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Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate

Who is the winner and WHY?
Did this debate alter/influence your views on the Presidnetial race? Explain.


Rubber Ducky said...

In the 2008 Vice Presidential debate, both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin offered a contrast in style as well as substance. Both of the candidates performed well in the debate with Biden deriding McCain’s image as a “Maverick” and Palin constantly giving circular answers and coming back to more familiar terrain when needed. Palin larded her answers with the plain speak of small-town America with phrases like “you betcha” and “doggone it”. Biden showed restraint and respect for Palin and got emotional when he was recalling a car accident that killed his wife and small child and fatally injured his sons.

In the debate I liked Biden better than Palin because I believe that he answered the questions more directly than Palin did. I also believe that Palin was acting too cute with her Alaskan phrases and constantly referring herself as a hockey mom and McCain as a “maverick”. My favorite part in the whole debate was when Biden addressed McCain’s plan for taxing health care benefits by calling it the ultimate “bridge to nowhere”. Biden strongly responded to the questions directly while Palin kept on talking about the issues that she felt most comfortable with.

I believe that Biden did a better job in the debate and although I am an independent, I am strongly leaning towards Barack Obama after the first presidential and vice presidential debate. Biden also seemed like he would make a good vice president because of his long term experience with political affairs. Biden also seemed like he would make a good president in the worst case scenarios.

Hima Mamillapalli
Period 4

Sean O'Halloran said...

After watching the 2008 Vice Presidential Debate, I beleive that the Democratic nominee Joe Biden won, over Republican candidante Sarah Palin. Although I am leaning in favor of John McCain and Sarah Palin, I beleive that Joe Biden did a better job in the Vice Presidential Debate. As I watched the debate I felt that Joe Biden was more forceful in his views. He portayed the issues that he supports and opposes in a stronger manner than Sarah Palin did. This made me think that Joe Biden could be more successful as the Vice President than Sarah Palin. It seemed that Joe Biden's thirty years of experience really helped him gain an advantage in appearing more qualified over Sarah Palin.

Eventhough I believe that Joe Biden won the debate, I still like Sarah Palin very much. I appreciate that fact that Sarah Palin seems to be more like your average person and can relate to the U.S. citizens, rather than being a stuck up politic. After watching the Vice Presidential Debates, despite the fact that I think Joe Biden won, I am still undecided but leaning towards John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Matt Jasinski said...

I feel that Joe Biden won the Vice Presidential debate with Sarah Palin. I found Sarah Palin's arguments to be rather weak and, in some cases, hardly based on any factual evidence. For instance, when discussing taxes, Palin commented that a tax increase on all who made more than $250,000 annually would have an adverse effect on small businesses. However, the reality is that most small businesses (upwards of 90%) do not report any income on their business, and take any profit from the business as personal salary. Palin was either aware of this and trying to mislead the American people, or was unaware and thus grossly uninformed on the topic.
Biden's arguments and statements were far more concise and clear. He refrained (for the most part) from beating around the bush, and simply answered the questions. His closing statement that the idea of McCain as a Maverick is now nothing more than a myth struck me as particularly poignant and well said. This hasn't particularly altered my view of the presidential election as I have been a supporter of Obama since he declared that he would be running for president.

Jenna Kim said...

Before the debate, I didn't really mind Sarah Palin that much. But after watching the debate, my opinion changed. I didn't like how Palin kept saying lame phrases throughout the debate, and it really bothered me. Also, I didn't understand why during the debate, Palin would say "shoutouts" to her family and children at an elementary school. It was really pointless, and made her sound more unprofessional.
I thought Biden did a lot better than Palin because he sounded more professional and was more clear and concise in his answers than Palin. Palin, most of the time, sounded like she didn't really take the debate seriously. Also, Biden would be a better vice president because he has much more experience than Palin, and he's also in the senate.
In the end, I thought Biden did a lot better job than Palin. I definitely do not want Palin as our vice president.

lniehoff said...

After watching the Vice Presidential debate I believe that Joe Biden won with getting his issues across. He seemed more convincing on what they were going to do if he and Obama won the election. Biden seemed very passionate about the issues and he seemed to know about what he talked about. He talked about how he has worked for many things before which shows how he can get things done. Also, it seemed that his experience would be helpful in the vice presidency.

