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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The War in Afghanistan

How would you advise President Obama to pursue to the war? Your response should take into consideration the resources we have discussed.

Period 2 due Friday
Period 5 due Friday
Period 6 due Friday
Period 7 due Friday

U.S. forces leave Afghanistan's Korengal Valley - Wednesday, April 14, 2010; 9:59 AM

U.S. and Pakistan adapt their approach on divisive issue of North Waziristan


Unknown said...

I would advise President Obama to withdraw all of the troops from Iraq and Aghanistan immediately. After having watched (a significant part of) the video, I have noticed that the Taliban are powerful even in the regions they are not in control of. They are also supported many times, more than the United States. We have spent enough money on this cause. It is a lost one, and we have been particularly successful at making the Taliban hate the United States even more. Now, with the troops being out of Afghanistan, there are many steps that need to be taken to insure the stability of the region. Although I hate to suggest this, I believe atomic bombs must be dropped on the Tribal areas between Pakistan and Afghanistan. If the Taliban regain control of Afghanistan and take Pakistan, I fear there shall be a very large threat against the United States, as Pakistan has some 50+ nuclear weapons/bombs. By bombing this region with atomic bombs, we shall ensure that the Taliban will be suppressed to a large extent, at least for a long time, as they are mainly concentrated there. They do not fear the United States because of their fighting of US ground forces and at the most, they have dealt with air strikes that they have almost always recuperated from. Without taking this step, we cannot hope to strike fear into the hearts of the Taliban, and without fear, the Taliban will continue to harass the United States and pose a large threat on our security.

PaigeP said...

I believe President Obama should pull out troops slowly due to the money the war is requiring the U.S to provide. On the other hand, we can not pull out troops too fast because this will increase unemployment found in the United States. The United States must continue to expand areas that will open up occupations for returning soldiers and unemployed Americans. The Taliban is growing in power and numbers and this is causing tremendous casualties. The video showed that many people within Pakistan and Afghanistan are beginning to side with the Taliban while hatred for the United States troops are growing. Like one of the soldiers said, even though the troops are providing care and ways to improve their society they are hostile to the American troops due to bombings. I feel that we need to start pulling back our troops, but keep predators in the area to help eliminate Taliban Leaders. By keeping the predator planes in we can help control the spread of Taliban while lowering United States casualties. I also believe we should increase economic pressure to make it difficult for the Taliban to provide for their army. This issue is very difficult and needs to be dealt with slowly to try and keep stability both in Afghanistan and America.

Sarah S said...

'A National Intelligence Estimate has recently warned that a reconstituted al-Qaeda leadership, in the mountains along the Afghan-Pakistani border, continues to plan attacks against the United States." Examples such as this one convince me that we do indeed need to increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan and 'finish the job' as the Obama campaign says. Conditions on the ground at war are worsening as well as amount of extremist attacks, US casualties, and the expansion of the conflict across Pakistan and into India. I feel that sending another 30,000 troops into war is not the optimal choice, but given the circumstances, it's the best option we have. Sending this many troops into enemy territory should be done slowly and carefully, however, not in the next 6 months as Obama proposed. General Stanley A. McChrystal suggested three plans of action: the first included sending another 40,000 troops; the middle scenario included sending about 30,000 more troops; and a lower alternative involved sending 20,000 to 25,000 more reinforcements to Afghanistan. The middle scenario is ideal. It will cost less than sending 40,000 to Afghanistan, but will be more effective than sending only 20,000 reinforcements.

Rui said...

I believe President Obama should withdraw the troops from Afghanistan. At the current time, our economy is still experiencing a major downturn with an extremely high unemployment rate. I believe the government's main priority should be to fix its own domestic problems first. By withdrawing troops and eventually ending the war in Afghanistan, we will also be able to cut the extremely high cost of the war. This will provide the government with much more money to help the current economy. From the video, I also noticed how dangerous the situation is in Afghanistan. I saw that the Talibans hide in mountains and forests and the only way for soldiers to discover a Taliban hideout is to walk and wait to be shot at. This is not only extremely dangerous, but also extremely unefficient. Unless we are able to greatly increase the number of troops in Afghanistan (a feat that would take a very long time and cost even more lives), we would be better off pulling the troops out. We have also not been very successful in winning over the general population, which is needed if we want to win this war. The smartest thing to do is to slowly pull the troops out to avoid a chaos in Afghanistan and to maintain stablility. One important way we can do this is by continuing if not increasing predator planes. Predator planes have been found to be extremely effective without risking casualty. As we slowly decrease the troops in Afghanistan, it is essential that we maintain predator plane activity to ensure that we are not giving a sign of surrendering to the Talibans. President Obama needs to realize what is important and figure out what we need to do.

Ian Claflin said...

I have been an opponent of the US’s occupation of Iraq for the length of the “war.” As a result, it feels strange to write something promoting war. Unfortunately, the Afghan War is a war worth fighting. The reason is not because we need to show the world that we’re strong, or to get back at bin Laden, or any of the other infantile, overly macho reason that conservatives are so fond of vomiting. Rather, it is because the Taliban must not conquer Pakistan. If the Taliban gained control of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons then they will be quick to share them with Al Qaeda. It is my opinion that should Al Qaeda acquire nuclear weapons, they will not take into account the long-term consequences of nuclear conflict and deploy the bombs without hesitation. Pakistan does not have enough nukes to destroy the world in a way similar to a conflict between the US and USSR during the Cold War, but it could still do considerable damage. India and Israel will be the first to go, and could possibly be rendered uninhabitable by radiation. Remaining nukes will be spent on the United States and/or its allies, with deployment locations based on the difficulty of the target. Radiation will cause a considerable number of casualties the world over and will wreak havoc on the biosphere.
Here is how I imagine the Taliban could be contained. First of all, Hamid Karzai must be removed. If a legitimate way to remove him from office does not arise then he must be assassinated. The assassination should be made to look like a suicide bombing or something similar that can be blamed on insurgents. An obvious attack by the United States would anger the significant portion of the Afghan population that does not want the US interfering in Afghan politics. The selection of Karzai’s successor must be carefully and subtly guided so that the successor is a strong anti-Taliban, and most importantly, anti-India leader. A strong hand in Kabul it would help our forces significantly in their battle against the Taliban. Also, an anti-India leader of Afghanistan would end Pakistan’s half-support of the Taliban. Troops will need to be reinforced and there should be a joint effort between the American and Afghan troops. The Americans should focus on the cities and other terrain on which we have experience fighting. The Afghan troops should take to the mountains that they know far better than the Americans. Even more troops than are sent to Afghanistan should be sent to Pakistan to drive the Taliban back into Afghanistan. This will require the convincing of Pakistan’s government to allow large numbers of US troops. This will be difficult but not necessarily impossible.

