Iraq and not my simply leaving.

b janes said...

1. The candidates focused on many topics, including: Family values (in private life video), National Security, an Increase in Taxes, Abortion Issues (in the family first video), and Gun Control.

2. I viewed the segement about gun control, where both Mayor Guiliani and Congressman Paul expressed their opinions. First, Mayor Guiliani hinted at the fact that he was against direct gun control. He did not favor gun-free cities, or strict gun limitations. Instead, he favored very harsh punishments for gun related crimes. This, he said, would deter crimes with guns, without restricting them directly. He then used his experience as Mayor of new your city to validate his opinion. Then Congressman Paul weighed in his opinion. He was asked about gun control in terms of the September 11th attack. He responded that if Americans were allowed to bring guns onto planes, then they may have been able to repel the hijackers that day. He advocated less federal gun control, so that the private airlines could set their own rules for airline gun control. Both candidates exerted an anti-gun control stance, one which I do not agree with. Although I would agree with Guiliani on stronger punishments for criminals, I do believe that to solve a problem, you must attack it at the source. The source is guns, and controlling them would reduce the amount of gun related violence. The mayor�s solution doesn�t prevent gun deaths; it deals with them after the problem has occurred. To Congressman Paul�s response, I believe that allowing guns on planes would only worsen the problem. It would allow anyone to commit an act of terrorism. So, overall, neither of these canidates appealed to me. I felt they were too liberal with they way they handle their guns.

Eli Hall said...

The five major issues that were covered are: Illegal Immigration, Gun Control, gay marriage rights, the war on terror, and torture among prisoners.

The segment of the debate that I watched was the one on Gun control in the U.S. called "Arming Americans". The first person to respond to the debate was Guiliani on the question of if students in virginia tech were allowed to carry concealed weapons, then the tragedy might not have been as great. His response to this was that the ruling for this should be left up to the individual states, and that the second ammendment does state that we have the right to bear arms. He also said that he believes that rather than focusing on the gun laws, the state should focus on criminals instead. Congressman Paul was asked what he believed would happen to the travel industry if passengers would have been able to carry weapons. His response was that he believed that the airlines should hold the responsibility of protecting passengers. They should not be depending on the government to make rules about it, though he seemed like he was for allowing Americans to own their own weapons. I would have to say that I partially believe with Guiliani on this one. I do believe that people should have the rights to own guns, though I do think that there should be much more strict regulations on the sales and who they go to. I also do not believe that any weapon should ever be allowed on an airplane or a school campus. Those are places that weapons would cause many more problems then anything else.

Rich Domschine said...

1.) Five major issues that were focused on by the candidates in this debate were illegal immigration, war on terror, gay marriage rights, abortion and family values, and homeland security.
2.) The part of the debate that I am focusing on is the discussion on illegal immigration. The two candidates that I will be commenting on are Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Governor Mitt Romney. These two candidates have different approaches and views on illegal immigration. For example Mitt Romney talks about how he does not agree or believe in amnesty, which I agree on. Romney also believes that we should reduce federal funding to cities that are known as sanctuary cities. A strong belief by Romney is that allowing illegal immigrants who work in our cities to sign up and become citizens is not the right approach. He believes this is the wrong answer for solving the problem of illegal immigration and I agree with him as well. This is because if we allow aliens who illegally came into the U.S to become citizens then it will cause more illegal immigrants to come across the boarders illegally hoping for amnesty and I agree with Romney that this is not the right solution. Now, Rudy Giuliani took the position of illegal’s reporting crimes and seeking medical treatment for public safety. He also stated that if you are hard working we want you in this country even if you are an undocumented citizen. I totally disagree with Giuliani here, because I believe he is welcoming illegal immigration more then he is discouraging illegal immigration. He comments a lot on safety and tries to make cities safer which I believe is a good thing, but allowing illegal immigrants to earn their citizen ship when they came to the U.S illegally I do not agree on. That is why I agree with Mitt Romney on the issue of Illegal Immigration.

Jake Belcher said...