I think that Sarah Palin did a good job in the debate in showing herself in a better light and making her seem more able to do the job. After her interview with Katie Couric many people believed that Palin had no reason to be the vice president and that she did not have enough experience to succeed. But, during the debate she showed that she was able to answer tough questions and seem more experienced.

Overall I believe that Biden won the debate because of his experience, but that Palin did a good job in showing that she could do the job of vice president.

Molly Stern said...

The 2008 vice presidential debate seemed to be more important this year than it has been in earlier years. People not only want an in depth look at their future president, but their future vice president as well.

Both Candidates preformed very well in the debate, but i believe Joe Biden won the debate. Senator Biden has been in politics for almost thirty years, and has a great deal of knowledge and experience that helped him answer his questions in the debate. He showed a strong understanding and respect for every question that was asked and answered the tough questions, great depth detail, and passion. He did no beat around the bush he did not add any catch phrases, or nicknames, he answered the questions like a respectable politician who is ready to become our vice president.
Although it pains me to say it Sarah Palin did do a proficient job in the debate. She is very articulate and spoke as though she was talking to the people of America, which voters seem to respond with. I did not like all of her catch phrases, and shout outs during the debate. They were unprofessional and made her look dumb. She brought up on numerous occasions how she is a "hockey mom" a regular person, I do not want any "hockey mom" as my vice president, or as the potential leader of my country. She may be able to speak well, but when it came to the tough questions she did not have the knowledge or experience to answer them.

My position has not changed at all Joe Biden proved that he is much more capable of becoming our vice president, and Sarah Palin does not have the knowledge or experience needed to become the vice president of the United States.

Danielle Chamberlin said...
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Danielle Chamberlin said...

In the 2008 Vice Presidential election I believe that Biden won overall. I though all along that this was going to be the case. Although i though Palin did better than what I or many people expected. Palin seemed to answer questions with catch phases and to me seemed sort of like an uneducated person. I also didn't like how Palin would laugh or made comments towards Biden, whereas Biden showed restraint and in the worst case would crack a smile. Also I didn't like how Palin said "maverick" as many times as she did, it just made her seem unprepared and uneducated. Before this debate i was unsure who i would have voted for, and was leaning towards McCain. Now however i am leaning towards Obama. I also believe Biden was very strong with his answers, as was Palin, but both candidates seemed to talk about a lot of stuff and change the subject of some of the questions and not state a clear answer. In the end i believe that Biden won overall

Shagohod45 said...

I really dont care who the winner is because from what i saw, they both sucked. They didn't answer any of the questions and the way that they talked made me want to junp off of a cliff. "darn right" this and "gosh darn" that. they sounded like hillbillies.

This in no way influenses my desision because i really dont care about politics. in my opinion, the whole government system is overly complicated and it is because of this reason that i stay away from politics.

jthompson said...

In the first and only Vice Presidential Debate of 2008, I felt that overall, the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, did an better job than the Republican candidate, Sarah Palin. This debate reinforced my views on the Presidential race because Biden has a lot of experience with politics and the difficult events that may occur, whereas Palin is limited to Alaska in terms of her political involvement.

During this debate, I noticed several things from both candidates. To start, whenever the commentator posed a question to Palin, she referred back to the things she knows best: McCain's platform and her family. She also kept using phrases that, in her mind, must have connected her to the American people. In my mind, though, these phrases such as "you betcha", "say it ain't so", and many more just made Palin seem unprofessional. Biden showed respect for her and although he brought up his family as well, it was not to the extent that Palin did. In addition, and this is the first time I have ever seen a politician do this, when the commentator said "Time is up," Palin just stops talking. Most politicians would just keep telling the American people what they stood for, but she just stopped. Switching to Joe Biden, he was well-educated, poised, and refers to the Constitution. He reestablishes the ideals of Barack Obama to the American people. When it came to the tough questions, Joe Biden answered them with a clarity, while Sarah Palin referred to herself as a "hockey mom" and rarely gave a definite answer.

Overall, I liked Joe Biden much more than Sarah Palin and I believe that he did a much better job in this debate. His experience in politics outnumbers Sarah Palins, and I think that he would be a better vice president for this reason and those listed above.

Joe Ortowski said...