Spizzo said...

I strongly recommend not immediately taking the troops out of Afghanistan because they are actually accomplishing things and are really making an effort to make peace. Unfortunately, the tables are starting to turn and Pakistan and Afghanistan people are starting to side with Taliban, hurting our chances even more. But, the troops in the video we watched did not seemed neither worried nor scared about the war they were fighting. The confidence among the troops seemed quite high for a war that has been raging on for a decade. The troops should stay at east for another three years and finish the fight. Everything will have been for nothing if we just turn around and walk out now, especially because if the Taliban get into Pakistan and become controllers of nuclear weapons then we have a real issue on our hands

Haley T said...

I would advise Mr. Obama to keep the troops in Afghanistan and to send even more troops to meet the needs of the army generals. Although this topic is a very hard topic to discuss it would be best for our country and Afghanistan for our troops to stay. We've learned that every day the Taliban is increasing their numbers and becoming bolder with their attacks against our groups. By withdrawing our troops now, they will view this departure as a victory and only motivate them more to keep attacking. This would cause risk to our country because they may want to prove their new power by committing another terrorist attack. If we build up our forces in Afghanistan, we will be able to out number the Taliban and hopefully bring order and peace to that country. In the video we watched we saw what the area was like and it showed the commitment and determination of the soldiers who were already station in Afghanistan. We've been there for so long and are slowly making progress. By withdrawing now we lose all the progress we made and will make. We also lose the support of the Afghan citizen who want and need us there. The only way to win this war is to stay focused and send the needed troops, supply, and support to our soldiers.

Dominique Demayo said...

I believe that president obama should not pursue with the war. I think that we are fighting for something that we have no control over what there country believes in. With this war going on we are making Taliban even more made at the united states. WE are sending more and more troops and also losing them. But if the war does continue we should drop bombs to end it and not have troops on the ground fighting. What happened in 911 there could another belief that they are trying to make another plan to terrorized the untied states.

aaron stevenson said...

I would advise the president to drop bombs in Afghanistan and stop the war. With this war still going on we are sending troops in and we are losing half of them. Taliban is a powerful man if we are able to take him down then The people of that live in Afghanistan would not have anything else to fight for so they would just withdrawal. They do not fear the United States because of their fighting of US ground forces and at the most, they have dealt with air strikes that they have almost always recuperated from. So After all this we should just stop the war.

Unknown said...

I believe President Obama should pull out troops slowly due to the money the war is requiring the U.S to provide. We should not pull out troops too fast because it can increase unemployment found in the United States. We must continue to expand areas that will open up occupations for returning soldiers and unemployed Americans. The Taliban is growing in power and numbers, which is causing tremendous casualties. The video showed that many people within Pakistan and Afghanistan are beginning to side with the Taliban while hatred for the United States troops are growing. One of the soldiers said, even though the troops are providing care and ways to improve their society they are hostile to the American troops due to bombings. I feel that we need to start pulling back our troops, but keep predators in the area to help eliminate Taliban Leaders. By keeping the predator planes in we can help control the spread of Taliban while lowering United States casualties. This issue is very difficult and needs to be dealt with slowly to try and keep stability both in Afghanistan and America.

Sarah Motta said...

I believe that president Obama should not pursue with the war. There is so much money being spent on the war but we are not seeing any progress. I don't believe we should pull out all at once but I think we should slowly pull out because it can increase unemployment found in the United States. By taking out our troops now they will view this as a victory and they will keep on attacking. When sending more troops to fight, I feel like we just keeping losing more troops.

Julie H. said...

I would advise President Obama to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan for several reasons. The first reason is obviously the cost of this war is not helping the economic situation of our country. From watching the video, I noticed that already the conditions are bad for the soldiers because nothing better is affordable for them.
Another reason why we should get the troops out of Afghanistan is the fact that it seems as if this war is a lost cause anyways, especially because we are lacking troops already. First of all, I don't think that we have any more business being in Afghanistan because all that it is doing is causing more deaths on our side and theirs, and it is just making the Taliban hate us even more. The civilians are confused as to whether we are their friends or enemies, and they will only support whomever seems to be winning. I know that we want to protect our country from these Taliban threats and help the Afghan people, but we also have to think about the danger we are putting our soldiers in, and for what? 10 more years of useless fighting? For now I think the best thing would just be to withdraw, and to focus on repairing our country's problems.

Melissa T said...

I believe that President Obama should slowly withdraw all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The Taliban are extremely powerful, and fighting against them will cost too much money, time, and lives. The Taliban are integrated among society, and therefore are really hard to find. Innocent civilians in Afghanistan are being killed due to the fact that they are mistaken for being part of the Taliban. This makes civilians of Afghanistan dislike the Americans, because we are bombing their homes and killing their families. This makes them more likely to join with the Taliban themselves. By staying in Afghanistan and causing civilian casualties, the U.S is actually helping to fuel the Taliban and turn the entire country of Afghanistan against the United States. Instead, we should help support the weak government in Afghanistan without sending in troops (funding the government, giving them weapons, etc). American lives should not continue to be lost for a problem that is impossible to fix at the moment.

Gary said...

I would advise President Obama to increase troops for a limited time, and then start to slowly remove all the troops over the next year or two. The current state of the Middle East is not exactly what many Americans would consider to be “stable”, but honestly I don’t believe it ever will be. Increasing troops at this point would allow more men to train Police and Army forces so when we finally do decide to leave the local military will be able to handle any problem that a rises. Having a surplus of troops their now would make it so any thing that needs to be done (or any one who needs to be found) has a chance of being done (or found) that much faster. Once a state of “stability” is reached (or seems to be soon to be approached) troops can then start to be withdrew. The ideal situation would be take all the troops out today! Sadly nothing positive would come of this, and not to mention billions of dollars would have been wasted. In order to get our moneys worth (and to justify the death of all the American troops who died for this “War on Terror”) the mission has to be “completed” in some way.

Anonymous said...

I would advise president Obama to pull out of the war. The Taliban are very powerful and i feel we have also killed enough of our men and wasted enough money that we did not need to. If we were to continue and continue killing the Taliban like we have been they will only revolt and kill many more innocent lives here in America.

Thomas Esty said...