1. The Five major issues are Immigration, Gay Marriage, Gun Control, Air line Safety, and Foreign Policy.

2. I watched the whole debate. I thought Ron Paul and John McCain are the two strongest candidates. Another strong candidate would be mayor Giuliani. I like John McCain’s views on everything he is comical and knows how to talk to people. I also believe that McCain knows the facts the best. McCain was also the only to get the facts said in the easiest least amount of effort and time. I dislike Ron Paul’s view on the war. I think that he has twisted views and thoughts of the war. I do agree on his gun laws though. I like that the airlines should allow personal safety and that Americans have the right to carry a gun. All the candidates made a strong debate and strongly believed that the Republicans are the only experienced party unlike the Democrats who have people who are running who have not run anything. I would vote for McCain based on this debate.

Michelle DeVeaux said...

1. Five major issues focused on by the candidates were illegal immigration, gun control, family values and abortion, gay marriage, and the use of torture on prisoners.
2. The segment that I am responding to is about illegal immigration. Several of the candidates, including Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, and Mike Huckabee debated about this issue. Rudy Giuliani was asked if he would continue to protect illegal immigrants as President. This question was brought up because of Giuliani’s protection of illegal immigrants while he was the mayor of New York City. In 1994, Giuliani stated, “If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you’re one of the people who we want in this city. You’re somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being a fugitive, which is really unfair.” When asked to respond to this quote, Giuliani stated that he was faced with a major problem when he became mayor. There were 400,000 illegal immigrants in a city that was the crime capital of America. In an effort to solve this problem, Giuliani told the illegal immigrants to report any crimes that were committed against them. He also allowed them to seek medical treatment. Giuliani stated that he did this in order to protect all the people of New York City. For example, the next time that a previously unreported crime was committed it could have been against a citizen or legal immigrant. As stated by Rudy Giuliani, “My programs and policies led to a city that was the safest large city in the country… so they must have been sensible policies.” Giuliani does not support illegal immigration, but he knew that he had to do something to protect the people who he governed. Even though I am not completely against illegal immigration as Giuliani is, I admire Giuliani for protecting the illegal immigrants even though he disagrees with illegal immigration. John McCain was the next to speak. McCain believes that we should look at border security first. As President, he would have the border state governors certify that those borders are secure. I am not sure how effective this plan would actually be in stopping illegal immigrants from entering the country. Mike Huckabee was the next to speak. Huckabee believes that some of the people who disagree with illegal immigration are driven by sheer racism. I think that Huckabee was very bold in stating this and I agree with him. Huckabee agrees that we need to seal our borders. He also understands that the American people are angry at the government for ignoring this problem. As Huckabee stated, “We track packages from UPS and FedEx every time we order from and yet we’ve got a government that says we don’t know what to do and how to keep up with people. UPS and FedEx seem to have a better way of keeping up with packages than our government does with people.” I agree with what Huckabee argued. The government has ignored this problem for so long and now that it is a major issue, they are not sure how to correct it.

Melissa said...

1- Five major issues focused on by the candidates included immigration, gay marriage, foreign policies, domestic issues, and abortion.
2- A major issue discussed was immigration. Tom Tancredo was very adamant about getting the immigrants out of our country and called it our “most serious domestic issue”. He had a law passed to create a fencer over 800 miles long to keep them out and also plans on building it within six months if he is elected. John McCain, on the other hand, said he was proud of the immigrants, while Rudy Giuliani agrees that the amount of immigrants in the United States needs to be reduced. He wants to set up tamper proof technological equipment such as motion detectors and heat detectors. Rudy Giuliani also thinks that mandatory I.D. cards for all the immigrants would be a good idea.
3- I liked hearing each side of the topic because it always interests me to see the way different people think. I do think it’s absurd that Tom Tancredo wants to build an almost 900 foot fence. That would be incredibly expensive and probably not even that effective.

jim ciaburri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

1. 5 major ideas that were brought up in the GOP debate were gun control, gay marriage, illegal immigration, abortion, and the torture of prisoners.
2. I felt that senator McCain did a very good job handling the questions that came his way, especially in regards to illegal immigration. He seemed to be the funniest candidate up there. He gave a little comedic relief to such a serious situation. His humor also helped him to look calm and collective when he actually had a lot on the line during the New Hampshire debate. Not only was McCain funny, but also after the laughter subdued during McCain’s response to illegal immigration, he delivered a very well versed speech that was serious when it needed to be. I also felt that congressman Tom Tancredo did a very good job answering his question on illegal immigration because he got very into his speech and made all the other candidates look like fakes. He took over the topic and gave the appearance that he cared the most, which will make him stick out the most in voters’ minds.