After viewing the 2008 vice presidential debate, I felt that Joe Biden was the overall winner. However, i was very impressed with how well Sarah Palin spoke. She was much more fluent, and confident with her thoughts and ideas than she was in her Katie Couric (spelling) interview. I also noticed that Palin always seemed to be on the offensive. What i mean by this is when she was asked to speak about a certain topic, she avoided answering the question asked (most of the time) by making comments, or stating facts how Joe Biden and Barack Obama opposed such an act that goes against their own beliefs. Palin was constantly accusing Biden of contradicting himself, rather than focusing on answering the question and actually telling the American public her views on the issues presented. Joe Biden on the other hand answered each question as I expected him to. He had poise, excellent tone of voice, and focused on proving why his ideas are correct, like a proven and experienced politician should do. It is quite clear to me that Joe Biden was the better speaker, he did not have to rely on attacking the other speaker, but rather proving his point and explaining his ideas and thoughts.

After watching this debate my views have also somewhat changed. Prior to the vice presidential debate i was in favor or Barack Obama and Joe Biden. But it was by the slightest of margins. After seeing Joe Biden speak with his knowledge and experience, it gave me confidence in himself and Obama as leaders of our country. The only reason that I am still not 100% sure i would vote for Obama is the fact that i disagree with some of his major points. But then again, are we ever going to agree with all of them?

showard said...

While I feel that there was no clearcut winner, I think Senator Biden did a slightly better job than Governor Palin in this Vice Presidential Election. Although neither candidate answered the questions completely every time I felt that Palin tried to avoid certain areas of discussion that she did not feel comfortable speaking about while Biden was willing to speak about all issues that were brought up. Biden also seemed more firm with his answers and gave me the impression that he would be better fit to be the president in the event something happened to Barack Obama. While Palin did a better job than I thought she would, I felt as if she was told what to say by her advisors and thus didn’t really debate but rather stuck to what she was instructed to say on each issue. This was evident with the numerous times she looked directly into the camera and seemed as if she was reading off a prompter rather than debating. Palin also used many small town catch phrases such as “you betcha” and “darn right it is” which did not give me the impression that she would be strong as a leader. While im sure she would do a lot for the “Joe Six Packs” I don’t see how she would be able to connect with all different types of people. I have not had a very strong feeling toward any candidate I’ve seen thus far, Presidential or Vice Presidential, but I would have to say that I’m leaning toward the Democratic Party after watching this debate. I just get the overall feel that Obama and Biden will do a better job of leading the country that McCain and Palin.

admin said...

The Vice Presidential debate between Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin took place last Thursday night. After watching the debate, my opinion is that Joe Biden was the winner. He was able to answer most of the questions asked of him, while Sarah Palin would try and avoid the initial question and give an answer that she knew even if it was unrelated. She is knowledgeable about issues like taxes and energy and would consistently discuss those topics even if the question was something completely different. Sarah Palin even stated at one point in the debate, “I may not answer the questions the way you and the moderator want to hear, but I'm gonna talk straight to the American people.” I thought that Sarah Palin did well in her first and only debate mainly because the expectations were so low after her Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews. I felt that Joe Biden had clearer answers and seemed more comfortable in the political setting. He cited his experience in the Senate and showed that he is an established political figure with a record of making changes in Washington. While neither candidate had any major stumbles, I thought that Sarah Palin’s expressions like “doggone it”, “gosh darn”, and shoutouts to an elementary school class only brought down the level of the debate and showed she is relying too much on her personality in this election. Although both candidates did well in the Vice Presidential debate, I feel that Joe Biden is the winner. I think that Barack Obama made a good choice for his Vice President, and this helped me decide to support Obama in the election.

Liora Mor said...

Both Sarah Palin and Joe Biden did a very good job in the debate. Overall, I would say that Joe Biden won the debate. Not only did he rebuke any misconception brought upon him, but he also spoke with a tone that revealed his intelligence, experience, and other good qualities needed in a leader. He spoke in such a manner that it became evident that he is a very respectful man who has had a lot of experience in politics. In comparison to Sarah Palin Joe Biden is much more controlled of what he says during the debate, while Palin seems to say anything that comes to mind. Some of her information was even false. She was passionate but her choice of words was not always set for the occasion. Her use of slang and shout outs to her audience changed my perspective on her.
Watching this debate slightly altered my opinion on the presidential election. Originally I was undecided, but now I am undecided, leaning more toward Obama. I really like how Joe Biden is so calm and confident. I think that he has the right qualities needed in a Vice President. Although Sarah Palin’s ideas and points were good they seemed unrealistic and more like dreams rather then plans for the country.
Liora Mor
Period 4

barbara wrenn said...