I believe that President Obama's current policy regarding the War in Afghanistan is the only rational choice at this point. While the region is sapping our economy and human resources, the Middle East is a critical zone for the purposes of national security. If Waziristan and the rest of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border continue to be controlled by Al Qaida through their Taliban allies, there is little doubt that their strength and capacity to attack America will grow. With a weak nuclear nation on their doorstep, and their men only 80 miles from the capital, it is clear that there are serious risks involved in giving the Taliban free range. As a breeding ground for terrorism and extremism, this area must be controlled. However, increased infrastructure and education programs will be necessary to avoid a relapse into tribal conflict in the event that a peaceful solution is worked out.

Unknown said...

What makes the most sense to me, is to pull out most, if not all of the toops as soon as possible. We have been there for years, and barely any success has developed. Not only have the Taliban resisted but the people who live there have as wwell. If they desire to be left alone, why shouldn't they? I believe we have exerted enough, time, money, influence, and persuasion to help them realize what could have potentially been the best thing for them (the civilized infrastructure) however, it has not persuaded them to support us. Progress can only be made if the other party is willing, even if we forced them to change and succeed, the second we leave, they'll probably return back to their old ways with an even stonger force. I believe we've taught them everything they need to know - we've spoken with elders, villagers, and have offered them a chance to find stability and not have to live under the fear of the Taliban. All we can do is slowly move out of the war so as not to put their country in a shock and let them find for themselves what they want and feel they need.

Tyler said...

I would tell the President to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and end the War on Terror that George Bush wrongly started. It was a bad idea to start the war in the first place, because no matter how hard you try it is nearly impossible to obliterate the idea of terrorism. The only way to ensure the idea was completely gone would be to kill everyone who has ever heard of the idea, which is what makes it impossible. One of the reasons the Taliban dislike the US is because we're interfering with what they want to do, so pulling out would release a lot of tension between the US and Afghanistan, and I doubt it would lead to terrorist attacks on the US. I'm sure the Taliban would be happy we were gone, and wouldn't bomb us for it because that would just cause us to become upset again, and then we may be tempted to just prove to them what they are up against and do something we probably shouldn't and nuke them. The problem with proving to them how strong we are, though, is that Pakistan has over 50 nuclear warheads, and the Taliban has a large influence in that area, so we may very well just end up blowing up the Earth in the process of trying to be the "World Police", which we shouldn't be doing at all.

Max Slade said...

I would advise President Obama to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan. After viewing the film the soldiers felt they were alone in this and were fighting a never ending war. they had bad conditions hiking up those mountains always looking for snipers and felt like they were constantly being watched. Even though American troops didn't know where the afghans were. one man in the film said u couldn't win in Afghanistan because of its mountainous geography. The Americans essentially have no control over the Taliban and are losing ground. I Believe the American war fighting style at this point seems almost useless and just move of a guess and check type thing American aircraft drop bombs in the caves and hope they find something. i believe Obama should withdraw troops from this war before we get ourselves deeper into this never ending war. The Taliban's are overpowering and American has not made any significant progress in Afghanistan, enough is enough bring our troops home!

Unknown said...

I would advise President Obama to pull out of the war, if not this year in the next few years. I believe this because everyone will lose their drive to b fighting for something that the United States cannot/ isn’t winning. The Taliban is a very powerful group, fighting against these people is killing our troops, and not that much progress has been made, more problems are only being created. Money is also another factor, we have been fighting since 2001 and money is just being wasted that could be put to use to help our own country. With the continuation of the killing of the Taliban the United States, will only be causing them to revolt, and killing many innocent lives (Americans) that went across seas to fight and defend our country.

Anonymous said...

The Taliban are strong powerful force and they continue to get stronger. I think we should send more troops to afghanistan. We have put so much effort in this war if we remove our troops all of the work will be pointless. We need to finish this war off and get rid of the taliban for good or they will continue to harm people and our country. If they regain power of afghanistan we are screwed in simple words. They hate the United States and are doing all they can to keep us out. So I feel more troops are necassary to get this job done. If we get enough land troops we will be able to defeat the Taliban and save the US from future terrorist attacks. We need to keep everything going at full force so the Taliban see that we are serious and that we dont want to stop until they are out of afghanistan and not causing harm to anyone for good. This is a very hard decision because we have lost alot of young lives but we got involved in this war we need to stay in it. Obama had three options he could send 20,000 troops 30,000 or 45,000. He chose to send around 35,000 troops i think this will get the job done and its a resonable amount of troops. He had a tough decision being put in that kind of possion to choose what to do about a war we have been in for almost ten years. I feel Obama made a good decision in sending more troops.

Alessandra said...

If I were to advise President Obama on what to do about the war in Afghanistan, recent events would have played out a little differently. First, I would suggest that the President meet General Petraeus's request for 40,000 troops. Then, I would encourage the President to gain the support and permission of Pakistan to send troops into their borders to deal with the Taliban following the Powell Doctrine. Under the Powell Doctrine we would use an overwhelming force to crush the enemy's will to fight. We need to end the Taliban's reign and to do that we need to send them the message that we a done with them terrorizing not only the citizens of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but also the world. If we pull out, then there will be a massacre of Afghanistan and Pakistan’s citizens far greater than the casualties suffered thus far. We need to finish the job we started and that isn’t going to happen if we pull out. We need the troops and the firepower. Our main goals should be to find and destroy bin Laden and to help strengthen the armies of Afghanistan and Pakistan so that they may be able to defend themselves and citizens from remaining extremists in the area once we eventually leave.

Unknown said...

Matt Bailey
I believe that the president should keep the troops in Afghanistan because it is needed. If we leave this country then the taliban will just take over and tear down everything that we have put in place. Also, we are making peace with some of the afghani people. The troops seemed like they were very confident that they would eventually acheive their goal and finish the job in afghanistan.
Also if we just withdrew our troops now then the taliban would get the sense that they had won. This would give them confidence and may cause risk to our country by them wanting to create another terrorist attack. Hopefully, we can bring in as many troops as needed to outlast the taliban and eventually gain order in afghanistan and bring this war to an end. At this point all the troops will be able to go home, after the job is done.

Olivia said...

I think that it is best for President Obama to take the troops out of the war. With that said, he should do this gradually, not all at one time. That would cause greater consequences would increase unemployment found in the United States and several more problems for America. We are spending so much money on this war, and not many outcomes have been coming out of it. If he were to slowly take troops out, it would solve many problems. Within the next 2 or 3 years, i think he should do this. Although we are fighting in this war for our country, loosing these lives are just not worth it, and hopefully with all this said the troops will soon enough in a couple years be out of there and back safely home. By sending more, the higher the risk to loose more and more.

jessica.rotell said...