Alex Myjak said...

1. Five major issues include
*Illegal Immigration
*War on Terrorism
*Gay Marrige
*Airline Safety
*Gun Control

2. The part of the debate I saw had to do with supporting the war in Iraq. Four of the candidates included in this segment were Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, Sam Brownback, and Duncan Hunter. Three out of these four candidates are for the war (Brownback, Huckabee, and Hunter), while only one is against the war (Paul). In this segment of the debate, Sam Brownback states that Iraq could be separated into 3 states which would also be occupied by American troops. He didn’t give an exact time frame of how long they would be there, but until these states are safe. Mike Huckabee also supports the war in Iraq and thinks that troops should be pulled out when America takes some responsibility for starting the war in Iraq. Duncan Hunter thinks American troops should get out of there when the Iraqi army is strong enough to defend themselves. These three candidates all made decent points of why to stay in Iraq, but Ron Paul opposed, stating that he is against the war in Iraq and feels that we need to withdraw our troops as soon as possible.

If I had to take sides, I would agree with Rep. Ron Paul. I am not a war person. I feel that the war in Iraq needs to end because over 5,000 American troops have been killed. You only have one life to live and all those U.S. soldiers with families, friends, and potential are now dead. They are never coming back. Why lose more than we already have? It’s not worth it.

Holly W said...

1. Five issues that were mentioned by the candidates are, immigration reform, gay marriage, gays in the military, if it was a mistake to invade Iraq, and talks with Iran.

2. The clip I am commenting on is the immigration reform, about how to keep illegal immigrants out of the US. Duncan Hunter commented on how he thinks that if he were to be President, he would continue the 854 miles of fence from CA to Texas, boardering Mexico and the US. He said that the senate already passed a bill in 2006, to continue the double fence. Guliani, would like to see better technology gaurding the boarders. Which includes motion senced alarms, or heat sensors. Mitt Romney does not like the idea of Sanctuary cities. (Including New Haven) He goes against the city id cards that were handed out in New Haven, by the mayor, allowing for illegals to open bank accouonts, gain library cards and driver's licences. I accutally don't know where I fit in on the immigration issue, but I think that in order to keep our boarders better protected, we need more people gaurding less space. Instead of every 20ish miles a person, it should be every 5-10 miles a station with patrol cars as well as better technology.

Unknown said...

1. Five issues are gun control, illegal immigration, abortion, gay marriage rights, and the war in Iraq.
2. One of the main issues discussed at the debate was the question of illegal immigrants working and living in America, and what should be done about them. Two of the candidates who I thought had good points and were good candidates based on this issue were Tom Tancredo from Colorado and Mayor Giuliani from New York. Tom Tancredo responded to the question of illegal immigrants and racism towards them very eloquently. In his response he drew the attention of the people to why most politicians only address the issue of illegal immigration when the public focuses on it, rather than keep it as an issue at all times. Rather than attributing the deportation of illegal immigrants to racism, he attributed it to the law. From this I know that he is a dedicated politician who will not only give very good speeches, but also work to fix the things which need fixing. I was also impressed by Mayor Giuliani’s response to illegal immigrants in New York. He used the fact that approximately 400,000 illegal immigrants were living in NYC to help lower the crime rate in New York, by allowing them to report crimes without fear of being deported. Because of this, the crime rate in NYC became the lowest out of all of the large cities in the USA. I believe that this shows creative thinking, and excellent problem solving skills. America was a country founded by immigrants, and immigration into this nation should in no way be stopped. However, between the two, I believe that Tom Tancredo would make a better candidate. In his statement, he not only showed commitment, intelligence, and eloquence, but also ambition. These are the qualities that should be expected of the president of a nation, and that Tom Tancredo also has.

kshidler said...

1. Five of the major issues that the candidates were questioned on in this debate include illegal immigration, gun control, national security, the war in Iraq, and the use of torture as punishment.