In the vice presidential debate i think Biden won against Palin. Palin never seemed to answer the questions. She talked a lot about how she is just another soccer mom but i didnt hear any reason why she would make a good vice president. During the debate her inexperience was clearly shown and i would not want her to be the president in the event McCain passed away. Biden came off as a confident strong person. Yet he showed emotion and a more "human" side of him when he talked about his wife and child who died in a car accident. Biden showed how he had a lot of experience and had been standing up for a lot of controversial issues his entire career. Because of Biden confidence and the facts he had to support his arrguments i beileve he won the debate.

kelly said...

In the 2008 Vice president Debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, I believe that Joe Biden is the winner of this debate. I think that Biden would be a better vice president and has a lot more experience in politics. Palin never answered the questions clearly, and often didn’t make sense. It was very unprofessional of Palin to speak using phrases like "you bectha". If she refers to herself as a "hockey mom" then she shouldn’t be running our country. It was unnecessary of her to give a shout out to her family and the 3rd graders. I feel that Joe Bidens 30 years of experience really helped him in this debate and should be elected for our vice president.

pconstantino said...

Paul Constantino
Period 4

As I began to watch the VP debate, I wasn't decided at all or know much about either Joe Biden or Sarah Palin. When I was watching the debate I felt that Joe Biden overall did a better job in the debate. He came off a professional while Sarah Palin used cute slang and things in her speech that aren't taken as professional. Although both of them didn't answer quite a bit of the questions that were asked, Palin was actually told that she didn't answer the question. Overall, I feel that Palin came off as an unprofessional, just normal person and I don't think that is what we need as a VP. Biden kept it professional and got major points across so I feel that Biden did a better job at the VP debate.
I am still left undecided not leaning either way but I would be leaning just a little bit towards Obama after viewing and listening to this VP debate.

Connor Fitzgerald said...

The winner of the 2008 vice presidential debate was Senator Joe Biden. I am strongly in favor of the John McCain and Sarah Palin ticket, but Sarah Palin didn’t seem to tackle all the issues. Joe Biden presented and supported his issues more clearly, this ability to present and support his ideas was from his over 30 years of experience. I hear many people saying that they want a “real” American in office and that Sarah Palin is that American. I say that while she does constantly remind us how she is a wife and hockey mom by using terms like “you betcha", her lack of experience in government while her biggest draw back.
This Debate didn’t make me change my vote from McCain to Obama, but it did make me start to seriously doubt Sarah Palin ability to lead the country if anything happens to John McCain. Although Sarah Palin can relate to the American working class, which I believe is a great thing since many politicians are out of touch. This is no substitute for experience.

T. Stanley said...

In the 2008 Vice Presidential debate I believe that Joe Biden came out victorious. I believe this not because he made a better point, or had a better position on issues, but because I believe that Sarah Palin connected herself to the public almost TOO much. Referring to herself as a "Hockey Mom" and other "Joe Six Packs" works up too a point, but eventually works against you. Although Palin did perform better than i had anticipated I do not think that she boosted the McCain Campaign too much with this VP debate.

K.DeVylder said...

After watching the 2008 Vice Presidential debate, I feel that Senator Joe Biden won the debate. I feel that Senator Biden answered the questions asked of him more directly, and I feel that he knew exactly what points he wanted to stress to the American people. For example, when answering the question about what we have seen in the government lately as a result of our economy failing, Senator Biden was extremely clear with his answer and even made points of exactly what Barack Obama would do as president for the financial recovery plan. When answering the questions asked of her, Governor Sarah Palin continually stressed how Senator John McCain has always been a “maverick”, and will continue to bring this quality into his political career as president. I feel that she did not completely answer some questions, and would try to manipulate her answer as if to make it appear that she knew exactly what she was talking about.
Before this debate I would have considered myself an undecided voter leaning towards the McCain and Palin team. However, I feel that Senator Biden had “won” the debate. He used his experience from being in the senate and knowledge to appear as an excellent vice presidential candidate at this debate. While, Governor Palin seemed inexperienced and unconvincing that she could potentially become president if John McCain were to pass away in office.
After watching this debate, I still would consider myself to be an undecided voter leaning towards the McCain and Palin team because I feel that this team will bring stronger leadership and will better serve the American people.

