In class, we have discussed the ongoing war in Afghanistan. We have observed that there is no easy way to "fix" the problems of the Afghan people, even though the original goal of displacing the Taliban regime has been reached. The United States military is now fighting a new war against Taliban insurgents, many of whom have found safety and aid in Pakistan, a well-paid "ally" of the U.S.
Briefly explain how you would deal with the war in Afghanistan, and why. Would you abandon the region? Would you increase the size and scope of the conflict? How would you address Pakistan?
Due Monday 10/18
Paige Deprey.
If I had to deal with the war in Afghanistan, I wouldn't even want to be there. After seeing and hearing what people have to go through I think I wouldn't even want to be near it. I would abandon the region because it isn't a good place to be. There is a lot of people there that don't care who you are and will do anything to hurt you. I think if we just stopped doing the war, everything will become better. But other people think different. I would also increase the size of the conflict. I think that the more that we do, the worse the issue becomes.
I would deal with the war in Afghanistan by sending more American troops. In order to get more troops we would guarantee the illegal immigrants and their immediate family living in the U.S. citizenship if they are in the military for 3 years. Afghanistan needs our help to build a strong democratic government. That will take time and if we leave Afghanistan now then this war would have just been a huge waste of time and money because things will go right back to how they were before. I would make a deal with Pakistan agreeing that the U.S. will continue to give them money as long as they will not use their nuclear weapons and they will stay out of the conflict in Afghanistan.
The war in Afghanistan is a hopeless cause. Right now, the U.S. is wasting its troops and its resources in that region because they are not even effectively doing anything, only being killed off little by little by the Taliban insurgents. The only way we could possibly end this war is to send in mass troops to completely stop them (which we would never do) or withdraw from the war altogether. To make this decision is very difficult, because on one hand, I’m against having to draft even more men (some who have their futures planned out already) and send them into a dangerous line of fire. But on the other hand, withdraw would signify that we give up and that might give the Taliban more motivation and reason to launch more destructive terrorist attacks. Thinking it through however, I think the best method would be to withdraw completely and instead, spend money increasing security or just guard the borders of that region so that they can monitor who leaves that area. I chose this method because I think that even if we were able to squash the Taliban, who’s to say they won’t just spring up again after a few generations. The U.S. would have to constantly be occupying that area just to make sure a stable government is set up and that no new uprisings occur. And so far this method has been unsuccessful (Korean war – tried to establish government in south Korea, it was defeated, and the same with the Iraq war).
To deal with the war in Afghanistan, I would probably want to build a government or infrastructure system there so that negotiations could be made. This would allow opportunities for treaties or peaceful means to occur. This could also end the fighting early and get our troops home, because the resolution would come by peaceful means. Everyone would benefit from giving Afghanistan a government system, because it is very disorganized, and in the long run, will negatively effect all countries who might need to deal with Afghanistan in the future if they don't have one. This is how I would deal with the war in Afghanistan.
The war in Afghanistan has been long and only partly successful. The way the war is being fought now will only make it last a lot longer. The U.S has been engaged in this conflict for several years and if the U.S. pulls out now the time and lives would have been wasted. If it takes more soldiers to complete the task at hand for America, then so be it that we increase the amount of military conflict in the middle east. President Obama has sent more troops to Afghanistan in the past year, so pulling them back out in a reasonable time would be worthless. If the U.S. leaves the Middle East now it will only fall back into total control of terrorist groups. If we go all out to secure a clean victory and bring democracy amongst these people of Afghanistan then we will have peace at last and no threat from terror. As for Pakistan it would be best to keep conflict out of that country to avoid any more problems and to keep them our good side.
The war in Afghanistan has been long and only partly successful. The way the war is being fought now will only make it last a lot longer. The U.S has been engaged in this conflict for several years and if the U.S. pulls out now the time and lives would have been wasted. If it takes more soldiers to complete the task at hand for America, then so be it that we increase the amount of military conflict in the middle east. President Obama has sent more troops to Afghanistan in the past year, so pulling them back out in a reasonable time would be worthless. If the U.S. leaves the Middle East now it will only fall back into total control of terrorist groups. If we go all out to secure a clean victory and bring democracy amongst these people of Afghanistan then we will have peace at last and no threat from terror. As for Pakistan it would be best to keep conflict out of that country to avoid any more problems and to keep them our good side.
If i had to decide the choice to abandon Afghanistan i wouldn't. I think that we need to work harder on getting rid of the Taliban, and helping the middle east to have a stronger and safer government. I would send more troops into Afghanistan, to create a stronger defense and have the troops be more aggressive. If we were to leave now, then other countries in the middle east, and even the united states are open to other terrorist attacks, and everything we have put effort into will be for nothing.