If i could advise President Obama about the war in Afghanistan, I would tell him to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan, and all of them. I think that we are worrying too much about other countrys' governments when we need to be worrying about things back at home. Not to mention it is a ton of money to be in a war, and we are already struggling financially back at home, and this is just adding to it. Our taxes should be going somewhere else because to make weapons and bombs to kill people. I don't think we should pull them all out at once, but i do think gradually over time, that we should take all of the troops, definitely by the end of this year. Overall,I think we should withdraw all of the troops from Afghanistan , just like we are doing in Iraq, and really try to worry about what is going on at home.

Ryan Powers said...

There is not an obvious answer to the problems concerning the war in Afghanistan. I have always believed that all people have “good” in them and that any conflict could be resolved without fighting. However, this conflict has made me question my own belief. Some of the Taliban and Al Qaeda are blinded by pure hate and fury towards America. Children are likely being brainwashed to follow in their parents’ footsteps and fight as long as it takes to achieve their goals. Also, many of the terrorists truly believe that by killing Americans they will reach paradise in the afterlife. This means they have nothing to lose in their mortal lives, making them an extremely dangerous enemy. It seems that some of these terrorists simply can not be persuaded to stop attacking Americans. From their perspective, trying to make peace with America is like striking a deal with the devil. Despite the difficult task at hand, there is a way to keep fighting to a lesser level. There are many that will always oppose us, however there are more that we can make peace with. The goal should be to make peace with as many as possible. The best way to do this would be to simply listen to what the Afghani’s are saying. Troops should slowly be removed from Afghanistan, and an effective police force of Afghani’s must be left to keep terrorists from taking control. An effective police force is a difficult goal to achieve however. After receiving training many of the policemen take what they learn and join the Taliban. President Obama should find a way to encourage the Afghani people to join and stay in the police force. If this does not happen, terrorists will get control of nuclear arms and will have no problem starting a nuclear war that would devastate the entire world. It has become clear that these people will die for what they believe in, so they will have no problem doing this.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dseverino said...

Dom Severino

I believe that the president should keep the troops in Afghanistan because it is needed and slowly later in time start pulling troops out little by little. I do not believe that we should drastically pull all of our troops out of Afghanistan because we would have lost everything that we have tried to accomplish and the most important thing of all, we would give the Taliban confidence and the strength to believe that they cause problems that we might have to face later on in the future. While watching the video, it seemed like they were doing a good job of controlling the valley but it was dangerous for them walking up the mountains. I believe that we need to keep them there for about another 2-4 years and slowly bring are troops home once we have complete control and bring this war to and end.

Unknown said...

Although my previous post is a solution, it is an ideal solution, in that if it was actually to be done, it would make the governments of Pakistan and India angry at the United States for a)dropping atomic bombs close or into their countries and b)the nuclear fallout. Therefore, a more peaceful solution(s) might be to replace radical mullahs secretly with moderate to liberal mullahs, demand to inspect the educational system as mandated for the children of those countries in the Middle East and change any aspects of it that incite hatred against the West, and send a ton of humanitarian services to poor parts of those countries and do it in the name of the West. This may help in the long term with problems with the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

BrittanyG said...

If I were to advise the president I would tell him to up the troops for one year. I would do this to see if this makes any improvement. Adding more troops would be the final effort to make a difference. If there was no improvement in that one year I would tell the president to lower the troops. There is no need to waste money when it won’t make a difference in the country. We have put a lot of money into this war but if we are not making any progress it is pointless when we have other expenses to face like our own economy. I feel that we need to improve our own country before we worry about others. Millions of dollars have been put into this war but there is no need to put even more money if our troops can’t help the country. So I believe that upping the troops and then lowering if no progress is made is the best decision the president can make for our country.

Olga K said...

As much as I am against the war and sending more troops to Afghanistan, I would still advise President Obama to increase troops for the next year, and then slowly start to withdraw them and see what happens. I don’t think we should withdraw immediately just because it might jeopardize the safety of our country, but if we stay to win we might be in the Middle East for a very long time, a couple of decades at least. I think this can be seen in the conflict at Korengal Valley; our troops have been fighting there for a while and just couldn’t get an advantage in that fight, and that maybe be the future in the whole war in Afghanistan, we may never actually win.

Unknown said...

Nick Cesca

I believe President Obama should with time, withdraw all of our troops from Iraq. The war, right now is too costly for the U.S. to handle. We are experiencing an economic downturn and I don't think spending more money on this war is going to help us. By pulling out, we will be saving thousands of troops and thousands of dollars, we could use to help rebuild our economy.

From the video, I noticed how dangerous the war in Afghanistan has become and to me, it makes no sense to leave thousands of troops over there. By the time this war ends, it could be another ten or so years, and I don't think our economy can support that right now. Also, losing that many soldiers to me is just not worth it. I would like to see President Obama pull troops out slowly and see where it goes from there. If it seems to be fine, keep pulling more troops out until they can all come back to the United States. I believe our economy is the number one problem in the U.S right now. We should take care of that first.

Unknown said...

As the debate rages on concerning what MUST be done soon to ensure the survival of America economically and in the matter of National Security. I believe that is imperative to EVENTUALLY withdrawal our troops from the Middle Eastern region, however not immediately. Withdrawing immediately would result in the realization by the Taliban that we are leaving and are extremely vulnerable targets, so that is essentially "out of the question". The unprecedented amount of money and supplies being sent over and used for this war is astronomical and must be stopped. As our economy is hurting, we cannot afford to spend billions and billions in the Middle East EACH MONTH! And with all of this money being spent, what do we as a country have to show for it? Military causalities and failed policies? Not something we should be proud of. Therefore, I believe that over a period of no more than three years, the Obama Administration should focus on withdrawing troops, as it is impossible to just simply "bomb" the region because the insurgents are dressed and presented just like regular civilians and it is next to impossible to do significant damage to the Tailban with the number of ground troops that are now in the mountainous region between the two countries. Thus, the best option in looking out for the United States is to gradually decrease the amount of troops in the Middle East, otherwise we face continued failure just as we have in the past.

Unknown said...