2. I watched the first and second segments of the New Hampshire debate, which focused on illegal immigration. The candidates in this clip were Romney, who doesn't beleive in amnesty, and Guliani who thinks that immigrants should be found if they have commited a crime. McCain's position on this topic is border security. Lastly, Huckabee's position is that he supports the immigrants and feels badly about them being targeted. He claims that Americans are becoming racist against the immigrants because of things in the past. He says he will fix the borders, but he will not kick them out for wanting to be in this country for the same reasons that American citizens are here. From these clips i feel that Huckabee's ideas are the most rewasonable, and i agree most with. I think targeting immigrants is unfair and makes the American citizens look worse that than the non-citizens.

M schmidt said...

1. Five major issues that were discussed in the debate included gun control, gay marriage, the situation of the war in Iraq, illegal immigrants, and the use of torture.

2. The clip I watched talking about the war on terror and what to do with the situation in Iraq really left me stunned. The thing that troubles me the most is that it is very unclear for most of the people in the United States (including myself) about what is being done over in Iraq. Candidate Mitt Romney was in favor on the issue of keeping troops over in Iraq because he said it has been successful so far. But has it really? When asked again if he really thought it has been successful in Iraq up to this point he came back saying, “I think it’s been successful, but we’ll wait for the information to come back.” So it seems he’s not really sure where he stands at all. When Congressman Duncan Hunter was asked how long would you leave troops in Iraq, he answered with “If you think we are going to be there a long time, you don’t understand the determination of the Army.” I believe most of the Army doesn’t even want to be there in the first place because they don’t have their hearts into what they’re really fighting for, and if we continue to play this waiting game nothing will come out of it. After watching the discussion on gun control on another clip, I was left very impressed with Giuliani. He says to limited shootings is to not go after gun control, but to go after the criminals. He found a way to turn New York City into a much safer area with this idea in place. Punish the criminals and put them in jail right away. This will send the message, not limiting guns. On the Torture discussion I had to disagree with Mckanie who stated that torture will never counter balance the damage it does to America’s reputation. A lot of what the government does is done under the radar, so I can’t see something like this really hurting our country’s reputation. Some things we will never find out, so why not use torture under the right circumstances.

ccopes said...

Five issues in current Politics
1. War in Iraq
2. Immigration
3. Gay marriage
4. Abortion
5. Taxes

I agree with Ron Paul in the sense that the United States should not have gone to war with Iraq. However, that fact is irrelevant now. We went and we now have to decide what to do. Ron Paul thinks we should pull our troops out. I am split between both courses of action. On one hand if we pull out oil prices will soar and Iraq will be in even more chaos. But on the other hand they don’t want our help and American lives our being lost over something that isn’t even our battle. I’m split 50-50 on this subject for I can see both sides to the argument. I highly disagree with Sam Brownback. I think that gay marriage should be legal. Family values have nothing to do with who you love. Two men or two women can raise children just as well as a man and a woman. I strongly disagree with this candidate.

Nick A. said...

The five issues that I watched were
-gay marriage
-the war in Iraq
-Iran issues
-gun control
The clip that I will be talking about is the one dealing with the war in Iraq. Most of the candidates agree that it would not be wise to take the troops out so quickly because it would not be fair to the people of Iraq who support the American troops. The troops stationed in the Arabian Peninsula have no business being there whatsoever. There is one candidate however that wants to have the troops pulled out immediately, and that person is Sen. Ron Paul from Texas.
I completely agree with his ideas and he is my favorite republican in the presidential race. He has somewhat democratic ideas which is probably why I like him so much. He wants the troops to be pulled out of Iraq and he agrees with the fact that people should be able to carry around firearms. He gave an example that the terrorists might have had second thoughts on hijacking a plane if they knew that some of the passengers might be carrying a gun. And I agree with that statement. I hope he wins the Republican race.
There was one person in particular that I don’t like at all, and he is Sen. Brownback. To me he seems to always be in the background. He doesn’t agree with supporting gay marriage, whereas I do support gay marriage. I don’t agree with his idea of keeping the troops in Iraq and I don’t like how he handles himself in debates. I don’t like how he explains himself when he is responding to a question. Frankly I don’t like anything about him. I hope he doesn’t win the presidential race!

Unknown said...

