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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
How should the US deal with the issue of immigration? What changes would you make to US policy and why? Be sure to use specific evidence from the articles and video clips in support of your answer.
The topic of immigration is hard to discuss for several reasons. Firstly there are several sides to this issue. From the videos we saw, we learned that some people are for immigration because they are a positive to our country. For example they are hard workers and get the job done, and they contribute a lot of money to social security and taxes. Other people are also for it because of religious reason's. Then there are people who are extremely against immigration. They feel that it is ruining our country. An obvious reason for why people feel this way is terrorism and terrorist. With immigration, these dangers increase. Another reason people are against immigration is because immigrants will work for much lower wages then actual US citizens. This means that they take away many jobs from our own Americans. In another video we saw, it should how that immigration has caused for an extreme increase in population. This means many of our natural resources are being and used and eventually we may just not have enough. Also in that movie a great point was made. Many people feel that we need to take in immigrants who are very poor. But even if we take in those immigrants from third world countries, there will still be even more new third world people being born. So us wasting our money on something like that would make no sense because it really will have no affect on helping the third world countries. I feel that the US should completely stop illegal immigration. If a person wants to come in our country they should have to go through the visa process and qualify to live here. We should also only allow a certain amount of immigrants to live here, and they needed to be renewed yearly or evicted. As for the illegal immigrants, we need to get all of them out of the country. I think the US should make every American show proof of their citizenship every 3 to 6 months. If they can not prove proper citizenship they should be evicted. As for border control, that force needs to be increased greatly and we need stricter punishment for those immigrants getting caught. We should completely get rid of the catch and release method. We need a way to show that crossing the border will be extremely hard with very serve consequences.
We have had class discussions, and watched numerous videos. The topic of immigration is different for everyone, reason being there are many sides to this on going issue. Some people find the immigration is a positive for our country, because the immigrants are hardworking people who are willing to get the job(s) done, as well as contribute money that is being put towards social security along with taxes. Then you have people who are 100 % against immigration, because they feel as though it is ruining our country. The opposite view of having the hard working immigrants is that they will be taking away jobs from Americans who might need them, and if they are illegal might work for much lower wages. One of the videos we saw showed that immigration has caused an extreme increase in the U.S. population. That really caught my attention, because I never stopped to think about how many people aren’t for the United States and are here either illegally or legally. Another point of view that was addressed in the movie was that some people feel as though we should take in immigrants who are very poor. I feel as though as that is ridiculous, reason being if the United Stated is willing to take in immigrants from third world countries, we should be willing to help out the citizens here fined jobs before we branch out bringing others in. I don’t believe in illegal immigration as feel as though it should be put to a stop. People come to the U.S. al the time legally, through all different types of visas, that qualifies them to live here. Each year there should a limited amount of immigrants allowed to come to the U.S., this way it gives people a chance to start over while, starting to control the immigration, and huge increase in population. Illegal immigrants I feel should be deported and sent back, because you have people who have worked hard to come to the United States. Although in my eyes illegal immigration ca never be completely stopped, boarded patrol should be increased and have a better method of catching illegal immigrants. Along with not just letting them go once they are caught, because this just says nothing bad is going to happen to you, so it gives the all the more reason to try again and keep trying until they hopefully get through.
Over recent years immigration has became quite an issue. This issue is difficult and requires a lot of attention. There are also many opinions concerning immigration. According to the video on immigration approx. 1 million people immigrate to the United States every year. These people are indeed honest and hardworking people however there are many Americans who also feel hostile towards these immigrants because they are taking their jobs and in general destroying America. Also, many people are afraid of the terrorism sparked by these immigrants. I find this a dumb reason because terrorism can be inflicted anywhere by any person no matter what their nationality or religious background is. On the contrary, the video made a great point concerning America’s role in the world. Therefore it is America’s duty to open their doors to immigrants from third world countries in order for them to have better lives. However this isn’t good because we aren’t really helping the people by just taking them out of their nation and that we need to help them in their country. Also, a large population will be a result of a large influx of immigrants. This will eventually cause our resources to run out and that we will need to build double the amount of schools, roads, and government facilities. Hence, the U.S. needs to implement strict rules concerning immigration.
Illegal immigration has also caught ample attention lately. These illegal immigrants are largely from places like Mexico. Their sole purpose for crossing the border is for better lives and jobs. Personally, I feel that the U.S. needs to stop these illegal people from coming into the States along with people from other countries. I feel the way because my parents are immigrants and that they came here the legal way and are U.S. residents. Thus, I feel that if these people really want jobs they should come to America the legal way which means filling out a lot of paperwork and patience.
How the US should deal with the issue of immigration is a very difficult question to answer. Immigration is like a double edged sword, not only is immigration good for a country at times but it is also who this country was founded by, however too much immigration will cause our population to skyrocket. The US only has a certain amount of people it can hold before all its resources are used up, and every square inch of land will be filled with public facilities, highways, houses, etc. Many places are already crowded with the 300 million people we have now; it was predicted in one of the videos we watched that by 2050 the population will be around 500 million. In 40 years, adding that many people would be hazardous and could easily destroy the US's already very limited resources and land.
You also have to consider though how immigration is a great thing; immigrants usually come here to support their family, they are hard workers and probably deserve jobs more than a lot of Americans do. But too much of anything is a bad thing. The changes I would make to US policy would be to limit immigration- NOT because we don't like immigrants, but because we CANT let too many people into this country without basically killing our own country and wasting all the resources we have left. It shouldn't be so extreme as to say no more immigrants can come in, but since over 1 million are coming each year, maybe we should halve that, allow half as much in each year so at best we could live comfortably in our neighborhoods for another 50+ years before having to be bothered with an overflow of people.
Overall it's a pretty serious problem that really has no easy answer, no matter what some sacrifices will have to be made, and whatever bill passes regarding immigration will definitely have opposition, and that should be expected because it's impossible to make everybody happy with these kinds of issues.
How should the U.S. deal with the issue of immigration? I think this is a very important issue concerning the U.S. right now. Immigration is both a good thing for the U.S., and a bad thing. It's good because immigrated workers are very hard workers and are dedicated to what they do. They also like jobs that the typical American hates, like landscaping and harder labor. They also work for low pay, which the American people love.
It is a bad thing because they are overpopulating the United States. Even though they have hard labored jobs, a lot of them are also taking better jobs and making it more difficult for the American man and women who were born here, to get one. There is a lot more competition now since a lot of these immigrants have come over. Finding a job in this economy is hard as it is, now we have immigrants coming over who are making it twice as hard.
They are also taking a lot of our resources. If you think about it, the U.S is spending much more money the they should, mostly because of the population increase in past years. At this point in the economy, we need to spend as little as we can. With more and more immigrants coming here, spending will most definitely increase.
I think we need to have more boarder control for the U.S. I know we have the technology to see who is coming over here and when, but immigrants are still finding ways to come over. If we can't stop it completely, we at least need to try to prevent it as much as possible because the amount of immigrants coming over here is getting out of hand.
I think we also need to check ID's all the time no matter who you are to see who exactly is entering our boarders. We don't just have to check people who look like there immigrants. We should check everybody who enters our country, no matter what they look like. This way nobody gets offended and we ourselves know who exactly is entering and leaving the United States.
Illegal immigrants should not be here, that's a fact. They don't have the right to come over here if they are not legal citizens. The video showed how out of hand the U.S has gotten in recent years, and it's time to put an end to it. Maybe, we can't stop all the illegal immigrants entering the U.S., but we need to do something to at least slow the process down, or the U.S. will be overflowing, with way to many people. Let's not let this issue get out of hand, or the U.S will be in a lot of trouble in years to come.
The topic of immigration is something that has been brought up a lot in the past few years. Many people are for the immigration law, however there a few who are against it. Those that are against think that our country should be taking illegal immigrants in because they are hard workers and get done what they have to. Another minor reason is because of religion. People who are for this law agree with it 100%. They feel that it is tearing our country apart. A major scare that many people have is the fact that a lot of illegal immigrants could be terrorists looking to ruin our country. Some immigrants come here to get an education and a paying job but unfortunately we get those who want to cause trouble. When illegal immigrants come over the border we are wasting our money. This may sound mean but it is the truth. Even if we try and help them, there will still be third world people being born that we could not keep up with their large amount. I think that the U.S. should just stop illegal immigration all together. We need to get all of them out of the country. Our country should only allow a certain amount of immigrants in each year and they must qualify to live here (must have a visa) or they will be deported. I agree with the new law that was just recently passed in Arizona. The only suggestion that I would have to make is that each immigrant show their proof of being allowed to live here every couple of months. Border control needs to become a little more strict by enforcing the law greatly. Higher fences need to be built to make it harder on the immigrants. Immigrants are going to have to see that crossing the border will be extremely hard and trying to cross it comes with many harsh consequences.
I think that the president should try to secure our borders. Without securing our borders he is allowing for many people to enter the US illegally therefore increasing our population and reducing the number of jobs available. Securing the borders will allow us to try to keep our population at a lower number and not have an over abundance of people here in the United States. Overall I think that with securing our borders will benefit us in the long run. With the border control I think a new system should be put in place to try to allow otms not to continue to enter our country. The otms should not be able to enter without having their trial.I would try to reduce the time it takes to receive a trial and then find a place where we can keep all illegal immigrants until they have their trial.
The issue of immigration is a very big issue, i believe that the US is not taking it as serious as they should be. They should allow nobody to cross the border because it is not right. People should have to fill out the necessary paperwork to become a citizen not just cross the border.
The U.S should not allow immigrants into are country. I strongly believe that they have no right to come here and take over work that Americans today don't even have. Watching the video with the walls we have to stop them from coming in should be more higher and we should have more security surrounding every corner and also destroy their holes in the ground that they make that not a lot of people know about.I feel that the U.S is not taking much care to protect the Americans that are living in the united states today. The president should take most of the responsibility to help save the American jobs that other people don't have then giving immigrants them.
I believe there needs to be a change regarding immigration into the US. Immigrants i think, should still be able to come into the United States for better opportunities and just needs to be much more organized Patrol men should be at all borders.. The reason for this is to prevent potentially dangerous people coming in.. once they come in..they should become legal citizens. That way illegal cizitens wont tke our job
I would drop the allowed number of immigrants per year down to the level that it was at in the 40s and 50s. While it is true that immigration does stimulate the economy, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Humans need water to live, but if too much water is taken in then the vacuoles of the cells rupture and the human dies. At the current projections for population rise, the United States will not be able to bear the weight of immigrants currently entering the country every year. As for the subject of illegal immigration, higher troop deployment to the border and regular maintenance of the fence need to be put into effect. The fence should be completed to cover the border and upgraded. It should either be electrified or equipped with remotely operated Active Denial System (pain ray) devices. These devices can prove dangerous if focused on a single target for too long and so soldiers operating the devices will need to be closely monitored.
I believe that immigration can be handled a few ways. My main idea on immigration is that the US should allow a certain amount of LEGAL immigrants into the country. Once they are in, they need to be successful enough to stay, if they are not, they should be deported because they are doing nothing with their lives and wasting a position of an immigrant that can be worth something. Now for the illegals, I think that when we find an illegal immigrant, we or their home country should imprison them for a certain amount of time because there is no point in letting them go freely because they'll just try again, it's stupid. Lock them up, show them a lesson, most likely a prison will treat them better then how their life currently is anyways if they are trying that bad to get into the US. Either way, lock them up.
Matt Bailey From the videos and articles that we have looked at i believe that it would be in the best interest of the United States to just keep our immigration as it is. I say that because that immigration has both bad and good things that are associated with it. For example, a good thing is that most immigrants are hard working people who have mostly manual labor jobs. These people are will to take these low paying jobs and exceed at them, this in return helps our economy. But, there are also some things that worry american citizens about immigrants. For instance, the issue of terrorists coming from other countries to our country. Many people believe that this puts our country at a greater risk of being involved in a terrorist attack. Also, immigrants will often work for much lower amounts then the average american. So, therefore the immigrants are getting these jobs instead of other american people. One movie brought up the problem of how immigrants have increased the american population dramatically. The increase of the amount of people in our country means that we will have to use more of everything. Like food, jobs, and most importantly natural rescources. Finally, i feel that we cant do much more then we are planning to do with boarder control. We have people on high post look outs and we are about to install a sensor along with the big wall that marks the boarder. In reality i think that if someone really wants to cross the boarder into our country then they will do it. So, i think all that we do now is enough and that we shouldnt change much.
The answer to any question on immigration is hard to come up with due to the fact that it is both good and bad for us. On the good side the immigrants help contribute money to our social security. Not only that but they also work hard to get the job done. On the bad side the immigrants take away jobs from U.S. citizens. There is also the possibility that poorly guarded borders could let in terrorists and other enemies. I believe that the U.S. should look into building a concrete wall along the border of Mexico preventing any illegal immigrants from breaking and entering the border. One policy I would change would be how many border agents are actually guarding the border. Right now there is one border agent that covers about 40 miles of the border. This lets in most of the illegal immigrants crossing instead of keeping them out. With more agents less ground will have to be covered for each person.
Nick Sasso The answer to any question on immigration is hard to come up with due to the fact that it is both good and bad for us. On the good side the immigrants help contribute money to our social security. Not only that but they also work hard to get the job done. On the bad side the immigrants take away jobs from U.S. citizens. There is also the possibility that poorly guarded borders could let in terrorists and other enemies. I believe that the U.S. should look into building a concrete wall along the border of Mexico preventing any illegal immigrants from breaking and entering the border. One policy I would change would be how many border agents are actually guarding the border. Right now there is one border agent that covers about 40 miles of the border. This lets in most of the illegal immigrants crossing instead of keeping them out. With more agents less ground will have to be covered for each person.