This conflict has devolved to the point where we are facing another endless war. I am deeply against the incoming surge of troops as I feel that it will be completely ineffective. Even though my idea is against our ideas of democracy I would suggest removing Karzai and appointing a more popular westernized leader. This was not effective in Vietnam when we backed Diem but I see few other options. Pulling all troops is not a proper solution. We have not significantly weakened the Taliban stranglehold on Afghanistan which is based on fear and power. By appointing a more moderate and stronger leader Afghanistan we would be able to slowly swing the population into fighting for the American troops as opposed to the Taliban. Initially it would be difficult. our appointed leader would be despised and mistrusted. He and the entire city of Kabul would be protected by US troops as the wayward tribes slowly brought together under a more solid government. Under this stable bedrock we would be able to provide aid to the surrounding cities and villages as the US influence, as well as Kabul's influence spread throughout the Nation. As trust is slowly brought into Afghanistan we could begin removing troops as the framework of a strong Afghan government would remain. As villages and citizens feel protected by the Afghan army and police; the Taliban would steadily lose power as the citizens would respect the government and the protection it maintains. Eventually we would be able to pull all our troops out and Afghanistan would be able to elect its own leader. As the Afghan people have been exposed to protection by the military the Taliban would be reduced to a minor band of radicals that would pose little threat to Pakistan, Afghanistan or the USA. This operation would take as long as a decade to unite the tribes. But we would be secure in knowing that once the operation begins we would be able to slowly cut back on troops.

Emily O said...

If I could advise President Obama on the war in Afghanistan, I would tell him to take our troops out of the war. It seems as if we are fighting in an endless war that is a waste of time, money and energy. After watching the video I realize that Obama can not pull all of our troops at a once, he would need to slowly remove them over time but eventually get them all home. With the economic situation here in the United States we could save a lot of money by bringing our troops home. We are spending a lot of money on this war that we truly can’t afford. Everyday soldiers are risking their lives to fight in the tough conditions in Afghanistan. The mountainous terrain makes it more difficult for our troops. They are easy targets for the Taliban who are sniping from the mountains. The results and progress we have achieved so far don’t seem worth losing more lives. This war has gone on long enough, we need to bring our troops home.

Meghan F said...

At this point, I think it would be best for President Obama to begin to slowly withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. It seems that American soldiers are at a disadvantage because we are not as familiar with the incredibly mountainous land in Afghanistan, and we don’t seem to be gaining any ground as we fight against Al Qaeda. We already are lacking the troops necessary to regain control, and I believe that sending over more troops won’t do us any good. In addition, our economy obviously isn’t in good shape to say the least, and the cost of the war in Afghanistan is just pulling our country further into debt.
With this being said, I don’t think the troops should be withdrawn immediately. We need to remain in Afghanistan a little while longer to provide protection to the citizens. However, I would like to see most of the troops slowly withdrawn within the next two years, because if nothing more can be done within this time, then we won’t make any progress if we remain in Afghanistan for longer than another two years. The war just isn’t worth the losses we have suffered anymore, and it is time to bring the troops home.

Kyle Rizzo said...

I would advise president Obama to pull out all of the troops in Afghanistan immediately. It is spending too much money for a country that is having economic problems. We are spending billions of dollars on a war that has not accomplished anything that Washington has promised. The Afghanis aren't fully on our side, and the Taliban and its major leaders are still around. And on the strategic side we aren't going to win this war unless we send over a hundred thousand troops into Afghanistan and flood the country with American soldiers. In my opinion it is like Vietnam because the Taliban is still evading us using guerilla warfare, and we aren't going much ground in the mountain regions. This war really shouldn't have happened.

Jacqulene said...

There is no transparent answer to what President Obama should do in regards to the war in Afghanistan; it has been an ongoing struggle for years now. But, in my opinion, just because we may be struggling, doesn’t mean we should give up. I believe that it is in the best interest of not only our own country, but for the citizens of Afghanistan, that the United States sends more troops to the war. Sending a large quantity of troops would help the United States in gaining influence of the Afghan people and ultimately taking down radical groups such as Al Qaeda and the Taliban. People may think that sending troops is a waste of money if there is not an immediate response in the effort that our Americans are putting in across seas. Little do they know that even if right now, we have not taken down the radical groups, we are holding them off from creating more conflict. Hypothetically, if the United States were to withdraw all troops and completely leave Afghanistan that would be a larger problem then some think we have already created with the war. Withdrawing from Afghanistan would mean putting the United States and it’s citizens at risk for confrontation on our own soil. As of now, we have control in the aspect that our country is not the one being sacrificed, and remaining in Afghanistan, deploying more troops will keep this as it is. Money should not be an issue in respect to the safety of our country. Billions of dollars have been put into our fluctuating economy, banks, etc and has this helped, not so much. So in my personal opinion, why not put the money that we are all so worried about wasting into something that can help save American lives in the long run; the war in Afghanistan. Sending more troops to Afghanistan is definitely the way to go if President Obama plans to keep our country out of harms way and eventually win the war in Afghanistan, no matter how long it will take.

Unknown said...

Before starting this lesson in our class, I had my own opinions pertaining to the past, present, and future of this nearly decade long war. Although I don’t follow politics and current issues as close as I should, I know enough to support my view on this war when I say we are in this for the long run.
There are pros and cons for pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as staying. Removing our troops would not only allow families and friends to reunite, but the amount of money spent towards supplies and other necessities of war would be put towards domestic use. However, the removal of U.S. Troops may lead to further downfalls within those two countries. Without troops stationed throughout those regions, the U.S. would be left blind and unaware of the actions taking place. Judging by the reputation of the Taliban, they would most likely take charge and nothing good would come of that. We discussed in class that a “blood bath” would be their first move to anyone who supported the U.S. In addition to internal actions, we can conclude that there may be more attacks in the near future if troops are pulled out.
My advice to President Obama…Good luck with this one.

Unknown said...

My advice to President Obama would be that we need to send the reinforcments to Afghanistab, He should also put alot more pressure on Pakistan to try to close its boarder. The reason we are still in this conflict is because the fighters keep slipping back to Pakistan then come back and fight again. With the Taliban not in uniform like we are it is hard to tell who we are fighting. Still if we keep them in Afghanistan it will be easier to find them. President Obama needs to be careful with this conflict, if it turns out like Vietnam he could be in trouble.

Alyssa Dupont said...

I feel that things are only going to get worse if we stay in the war. Obama is spending way too much money on the war and not getting the results he wants. The Taliban is a major force that we should not reckon with. They are very powerful and our men are getting killed out there. By staying apart of this war, we are not gaining control, we are gaining enemies. Obama is not sticking to his word when he said he wants to get the troops out of the war as quickly as possible.

Unknown said...