Billy Colwell

5 Topic Discussed in the Debate
- Gay Marriage
- War in Iraq
- Taxes
- Immigration
- Abortion

The segment I chose to discuss is the segment titled, "Family Values." One of the main debators in the debate was Senator Brownback. Brownback claimed that the Republican party must run as the "Family Values" Party. He continually complains that America has no family, and that is one of the main problems and causes of problems in America. The problem I see is that he never truely defines a family. To some a family may be a mother and father and children, to others it may be one father or one mother and children. And even to someone else it could be two mothers, two fathers and children. Not having a "Storybook Family" does not cause problems in America. What causes problems in America is the lack of acceptance of so-called "different" familys and the actual ability of the parents. A family with a mother and a father can have children who cause crimes, while a family of two fathers can have a child who follows the laws. Another topic that Brownback talks about is the topic of gay marriage, which also deals with Family Values. Brownback is very much against gay marriage, and I am not. I am strongly for gay marriage. Brownback proposes a law banning gay marriage, and the "evidence" behind it is the structure of an "American" family. Brownback really ticks me off, and I disagree with him on most, if not all, of the main issues. I am starting to think that Brownback does not believe in the "Land of the Free". Another main debator was Mitt Romney. Romney has many well planned out ideas. Though I do not agree with his view on Abortion, I must say he is very down-to-earth about the topic. He feels that it is a two-step procedure. One, over turning rowe vs. wade, and two the ability for each state to allow for the ban on abortion. I think that the topic should be pro-choice, and let the woman decide by herself. Though I do not agree with Republicans often, I do see some down-to-earth republicans, such as Romney, a good candidate. While I do not see Brownback as a future president, nor do I want to see him as a future president.

Gabby I said...

1) 5 Major topics discussed in the GOP Debate were illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, the war in Iraq, and national security.

2) The clip I watched was the debate on abortion. Gov. Romney thinks that abortion is a two- step process and he someday hopes to have an abortion free America. Also, Gov. Huckabee agrees with Romney that until we can completely get ride of abortion in the USA, that each state should come up with their own set of laws. Because in the case of abortions, we have to worry about the mother and the unborn child. At times Gov. Romney was saying no matter what way you look at abortion it is murder but I thought to myself that say he had a 14 year old daughter that got raped and pregnant would he feel the same about abortion? I doubt it. While watching many of the debates on different issues it really made me see how much the senators and governors wanted to please the public. The one thing that I did agree with was when Mayor Giuliani said that it is the women’s choice to whether she has an abortion or not. Romney also believed in pro-life legislation and felt that everyone should be respected. While watching all of the candidates talk about subjects like abortion, it was kind of entertaining because men don’t know what it is like to find out that their pregnant or know what it is like to go through many hours of labor. It seemed like the candidates didn’t understand how hard of a decision it is to decide to abort the baby. I wish that next time the candidates discuss matters such as abortion they understand more about the topic before they debate it.

mike d said...

1. The five major topics that were discussed in this debate that I heard were illegal immigration, Iraq, family values and abortion, homeland security, and gay marriage rights.

2. The clip that I watched had to deal with the topic of “National Security”, and the two politicians that were involved in this clip were Rudy Giuliani and Senator McCain. Basically after 9/11 Giuliani was the best candidate for National Security and McCain absolutely disagreed with that. He thought that just the fact that Giuliani ran New York after 9/11 does not give him enough experience in National Security. I personally don’t agree with McCain at all, Giuliani did an outstanding job with dealing with 9/11 and turned that city from upside down. He ran the 3rd largest government reduced taxes 23 times dealt with massive crime crisis and like he said I believe he has had a lot of experience in dealing with National Security and it’s the kind that would get you ready for president.

Matt J said...

submitted hardcopy

blairfont said...

1. Five major Issues focussed on by the candidates include Interegation Techniques, closing the prison camp on Guantanamo Bay, executive power, Israel; if you dont act were going to, National Security.

2. In the segment i watched they discussed interegation techniques. I agreed with John Mccains point in saying that they will use the fact that we torcher people as a way to torcher our men in the military. I think that if Mccain is president that we will find better ways to get everything done, torcher isn't the answer. There are other ways to get answers other than torchering or our men will get torchered also. We want to being the military men home safely. John Mccain had also stated in another clip that he knows the most about National Security; John Mccain has spent his life taking unpopular stands because he knew what was right. John Mccain was the commanding officer in the United States Navy, he states "i didn't manage it, i lead it." Rudy Giuliani made a comment that i agreed with in the segment about closing prison camps in Guantanamo Bay he talked about when has a nation ever won a war when the time table is set that we're pulling our troops out of Iraq? There shouldn't be a specific time that it's going to happen. If we're going to pull out troops out we need to wait until the time is right not wait on a time line. Rudy Giuliani was mayor of the the largest city in the country, third largest government in the country. Giuliani turned over a city that was the safest city in america, and turned over a government that was the most conservative government.

jim ciaburri said...