~Kathleen DeVylder
Per. 4

David C. said...

After watching the Vice Presidential Debates I have concluded that Senator Biden won the debate. I am a conservative and support Senator John McCain. However, I did not agree on his choice of choosing Governor Palin for the Vice President position. So I watched the debate knowing full well of Governor Palin's track record and her "speaking" ability. When the question started to come out both candidates had a hard time of answering the question. However it is in my belief that Senator Joe Biden answered the questions better than Governor Palin did and Senator Biden represented his president the best. One of the main jobs of the Vice President, whether it is during elections or during office, is to explain and back the views and decisions of the President. Senator Biden in this case filled his duty by answering the questions with more clarity and directness than did Governor Palin. In end this debate did not change my views on the Presidential race because I still do not agree with many of Senator Obama's policies and I think this debate just proved that Senator Biden is a better public speaker than Governor Palin nothing more.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Vice Presidential debates, I believe that Joe Biden was the winner. One of the reasons I thought Biden won the debate was because he not only seemed much more informed of what was going on in our country, but every opinion and belief he had he backed up with facts and specific examples. He also seemed passionate about what he was stood for, and passion for what they are doing is something that I believe Palin lacks. Palin to me is all talk but no facts. She talks about a lot how John McCain will lead us out of the economic slump, and how everyone should be looking to him for change, but then never backs up what she says with any examples. When asked for examples, she just starts talking about him being the “maverick” again, she has no real depth to her arguments. She also does not seem intelligent when she talks, going on about “joe six packs” and “hockey moms”. I understand she is trying to relate to the every day American citizen, but she just comes off as stupid and ignorant. Joe Biden on the other hand, relates to the people in a way that not only makes sense, but makes him and Obama look like the better candidates, which in my opinion they are. This debate just reinforced my opinion that Obama and Biden should win, and not McCain and Palin.

Jordan Celestino said...

In this years Vice Presidential debate the two candidate, I feel, accomplished very little. When ever the moderator, Gwen Ifill, asked Gov. Palin a question she somehow turned it back to taxes and how John "The Maverik" McCain would cut taxes on just about everything. And Sen. Biden, when asked a question, said not was his party was going to do, but what McCain wasn't going to do. And also, they were so blatantly avoiding questions, that the moderator ever said that neither one of them answered it. And when they were debating taxes, they both proposed their arguements and then both critized the other for placing taxes on the working middle class. Their agruements tended to get confusing in the sense that I didnt really understand what side they were taking or action they were taking.

I feel that Sen. Biden won this debate because, altough avoiding many questions, answers his more directly than Gov. Palin. He seemed more assure of himself. He may have avoided some questions but he did it elusively, and beat around the bush instead of beating on another bush. In other words, he didnt change the subject completely, but rather, he talked about nothing really, but it made sense.

Matt G said...

I believe Governor Palin won the debate for multiple reasons. First I believe she did more to answer the questions and avoid pointing out the negatives in her oppositions views like Biden did. Though her answers may have been a little quirky. Palin also seems to come from a background that many middle americans relate to. This could help her and McCain in the race because people would feel comfortable that someone is in office that would make decisions that would help them. Biden didn't really say much about the issues except point out the oppositions negative. I still vote McCain and Palin benefited from the debate.

nbobrysh said...

Upon watching the debate I believe that Joe Biden did a better job in winning the debate. Biden seemed more comfortable with his stances. He stayed true to the fact that the government needs to regulate the economy. In correlation with this idea, he pointed out how the Republican party has pushed "deregulation" and in the past eight years it has clearly not worked. Palin spent most of the time saying that her party will put down its differences for the benefit of the country so why would she not agree that the financial deregulation has not worked. Palin spent most of her time beating around the bush and when asked a question she went completely off topic and started talking about a cleaner better environment. It is true that it is necessary for a clean environment policy, but it sounded like she really did not know much about anything but the environmental policies that her party was pushing. Biden pointed out that the $5,000 tax release would essentially be a "bridge to nowhere" considering federal heath care is giving out more under the present circumstances.