After watching the class videos, I believe that the United States should stop illegal immigration, however should allow legal immigration to continue. In the first video, population charts were shown. These charts showed vast population increases and caused people to worry. With so many people in the United States, the competition for jobs would increase. More schools would need to be built, along with hospitals, houses, etc. While all this is very possible, I think it is little to be worried about. If more people are in the country, then more people can build the schools and hospitals, and more teachers and doctors can be hired. This increases the number of job opportunities and supports a diverse population. The United States is known for being diverse, and the more immigrants allowed, the more diverse we can become. I believe we should stop illegal immigrants from coming into the United States; however, we should make it easier for good people to immigrate to the U.S. If there is a way for immigrants to fit into society without having to sell drugs, then there will be a better population overall. Illegal immigration is a very big issue, and unless the U.S stops it, a lot of drug problems and terrorism will come to the U.S. The United States should use the military to guard our borders and keep all Americans safe.
The United States government needs to become more organized with concern to immigration. A terrorist could easily enter the country from Mexico, so this should be treated with seriousness. I believe the U.S should have more troops guarding the border. These guards would remain until the virtual wall is perfected. It makes the most sense to use technology to monitor the border as opposed to a huge number of guards. Also there should be a way to punish those who are caught trying to enter the country. I am not sure if we have the authority to do this so it would be smart to work out a deal with the Mexican government. We could hand over invaders for them to imprison. Also we need to allow less legal immigrants into the country. Some argue that we need their intelligence and ability to contribute to the work force. To ensure we are only acquiring the best workers immigrants should have to apply for citizenship, in which their potential to help the work force and the nation overall would be considered.
Todd Heritage The issue of immigration is a hotly debated one in the United States. Some believe that immigration should be completed halted and stopped while others believe that it still should not be a major concern. I believe that immigration regulations should be put in which allow for only a certain amount of immigrants to enter the country each year. I also believe that border patrols and checkpoints should be increased and made more widespread in order to keep illegal immigrants from entering the country. Only about 10% of illegal immigrants are actually caught when passing over the border, and when they are caught there is no punishment to keep them from trying again. There must be some sort of punishment in order to keep this from happening. Because of immigrants we are forced to have twice as many schools, roads, and sewage treatment facilities. Things which take up space and we will end up reaching a point where we can no longer expand and our population will decrease and our country will become depleted of resources, facilities and shelter. 1 million people are taken in annually as immigrants but this does little to help other countries and only hurts us more. We must act and make decisions now for the future or our population will eventually reach its peak. Immigrants help us in many ways, because they sweat it out, in and across our country and produce and contribute many things. They have brought in about $1 trillion and that is why I believe that they should be allowed to enter the country but only in smaller numbers.
Immigration is a popular subject in America. Everyone has different thoughts, some believing that immigration should be completely stopped while others believe that it still should not be a major concern. In my opinion, the rules for immigration should be more strict. For example border security should be increased, and made widespread so the immigrants can only go through for the right reasons. Also there should be some sort of number range, limiting the amount. The population is large as it is so i therefore think there should be a restriction on the number. As of now, about 1 out of 10 immigrants actually get questioned and/or caught. This is a problem and by doing what i said above, would increase this number in a good way.
I feel that the issue of immigration is a very difficult one to address. Though many people are for immigration, the same amount of people are against it. While it would be nice to put up a big wall around our borders and not allow any more legal immigrants to arrive in our country, there will always be people who will find ways around the rules. Until we start putting harsher punishments on illegal immigrants, we won't win the fight. For those who are illegal nationals from Europe or Asia, we should revoke their right to come into this country after deporting them if they are found illegally living here after their visa expires. Illegal immigrants from Mexico and South America should be detained longer than a few days or weeks; they should be detained for several years. Then they can be deported. In addition, I think that we should abandon the "electronic fence" and use the money that we are wasting on it to hire more Border Patrol agents. Then, maybe, we can actually come close to enforcing our borders.
Like most everyone here already said, immigration is tough to handle. On one part it is a positive for our country, on the other side it's dragging the country down. As far as legal immigration goes, i think that there should be more stringent rules for entering the country. Not to stop it all together but just reduce the amount of people coming in. To handle this, we have to look in the future, in the next few decades the country will be flooded with people, not just including the immigrants. I'm fine with these immigrants as long as they come here to work hard and provide for their family, but i have no sympathy for the ones that come here to live off the government and drag down the country. As to handle illegal immigration i strongly believe we need to enforce our borders more than we are. In California, there's an estimated 2 million illegal immigrants. This amount of people is a massive drain on their state's economy. I think we should research more tatics on how to control people crossing the border and try to place more manpower there. Also i believe Arizona was in the right to pass their own immigration law even if it interferes with the constitution. There is such a staggering amount of illegals there that something had to be done and i believe there law was a good countermeasure. - Chris Donnelly
It’s hard to say what the United States should do next with immigration, but something should definitely change. The camera/sensor system did work as well as it should have, and illegal immigrants from Mexico still cross the border with ease. Also, only 10% of them get stopped and that needs to change. I think we should strengthen border control and even put a limit on the number of legal immigrants that come into this country each year, and possibly implement the same law as Arizona in other states close to the border. That way we can minimize the number of immigrants coming into the country each year.
Immigration is a lose lose topic. When allowing legal immigration you add new and productive members to society. But you leave out the majority that wants to belong to America. Some people may be over qualified to enter the United States but are simply not allowed do to quotas and the country that they currently reside in.
THe idea of disallowing immigration completely is an even worse idea in my opinion. The reasons for disallowing immigration would be because they overly expand the country and it allows no chance for current citizens to work jobs they wanna work.
My only solution to immigration would be to somehow identify illegal immigrants in a better. non racist way and to punish them heavily. IF you simply deport someone and the come over the next day, what job has the border patrol done? If you attempt to end illegal immigration, either go 100 % or not at all.
Immigration is problem that is overshadowed by more immediate problems like health and war. It no secret that we have a immigration problem and our best attempts to eliminate them are less effective than fear in the economy. Whatever happens happens with immigration. Life, the Universe and all have a very strange way of balancing them in the final. For each proton is an electron. Immigrants who come again, smaller jobs, the immigrant less come. These migrant workers replace existing U.S. workers, but change is inevitable, as a train approached a vehicle parked on the railroad tracks. In 200 years nobody remember this as a problem. Irish workers, Italian and German is the most predominant is only one page in a history book. I'm not saying we should not try, picket all you want. But if the change you want to happen will happen. The United States could fall into poor and disorder and Soylent Green crackers may be the life blood of all (yes, a pun) and our descendants reads about us as a myth, a story is not something to treated like a fool, the AP exam on Friday. We look back at events like the Cuban missile crisis in Cuba and the Second World War in the same way that the future looks back on us. The Roman Empire lasted 500 years, the United States is less than 200 years, we seem to have been there forever. It is one of the natural laws of the universe, that nothing lasts forever. The least to fight against change, less painful. What happens to the United States that makes it unique from all countries of the world is that our culture comes without the help of all other cultures. Foreigners can say that America has no culture, but our culture is a lot of mixed cultures. There is a reason why, in our Constitution, there is a clause that prohibits a national language and a national religion. All immigrants to be ourselves means we have no right to judge immigrants now. My problem today is that immigrants do not go through the proper channels. I welcome immigrants because it is not good for the economy and everyone deserves life, liberty and the pursuit, but because that's how evolution works and I was damned if I go against natural law. I'm also in software design as a career until my job, probably not be outsourced anytime soon, so I have nothing to worry about.
I think America needs to become stricter with its immigration laws. The amount of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year should be further limited to maybe 400,000 a year. This will allow many people the opportunity to come live in America, but it will also give us a limit on population additions. The border should also be strengthened ten-fold; even if it takes electric fences, dogs, taller walls, more guards, or higher security technology, whatever it takes to minimalize the influx of illegal immigrants. They are not welcome in this country. If people want to live in our country they must go about it legally like all of the other immigrants, my family, and many other families did before them. We are on the right track for immigration restrictions, however, they need to be strengthened and enforced much more than they are now. If illegal immigrants do make it past the border they should be immediately deported. If it is a third offense a more serious punishment must be given, such as a number of years in prison before being deported. The years of incarceration will increase with the number of offences.
Personally, I believe our rules for immigration should be more supported. In order to deal with this, I think we should definitely increase border security. Although some techniques of border security have been highly expensive due to the advanced equipment, it is difficult to use this highly effective equipment over a large area. I feel that the U.S. should focus on less expensive tactics that cover more area but are still effective.
Immigration is a difficult topic to address. I think that all illegal immigrants should be blocked out and only a certain amount of legal immigrants should be accepted into the country each year. This way, the population can be regulated so that social programs and resources will not be under too much stress with the rapidly increasing population. I also think that it is not fair for people who want citizenship in the United States to go through rigorous steps to become a citizen and illegals just walk in without having to do any of that stuff and spend the money. I would think that immigrants who are actually doing the right thing to earn their citizenship would be pretty mad about all the people who don't go through the same thing. All Americans should be asked to show proof of citizenship. As for the "racial profiling" issue with randomly checking for citizenship, why should you care if you have your citizenship? As long as you are an American citizen, your not doing anything wrong anyways. In order to get the issue of illegal immigration addressed, the U.S. needs to crack down on illegal immigrants and try to block more of them out at the borders, even though it is impossible to keep all of them out. Those who are convicted in the U.S of illegal immigration should be deported to their country of origin immediately, with no trial. They know the consequences, they don't need a trial. They are not U.S. citizens so they aren't even under the Constitution, so they have no rights in the United States.
The topic of immigration has so many different pros and cons. Some people are for it while others are totally against it. In one video we watched I learned that some people are for immigration. They believe they are positive to our country because they are hard workers, and they contribute a lot of money to social security and taxes. Some people want immigration because of religious reasons. On the other hand there are people that are against immigration. They feel that it is ruining our country. With immigrants coming into this country they believe that it makes this country unsafe. They feel the threat level or terrorism goes up with increase immigration. Another reason people are against immigration is because immigrants will work for much lower wages then actual US citizens. This means that they take away many jobs from American citizens. In another video we saw, it should how that immigration has caused for an extreme increase in population. This means many of our natural resources are being and used and eventually we may just not have enough. Allowing immigration is over populating our country and by allowing them our economy isn’t getting better. I feel that we need to completely stop immigration. Immigration doesn’t seem to be helping our country and if anything it is unfair to those citizens that were born in this country. Americans jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants that will work for less. We need to check peoples citizenship and if they are illegal immigrants we need to send them back to their country. We also need stricter border control so that we don’t get more immigrants. I feel that stopping immigration is the best for our country. We already have a high population we don’t need more to destroy our country.
The topic of immigration in regards to the United States is double-sided and extremely opinionated. Ideas range from positive to negative and everything in between. However, most believe that stronger attempts at changing the current system we have now need to be put into action. Some are believers that immigrants will continue to help better the economy, but others, like myself, have a different view on things.
Immigrants coming into the country are lessening chances of success of those who are citizens. Less job opportunities are becoming readily available for Americans on the search of one. This is the main reason I feel as though the government needs to take into concern something of such high risk to current citizens. Action needs to be taken as far as setting up maximum security to ensure lessened flow of illegal immigrants. As far as this security goes, taller, longer, and stronger walls needs to be set up. Security cameras and guards should surround them at all times for extra insurance.
The issue of immigration is one that is widely discussed and debated in the US. Many people believe that the immigration laws should be made more strict and others feel they should stay how they are. Both sides have very valid points. I feel that the rules should be changed to let only a certain number of immigrants in per year. Immigrants should be allowed into the United States as long as the number coming in is limited. We need to cap the number of people entering the US because we will soon reach a population that our country can not handle. With all these immigrants there is a demand for things such as schools, roads and jobs. It is difficult to provide everything needed for the number of people as it, let alone millions of more people. Although it would be tough to stop illegal immigrants from entering and increasing the population it needs to be done. To keep them from coming on to US soil I think that we should increase the border patrol. This will help catch people trying to enter the United States illegal. Too many immigrants would be bad for the country but if we let in a set number we can actually benefit from having them here. They provide a lot of jobs for low wages and work very hard. They have helped our country earn a lot of money. So as long as we limit the number of people immigrating to the US we will be fine.
It is hard to say how the U.S should deal with the issue of immigration, but a change definitely has to be made. As shown in the video, the billion dollars spent on new equipment on the boarder have proven unsuccessful, with immigrants still crossing the border at steady rates. But many people also agree that the immigrants are positive additions to our country because they are hard workers and willing to work for little wages. So it is a difficult topic to determine, what the country should do. I think instead of spending billions on ineffective equipment on the border, that they should instead hire more men and women to guard it, and give stricter enforcement for when they are found in the country, instead of just sending them back so they can re-enter again.
Immigration is a pretty hard issue to discuss. Both of my parents immigrated here from China and most of my extended family are immigrants here in this country. I do believe that America should allow only a certain amount of immigrants a year and they should select carefully, like do a background check on people applying. Then once they are legalized I believe that they should be kept under watch, like check on them from time to time to see what they are doing. As for the Border immigration issue, I don't think US should legalize all Mexicans that are already in the US because that will just encourage more Mexicans to cross the border. Also America should find a way to tighten border security. I don't think immigrants cause a problem in the US. People against immigration should think about this, Many of the "Americans" are descendants of people who once immigrated here. Also foreigners bring knowledge that many Americans may not have. No matter how we look at it immigrants have made an impact on american history so why should we stop them from contributing to our history?