1. The five major issues that were confronted by the candidates were the issues with abortion, illegal immigrants, the war on terror, gay marriages, and homeland security.

2. The topic that bothers me the most that i would like to focus on is the problem our country is having with illegal immigration. The candidate who's beliefs i agree with are Mitt Romney. I agree with his ideas that amnesty is wrong. I beleive that there should be consiquences for the immigrants that illegally entered our country. I also agree with Romney that immigrants should not be allowed to work in our cities and become citizens. Our country is already overpopulated by these immigrants and we do not need to be paying our tax dollars to support these people that dont belong here. On the other side of the conflict is Rudy Giuliani who's views on immigrants i do not agree with. He actually wants the immigrants to come here and work to become citizens. I think that even if these people are hardworkers it is not gonna solve any illegal immigration problems and will probably make it worse. I agree with Romney that the law should be followed and these immigrants should not be allowed to earn their citizenship

vk said...

1- Five Major issues discussed were how to track terrorist suspects, hidden detention facilities such as Guantanamo Bay, Torture on prisoners, and Social issues such as abortion and gay marriage

2- National Security Featuring John McCain and Rudi Giuliani. Both canidates impressed me with their prior experience in administration. Giuliani has turned New York's crime rate way down and handled September 11, 2001 very well. John McCain has led more in a military fashion. He has much more experience in actual armed matters. I belive that Giuliani is a better domestic leader, while McCain has a better record to suggest an agressive foreign policy. I personaly don't believe that how quick witted an indivisual cannidate is can really determine their fucntionality as a leader. Reguardless of their responses to eachother, I believe they both managed to get their points across. The indivisual responses, however, don't matter to me much. Between these two canidates, I would support Rudi Giuliani becuse i believe that most of our nations problems are domestic in nature, and rudi seems like the better domestic leader.

Lodmot347 said...

1. Five major issues focused on by the candidates included gay marriage vs streight marriage, abortion, immigration, security, and education.

2. Rudi Guliani opposed against abortion. I don't agree with this. I believe it's the woman's right to decide whether she goes through an abortion or not. The United States is supposed to be a free countries, meaning freedom of choice. And to me that includes situations involving abortions. It is also better for the unborn fetus as well, because if the mother wanted to have an abortion but couldn't have one, she'd probably not be able to take care of her child the way he/she deserves to be taken care of. I did like, however, how Rudi explained that although he was against it, it should really be the women's right to choose whether she has an abortion or not.

Hilary Clinton also expressed her opinions about gay/streight marriages. She said that she was 100% for them, and she intends to make sure nothing stands in the way of a marriage, whether it's gay or streight. I am not too crazy about gay marriages, mainly because of the fact that children really deserve to have a mother and a father of both sexes. If there was a gay couple who adopted a child, they wouldn't have a normal lifestyle and probably would have to face more of a risk of getting bullied. Therefore, I do not like gay marriages for that reason, but I also think it should still be the right of 2 people to be able to decide whether they marry each other or not.

ccollins said...

Five topics that were focused on during the debate was the problems in Iran, illegal immigrants, abortion, tax cuts, and family values.

The segmant I clicked on was about illegal immigrants in which the problem of them passing through our boarders from Mexico is a big situation. Rudy Giuliani said that fences are not doing anything to help immigrants stay out of the country and something should be done to stop them. Giuliani talked about how we need to instal high tech. cameras and to have one ID for everyone whos from a different country. I agree with Rudy Giuliani
enhancing control along the boarders and ending sanctuary cites would help tramenicly. With ending sanctuary cities immigrants would lose desire to enter the country which would cut down on illegal immigrants. Many things need to be done to assure people can not enter easily into the country and I feel Giuliani is the right person for that job and has many goals he is willing to succeed.