If I were Obama’s advisor on the war in Afghanistan I would tell President Obama that we must continue to pursue the war in Afghanistan. At this stage in the conflict it is the only viable option as the Middle East is an important region in regards to our National Security. Afghanistan is especially important as it is and will continue to be a terrorist hot spot unless we are able to rid the country of their influence. One must not forget that this is the country which harbored the terrorists responsible for 9/11. Furthermore, I would advise Obama to do as he has planned in sending additional troops to Afghanistan. This is essential to the war as it will allow the generals in charge of the conflict to implement strategies other than just holding (sometimes unsuccessfully) bases in the region and move more towards eradicating Al Qaeda and the more extreme sects of the Taliban. This increase in troops is very important as it will alleviate the stress put on Pakistan’s already weak government; a government which one must remember has possession of nuclear weapons. We can not allow these weapons to fall into the enemies hands because the consequences for America would be vast and devastating. Obama must take a hard stance in fighting this war so that he can keep all of America safe.

Ben H said...

I believe that we in America should shoulder our own burdens here within our borders before we try to solve the problems of those on the outside.
There is no simple solution to this puzzle. It would seem that we should just immediately draw out troops and bow our heads in defeat. But obviously the predicament is more complex. If we draw out it is only matter of time before the Taliban storm the government of Afghanistan of overthrow the government in Pakistan. We cannot allow the fall of the Pakistani government seeing as they are holding nuclear missile technology. So my proposed plan would be a five year withdrawal from Afghanistan, from the rural regions first, all the while working to train the armies and law enforcement under the Karzai government. After this five years was done hopefully the political turmoil would have settled in the region. The second part of my plan would be to support the Pakistani government the way we support the Israeli one. We could help them with technology and hardware for their military to control their violent border. We would have to impose restrictions though so as to limit the amount our technology could be used on their conflict with India. We do not want to provoke another nuclear power from them. Without doubt this is a many faceted problem that we can only hope to solve.

Derek Cobbe said...

What we really need Obama to do is not so much fight the Taliban of Al-Quida, we need to fight the corruption in the Afghan government. This war will not be won with bullets and blood, but in the hearts and minds of the people. The people in the far flung regions support the extremesists because there is no choice. The provide what little support they get and not cooperating only means death. What we need to do create a functioning government that the people can believe in. The only reason America works is because the people believe in the government.

Derek Cobbe said...

What we really need Obama to do is not so much fight the Taliban of Al-Quida, we need to fight the corruption in the Afghan government. This war will not be won with bullets and blood, but in the hearts and minds of the people. The people in the far flung regions support the extremesists because there is no choice. The provide what little support they get and not cooperating only means death. What we need to do create a functioning government that the people can believe in. The only reason America works is because the people believe in the government.

Unknown said...

Jochai mor

if i were asked to advise the president Obame i would have to tell him to most deficiently not withdraw the troops from iraq and afghanistan. first of all what do you think we would look like if we started something and didnt finish it. i was always taught that what ever you do in your life make sure to finish it to the end. the Taliban are very powerful and will try to get there hands on anything. someone needs to hold them back. if it weren't for us right now i dont want to no what they would have done by now. and im sure they have something up there sleeves and right now i believe we are the ones stoping them from doing this. people say why not just drop atomic bombs on them but id have to disagree because my home town is not to far from there (Israel). all im saying is that if we give up what we started lots of bad things will happen for the worse. i dont think we no what we are going against hear. someone needs to stop these people and like i said before i would have to advise obama to keep all troops in iraq and afghanistan.

Chiara said...

To be honest, my first instinct would be to tell Obama to recede all troops from the Middle east as soon as possible. It seems as if all odds are working against us in this. Our money is slowly (but definitely surely) running out, and we can only dive into so much debt until we’re sunk. Along with losing money, we’re more importantly losing lives. Our troops are in immediate danger in the midst of being in the Iraq and Afghanistan. The Taliban is powerful, controlling and appealing to the populace. One of the worst side affects of our involvement is that we aren’t helping the reputation of the united states, as well as not fixing it. We’ve obtained a reputation of interfering in foreign countries affairs, which may be called for at times, but when we’re clearly not wanted by the majority of the country, I believe we need to have the respect and intelligence to leave.

Jason Bailin said...


I think that Obama should slowly take out troops, even though he has said he is going to do that and that US troops will all be out in a certain amount of time, I don't think that will happen. I think he needs to keep his word this time, and pull troops out. I think he should also just drop nukes everywhere and we will be set, any other threats that come our way, we'll drop another nuke on em. I'm sure 99% of us will be ok with that. I think that if we don't do that, that Obama and other countries need to help find a stable government for the middle east where they don't have these problems occurring every day.

TinaC312 said...

I would advise President Obama to gradually withdraw the tropps from Iraq and Aghanistan. After seeing video footage of the war and the current state of our economy, I don't think war is the best for us at this point. The War seems to be never ending. It seems like once we get Aghanistan stabled and then we pull back, we would already have lost countless of Soilders. But Aghanistan may not stay stable, the Tailiban would invade again. Then we would have to contiune the circle and send more troops. Also because our economy is still shakey right now, I don't think we could afford to continue to support this war since war is expensive. So I believe Obama should pull the troops out to avoid the high cost of war and to help keep more americans alive.

Unknown said...

If I was to advise President Obama on the War in Afghanistan, I would advise him to take our troops out of there. It seems that we’re fighting an endless war, putting in huge amounts of resources and money into something that we won’t win. The Taliban are a very powerful group, and hold sway on many people. They also are very strong in their beliefs, so are willing to fight and even die for what they believe is right. There is no point in leaving our troops there for all these years, with no end in sight. The movie even said that we’re not going to win this war by fighting; it’s going to have to be through an agreement. So our men and women might as well be out of the country, safe at home and saving us lots of money.

Karen Novak said...

i think that president obama should take the troops from iraq and aghanistan and send them back, because while this war is going on. It is not really proving anything, what are people getting from killing other people? even if all of these people are as bad as they seen. All of this costs so much and how everyone is worried about the people in haiti then why dont they just use the money that went towards the war to help the people in need. It just seems like the more troops we send out there the less and less come back. i understand that people are fighting for all the people who lost their lives and thats a legitimate reason. If i was president i wouldn't know what to do either, everyone is always going to have something to say about the decisions they make, so its hard to keep everyone happy.

Unknown said...