I think that the US should keep the immigration the way it is now because there are a lot of people from over the boarder, but they are taking the types of jobs that are open and if the jobs that they are taking are so important to the people who are living here now, then why haven't they been taken yet? The immigrants are people too and they are just trying to live their own lives and trying to fend for their families. Everyone wants to earn money and i think that they should have the chance to work here if they want to, but they still have to check in and become a citizen and they have to pay everything like we do. Everyone has a different opinion and it is really hard to pick sides so the chance of this ever coming to an end is slight.
The immigration problem does not have any easy solution. If it did, we wouldn't have such a crisis in the first place. What it all seems to boil down to is equality. Legal immigrants wait in line and do all that is right in order to gain access to our country. Whereas illegal immigrants are able to gain entry by bypassing all legal avenues. As a result there is a disparity between legal US citizen and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are not covered in the census and are thus unable to be monitored, but how much danger do they cause? In actually they are contributing to the wealth of social security as stated in the reading. In this aspect it is possible to see a stance where people may be more moderate towards illegal immigration. The main problem that arises is the staggering growth of the US population. Without being able to accurately measure the size of our country we can not even begin to provide care to them all. Therefor illegal immigration must be curbed. Boeing had taken a step in the right direction with the virtual wall but it was a failure. The use of satellite surveillance and predator drones would be perfect for patroling the borders. A satellite could pan many miles of border at a time and could ping the location of illegals. Predator drones saw great use during the Afghanistan War and are ideal for tracking people on foot. By bolstering the border patrol with the national guard we would have a sizable force to track the illegals pinged by satellite and predator drone. From a tactical perspective I find this very effective and by using high technology and tightening security we may curb illegal numbers over a period of time as they see that security has dramatically tightened.
Immigration is one of the few issues I identify with conservatives in the United States. I believe the current system to be quite inefficient and frankly, a joke. The ideal (foolish) viewpoint that liberals would present is that this is the earth and countries are just the land of the Earth carved up and that in the spirit of goodwill to the illegal immigrants, they should all be legalized and enfranchised. Some, like Larry Craig, present the view that immigrants built this country and that the majority of Americans are descended from the first illegal immigrants to the land that is now known as the United States of America. Yes, they pay $1800 more in taxes than the government spends on them, and yes, they paid and continue to pay around 500 billion dollars in Social Security Taxes to the government without receiving any benefits of the program themselves. But to wish to either "loosen up" on them or legalize them is wrong. Many families, such as mine, came legally, paid our taxes for decade(s), have done community service and have repaid America for the right to stay here and have earned the right to citizenship. People who are born here are (except for the illegal immigrants) are automatically proclaimed citizens because their ancestors contributed to making this country the greatest in the modern world. However, we should not enfranchise or legalize illegal immigrants. First of all, they are citizens of different countries, predominately citizens of los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Making them citizens in one move would, in effect, incorporate close to 10-15 million citizens of another country into the base of citizens in ours. This is unacceptable. Legal immigration numbers should be lowered to less than 100,000 people a year to stabilize the country's population growth, people on K1 visas should be allowed to stay until they are of no use to their respective businesses, and any and all children of illegal immigrants should not gain their citizenship unless they have gone through the correct legal procedures. Children of legal immigrants, however, with the exception of those people in the US on tourist visas, should also be given citizenship status. A virtual shield should be installed along the border with Mexico, and it should kill any that attempt to cross it. Furthermore, the Arizona Immigration Law signed by the Honorable Jan Brewer should be implimented in all states in America, with the exception of those, such as Idaho, that mainly rely on illegal aliens for the agriculture sector. Lastly, any citizens of Mexico who are found attempting to cross the border should be shot or arrested by the US Border Patrol.
Personally I think that the U.S. should limit the number of immigrants. However, I don't think that we should get rid of immigration completely, because I do agree with the fact that migrant workers help our economy since they sustain the countries working force. It was pretty surprising seeing the graphs that were shown comparing the population of the United states and then what the population will be if the unlimited amount of immigrants continue to be allowed into the States. After seeing those statistics, I was defiantly convinced that something needs to be done about immigration because otherwise too much of a burden will be placed on our social services, and will have a negative effect on all the other citizens. Also, while each immigrant pays approximately $1,800 more in taxes than they cost the government, the states would have to start building new infrastructure, like schools, where the cost to build and run them is a huge price tag, so probably at the end of the day, the crazy amount of immigrants does not benefit America in a positive way. Therefore, I believe that if we limit the amount of immigrants we will still benefit from the ones that still come in and pay taxes, but also not overload our social services and other programs with a surplus population that the economy cant handle.
The issue of immigration in the U.S is a very difficult topic. From watching the video on Roy Beck (I was not here for the second one) I find that immigration causes a lot of strain on our resources. Although immigration provides our workforce with willing and flexible workers it also adds increasing numbers to an environment that may struggle to provide for the beings inhabiting it. As we allow great numbers into our country the U.S is required to expand developed areas and to crown more people into cities and towns. It is important not to overuse our resources and protect the environment around us. I feel we should limit the amount of those who are allowed into our country and I feel that at least one parent must be a citizen of the United States for the child to be considered a citizen. I feel that those who are using the "born on U.S land means a child is a citizen" are simply finding a way around immigration laws. I do feel we need to help poorer nations, but I do not believe immigration is the solutions. We would have to develop the third world country within its border to create a larger affect. By using immirgation as a way to help those in need is simply covering up the issue. We need to attack the problems faced by many countries within its boundaries and our efforts will have a longer affect and will help those in the future. I feel by limiting legal immigration we can help protect our needed natural resources and allow Americans in need to provide for their families. We need to fix within America as well and attention should be paid to those Americans in poverty and less on allowing immigrants into our country. Like the video said, I am pro-immigrant, but I do feel we need to decrease the numbers because of our environment. I also feel that the border needs to gain more attention to help limit those who enter the country illegally. A change I would make would to add a greater restriction of those allowed in the country in the quota to help balance the amount of immigrants who enter our country.
immigration is a tricky topic, people have their different views. i believe that immigration laws need to be more severe. i think there needs to be more border patrol agents to guard our country.there is million and millions of illegal immigrants here today and America is making it to easy for them to take advantage of our country.i think the government should enforce stricter laws that way if the immigrant gets caught he wont do it again or maybe people will think twice about it. our country is huge and a vast number of illegal have boomed in the past few years and according that the guy in the video clip immigration has double and at this rate the u.s. could become to crowded and we could potentially use up our natural resources.
The last few days I have been thinking of the topic immigration. I cant decided whether immigration is good or bad. Both groups made valid points. It is almost pointless for us to help because there are so many poeple that the few we actually let come into the United States doesnt make a big impact in the problems ofjob loss. Also with the uncontroled rate are we going to be able to make enough resources for that many people in the world. They predicted the population and its been accurate and if what they say will happen our resources will be used up and we will not be able to support that many peeople expecially the way the economy is right now. So i think illigal immigrations is bad there should be a controled amount of people coming to the U.S. we should build up the border and protect it from illegal drug trafficing abd border crossings. Nate Ivey
I have mixed feelings regarding the United States' policy on immmigration. I certainly do not believe that an open door policy is the best for the nation, nor do I think that the United States should largely decrease the amounts of legal immigrants that are allowed into the U.S. An open door policy would without a doubt create severe problems for the United States, especially in the states along the boarder with Mexico. If anyone were allowed to enter and leave the United States as they please, it would make it significantly easier for crime, such as the drug cartels, to spread into the United States. We would inveitably inherit the issues that are currently causing the Mexican government great hardships. An open door policy would also allow way too many people to enter the country, taking away jobs and resources from U.S. citizens. I do not believe that closing the boarders or cutting down the number of legal immmigrants allowed in would help either. The country needs skilled workers from other countries to keep our businesses running and competing with foreign industry. In my opinion, the problem is not with legal immigration. The problem lies with the illegal immigrants that are easily crossing the boarders every day. I am not sure whether or not the racial profiling that the new law in Arizona is justified or Constitutional, however certain measures must be taken to stop illegal immigration. Whether the fence be real or virtual, the U.S. government must improve boarder security.
immigration is a very difficult topic to discuss about because it has many sides to it that have good points to them as well. for instens people for them would say that they are hard workers and get there job done and contribute lot of money to are society. and you also have people for them because of the religious reasons. on the other hand you have people who are completely against the immigration. they dont like the fact that people from other countries are secretly coming into are country. this makes sense because of all the terrorism and terrorist around this world now a days. and with out stopping these people we have a high risk of letting people in are country come in who we really dont want and need. people dont like the fact that we have immigrants in are country because they live in this country with out paying any taxes while the rest of us work hard for what we get. these people get jobs which means they are taking jobs opportunities from real Americans. i feel that we must stop the illegal immigrants from coming into are countries. they dont do any good to us. we must start being a strong country and stand up and block the boarders.
Immigration is a serious issue in our country and i feel that we need to do our best to stop it. Drug cartels and terrorism are results of illegal immigration as well as the fact that thousands of american citizens are getting jobs taken away from them because illegal immigrants will work for cheaper. This is definitely not fair. We need to have serious consequences for immigrants caught, and we need stricter surveillance to catch the 90% of illegal immigrants we are missing. This can be done by make increasing border security and advancing our technology.
Immigration is an extremely controversial issue, and one that is all over the news today. The U.S. needs to make some major changes to their policies on immigration. I agree with the McCain Kennedy bill almost to the letter. I think it is fair and the “road to citizenship” is a great idea. I think that employers who are hiring migrant workers illegally should be finned if they are found. People are against the idea of immigration because of the loss of jobs; they don’t want to loose a position to an illegal when an American citizen could be their working. I personally have no problem with immigration, they do the jobs that need to be done that no American wants to do. They tend our crops and pick our food. With out some sort of labor workers America would not thrive and the price of goods would be significantly higher. As long as they do not start problems, there is no harm in immigrants working in America.
I find myself torn when listening to the debate surrounding immigration policy in the United States. As an American citizen, I understand the plight of the American people. As the daughter of an immigrant family, however, I can’t help but sympathize with the millions of immigrants, illegal and legal, who flock to the States in the search of better jobs and brighter futures.
Immigrant families contribute immensely to the economic and social fabric of the United States. But do their positive contributions outweigh the fact that non-immigrant citizens are having trouble finding jobs in part due to the jobs occupied by immigrants. What about the fact that down the road, the U.S. population will not be able to be sustained by U.S. soil if the current flood of immigrants continue? Do the immigrants who flock to America truly find better lives? Where do we draw the line?
I think the American government should make a greater effort to help nations from which the vast majority of immigrants come from. If we help the Mexican government help their own citizens, they will feel less inclined to come to the states. Although it hurts me to suggest this, I would also lower the allowed number of immigrants per year. If the United States does not control and protect its resources, we will not be able to help the rest of the world in coming generations. Higher troop deployment is also needed at the border. If people desire to come to the States, they certainly need to go about it legally.
I feel that immigration is extremely important to the United States, and is precisely what shapes American culture as we know it. My mom is only a naturalized citizen, having come from the Philippines only a couple decades ago. So for me, I feel that the option of immigrating here is vital to many people and should be available to anyone who wants to come. To combat excessive waves of people or dangerous people, standard immigration practices would need to be improved for better security. The real problem, lies not with the immigrants, but with the drug war taking place on the United States/Mexico border. This is essentially the root of the problems that involve immigrants from Mexico, and unfortunately garner the most attention from the media. In short, I think that immigrants are necessary to the success of the country, and it is the dangers that can be smuggled into the country that we need to be more concerned about.
The issue of immigration is an especially difficult one to argue, because it contains two sides, which can both be well supported and defended. However, as an immigrant, I believe the the United States should not restricted immigration. One major argument for this is that on average, immigrants contribute money into the US government thorough taxes. Many immigrants also work as hard as Americans if not harder and still get paid less without complaint. If Americans choose to blame their failure to find or keep a job, perhaps they should consider working harder.
Illegal immigration is another story. Although I support immigration, I believe the United States needs to come up with a more efficient way to deal with illegal immigrants. In the video, it showed that immigrants from Mexico were merely caught and sent back to Mexico with no forms of punishment. this is extremely uneffective because the same people could try to cross the border the next week and once people finding out that the punishment is merely sending them back to their home country, more people will attempt to illegally enter the United States. I do not support a point and shoot policy however I do believe we need to establish some sort of punishment that would be more effective.
Emma Velcofsky The United States government needs to become more organized with concern to immigration. A terrorist could easily enter the country from Mexico, so this should be treated with seriousness. I believe the U.S should have more troops guarding the border. These guards would remain until the virtual wall is perfected. It makes the most sense to use technology to monitor the border as opposed to a huge number of guards. Also there should be a way to punish those who are caught trying to enter the country. I am not sure if we have the authority to do this so it would be smart to work out a deal with the Mexican government. We could hand over invaders for them to imprison. Also we need to allow less legal immigrants into the country. Some argue that we need their intelligence and ability to contribute to the work force. To ensure we are only acquiring the best workers immigrants should have to apply for citizenship, in which their potential to help the work force and the nation overall would be considered.
Based on what I have seen in the videos, I would argue that the amount of immigrants let into the country should be lowered. Although they may contribute to our jobs, they are also taking away those job opportunities from Americans because many are willing to work for less. The video brought up the point that for everyone 1 million people we let into the country every year, there will be another 80 million put back into the world. We can keep trying to "save" and help impoverished nations, but I think the best way we can do that is by fixing the problem in their own country, not by bringing them all here. Sooner or later, according to the Census in the video, the population of the US will reach 400 million with more immigrants than natural born American citizens. There will come a point in time where this country will no longer be able to hold that many people living in it, and problems will arise from that. So, for now I believe the best thing to do is limit the amount of immigrants allowed into the country every year even more than it has been.