Megan R said...

1. Five major issues focused on by the cadidates were illegal immigration,the war on terror,gay marriage,home land security, and family values and abortion.

2. the video that i watched and will talk about focused mainly on illegal immigration. John McCain felt that we should scure the boarders, and fix the problem. I agree with him, that it is a problem and we have failed at it and that the goverment should make an attempt to fix the ongoing problem and stop so many illegel people coming into America. On the other hand i felt what Mike Huckabee was saying was very interesting and im not sure if i agree with him or not. He felt that the people against immigration in a way are racist, he felt that he will fix the boarders, and help out to make order but that he cant be angry that the people illegaly immigrating into the country because they all are coming here for the same reasons are ansestors came here. I can somewhat agree with huckabees statement because i can see why everyone would want to come here to seek freedom etc, but at the same time it is a huge problem and something needs to be done about it.

JessBlack said...

While watching some of the political debates I noticed that a handful of the candidates are Pro-war. At first I was against the war completely;however,after listening to the candidates I have a better understanding of why we are in the war. Many of the cadidates said that leaving the war now would harm the United States and put us in the position of haveing more potential terrorist acts. Giuliani said that we should train Iraqi troops so that eventually the US troops could leave and they could defend themselves. This isn't a bad idea but when I thought about it, it would take a lot of time to train the Iraqis, and that would mean having more troops go over to do so which may not be the best idea. Huckabee said that the war we are fighting is a war on terrorism as a whole and that its an effort to overcome the Jihad. Another point that was brought up in the debate was illegal immigration. Before watching the debates I hadn't really thought much of illegal immigration. Now I realized its a bigger problem that I thought. Guiliani stated that he didn't mind illegal immigrant in the United States as long as they put their kids in school, and didn't commit crimes; he didn't see them as dangering anyone. Romney on the other hand didn't like illegal immigrants. Romney stated that they come in and take job that could be for citizens;and that his suggestion was to build a wall blocking them from coming in so easily. Although it would be costly for the United States, it may be benificial in the long run with decreasing the amout of immigrants that do come in illegally. After hearing that I did think it was a good idea, but there are around 12 million immigrants illegally in the US right now and it would be hard to get all of them back to where they origianlly came from. After watching various debates the candidates made valid points throughout.

salsinardi said...

1. Five major issues that were focused on by the candidates were gay marriage, illegal immigration, the war in Iraq, gun control, and abortion/family values.

2. The segment that I watched and will discuss is "Sanctuary Cities, Pt 1". I disliked what Hunter had to say because he did not have anything to say about the land violation to the ranchers. He also had the idea that it would be easy to make and maintain an 850 mile fence. He also believes that just building a fence is enough to solve the immigration problem. I want to know what Hunter has planned with all of the millions of illegal immigrants that are already in America. Giuliani is a little more realistic and knows that the fence would have to more technical then just a blockade. He also has a plan for the immigrants in the U.S. already. Giuliani wants to give all citizens that were born outside of the U.S. "special identification" cards. I also liked what Senator McCain had to say about the illegal immigration problem. He wants to I.D. the immigrants and give them a chance to become legal immigrants.

Garrett Festa said...

1.Five major issues that were focused on by the candidates were Iran, ensuring that American home land is protected from Iran, making sure that Iran can't make any nuclear weapons, preventing the supplying of terrorists, and putting sanctions on Iran.

2.The clip that I watched was titled "Republican Debate Sept 5,2007 part 11". In this clip i especially liked Mr.Rudy Giuliani, and Mitt Romney. These two candidates really stuck out to me because they both talked with a great deal of confidence. Wile some candidates stuttered these two did not. Another point that i like in both of them is that to fix current situations they would use tactics that have been previously used and the outcome was in our favor. The tactic that Mr.Giuliani would use would be the one that was used to solve the cold war, if Iran wouldn't cooperate then he would do what Nixon did and would point our own missiles at them and then ask again in they would cooperate. Mr.Romney also had an idea something like this. He would get together with all the allies, the republicans and the democrats and would discuss the best way to get the point across. To me this is a very good idea because it was what Bush lacked to do more of, he asked his cabinate what he should do not the entire government. i believe that these two candidates will be the top two due to their exceptional leader ship, their clarity in action, and as well as their confidence.