It was obvious that Palin does not have as much experience as Biden. I feel like she's using the whole "average person" bit a little too much. Yes it's nice to have a person in office that understands the people, but they also need to know what they're doing. Her stances were less clearly defined than Biden's. I also did not like the use of the word "Maverick" throughout her whole debate. It made her debate seem less professional along with phrases like "you betcha" and "dog gone it". I understand she's trying to relate to the people, but in things as important as presidential/vice presidential elections, it is important to show the people how qualified you are, not how much like us you are. I don't know about some people, but I couldn't take the responsibility of vice president.

This debate clearly sealed my decision about supporting Obama and Biden. I have full faith that both Obama and Biden have qualified experience, and they will lead our country into change. We have had eight years of Republican influence, and it is about time for a radical change. This is the time for the Democrats to step up and help the country out of its unfortunate state.

Nancy Bobrysh
period 4

Valeri Kolev said...

In the 2008 vice presidential debate there seemed to be no clear winner between the two candidates. However I believe that Joe Biden did a better job than Palin. During the debate he really seemed to have an advantage over her. He would answer a lot more clearly than Palin which in my opinion really showed how much more experience he has than John McCain's vice presidential choice. Sarah Palin did not really seem like the kind of person that would be qualified enough to run this country in the case of John McCain's death, due to her lack of experience. Also her attempt to appeal to the common man by shouting out to her brother's elementary school's class and joking about extra credit made her look very unprofessional and unable of holding such a high position in the government.
Did debate did not significantly influence my views on the presidential race. I still believe that Barrack Obama would do a better job running this country and McCain's choice of a vice president made me lean towards Barrack even more.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Katie Jarjura
VP Debate Response

In my opinion Joe Biden won the debate because Sarah Palin seemed so fake to me. All she said seemed so rehearsed and she never answered a question straight. It bothered me to no end how she used those phrases. She sounded like she was from the south and Alaska is in the North. Biden didn’t directly answer questions either but his answers did contain answers to the questions and seemed so much more convincing. She went on and on about being a mom and that’s the most important job in the world and she just didn’t give me the feeling that this VP is going to help this country. Joe has more experience. Biden also went out of his comfort zone while Palin would indirectly lead her answer to her comfort zone. Palin also seemed to not know what she was talking about in some issues with taxes and big businesses. She made me confused. Biden also showed that he can handle emotion well. When it was brought up about his deceased family he showed restraint in his emotions and went on. It shows that he’s strong. I was neutral between the presidents and now I lean more towards Obama. He seems more for the people instead of the rich.

v.roy said...

Joe Biden performed better than Sarah Palin in the VP debate, although as Saturday Night Live described, Palin exceeded expectations by “giving coherent answers and managing not to faint.”
Palin did indeed do a good job of remaining confident in her appearance and answers while facing the experienced and somewhat intimidating Biden. Palin played up her appeal to “Joe Sixpack”, the common man, with her frequent use of colloquial language. I can’t help but thinking that this is annoying to most people rather than endearing. She provided little in the way of substantial answers to the questions. She rarely gave direct answers and seemed overly intent on getting across the “We are mavericks” message. She even said herself that she fielded the questions not to answer them for the moderator or Senator Biden but as an opportunity to say basically whatever she wanted to the American people. Hence her responses veered from the topic of the question to those that she was more knowledgeable on such as energy and taxes.
Biden performed well and won this debate by clearly illustrating his advantage in experience while not being condescending towards Palin. He provided direct answers to most questions and represented the positions of the Obama campaign well. The emotional side of this veteran senator was shown when he choked up talking about the death of his son in a car accident. I would say that Biden’s only misstep was attacking McCain a little more than presenting the positions of his own platform. However, he did sound very effective while dispelling the “John McCain Maverick Myth.” Biden provided clear examples to prove that on real issues that matter to the American people, McCain is not the maverick he is desperately presenting himself to be.
This debate did not alter or influence my views on the presidential race. I strongly supported the Obama-Biden ticket before the debate and still do. I commend Palin for not performing as poorly as I expected. Both VP candidates showed who they were and it remains clear to me that Biden is much more suitable to the position than Palin.

cgaudette said...

I think Palin won. Every time she was questioned she would come back with a strong answer. This was her first debate, eventho it was iffy in some spots, i feel tht she came out fighting. Palin always supported her answers and directly stated what she wanted to do or how she was going to handle something. Unlike Biden who just stood their smerking like a creeper and said things that contradicted what Palin said, with no back up or support. Palin really makes me like McCain and helped me with my undecided vote.