The issue of immigration is not an easy one to solve. Many people are terrified that the ever menacing “other” will overpopulate our country and steal our jobs, and feel that immigrants, both legal and illegal, should be deported and kept out at all costs. However, while we do have a problem with illegal immigration, I do not believe that that is the solution. There is a need for increased border security – as of now it is far too easy for illegal immigrants to cross the Mexican borders. However, no matter how much we increase our border security, illegal immigrants will inevitably find a way to smuggle themselves into the country. I would also strongly advise against enforcing stricter immigration quotas. Some would argue that at the rate immigrants are coming into our country, we need to limit immigration in order to maintain our infrastructure and our economy. Unfortunately, this viewpoint overlooks the fact that stricter quotas would simply worsen the problem of illegal immigration – if foreign workers can’t immigrate here legally, they will find other means. Also, immigrants, both legal and illegal, do play an important economic role. Agricultural areas of this nation simply need the inexpensive labor that immigration brings – Americans do not want to work in agricultural fields for minimum wage. Also, illegal immigrants actually contribute money to our country, providing billions of dollars in unclaimed social security. Thus, I do not think that trying to eliminate or limit immigration is either feasible or advisable. Instead, I believe that we should make the immigration process easier – a reason so many people immigrate illegally is that they cannot wait the months and years it sometimes takes to legally gain residence in the United States. I also believe that we should instate some sort of guest worker program in order to better monitor the people who cross our borders. Unfortunately, as the debacle with the 2005 House and Senate immigration bills showed, it is unlikely that our government will agree on such measures. Instating such measures, however, will still not mend the fact that immigrants do pose worrying additions to our population, additions that will probably eventually pose an economic burden. The only true answer to that problem is to eliminate the root cause of the massive immigration that is occurring – to invest in the economic and political growth and stability of the developing countries that so many immigrants originate from. When citizens of these nations can find employment and safety in their own countries, the driving force behind immigration to the U.S. will be greatly reduced.
Immigration is a problem with no definite solution and both sides of the debate have their strong points. Immigrants contribute to the US economy in many ways. Their labor in agriculture for less than minimum wage and money back to social security is only beneficial to the US. However, I believe that the number of immigrates should be monitored and controlled. With the amount flooding the country now, the US will be severely over populated by 2050. Allowing the one million immigrants from third world countries may seem like a helping hand but in reality it doesn’t little to help them and more to harm us. I think that the number of illegal immigrants should be taken more seriously by border control. There should be consequences for those who attempt to enter the country illegally because we can not simply say that everyone is coming to the US for the American dream and to make money for their family. I agree that the “catch and release” policy should end but giving out court dates is no definite consequence. With merely 10% of immigrants caught, with the technology we have today it should not be a problem to catch the other 90%. We look at people entering our country as terrorists and when it comes to illegal immigration we should protect our country the same way.
There are many key points for each opposing side of the immigration issue and there is no easy way to solve this issue. Based on the video that we watched in class, I believe that the United States should be stricter with the amount of immigrants that we allow into our country each year. Although immigrants do bring more money into the United States market than they take out, the rapid amount of immigrants, both legal and illegal, is causing difficulties for people born in the United States. Some changes that I would make to the current US policy would be to have a limit on the amount of legal immigrants allowed each year, about 350,000. Also I would tighten how strict we are we illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico and other less developed countries. For illegal immigrants are majorly migrant workers who take jobs away from Americans, for they are willing to work for a cheaper price. The same goes for legal immigrants who come here to work for a cheaper price and thus take away employment opportunities. While it is good to have foreign experience, I feel that we should leave more opportunities for Americans to find jobs.
I think that the United States should let immigration remain the way it is now because there are many people that immigrate from all over the world, but they are taking the types of jobs that are available. If the jobs that they are taking are so important to the people who are living here now, then we should put forth more effort to get these jobs. The immigrants are people just trying to live their own lives and trying to fend for their families and work hard in the States. Everyone wants to earn money and i think that they should have the chance to work here if they want to. They should still have to check in and become a citizen and they should have to pay everything like we do. Everyone has a different opinion and it is really hard to pick sides so the chance of this ever coming to an end is slim to none.
My parents are also immigrants so I'm pro-immigrant. I feel that over the history of America, it is the key thing that makes us so diverse and so different from other countries. In fact, I hope that it would be easier for most countries to naturalize and become a U.S. citizen. It took years for my parents to become citizens and my cousins are depending on work visas to stay here. And it's especially hard when they have been living here so long, and suddenly a setback or obstacle comes, and they're back where they started. Also there is no doubt that an easier naturalization process would improve our economy with the aquisition of more workers.
As for illegal immigrants, I am strongly against it. For me, it's the fact that it promotes abuse and exploitation of employees by businesses. Sure, by working here illegally they have contributed a healthy sum of taxes which go towards many important funds like social security (as mentioned by the speaker who supported immigration). However, the reason why most workers continue to break through our protected and unprotected borders is simply because they can get a job, especially if they're willing to break their back for a meager wage. This pushes jobs away from U.S. citizens who have also applied for the job fair and square with the same skills, only a slightly higher request. And not only that, since the workers are undocumented, companies believe that they can abuse their workers and force them to work excruciatingly long hours each day and doing very reptitive work. And all this becomes a vicious cycle - once the companies start committing to these acts, it doesn't stop, and it's hard to stop. Sure it allows the goods we buy to be so cheap, but I don't believe it should be at the cost of human lives and exploitation. One way to put a stop to this would be putting heavy taxes on companies that hire illegal workers by random searches of any company. And by creating a tigger security at ALL borders with a follow-up of those that enter the border and have over-stayed their welcome.
I think that the ideal way to solve the immigration problem is to relax the quota and criteria for immigrants entering the country. Immigrants are hard workers and contribute a great deal of money to Social Security and other welfare programs. The problem is that illegal immigrants are not counted in censuses, and so states do not get adequate funding for illegal immigrants. If more immigrants were to enter legally, this issue would be much less of a factor. I do not believe the immigration crackdown is the way to solve the issue. As it said in the video, border patrol can only stop so many immigrants, and often the immigrants will keep trying until they pass the border. It is also important to remember that the great majority of Americans are descendants of immigrants. It feels hypocritical to crack down on immigration with this fact in mind.
Immigration in all of its forms is becoming a huge problem in this country. The number of illegal immigrants is increasing rapidly beyond our control with little done to stop it. Legal immigration is also getting out of control as we are taking in more immigrants than we can handle. As far as illegal immigration goes our policies and practices are not doing enough. We first need to secure our border. This can be done by building a sturdy wall that will keep people out. We also need to increase border patrol agents dramatically so that they can actually patrol the entire border. They should also be able to impose stricter punishments and use more effective capture methods on those who attempt to cross the border. Riot control weapons like tasers, night sticks, and high pressure hoses should be used to beat immigrants back. For immigrants who are out of range of these weapons long range tranquilizer guns should be used. Once we secure the border we need to work on getting illegals back where they belong. The main way to do this is to enforce the laws about illegals getting jobs. There are already laws that should prevent illegals from getting jobs so what we must do is require that businesses show proof of citizenship for its employees and fine them if they cannot. As far as legal immigration goes we cannot support the number of immigrants coming into the country. We must bring the levels of immigrants back down to what they were in the 40s and 50s.
I think i order to solve the trouble with Mexico we need to annex it as a state (AS SOON AS THE DRUG WAR IS OVER). I have a hard time believing Mexicans do not want to collaberate with Americans. Otherwse why else would they risk leaving their families children and homes? Imagine that 1 billion dollar tower and future investments to protect this country from illegals could be saved if we just automaticlly made them leagl.
The US is at a crossroads at this point in time as to how to deal with the issue of immigration. One side of the spectrum advocates for more stringent control of the border and harsher punishments for illegal immigrants while the opposing side advocates for still stringent control of the border but "slap on the wrist" punishments for illegals, and most on this side of the argument believe that those illegals that are here already should be made citizens. I believe that the US is not taking a hard enough stance on this issue. We need to protect our border much more than we currently are. It is much to easy for people to cross the border, and at this point in our history where terrorism is a major threat to our nation, we can not allow 90% of whoever tries to cross our border to be successful. If I were to advise the government I would tell them that although the latest foray into using technology to protect our border was not a great success...we can not just throw away all the experience we were able to gather with it. We must continue to use technology as a tool to defend our border because 2,000 miles is a lot of land to monitor using just people and it would be very costly to build a wall down that entire length. The fact that we have over 11 million illegals in the country at this point just goes to show how ineffective our current border control is. Also, from viewing the video it seems that even one-legged people on crutches can stroll right across the border. We need to toughen our border security. Now.
Immigration is a widely spread issue throughout the US.i think we should make is completely illegal to come through the boardersof the US, and we should strictly enforce this law. we should have more security and bring in the army to keep these people out. we should do this because the number of immigrants is going to greatly increase and they are taking jobs fromamerican people. they are able to illegally live here easily and not getin trouble. these laws should be enforced more. overall, immigrants should have less rights here and not be ableto have the benefits of the us.
being a little white girl, living in Cheshire Connecticut, my only contact and relative concern with immigrants is at my little hostessing job at a local restaurant. so the highly controversial subject is hard for me to comment on. i could rant and rave about how (possibly) illegal immigrants take American jobs and mutter on about how much i pay in taxes, but I'd rather not pretend to care. when forced to think upon this subject, the only reasonable, and the only non-melodramatic solution i agree with is to legalize these illegal citizens. if i had to make changes to the US policy, I'd make it of extreme ease when immigrating to this country, or the polar opposite, making it even harder. because clearly, our jail time and meaningless punishments aren't enough to yield oncoming immigrants or stop the (so-called) violence, drug and other various illegal problems that a mere 2% of them coincide with (also considering the terrorists/intended terrorists that enter through the borders). maybe its my feeble minded attempt at a solution, but would you rather i simply state "build a better wall and heavily guard it"? because that's my only other response to a subject in which I'm very mildly subjected to.
Some people find that immigration is a positive for our country,because the immigrants are hardworking people who are willing to get the jobs done. Others think that immigration is a negative thing because it has caused an extreme increase in population.There aren't even enough jobs for the Americans, never mind having immigrants come and take all the jobs. By preventing immigrants from crossing the border the government should have more security by positioning more guards at the fences.By doing this they would be able to catch more immigrants from coming over. They have already spent an enormous amount of money on high-tech security cameras but while watching the video surveillance they cant do anything while there crossing the border because there is no border control there. However, I do believe in people coming over to better there lives, but the country is already very populated. Therefore I believe they should make security a lot tighter.
I believe the US should deal with the issue of immigration mainly by increasing the number of people guarding the border and decreasing the amount of money we spend on cameras and sensors and other technology. The virtual fence and other detectors do help spot immigrants trying to illegally come into the US, but it is the men and women on border patrol who actually stop these people and make the difference. Each guard on border patrol currently has about 2 miles to protect and make sure no immigrants pass on. This is a lot of land to cover with just one man, so increasing our force on the border will decrease the amount of land each one has to cover, therefore making the system more effective. Regarding the video we watched in class, I feel that patting down land to make more drivable areas would be very beneficial. Although they may be loud, RV's and trucks are faster and more efficient than traveling on foot and safer than being out in the open with immigrants who may be armed.
Immigration is a hard subject to discuss because many people have very different views opinions on it. Some feel that immigration hurts our country because of terrorism and the dangerous people that may enter and that it increased our already high population. Others believe that immigrants are hard-working and only want to come to the United States for the hope of a better life. I am slightly torn with my opinion on immigration. Because my mother and her family came to this country from Cuba to get away from the Castro regime, I feel that any person should be allowed this oppertunity. Everyone should get the chance to immigrate to this country for a better life and to experience freedom. However, I believe that the US should monitor more closely those that do cross the border. We need to set up better border control so that we avoid the situation of a dangerous person who is a possible threat to our country of coming in. I don't think it is a good idea to waste any more money on high-tec fences or any kind of equipment that is not beneficial. There should be more border patrol members at the border to search and catch those who are dangerous to our country.
I believe that the us should try and secure more of the border. After watching the videos on immigration, I feel that it is way to easy to sneak across the border, especially when the show a man on krutches doing it. I feel that if we secure our borders with high tech sensors and build stronger and more durible walls then we will have a better chance of stopping illegal immigrants into our country. Immigration is bad because it is over populating the United States and there has to be an end to it.
How should the US deal with the issue of immigration? What changes would you make to US policy and why? Be sure to use specific evidence from the articles and video clips in support of your answer.
I believe the U.S. should not let in anymore immigrants especially from mexico. As much as people like to think they diversify our country, and it's the american way, the truth is clear: based on the videos we've watched and the class discussions, taking in immigrants doesn't save 3rd world countries, and all they do is take jobs. Granted the jobs they take are very back breaking manual labor, those jobs could be going to americans who need them in this bad economy.
Taking in immigrants will cause a massive population spike in the near future- as soon as the year 2030. because if this spike the economy could worsen even more. Good thing the world is gonna end in 2012.
Illegal immigrants are worse, since they got here for free and they work for much lower wages and don't pay taxes. By doing all those things, they overpopulate our country, and don't contribute any money into the market.