I would advise President Obama to send in more troops to Afghanistan. We need more ground troops so that we can stop relying so much on air strikes. With all the air strikes, were taking out entire villages and innocent people, that wouldn't have otherwise been destroyed if they were swept through by the military on the ground. Whenever we destroy a village because of air strikes, we kill innocent people, and then their families go and join the Taliban to avenge their loved ones death. So maybe we kill ten Taliban members, but they end up gaining like 20 new members from that. Therefore, I believe that if we send over a lot more troops to help out the soldiers, we can then properly end the war, since a major problem is just not having enough soldiers over there. In the end, if we have a better supported army over in Afghanistan we can hold down areas such as the Korengal Valley, and be able to defeat the Taliban in a timely manner. If we pull out of Afghanistan right now, the Taliban will go right back into power, and whose to say anything will stop them from attacking the United States again? And then, well have absolutely nothing against them after they attack us since they would no longer be the slightest afraid of us because we would have lost the war against them. We need to finish the war, and we need to win it, otherwise who knows what could happen to global security. Especially since I believe that our military is trained much better than the Taliban, we could defiantly defeat them, it will just take some more ground troops.

Unknown said...

Ryan Hobson

I think that with a war of this caliber where the enemies are spread throughout thousands of miles, within cities and civilian populations, it will be nearly impossible to defeat the enemies. It seems like every time one leader is killed, another extremist is there to take his place. It is not as easy as dropping one bomb such as World War II in Hiroshima. Sure you would kill a lot of people, but unfortunately, Al Queda is not as intelligent as the Japanese people to understand the point that the U.S. is trying to make. They will continue their attacks because they simply don't care about human lives. The enemies in this War on Terror are cowards and will not come out on the front line to fight but resort to attacking U.S troops with the use of tactics where they don't have to show their faces. It will be difficult to kill all of the insurgents because they are simply too many of them, and more are ready to take the place of those who are killed. These people will not stop at anything, even if it means their own lives. I have no problem with the U.S. blowing these people to kingdom come but I don't think bombs are going to stop these people. I have no real solution that the U.S. should follow and Obama is faced with a very hard decision, as it was with President Bush as well. I have faith in the great country of America but this war is not going to be easy to win.

Unknown said...

Todd Heritage
If I were President Obama’s advisor on the war in the Middle East, I would tell him that we must send in more troops to pursue the war further. The Taliban are becoming stronger and stronger and at this point in the war effort we cannot just start to evacuate troops. Pursuing the war effort is the most practical option for Obama. The increase in troops will help greatly because it will put the country of Pakistan and its government more at ease. Pakistan is very weak and without the increase in troops, its weak government will become diminished and be taken over and controlled once again by the Talbian. And don’t forget that Pakistan is in control of nuclear weapons which in turn would then be controlled by the enemy, who were responsible for 9/11 and could cause great destruction and devastation in the United States. The Middle East is a very important area in respect to National Security and continues to hold terrorists who are lethal and who are willing to wait things out until they feel the time is right, or until they get what they want. By sending more troops we will have more ground support and instead of having to hold certain regions or small areas we will be able to pursue areas and advance on land in the war. I believe Obama is doing the right thing in sending more troops in order to keep the United States safe and secure.

Sasso said...

Nick Sasso
I believe that the president should keep the troops in Afghanistan because it is needed. If we leave this country then the taliban will just take over and tear down everything that we have put in place. Also, we are making peace with some of the afghani people. The troops seemed like they were very confident that they would eventually acheive their goal and finish the job in afghanistan.
Also if we just withdrew our troops now then the taliban would get the sense that they had won. This would give them confidence and may cause risk to our country by them wanting to create another terrorist attack. Hopefully, we can bring in as many troops as needed to outlast the taliban and eventually gain order in afghanistan and bring this war to an end. At this point all the troops will be able to go home, after the job is done.

rob rowley said...

I believe President Obama should withdraw all of the troops from Afghanistan. I also believe that we are fighting for something that we have no control over. There is so much money being spent on the war but we are not seeing any progress. I noticed that already the conditions are bad for the soldiers because nothing better is affordable for them.
Also the troops do not know where the afghans are located. A person in the film said that the United States can not win in Afghanistan because of its mountainous geography; the afghans have too many hiding spots for the troops to locate them.
In conclusion I believe that we should withdraw all of the troops from Afghanistan just like Obama is trying to do in Iraq. We should be more worried about what is going on at home.

Caitlin McGuffin said...

At this point, I would advise the President to continue his policy of the war. The troops should be kept in Iraq and Afghanistan for numerous reasons. I think the war is terror has come to a stalemate, where if we pull out now we are at risk of attack and if we keep troops there we are killing more men and costing us more money. However, keeping the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is the only was to ensure that our nation is safer. The Taliban has proven that they are a strong force to be reckon with. If we withdrawal troops, there is a greater chance that president Karzai and the government will be overthrown. If this happens the Taliban or Al Qaeda will most likely take over and try to take Pakistan as well. Without US troops there, the likelihood of them acquiring nuclear weapons is greater and the threat against the US will be stronger. Our job now is to try to reverse what we started, and make the US less of a target but pulling out of the war now would only cause more harm to us. We have to establish a backbone for them and show that we have control of the situation.

emmav21 said...

Emma Velcofsky
If I could advise President Obama on the war in Afghanistan, I would tell him to take our troops out of the war. It seems as if we are fighting in an endless war that is a waste of time, money and energy. After watching the video I realize that Obama can not pull all of our troops at a once, he would need to slowly remove them over time but eventually get them all home. With the economic situation here in the United States we could save a lot of money by bringing our troops home. We are spending a lot of money on this war that we truly can’t afford. Everyday soldiers are risking their lives to fight in the tough conditions in Afghanistan. The mountainous terrain makes it more difficult for our troops. They are easy targets for the Taliban who are sniping from the mountains. The results and progress we have achieved so far don’t seem worth losing more lives. This war has gone on long enough, we need to bring our troops home.

sara.pizzuto said...

I would advise President Obama to keep the troops in Afghanistan to continue fighting. They are needed there to help control the Taliban and put a stop to terrorism. The Taliban is very controling and if we were to pull out, I feel that they would sense that America had been defeated, and perhaps sense our vulnerability. Also, remaining in Afghanistan would be beneficial to the citizens of the country. They need protection and help to rebuild their communities. Though the war in Afghanistan appears to be a harder war to fight than the one in Iraq, I feel that quickly pulling out the troops would not accomplish anything that our country set out to do in the beginning of the war. Additional military troops are not needed, however, troops should remain in Afghanistan for a longer duration of time to fully complete what is needed to do for the safety of America.

Melissa Metcalf said...