The topic of immigration is hard to discuss for several reasons. Firstly there are several sides to this issue. From the videos we saw, we learned that some people are for immigration because they are a positive to our country. For example they are hard workers and get the job done, and they contribute a lot of money to social security and taxes. Other people are also for it because of religious reason's.
Then there are people who are extremely against immigration. They feel that it is ruining our country. An obvious reason for why people feel this way is terrorism and terrorist. With immigration, these dangers increase. Another reason people are against immigration is because immigrants will work for much lower wages then actual US citizens. This means that they take away many jobs from our own Americans. In another video we saw, it should how that immigration has caused for an extreme increase in population. This means many of our natural resources are being and used and eventually we may just not have enough. Also in that movie a great point was made. Many people feel that we need to take in immigrants who are very poor. But even if we take in those immigrants from third world countries, there will still be even more new third world people being born. So us wasting our money on something like that would make no sense because it really will have no affect on helping the third world countries.
I feel that the US should completely stop illegal immigration. If a person wants to come in our country they should have to go through the visa process and qualify to live here. We should also only allow a certain amount of immigrants to live here, and they needed to be renewed yearly or evicted.
As for the illegal immigrants, we need to get all of them out of the country. I think the US should make every American show proof of their citizenship every 3 to 6 months. If they can not prove proper citizenship they should be evicted.
As for border control, that force needs to be increased greatly and we need stricter punishment for those immigrants getting caught. We should completely get rid of the catch and release method. We need a way to show that crossing the border will be extremely hard with very serve consequences.
We have had class discussions, and watched numerous videos. The topic of immigration is different for everyone, reason being there are many sides to this on going issue.
Some people find the immigration is a positive for our country, because the immigrants are hardworking people who are willing to get the job(s) done, as well as contribute money that is being put towards social security along with taxes. Then you have people who are 100 % against immigration, because they feel as though it is ruining our country. The opposite view of having the hard working immigrants is that they will be taking away jobs from Americans who might need them, and if they are illegal might work for much lower wages.
One of the videos we saw showed that immigration has caused an extreme increase in the U.S. population. That really caught my attention, because I never stopped to think about how many people aren’t for the United States and are here either illegally or legally. Another point of view that was addressed in the movie was that some people feel as though we should take in immigrants who are very poor. I feel as though as that is ridiculous, reason being if the United Stated is willing to take in immigrants from third world countries, we should be willing to help out the citizens here fined jobs before we branch out bringing others in.
I don’t believe in illegal immigration as feel as though it should be put to a stop. People come to the U.S. al the time legally, through all different types of visas, that qualifies them to live here. Each year there should a limited amount of immigrants allowed to come to the U.S., this way it gives people a chance to start over while, starting to control the immigration, and huge increase in population. Illegal immigrants I feel should be deported and sent back, because you have people who have worked hard to come to the United States.
Although in my eyes illegal immigration ca never be completely stopped, boarded patrol should be increased and have a better method of catching illegal immigrants. Along with not just letting them go once they are caught, because this just says nothing bad is going to happen to you, so it gives the all the more reason to try again and keep trying until they hopefully get through.
Over recent years immigration has became quite an issue. This issue is difficult and requires a lot of attention. There are also many opinions concerning immigration. According to the video on immigration approx. 1 million people immigrate to the United States every year. These people are indeed honest and hardworking people however there are many Americans who also feel hostile towards these immigrants because they are taking their jobs and in general destroying America. Also, many people are afraid of the terrorism sparked by these immigrants. I find this a dumb reason because terrorism can be inflicted anywhere by any person no matter what their nationality or religious background is. On the contrary, the video made a great point concerning America’s role in the world. Therefore it is America’s duty to open their doors to immigrants from third world countries in order for them to have better lives. However this isn’t good because we aren’t really helping the people by just taking them out of their nation and that we need to help them in their country. Also, a large population will be a result of a large influx of immigrants. This will eventually cause our resources to run out and that we will need to build double the amount of schools, roads, and government facilities. Hence, the U.S. needs to implement strict rules concerning immigration.
Illegal immigration has also caught ample attention lately. These illegal immigrants are largely from places like Mexico. Their sole purpose for crossing the border is for better lives and jobs. Personally, I feel that the U.S. needs to stop these illegal people from coming into the States along with people from other countries. I feel the way because my parents are immigrants and that they came here the legal way and are U.S. residents. Thus, I feel that if these people really want jobs they should come to America the legal way which means filling out a lot of paperwork and patience.
How the US should deal with the issue of immigration is a very difficult question to answer. Immigration is like a double edged sword, not only is immigration good for a country at times but it is also who this country was founded by, however too much immigration will cause our population to skyrocket. The US only has a certain amount of people it can hold before all its resources are used up, and every square inch of land will be filled with public facilities, highways, houses, etc. Many places are already crowded with the 300 million people we have now; it was predicted in one of the videos we watched that by 2050 the population will be around 500 million. In 40 years, adding that many people would be hazardous and could easily destroy the US's already very limited resources and land.
You also have to consider though how immigration is a great thing; immigrants usually come here to support their family, they are hard workers and probably deserve jobs more than a lot of Americans do. But too much of anything is a bad thing. The changes I would make to US policy would be to limit immigration- NOT because we don't like immigrants, but because we CANT let too many people into this country without basically killing our own country and wasting all the resources we have left. It shouldn't be so extreme as to say no more immigrants can come in, but since over 1 million are coming each year, maybe we should halve that, allow half as much in each year so at best we could live comfortably in our neighborhoods for another 50+ years before having to be bothered with an overflow of people.
Overall it's a pretty serious problem that really has no easy answer, no matter what some sacrifices will have to be made, and whatever bill passes regarding immigration will definitely have opposition, and that should be expected because it's impossible to make everybody happy with these kinds of issues.
Nick Cesca
How should the U.S. deal with the issue of immigration? I think this is a very important issue concerning the U.S. right now.
Immigration is both a good thing for the U.S., and a bad thing. It's good because immigrated workers are very hard workers and are dedicated to what they do. They also like jobs that the typical American hates, like landscaping and harder labor. They also work for low pay, which the American people love.
It is a bad thing because they are overpopulating the United States. Even though they have hard labored jobs, a lot of them are also taking better jobs and making it more difficult for the American man and women who were born here, to get one. There is a lot more competition now since a lot of these immigrants have come over. Finding a job in this economy is hard as it is, now we have immigrants coming over who are making it twice as hard.
They are also taking a lot of our resources. If you think about it, the U.S is spending much more money the they should, mostly because of the population increase in past years. At this point in the economy, we need to spend as little as we can. With more and more immigrants coming here, spending will most definitely increase.
I think we need to have more boarder control for the U.S. I know we have the technology to see who is coming over here and when, but immigrants are still finding ways to come over. If we can't stop it completely, we at least need to try to prevent it as much as possible because the amount of immigrants coming over here is getting out of hand.
I think we also need to check ID's all the time no matter who you are to see who exactly is entering our boarders. We don't just have to check people who look like there immigrants. We should check everybody who enters our country, no matter what they look like. This way nobody gets offended and we ourselves know who exactly is entering and leaving the United States.
Illegal immigrants should not be here, that's a fact. They don't have the right to come over here if they are not legal citizens. The video showed how out of hand the U.S has gotten in recent years, and it's time to put an end to it. Maybe, we can't stop all the illegal immigrants entering the U.S., but we need to do something to at least slow the process down, or the U.S. will be overflowing, with way to many people. Let's not let this issue get out of hand, or the U.S will be in a lot of trouble in years to come.
The topic of immigration is something that has been brought up a lot in the past few years. Many people are for the immigration law, however there a few who are against it. Those that are against think that our country should be taking illegal immigrants in because they are hard workers and get done what they have to. Another minor reason is because of religion.
People who are for this law agree with it 100%. They feel that it is tearing our country apart. A major scare that many people have is the fact that a lot of illegal immigrants could be terrorists looking to ruin our country. Some immigrants come here to get an education and a paying job but unfortunately we get those who want to cause trouble. When illegal immigrants come over the border we are wasting our money. This may sound mean but it is the truth. Even if we try and help them, there will still be third world people being born that we could not keep up with their large amount.
I think that the U.S. should just stop illegal immigration all together. We need to get all of them out of the country. Our country should only allow a certain amount of immigrants in each year and they must qualify to live here (must have a visa) or they will be deported. I agree with the new law that was just recently passed in Arizona. The only suggestion that I would have to make is that each immigrant show their proof of being allowed to live here every couple of months. Border control needs to become a little more strict by enforcing the law greatly. Higher fences need to be built to make it harder on the immigrants. Immigrants are going to have to see that crossing the border will be extremely hard and trying to cross it comes with many harsh consequences.
I think that the president should try to secure our borders. Without securing our borders he is allowing for many people to enter the US illegally therefore increasing our population and reducing the number of jobs available. Securing the borders will allow us to try to keep our population at a lower number and not have an over abundance of people here in the United States. Overall I think that with securing our borders will benefit us in the long run. With the border control I think a new system should be put in place to try to allow otms not to continue to enter our country. The otms should not be able to enter without having their trial.I would try to reduce the time it takes to receive a trial and then find a place where we can keep all illegal immigrants until they have their trial.
The issue of immigration is a very big issue, i believe that the US is not taking it as serious as they should be. They should allow nobody to cross the border because it is not right. People should have to fill out the necessary paperwork to become a citizen not just cross the border.
The U.S should not allow immigrants into are country. I strongly believe that they have no right to come here and take over work that Americans today don't even have. Watching the video with the walls we have to stop them from coming in should be more higher and we should have more security surrounding every corner and also destroy their holes in the ground that they make that not a lot of people know about.I feel that the U.S is not taking much care to protect the Americans that are living in the united states today. The president should take most of the responsibility to help save the American jobs that other people don't have then giving immigrants them.
I believe there needs to be a change regarding immigration into the US. Immigrants i think, should still be able to come into the United States for better opportunities and just needs to be much more organized Patrol men should be at all borders.. The reason for this is to prevent potentially dangerous people coming in.. once they come in..they should become legal citizens. That way illegal cizitens wont tke our job
I would drop the allowed number of immigrants per year down to the level that it was at in the 40s and 50s. While it is true that immigration does stimulate the economy, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Humans need water to live, but if too much water is taken in then the vacuoles of the cells rupture and the human dies. At the current projections for population rise, the United States will not be able to bear the weight of immigrants currently entering the country every year.
As for the subject of illegal immigration, higher troop deployment to the border and regular maintenance of the fence need to be put into effect. The fence should be completed to cover the border and upgraded. It should either be electrified or equipped with remotely operated Active Denial System (pain ray) devices. These devices can prove dangerous if focused on a single target for too long and so soldiers operating the devices will need to be closely monitored.
I believe that immigration can be handled a few ways. My main idea on immigration is that the US should allow a certain amount of LEGAL immigrants into the country. Once they are in, they need to be successful enough to stay, if they are not, they should be deported because they are doing nothing with their lives and wasting a position of an immigrant that can be worth something. Now for the illegals, I think that when we find an illegal immigrant, we or their home country should imprison them for a certain amount of time because there is no point in letting them go freely because they'll just try again, it's stupid. Lock them up, show them a lesson, most likely a prison will treat them better then how their life currently is anyways if they are trying that bad to get into the US. Either way, lock them up.
Matt Bailey
From the videos and articles that we have looked at i believe that it would be in the best interest of the United States to just keep our immigration as it is. I say that because that immigration has both bad and good things that are associated with it. For example, a good thing is that most immigrants are hard working people who have mostly manual labor jobs. These people are will to take these low paying jobs and exceed at them, this in return helps our economy.
But, there are also some things that worry american citizens about immigrants. For instance, the issue of terrorists coming from other countries to our country. Many people believe that this puts our country at a greater risk of being involved in a terrorist attack. Also, immigrants will often work for much lower amounts then the average american. So, therefore the immigrants are getting these jobs instead of other american people. One movie brought up the problem of how immigrants have increased the american population dramatically. The increase of the amount of people in our country means that we will have to use more of everything. Like food, jobs, and most importantly natural rescources.
Finally, i feel that we cant do much more then we are planning to do with boarder control. We have people on high post look outs and we are about to install a sensor along with the big wall that marks the boarder. In reality i think that if someone really wants to cross the boarder into our country then they will do it. So, i think all that we do now is enough and that we shouldnt change much.
The answer to any question on immigration is hard to come up with due to the fact that it is both good and bad for us. On the good side the immigrants help contribute money to our social security. Not only that but they also work hard to get the job done. On the bad side the immigrants take away jobs from U.S. citizens. There is also the possibility that poorly guarded borders could let in terrorists and other enemies.
I believe that the U.S. should look into building a concrete wall along the border of Mexico preventing any illegal immigrants from breaking and entering the border. One policy I would change would be how many border agents are actually guarding the border. Right now there is one border agent that covers about 40 miles of the border. This lets in most of the illegal immigrants crossing instead of keeping them out. With more agents less ground will have to be covered for each person.
Nick Sasso
The answer to any question on immigration is hard to come up with due to the fact that it is both good and bad for us. On the good side the immigrants help contribute money to our social security. Not only that but they also work hard to get the job done. On the bad side the immigrants take away jobs from U.S. citizens. There is also the possibility that poorly guarded borders could let in terrorists and other enemies.
I believe that the U.S. should look into building a concrete wall along the border of Mexico preventing any illegal immigrants from breaking and entering the border. One policy I would change would be how many border agents are actually guarding the border. Right now there is one border agent that covers about 40 miles of the border. This lets in most of the illegal immigrants crossing instead of keeping them out. With more agents less ground will have to be covered for each person.
After watching the class videos, I believe that the United States should stop illegal immigration, however should allow legal immigration to continue.
In the first video, population charts were shown. These charts showed vast population increases and caused people to worry. With so many people in the United States, the competition for jobs would increase. More schools would need to be built, along with hospitals, houses, etc. While all this is very possible, I think it is little to be worried about. If more people are in the country, then more people can build the schools and hospitals, and more teachers and doctors can be hired. This increases the number of job opportunities and supports a diverse population. The United States is known for being diverse, and the more immigrants allowed, the more diverse we can become.
I believe we should stop illegal immigrants from coming into the United States; however, we should make it easier for good people to immigrate to the U.S. If there is a way for immigrants to fit into society without having to sell drugs, then there will be a better population overall. Illegal immigration is a very big issue, and unless the U.S stops it, a lot of drug problems and terrorism will come to the U.S. The United States should use the military to guard our borders and keep all Americans safe.
The United States government needs to become more organized with concern to immigration. A terrorist could easily enter the country from Mexico, so this should be treated with seriousness. I believe the U.S should have more troops guarding the border. These guards would remain until the virtual wall is perfected. It makes the most sense to use technology to monitor the border as opposed to a huge number of guards. Also there should be a way to punish those who are caught trying to enter the country. I am not sure if we have the authority to do this so it would be smart to work out a deal with the Mexican government. We could hand over invaders for them to imprison. Also we need to allow less legal immigrants into the country. Some argue that we need their intelligence and ability to contribute to the work force. To ensure we are only acquiring the best workers immigrants should have to apply for citizenship, in which their potential to help the work force and the nation overall would be considered.
Todd Heritage
The issue of immigration is a hotly debated one in the United States. Some believe that immigration should be completed halted and stopped while others believe that it still should not be a major concern.
I believe that immigration regulations should be put in which allow for only a certain amount of immigrants to enter the country each year. I also believe that border patrols and checkpoints should be increased and made more widespread in order to keep illegal immigrants from entering the country. Only about 10% of illegal immigrants are actually caught when passing over the border, and when they are caught there is no punishment to keep them from trying again. There must be some sort of punishment in order to keep this from happening. Because of immigrants we are forced to have twice as many schools, roads, and sewage treatment facilities. Things which take up space and we will end up reaching a point where we can no longer expand and our population will decrease and our country will become depleted of resources, facilities and shelter. 1 million people are taken in annually as immigrants but this does little to help other countries and only hurts us more. We must act and make decisions now for the future or our population will eventually reach its peak.
Immigrants help us in many ways, because they sweat it out, in and across our country and produce and contribute many things. They have brought in about $1 trillion and that is why I believe that they should be allowed to enter the country but only in smaller numbers.
Immigration is a popular subject in America. Everyone has different thoughts, some believing that immigration should be completely stopped while others believe that it still should not be a major concern.
In my opinion, the rules for immigration should be more strict. For example border security should be increased, and made widespread so the immigrants can only go through for the right reasons. Also there should be some sort of number range, limiting the amount. The population is large as it is so i therefore think there should be a restriction on the number. As of now, about 1 out of 10 immigrants actually get questioned and/or caught. This is a problem and by doing what i said above, would increase this number in a good way.
I feel that the issue of immigration is a very difficult one to address. Though many people are for immigration, the same amount of people are against it. While it would be nice to put up a big wall around our borders and not allow any more legal immigrants to arrive in our country, there will always be people who will find ways around the rules. Until we start putting harsher punishments on illegal immigrants, we won't win the fight. For those who are illegal nationals from Europe or Asia, we should revoke their right to come into this country after deporting them if they are found illegally living here after their visa expires. Illegal immigrants from Mexico and South America should be detained longer than a few days or weeks; they should be detained for several years. Then they can be deported. In addition, I think that we should abandon the "electronic fence" and use the money that we are wasting on it to hire more Border Patrol agents. Then, maybe, we can actually come close to enforcing our borders.
Like most everyone here already said, immigration is tough to handle. On one part it is a positive for our country, on the other side it's dragging the country down. As far as legal immigration goes, i think that there should be more stringent rules for entering the country. Not to stop it all together but just reduce the amount of people coming in. To handle this, we have to look in the future, in the next few decades the country will be flooded with people, not just including the immigrants. I'm fine with these immigrants as long as they come here to work hard and provide for their family, but i have no sympathy for the ones that come here to live off the government and drag down the country.
As to handle illegal immigration i strongly believe we need to enforce our borders more than we are. In California, there's an estimated 2 million illegal immigrants. This amount of people is a massive drain on their state's economy. I think we should research more tatics on how to control people crossing the border and try to place more manpower there. Also i believe Arizona was in the right to pass their own immigration law even if it interferes with the constitution. There is such a staggering amount of illegals there that something had to be done and i believe there law was a good countermeasure.
- Chris Donnelly
It’s hard to say what the United States should do next with immigration, but something should definitely change. The camera/sensor system did work as well as it should have, and illegal immigrants from Mexico still cross the border with ease. Also, only 10% of them get stopped and that needs to change. I think we should strengthen border control and even put a limit on the number of legal immigrants that come into this country each year, and possibly implement the same law as Arizona in other states close to the border. That way we can minimize the number of immigrants coming into the country each year.
Immigration is a lose lose topic. When allowing legal immigration you add new and productive members to society. But you leave out the majority that wants to belong to
America. Some people may be over qualified to enter the United States but are simply not allowed do to quotas and the country that they currently reside in.
THe idea of disallowing immigration completely is an even worse idea in my opinion. The reasons for disallowing immigration would be because they overly expand the country and it allows no chance for current citizens to work jobs they wanna work.
My only solution to immigration would be to somehow identify illegal immigrants in a better. non racist way and to punish them heavily. IF you simply deport someone and the come over the next day, what job has the border patrol done? If you attempt to end illegal immigration, either go 100 % or not at all.
Good luck Mr. Krby
Immigration is problem that is overshadowed by more immediate problems like health and war. It no secret that we have a immigration problem and our best attempts to eliminate them are less effective than fear in the economy. Whatever happens happens with immigration. Life, the Universe and all have a very strange way of balancing them in the final. For each proton is an electron. Immigrants who come again, smaller jobs, the immigrant less come. These migrant workers replace existing U.S. workers, but change is inevitable, as a train approached a vehicle parked on the railroad tracks. In 200 years nobody remember this as a problem. Irish workers, Italian and German is the most predominant is only one page in a history book. I'm not saying we should not try, picket all you want. But if the change you want to happen will happen. The United States could fall into poor and disorder and Soylent Green crackers may be the life blood of all (yes, a pun) and our descendants reads about us as a myth, a story is not something to treated like a fool, the AP exam on Friday. We look back at events like the Cuban missile crisis in Cuba and the Second World War in the same way that the future looks back on us. The Roman Empire lasted 500 years, the United States is less than 200 years, we seem to have been there forever. It is one of the natural laws of the universe, that nothing lasts forever. The least to fight against change, less painful. What happens to the United States that makes it unique from all countries of the world is that our culture comes without the help of all other cultures. Foreigners can say that America has no culture, but our culture is a lot of mixed cultures. There is a reason why, in our Constitution, there is a clause that prohibits a national language and a national religion. All immigrants to be ourselves means we have no right to judge immigrants now. My problem today is that immigrants do not go through the proper channels. I welcome immigrants because it is not good for the economy and everyone deserves life, liberty and the pursuit, but because that's how evolution works and I was damned if I go against natural law. I'm also in software design as a career until my job, probably not be outsourced anytime soon, so I have nothing to worry about.
I think America needs to become stricter with its immigration laws. The amount of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year should be further limited to maybe 400,000 a year. This will allow many people the opportunity to come live in America, but it will also give us a limit on population additions. The border should also be strengthened ten-fold; even if it takes electric fences, dogs, taller walls, more guards, or higher security technology, whatever it takes to minimalize the influx of illegal immigrants. They are not welcome in this country. If people want to live in our country they must go about it legally like all of the other immigrants, my family, and many other families did before them. We are on the right track for immigration restrictions, however, they need to be strengthened and enforced much more than they are now. If illegal immigrants do make it past the border they should be immediately deported. If it is a third offense a more serious punishment must be given, such as a number of years in prison before being deported. The years of incarceration will increase with the number of offences.
Personally, I believe our rules for immigration should be more supported. In order to deal with this, I think we should definitely increase border security. Although some techniques of border security have been highly expensive due to the advanced equipment, it is difficult to use this highly effective equipment over a large area. I feel that the U.S. should focus on less expensive tactics that cover more area but are still effective.
Ryan Hobson
Immigration is a difficult topic to address. I think that all illegal immigrants should be blocked out and only a certain amount of legal immigrants should be accepted into the country each year. This way, the population can be regulated so that social programs and resources will not be under too much stress with the rapidly increasing population.
I also think that it is not fair for people who want citizenship in the United States to go through rigorous steps to become a citizen and illegals just walk in without having to do any of that stuff and spend the money. I would think that immigrants who are actually doing the right thing to earn their citizenship would be pretty mad about all the people who don't go through the same thing.
All Americans should be asked to show proof of citizenship. As for the "racial profiling" issue with randomly checking for citizenship, why should you care if you have your citizenship? As long as you are an American citizen, your not doing anything wrong anyways.
In order to get the issue of illegal immigration addressed, the U.S. needs to crack down on illegal immigrants and try to block more of them out at the borders, even though it is impossible to keep all of them out. Those who are convicted in the U.S of illegal immigration should be deported to their country of origin immediately, with no trial. They know the consequences, they don't need a trial. They are not U.S. citizens so they aren't even under the Constitution, so they have no rights in the United States.
The topic of immigration has so many different pros and cons. Some people are for it while others are totally against it. In one video we watched I learned that some people are for immigration. They believe they are positive to our country because they are hard workers, and they contribute a lot of money to social security and taxes. Some people want immigration because of religious reasons. On the other hand there are people that are against immigration. They feel that it is ruining our country. With immigrants coming into this country they believe that it makes this country unsafe. They feel the threat level or terrorism goes up with increase immigration. Another reason people are against immigration is because immigrants will work for much lower wages then actual US citizens. This means that they take away many jobs from American citizens. In another video we saw, it should how that immigration has caused for an extreme increase in population. This means many of our natural resources are being and used and eventually we may just not have enough. Allowing immigration is over populating our country and by allowing them our economy isn’t getting better.
I feel that we need to completely stop immigration. Immigration doesn’t seem to be helping our country and if anything it is unfair to those citizens that were born in this country. Americans jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants that will work for less. We need to check peoples citizenship and if they are illegal immigrants we need to send them back to their country. We also need stricter border control so that we don’t get more immigrants. I feel that stopping immigration is the best for our country. We already have a high population we don’t need more to destroy our country.
The topic of immigration in regards to the United States is double-sided and extremely opinionated. Ideas range from positive to negative and everything in between. However, most believe that stronger attempts at changing the current system we have now need to be put into action. Some are believers that immigrants will continue to help better the economy, but others, like myself, have a different view on things.
Immigrants coming into the country are lessening chances of success of those who are citizens. Less job opportunities are becoming readily available for Americans on the search of one. This is the main reason I feel as though the government needs to take into concern something of such high risk to current citizens. Action needs to be taken as far as setting up maximum security to ensure lessened flow of illegal immigrants. As far as this security goes, taller, longer, and stronger walls needs to be set up. Security cameras and guards should surround them at all times for extra insurance.
The issue of immigration is one that is widely discussed and debated in the US. Many people believe that the immigration laws should be made more strict and others feel they should stay how they are. Both sides have very valid points.
I feel that the rules should be changed to let only a certain number of immigrants in per year. Immigrants should be allowed into the United States as long as the number coming in is limited. We need to cap the number of people entering the US because we will soon reach a population that our country can not handle. With all these immigrants there is a demand for things such as schools, roads and jobs. It is difficult to provide everything needed for the number of people as it, let alone millions of more people. Although it would be tough to stop illegal immigrants from entering and increasing the population it needs to be done. To keep them from coming on to US soil I think that we should increase the border patrol. This will help catch people trying to enter the United States illegal. Too many immigrants would be bad for the country but if we let in a set number we can actually benefit from having them here. They provide a lot of jobs for low wages and work very hard. They have helped our country earn a lot of money. So as long as we limit the number of people immigrating to the US we will be fine.
It is hard to say how the U.S should deal with the issue of immigration, but a change definitely has to be made. As shown in the video, the billion dollars spent on new equipment on the boarder have proven unsuccessful, with immigrants still crossing the border at steady rates. But many people also agree that the immigrants are positive additions to our country because they are hard workers and willing to work for little wages. So it is a difficult topic to determine, what the country should do. I think instead of spending billions on ineffective equipment on the border, that they should instead hire more men and women to guard it, and give stricter enforcement for when they are found in the country, instead of just sending them back so they can re-enter again.
Immigration is a pretty hard issue to discuss. Both of my parents immigrated here from China and most of my extended family are immigrants here in this country. I do believe that America should allow only a certain amount of immigrants a year and they should select carefully, like do a background check on people applying. Then once they are legalized I believe that they should be kept under watch, like check on them from time to time to see what they are doing.
As for the Border immigration issue, I don't think US should legalize all Mexicans that are already in the US because that will just encourage more Mexicans to cross the border. Also America should find a way to tighten border security.
I don't think immigrants cause a problem in the US. People against immigration should think about this, Many of the "Americans" are descendants of people who once immigrated here. Also foreigners bring knowledge that many Americans may not have. No matter how we look at it immigrants have made an impact on american history so why should we stop them from contributing to our history?