I would advise President Obama to send more troops into Afghanistan. The reason for the unsuccessfulness of the war that is portrayed immensely by the media is due to a lack of numbers within the soldiers. While the war is definitely draining the nation both fiscally and on an emotionally level as well, it is completely irrational to 'withdraw all troops immediately'. This would cause a lot more problems within the country of Afghanistan. The US came into this war with a mission and to leave without accomplishing it would be a huge mistake. Obama obviously sees this for he recently sent more troops to Afghanistan. While the war is seen by many as unnecessary I believe it to be completely necessary. This area harbors such a huge threat within the terrorist group, the Taliban. Without decreasing the power that they have in Afghanistan we would be leaving the country in a horrible state. The country needs infrastructure, which the United States can provide if the power of the Taliban is reduced. Only with increased troops would this be possible, for as of now the dwindling number of US troops in the country are not able to get their mission done. WIth more troops there would be more pressure for Pakistan to close its borders to the Taliban, which would be a huge step in the war on terror.

Marie Zhang said...

Though the War in Afghanistan in many respects seems to be a hopeless cause, I believe that President Obama's current policy is the best option for the United States. The Middle East remains am impending threat to our nation. If we immediately withdrew forces as many Americans demand, chaos would quickly ensue in currently occupied stations and the threat of terrorism exponentially increase. It would only be a matter of time before the Taliban reversed the slow progress we have made while in Afghanistan. The number of human lives and economic resources that have been spent on this war must not overshadow our goal of protecting our country. There needs to be a greater focus on training the men of Afghanistan, educating the local populations, and increasing the infrastructure however if a peaceful end is to be had.

Ashwin Singhaviranon said...

My Plan:
I call this plan Operation Economic Freedom. I would tell President Obama to withdraw all the troops from the outskirts of Afghanistan who are protecting the village tribes from the Taliban. I know this is scary and can have many impacts on the fields but unless there is eminent threat to United States national security, there is no need for US to get into civil conflicts. Then the United States should send a corps of scholars and engineers to the capital of Afghanistan Kabul to build infrastructure and create schools ensuring that people in this newly modernized Americanize city have some of the highest standard of living in the Middle East. Then there would be a plight of villagers coming to the city to come secure a better life and the Taliban would lose power in the mountainous areas. The security on this city would need to be extremely tight, but that would seem like a piece of cake compare to ensuring security around the failed nation state. After several years of prosperity in Kabul, the military should go for ensuring fair elections and then withdrawing a majority of its troops from the state but leaving a handful to ensure security in the prosperous area. After that, the Afghanis would want to have their entire state become built on better infrastructure and remain as free as possible, and the extremists Taliban would lose all their power and the United States would have won the war without fighting one.

Nico said...

I will be the first to admit that I know of no perfect solution to the war in Afghanistan. The concept of withdrawing all American troops is appealing; however, it would be incredibly dangerous to allow the Taliban to take control of the Afghanistan government, and would threaten nuclear war. Solving the issue diplomatically is completely out of the question, as the Afghanistan government is embarrassingly corrupt and the Taliban refuse to be reasoned with. Currently, however, we are making little progress in the war, and it is sapping our resources daily. Many lives have been lost. Ultimately, I cautiously have faith in Obama's current policy for the war in Afghanistan, as I believe its a rational solution to the problem.

Derek said...

If I were advising President Obama on the war I would tell him that we need to get a major hunting operation underway. The problem with our current strategy is that we are just waiting to be shot at so we can return fire. What we need to do is start moving under cover and off the roads to find the Taliban before they find us. We should also try placing security equipment, like mini cameras and microphones, in the villages we visit so that we can find out who the Taliban are. WE also need to put a lot more effort into the Government. Karzai is not suited to lead Afghanistan so we should just let him be overthrown and put a new less corrupt leader who cares about the public in.

Chris Sacco said...

I believe that although the war in Afghanistan can be justified, and even though terrorism is an enormous threat on the home front, that we do not necessarily have to occupy Afghanistan. If we withdrew troops, I don't feel that there would be any of the major consequences some people are expecting.
The best comparison is to the Vietnam war and how the intentions behind entering that war was to try and prevent the spread of communism to Asia. After a long brutal battle in a tiny country and losing so many American lives over an objective many did not believe in, we pulled out, and communism hardly spread. I feel that history is repeating itself.

shayma vazifdar said...

I believe that President Obama needs to withdraw the U.S troops from Afghanistan. There are many reasons for these and one of them happens to be our current economic situation. The United States in the middle of an economic crisis. This includes a rising unemployment rate and shortage of funds needed here in America. Thus, withdrawing from the war can save the U.S government billions of dollars and many American lives. The money can also be used in helping out with the recession. The war is also not on America’s side. We are losing to the highly trained Taliban. They have an advantage over the American soldiers because the Americans are fighting in their terrain. It is also very difficult for the soldiers to maneuver in this type of rough and rigid terrain. The solider do not even have a solid target because they only know when they are being attacked is when they are being shot at. This kind of fighting is very ineffective with the small amount of troops we already have so it’s pointless to even wage a war unless we are going to significantly increase the amount of soldiers which we are not because it is useless. This is because our enemy is very difficult to defeat and they also seem to have a great influence over the civilians. We are also losing unnecessary lives. This is why I like the idea of using predator planes. This planes are quite effective and don’t need to maneuvered by people in the actual planes and can we maneuvered by people not in the plane. Therefore, I feel it is crucial for Obama to take the actions necessary for this war to an end.

Taryn Hoffman said...

I believe that Obama needs to do almost a "rush in, accomplish what needs to be done, then pull the troops out". But, seeing as with any war, this is easier said then done. From seeing the video in class and seeing how the Taliban is growing stronger and the US troops are growing even less in number Obama should pull almost all the troops out of Iraq since Saddam Hussein was taken out of power a long time ago. He should send those troops and more over to Afghanistan and out number the Taliban. From there he should try to overthrow some of their most powerful leaders and maybe find Osama Bin Laden. Even though the war does cost the United States billions and billions of dollars a year I think that trying to take over a terrorist nation would be worth the American citizens' tax dollars.

Kevin said...

I believe that President Obama's current policy regarding the War in Afghanistan is the only rational choice at this point. While the region is sapping our economy and human resources, the Middle East is a critical zone for the purposes of national security. If Waziristan and the rest of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border continue to be controlled by Al Qaida through their Taliban allies, there is little doubt that their strength and capacity to attack America will grow. With a weak nuclear nation on their doorstep, and their men only 80 miles from the capital, it is clear that there are serious risks involved in giving the Taliban free range. As a breeding ground for terrorism and extremism, this area must be controlled. However, increased infrastructure and education programs will be necessary to avoid a relapse into tribal conflict in the event that a peaceful solution is worked out.