I think that the US should keep the immigration the way it is now because there are a lot of people from over the boarder, but they are taking the types of jobs that are open and if the jobs that they are taking are so important to the people who are living here now, then why haven't they been taken yet? The immigrants are people too and they are just trying to live their own lives and trying to fend for their families. Everyone wants to earn money and i think that they should have the chance to work here if they want to, but they still have to check in and become a citizen and they have to pay everything like we do. Everyone has a different opinion and it is really hard to pick sides so the chance of this ever coming to an end is slight.
The immigration problem does not have any easy solution. If it did, we wouldn't have such a crisis in the first place. What it all seems to boil down to is equality. Legal immigrants wait in line and do all that is right in order to gain access to our country. Whereas illegal immigrants are able to gain entry by bypassing all legal avenues. As a result there is a disparity between legal US citizen and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are not covered in the census and are thus unable to be monitored, but how much danger do they cause? In actually they are contributing to the wealth of social security as stated in the reading. In this aspect it is possible to see a stance where people may be more moderate towards illegal immigration.
The main problem that arises is the staggering growth of the US population. Without being able to accurately measure the size of our country we can not even begin to provide care to them all. Therefor illegal immigration must be curbed. Boeing had taken a step in the right direction with the virtual wall but it was a failure. The use of satellite surveillance and predator drones would be perfect for patroling the borders. A satellite could pan many miles of border at a time and could ping the location of illegals. Predator drones saw great use during the Afghanistan War and are ideal for tracking people on foot. By bolstering the border patrol with the national guard we would have a sizable force to track the illegals pinged by satellite and predator drone. From a tactical perspective I find this very effective and by using high technology and tightening security we may curb illegal numbers over a period of time as they see that security has dramatically tightened.
Immigration is one of the few issues I identify with conservatives in the United States. I believe the current system to be quite inefficient and frankly, a joke. The ideal (foolish) viewpoint that liberals would present is that this is the earth and countries are just the land of the Earth carved up and that in the spirit of goodwill to the illegal immigrants, they should all be legalized and enfranchised. Some, like Larry Craig, present the view that immigrants built this country and that the majority of Americans are descended from the first illegal immigrants to the land that is now known as the United States of America. Yes, they pay $1800 more in taxes than the government spends on them, and yes, they paid and continue to pay around 500 billion dollars in Social Security Taxes to the government without receiving any benefits of the program themselves. But to wish to either "loosen up" on them or legalize them is wrong. Many families, such as mine, came legally, paid our taxes for decade(s), have done community service and have repaid America for the right to stay here and have earned the right to citizenship. People who are born here are (except for the illegal immigrants) are automatically proclaimed citizens because their ancestors contributed to making this country the greatest in the modern world. However, we should not enfranchise or legalize illegal immigrants. First of all, they are citizens of different countries, predominately citizens of los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Making them citizens in one move would, in effect, incorporate close to 10-15 million citizens of another country into the base of citizens in ours. This is unacceptable. Legal immigration numbers should be lowered to less than 100,000 people a year to stabilize the country's population growth, people on K1 visas should be allowed to stay until they are of no use to their respective businesses, and any and all children of illegal immigrants should not gain their citizenship unless they have gone through the correct legal procedures. Children of legal immigrants, however, with the exception of those people in the US on tourist visas, should also be given citizenship status. A virtual shield should be installed along the border with Mexico, and it should kill any that attempt to cross it. Furthermore, the Arizona Immigration Law signed by the Honorable Jan Brewer should be implimented in all states in America, with the exception of those, such as Idaho, that mainly rely on illegal aliens for the agriculture sector. Lastly, any citizens of Mexico who are found attempting to cross the border should be shot or arrested by the US Border Patrol.
Personally I think that the U.S. should limit the number of immigrants. However, I don't think that we should get rid of immigration completely, because I do agree with the fact that migrant workers help our economy since they sustain the countries working force. It was pretty surprising seeing the graphs that were shown comparing the population of the United states and then what the population will be if the unlimited amount of immigrants continue to be allowed into the States. After seeing those statistics, I was defiantly convinced that something needs to be done about immigration because otherwise too much of a burden will be placed on our social services, and will have a negative effect on all the other citizens. Also, while each immigrant pays approximately $1,800 more in taxes than they cost the government, the states would have to start building new infrastructure, like schools, where the cost to build and run them is a huge price tag, so probably at the end of the day, the crazy amount of immigrants does not benefit America in a positive way. Therefore, I believe that if we limit the amount of immigrants we will still benefit from the ones that still come in and pay taxes, but also not overload our social services and other programs with a surplus population that the economy cant handle.
The issue of immigration in the U.S is a very difficult topic. From watching the video on Roy Beck (I was not here for the second one) I find that immigration causes a lot of strain on our resources. Although immigration provides our workforce with willing and flexible workers it also adds increasing numbers to an environment that may struggle to provide for the beings inhabiting it. As we allow great numbers into our country the U.S is required to expand developed areas and to crown more people into cities and towns. It is important not to overuse our resources and protect the environment around us. I feel we should limit the amount of those who are allowed into our country and I feel that at least one parent must be a citizen of the United States for the child to be considered a citizen. I feel that those who are using the "born on U.S land means a child is a citizen" are simply finding a way around immigration laws. I do feel we need to help poorer nations, but I do not believe immigration is the solutions. We would have to develop the third world country within its border to create a larger affect. By using immirgation as a way to help those in need is simply covering up the issue. We need to attack the problems faced by many countries within its boundaries and our efforts will have a longer affect and will help those in the future. I feel by limiting legal immigration we can help protect our needed natural resources and allow Americans in need to provide for their families. We need to fix within America as well and attention should be paid to those Americans in poverty and less on allowing immigrants into our country. Like the video said, I am pro-immigrant, but I do feel we need to decrease the numbers because of our environment. I also feel that the border needs to gain more attention to help limit those who enter the country illegally. A change I would make would to add a greater restriction of those allowed in the country in the quota to help balance the amount of immigrants who enter our country.
immigration is a tricky topic, people have their different views. i believe that immigration laws need to be more severe. i think there needs to be more border patrol agents to guard our country.there is million and millions of illegal immigrants here today and America is making it to easy for them to take advantage of our country.i think the government should enforce stricter laws that way if the immigrant gets caught he wont do it again or maybe people will think twice about it. our country is huge and a vast number of illegal have boomed in the past few years and according that the guy in the video clip immigration has double and at this rate the u.s. could become to crowded and we could potentially use up our natural resources.
The last few days I have been thinking of the topic immigration. I cant decided whether immigration is good or bad. Both groups made valid points. It is almost pointless for us to help because there are so many poeple that the few we actually let come into the United States doesnt make a big impact in the problems ofjob loss. Also with the uncontroled rate are we going to be able to make enough resources for that many people in the world. They predicted the population and its been accurate and if what they say will happen our resources will be used up and we will not be able to support that many peeople expecially the way the economy is right now. So i think illigal immigrations is bad there should be a controled amount of people coming to the U.S. we should build up the border and protect it from illegal drug trafficing abd border crossings.
Nate Ivey
I have mixed feelings regarding the United States' policy on immmigration. I certainly do not believe that an open door policy is the best for the nation, nor do I think that the United States should largely decrease the amounts of legal immigrants that are allowed into the U.S. An open door policy would without a doubt create severe problems for the United States, especially in the states along the boarder with Mexico. If anyone were allowed to enter and leave the United States as they please, it would make it significantly easier for crime, such as the drug cartels, to spread into the United States. We would inveitably inherit the issues that are currently causing the Mexican government great hardships. An open door policy would also allow way too many people to enter the country, taking away jobs and resources from U.S. citizens. I do not believe that closing the boarders or cutting down the number of legal immmigrants allowed in would help either. The country needs skilled workers from other countries to keep our businesses running and competing with foreign industry.
In my opinion, the problem is not with legal immigration. The problem lies with the illegal immigrants that are easily crossing the boarders every day. I am not sure whether or not the racial profiling that the new law in Arizona is justified or Constitutional, however certain measures must be taken to stop illegal immigration. Whether the fence be real or virtual, the U.S. government must improve boarder security.
jochai mor
immigration is a very difficult topic to discuss about because it has many sides to it that have good points to them as well. for instens people for them would say that they are hard workers and get there job done and contribute lot of money to are society. and you also have people for them because of the religious reasons.
on the other hand you have people who are completely against the immigration. they dont like the fact that people from other countries are secretly coming into are country. this makes sense because of all the terrorism and terrorist around this world now a days. and with out stopping these people we have a high risk of letting people in are country come in who we really dont want and need. people dont like the fact that we have immigrants in are country because they live in this country with out paying any taxes while the rest of us work hard for what we get. these people get jobs which means they are taking jobs opportunities from real Americans.
i feel that we must stop the illegal immigrants from coming into are countries. they dont do any good to us. we must start being a strong country and stand up and block the boarders.
Immigration is a serious issue in our country and i feel that we need to do our best to stop it. Drug cartels and terrorism are results of illegal immigration as well as the fact that thousands of american citizens are getting jobs taken away from them because illegal immigrants will work for cheaper. This is definitely not fair. We need to have serious consequences for immigrants caught, and we need stricter surveillance to catch the 90% of illegal immigrants we are missing. This can be done by make increasing border security and advancing our technology.
Immigration is an extremely controversial issue, and one that is all over the news today. The U.S. needs to make some major changes to their policies on immigration. I agree with the McCain Kennedy bill almost to the letter. I think it is fair and the “road to citizenship” is a great idea. I think that employers who are hiring migrant workers illegally should be finned if they are found. People are against the idea of immigration because of the loss of jobs; they don’t want to loose a position to an illegal when an American citizen could be their working.
I personally have no problem with immigration, they do the jobs that need to be done that no American wants to do. They tend our crops and pick our food. With out some sort of labor workers America would not thrive and the price of goods would be significantly higher. As long as they do not start problems, there is no harm in immigrants working in America.
I find myself torn when listening to the debate surrounding immigration policy in the United States. As an American citizen, I understand the plight of the American people. As the daughter of an immigrant family, however, I can’t help but sympathize with the millions of immigrants, illegal and legal, who flock to the States in the search of better jobs and brighter futures.
Immigrant families contribute immensely to the economic and social fabric of the United States. But do their positive contributions outweigh the fact that non-immigrant citizens are having trouble finding jobs in part due to the jobs occupied by immigrants. What about the fact that down the road, the U.S. population will not be able to be sustained by U.S. soil if the current flood of immigrants continue? Do the immigrants who flock to America truly find better lives? Where do we draw the line?
I think the American government should make a greater effort to help nations from which the vast majority of immigrants come from. If we help the Mexican government help their own citizens, they will feel less inclined to come to the states. Although it hurts me to suggest this, I would also lower the allowed number of immigrants per year. If the United States does not control and protect its resources, we will not be able to help the rest of the world in coming generations. Higher troop deployment is also needed at the border. If people desire to come to the States, they certainly need to go about it legally.
I feel that immigration is extremely important to the United States, and is precisely what shapes American culture as we know it. My mom is only a naturalized citizen, having come from the Philippines only a couple decades ago. So for me, I feel that the option of immigrating here is vital to many people and should be available to anyone who wants to come.
To combat excessive waves of people or dangerous people, standard immigration practices would need to be improved for better security.
The real problem, lies not with the immigrants, but with the drug war taking place on the United States/Mexico border. This is essentially the root of the problems that involve immigrants from Mexico, and unfortunately garner the most attention from the media.
In short, I think that immigrants are necessary to the success of the country, and it is the dangers that can be smuggled into the country that we need to be more concerned about.
The issue of immigration is an especially difficult one to argue, because it contains two sides, which can both be well supported and defended. However, as an immigrant, I believe the the United States should not restricted immigration. One major argument for this is that on average, immigrants contribute money into the US government thorough taxes. Many immigrants also work as hard as Americans if not harder and still get paid less without complaint. If Americans choose to blame their failure to find or keep a job, perhaps they should consider working harder.
Illegal immigration is another story. Although I support immigration, I believe the United States needs to come up with a more efficient way to deal with illegal immigrants. In the video, it showed that immigrants from Mexico were merely caught and sent back to Mexico with no forms of punishment. this is extremely uneffective because the same people could try to cross the border the next week and once people finding out that the punishment is merely sending them back to their home country, more people will attempt to illegally enter the United States. I do not support a point and shoot policy however I do believe we need to establish some sort of punishment that would be more effective.
Emma Velcofsky
The United States government needs to become more organized with concern to immigration. A terrorist could easily enter the country from Mexico, so this should be treated with seriousness. I believe the U.S should have more troops guarding the border. These guards would remain until the virtual wall is perfected. It makes the most sense to use technology to monitor the border as opposed to a huge number of guards. Also there should be a way to punish those who are caught trying to enter the country. I am not sure if we have the authority to do this so it would be smart to work out a deal with the Mexican government. We could hand over invaders for them to imprison. Also we need to allow less legal immigrants into the country. Some argue that we need their intelligence and ability to contribute to the work force. To ensure we are only acquiring the best workers immigrants should have to apply for citizenship, in which their potential to help the work force and the nation overall would be considered.
Based on what I have seen in the videos, I would argue that the amount of immigrants let into the country should be lowered. Although they may contribute to our jobs, they are also taking away those job opportunities from Americans because many are willing to work for less. The video brought up the point that for everyone 1 million people we let into the country every year, there will be another 80 million put back into the world. We can keep trying to "save" and help impoverished nations, but I think the best way we can do that is by fixing the problem in their own country, not by bringing them all here. Sooner or later, according to the Census in the video, the population of the US will reach 400 million with more immigrants than natural born American citizens. There will come a point in time where this country will no longer be able to hold that many people living in it, and problems will arise from that. So, for now I believe the best thing to do is limit the amount of immigrants allowed into the country every year even more than it has been.
The issue of immigration is not an easy one to solve. Many people are terrified that the ever menacing “other” will overpopulate our country and steal our jobs, and feel that immigrants, both legal and illegal, should be deported and kept out at all costs. However, while we do have a problem with illegal immigration, I do not believe that that is the solution. There is a need for increased border security – as of now it is far too easy for illegal immigrants to cross the Mexican borders. However, no matter how much we increase our border security, illegal immigrants will inevitably find a way to smuggle themselves into the country.
I would also strongly advise against enforcing stricter immigration quotas. Some would argue that at the rate immigrants are coming into our country, we need to limit immigration in order to maintain our infrastructure and our economy. Unfortunately, this viewpoint overlooks the fact that stricter quotas would simply worsen the problem of illegal immigration – if foreign workers can’t immigrate here legally, they will find other means. Also, immigrants, both legal and illegal, do play an important economic role. Agricultural areas of this nation simply need the inexpensive labor that immigration brings – Americans do not want to work in agricultural fields for minimum wage. Also, illegal immigrants actually contribute money to our country, providing billions of dollars in unclaimed social security.
Thus, I do not think that trying to eliminate or limit immigration is either feasible or advisable. Instead, I believe that we should make the immigration process easier – a reason so many people immigrate illegally is that they cannot wait the months and years it sometimes takes to legally gain residence in the United States. I also believe that we should instate some sort of guest worker program in order to better monitor the people who cross our borders. Unfortunately, as the debacle with the 2005 House and Senate immigration bills showed, it is unlikely that our government will agree on such measures.
Instating such measures, however, will still not mend the fact that immigrants do pose worrying additions to our population, additions that will probably eventually pose an economic burden. The only true answer to that problem is to eliminate the root cause of the massive immigration that is occurring – to invest in the economic and political growth and stability of the developing countries that so many immigrants originate from. When citizens of these nations can find employment and safety in their own countries, the driving force behind immigration to the U.S. will be greatly reduced.
Immigration is a problem with no definite solution and both sides of the debate have their strong points. Immigrants contribute to the US economy in many ways. Their labor in agriculture for less than minimum wage and money back to social security is only beneficial to the US. However, I believe that the number of immigrates should be monitored and controlled. With the amount flooding the country now, the US will be severely over populated by 2050. Allowing the one million immigrants from third world countries may seem like a helping hand but in reality it doesn’t little to help them and more to harm us. I think that the number of illegal immigrants should be taken more seriously by border control. There should be consequences for those who attempt to enter the country illegally because we can not simply say that everyone is coming to the US for the American dream and to make money for their family. I agree that the “catch and release” policy should end but giving out court dates is no definite consequence. With merely 10% of immigrants caught, with the technology we have today it should not be a problem to catch the other 90%. We look at people entering our country as terrorists and when it comes to illegal immigration we should protect our country the same way.
There are many key points for each opposing side of the immigration issue and there is no easy way to solve this issue. Based on the video that we watched in class, I believe that the United States should be stricter with the amount of immigrants that we allow into our country each year. Although immigrants do bring more money into the United States market than they take out, the rapid amount of immigrants, both legal and illegal, is causing difficulties for people born in the United States. Some changes that I would make to the current US policy would be to have a limit on the amount of legal immigrants allowed each year, about 350,000. Also I would tighten how strict we are we illegal immigrants coming in from Mexico and other less developed countries. For illegal immigrants are majorly migrant workers who take jobs away from Americans, for they are willing to work for a cheaper price. The same goes for legal immigrants who come here to work for a cheaper price and thus take away employment opportunities. While it is good to have foreign experience, I feel that we should leave more opportunities for Americans to find jobs.
I think that the United States should let immigration remain the way it is now because there are many people that immigrate from all over the world, but they are taking the types of jobs that are available. If the jobs that they are taking are so important to the people who are living here now, then we should put forth more effort to get these jobs. The immigrants are people just trying to live their own lives and trying to fend for their families and work hard in the States. Everyone wants to earn money and i think that they should have the chance to work here if they want to. They should still have to check in and become a citizen and they should have to pay everything like we do. Everyone has a different opinion and it is really hard to pick sides so the chance of this ever coming to an end is slim to none.
My parents are also immigrants so I'm pro-immigrant. I feel that over the history of America, it is the key thing that makes us so diverse and so different from other countries. In fact, I hope that it would be easier for most countries to naturalize and become a U.S. citizen. It took years for my parents to become citizens and my cousins are depending on work visas to stay here. And it's especially hard when they have been living here so long, and suddenly a setback or obstacle comes, and they're back where they started. Also there is no doubt that an easier naturalization process would improve our economy with the aquisition of more workers.
As for illegal immigrants, I am strongly against it. For me, it's the fact that it promotes abuse and exploitation of employees by businesses. Sure, by working here illegally they have contributed a healthy sum of taxes which go towards many important funds like social security (as mentioned by the speaker who supported immigration). However, the reason why most workers continue to break through our protected and unprotected borders is simply because they can get a job, especially if they're willing to break their back for a meager wage. This pushes jobs away from U.S. citizens who have also applied for the job fair and square with the same skills, only a slightly higher request. And not only that, since the workers are undocumented, companies believe that they can abuse their workers and force them to work excruciatingly long hours each day and doing very reptitive work. And all this becomes a vicious cycle - once the companies start committing to these acts, it doesn't stop, and it's hard to stop. Sure it allows the goods we buy to be so cheap, but I don't believe it should be at the cost of human lives and exploitation. One way to put a stop to this would be putting heavy taxes on companies that hire illegal workers by random searches of any company. And by creating a tigger security at ALL borders with a follow-up of those that enter the border and have over-stayed their welcome.
I think that the ideal way to solve the immigration problem is to relax the quota and criteria for immigrants entering the country. Immigrants are hard workers and contribute a great deal of money to Social Security and other welfare programs. The problem is that illegal immigrants are not counted in censuses, and so states do not get adequate funding for illegal immigrants. If more immigrants were to enter legally, this issue would be much less of a factor. I do not believe the immigration crackdown is the way to solve the issue. As it said in the video, border patrol can only stop so many immigrants, and often the immigrants will keep trying until they pass the border. It is also important to remember that the great majority of Americans are descendants of immigrants. It feels hypocritical to crack down on immigration with this fact in mind.
Immigration in all of its forms is becoming a huge problem in this country. The number of illegal immigrants is increasing rapidly beyond our control with little done to stop it. Legal immigration is also getting out of control as we are taking in more immigrants than we can handle.
As far as illegal immigration goes our policies and practices are not doing enough. We first need to secure our border. This can be done by building a sturdy wall that will keep people out. We also need to increase border patrol agents dramatically so that they can actually patrol the entire border. They should also be able to impose stricter punishments and use more effective capture methods on those who attempt to cross the border. Riot control weapons like tasers, night sticks, and high pressure hoses should be used to beat immigrants back. For immigrants who are out of range of these weapons long range tranquilizer guns should be used. Once we secure the border we need to work on getting illegals back where they belong. The main way to do this is to enforce the laws about illegals getting jobs. There are already laws that should prevent illegals from getting jobs so what we must do is require that businesses show proof of citizenship for its employees and fine them if they cannot.
As far as legal immigration goes we cannot support the number of immigrants coming into the country. We must bring the levels of immigrants back down to what they were in the 40s and 50s.
I think i order to solve the trouble with Mexico we need to annex it as a state (AS SOON AS THE DRUG WAR IS OVER). I have a hard time believing Mexicans do not want to collaberate with Americans. Otherwse why else would they risk leaving their families children and homes? Imagine that 1 billion dollar tower and future investments to protect this country from illegals could be saved if we just automaticlly made them leagl.
The US is at a crossroads at this point in time as to how to deal with the issue of immigration. One side of the spectrum advocates for more stringent control of the border and harsher punishments for illegal immigrants while the opposing side advocates for still stringent control of the border but "slap on the wrist" punishments for illegals, and most on this side of the argument believe that those illegals that are here already should be made citizens.
I believe that the US is not taking a hard enough stance on this issue. We need to protect our border much more than we currently are. It is much to easy for people to cross the border, and at this point in our history where terrorism is a major threat to our nation, we can not allow 90% of whoever tries to cross our border to be successful. If I were to advise the government I would tell them that although the latest foray into using technology to protect our border was not a great success...we can not just throw away all the experience we were able to gather with it. We must continue to use technology as a tool to defend our border because 2,000 miles is a lot of land to monitor using just people and it would be very costly to build a wall down that entire length.
The fact that we have over 11 million illegals in the country at this point just goes to show how ineffective our current border control is. Also, from viewing the video it seems that even one-legged people on crutches can stroll right across the border. We need to toughen our border security. Now.
Immigration is a widely spread issue throughout the US.i think we should make is completely illegal to come through the boardersof the US, and we should strictly enforce this law. we should have more security and bring in the army to keep these people out. we should do this because the number of immigrants is going to greatly increase and they are taking jobs fromamerican people. they are able to illegally live here easily and not getin trouble. these laws should be enforced more. overall, immigrants should have less rights here and not be ableto have the benefits of the us.
being a little white girl, living in Cheshire Connecticut, my only contact and relative concern with immigrants is at my little hostessing job at a local restaurant. so the highly controversial subject is hard for me to comment on. i could rant and rave about how (possibly) illegal immigrants take American jobs and mutter on about how much i pay in taxes, but I'd rather not pretend to care. when forced to think upon this subject, the only reasonable, and the only non-melodramatic solution i agree with is to legalize these illegal citizens.
if i had to make changes to the US policy, I'd make it of extreme ease when immigrating to this country, or the polar opposite, making it even harder. because clearly, our jail time and meaningless punishments aren't enough to yield oncoming immigrants or stop the (so-called) violence, drug and other various illegal problems that a mere 2% of them coincide with (also considering the terrorists/intended terrorists that enter through the borders).
maybe its my feeble minded attempt at a solution, but would you rather i simply state "build a better wall and heavily guard it"? because that's my only other response to a subject in which I'm very mildly subjected to.
Some people find that immigration is a positive for our country,because the immigrants are hardworking people who are willing to get the jobs done. Others think that immigration is a negative thing because it has caused an extreme increase in population.There aren't even enough jobs for the Americans, never mind having immigrants come and take all the jobs. By preventing immigrants from crossing the border the government should have more security by positioning more guards at the fences.By doing this they would be able to catch more immigrants from coming over. They have already spent an enormous amount of money on high-tech security cameras but while watching the video surveillance they cant do anything while there crossing the border because there is no border control there. However, I do believe in people coming over to better there lives, but the country is already very populated. Therefore I believe they should make security a lot tighter.
I believe the US should deal with the issue of immigration mainly by increasing the number of people guarding the border and decreasing the amount of money we spend on cameras and sensors and other technology. The virtual fence and other detectors do help spot immigrants trying to illegally come into the US, but it is the men and women on border patrol who actually stop these people and make the difference. Each guard on border patrol currently has about 2 miles to protect and make sure no immigrants pass on. This is a lot of land to cover with just one man, so increasing our force on the border will decrease the amount of land each one has to cover, therefore making the system more effective. Regarding the video we watched in class, I feel that patting down land to make more drivable areas would be very beneficial. Although they may be loud, RV's and trucks are faster and more efficient than traveling on foot and safer than being out in the open with immigrants who may be armed.
Immigration is a hard subject to discuss because many people have very different views opinions on it. Some feel that immigration hurts our country because of terrorism and the dangerous people that may enter and that it increased our already high population. Others believe that immigrants are hard-working and only want to come to the United States for the hope of a better life.
I am slightly torn with my opinion on immigration. Because my mother and her family came to this country from Cuba to get away from the Castro regime, I feel that any person should be allowed this oppertunity. Everyone should get the chance to immigrate to this country for a better life and to experience freedom. However, I believe that the US should monitor more closely those that do cross the border. We need to set up better border control so that we avoid the situation of a dangerous person who is a possible threat to our country of coming in. I don't think it is a good idea to waste any more money on high-tec fences or any kind of equipment that is not beneficial. There should be more border patrol members at the border to search and catch those who are dangerous to our country.
I believe that the us should try and secure more of the border. After watching the videos on immigration, I feel that it is way to easy to sneak across the border, especially when the show a man on krutches doing it. I feel that if we secure our borders with high tech sensors and build stronger and more durible walls then we will have a better chance of stopping illegal immigrants into our country. Immigration is bad because it is over populating the United States and there has to be an end to it.
How should the US deal with the issue of immigration? What changes would you make to US policy and why? Be sure to use specific evidence from the articles and video clips in support of your answer.
I believe the U.S. should not let in anymore immigrants especially from mexico. As much as people like to think they diversify our country, and it's the american way, the truth is clear: based on the videos we've watched and the class discussions, taking in immigrants doesn't save 3rd world countries, and all they do is take jobs. Granted the jobs they take are very back breaking manual labor, those jobs could be going to americans who need them in this bad economy.
Taking in immigrants will cause a massive population spike in the near future- as soon as the year 2030. because if this spike the economy could worsen even more. Good thing the world is gonna end in 2012.
Illegal immigrants are worse, since they got here for free and they work for much lower wages and don't pay taxes. By doing all those things, they overpopulate our country, and don't contribute any money into the market.
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