Right now the situation in Afghanistan is hopeless. Billions and billions of taxpayer dollars are being poured into a war that we will never win. Although we have achieved our goal of taking the Taliban out of power they along with Al Quada will continue to hide in the Pakistan mountains. Until their "safe haven" is infiltrated we will never have a real chance of being successful. Since they are hiding in the mountains they are playing a defensive war while killing several people a day. The United States military is suffering severe casualties and it doesn't make much sense to continue staying in Afghanistan. However I do not support pulling the troops out because right as we leave the Taliban will regain power again. So my proposal is to talk things out with Pakistan and form an alliance to raid the safe havens. We should initiate a massive operation to search these caves. However this time the Pakistani government will be in support. Because until these safe havens are destroyed the Taliban will always have a presence in Afghanistan. They proved that they can wait us out, stalling the war for over 9 years and counting. They also proved it to the soviets and out waited them. Thus I think that the U.S should go into the safe havens with Pakistani support and have a massive effort to destroy the safe havens.
Amanda Holstein
If the United States military were to completely withdraw from Afghanistan, the Taliban insurgency will create an even larger safe haven from which Al-Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans. So, the importance of staying in Afghanistan would not only be to protect the people but America as a whole. September 11 was a sign of how far the Taliban are willing to go and how they don't have boundaries on how many they kill or how they go about doing it. Staying in Afghanistan will ensure the safety of America if the troops are stronger and larger in the territory. As said earlier, a good way to go about this may be to tell illegal immigrants that they can gain citizenship if they join the military and serve for the country in Afghanistan. Not only will it show the pride that these people have for the country but also provide them with what they want, creating a win-win situation. The only way to solve the problem is to defeat them. By leaving we will just be ensuring a breeding ground for terrorism and no end to the problem. If we defeat them, it will be a sign of how strong we have become and that we do, in fact, keep our promises of securing the area from terrorism over seas and at home as well.
<I am really undecided when it comes to the war in Afghanistan. Obviously I think that it is terrible that innocent civilians are losing their lives. And that everyday, dedicated soldiers are being attacked, wounded, or worse killed. But I think it will be a major mistake to pull out when the end is in sight. Yes, maybe it will be a long time but the end is still within our grasps. To pull out now would mean to give up on everything we have worked towards, and it would mean all those people died for no reason.
But on the other hand, the war in Afghanistan does strike up the question: is it even worth it? In reality America is mainly acting as a force in Afghanistan to keep the Taliban at bay. This only results in the death of many innocent people. The Taliban are almost too passionate about regaining control to beat them.
So I think that we need to stay in the war in Afghanistan, because if we leave now, order will most likely never be restored. But I think we do need to somehow come up with a better strategy to fix things.
In terms of Pakistan, I agree with the article we read in class. Dealing with the Pakistani-Indian relations should be a top priority. Showing that India is not their biggest foe, I believe, will remove the frightened side of the Taliban’s determination. 3
The war in Pakistan has no one no fail plan. But drawing out the troops would be counter progressive because it would allow the Taliban to come back to power which would in another 20years cause this same problem again. Leaving the middle east now would leave it to chaos and destruction its already torn infrastructure has no power to stop the many drug lords, terrorist, militia, and Taliban insurgents that are vying for control. The only course of action is forward. I propose the use of search and destroy tactics to dispose of terrorist and their leaders. We need more troops better funding and a new more proactive approach in Afghanistan. The time for leniency is over we most secure new areas, build infistructure, and hold the area until the government is back in control of their country. However the scope of conflict must also be widened to route and defeat Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Pakistan has allowed the border lands to be occupied far to long by the Taliban and American intervention is necessary if Pakistan does not stand up and support itself. They have the capability to route terrorism but not the want to therefore they also must be “invaded” in order to route terrorism. Only a full and complete decimation of terrorist organizations and the Taliban can cease the many years of conflict that have been suffered in the middle east only the complete desolation of these groups can keep America safe for later generations so this may never happen again.
Therefore all countries capable of not defending themselves from these groups need to be “invaded” to allow for a more peaceful tomorrow free from the fear tactics these groups use to control there means to an end. It is impossible to say how many more troops are needed but the more troops there are the faster this war can end. In the end Pakistan will be unable to deal with its enemies and will be incompetent we can not give them any more money which they waste giving back to the extremists nor can we give them any more weaponry when they have no actual plan to assist us. We must take action we must destroy the border lands and chase the terrorist wherever they go until we find and execute them. That is the best strategy at this time however even it may fail.
If i could decide what the U.S. could get into then i would not want us in Afghanistan. Personally i think that we should go back to isolationism but we would be open for trade and thats it. We wouldn't be getting involved in other countries wars and we could focus on rebuilding the U.S. economy. If i couldn't go with the idea of isolationism then i would send in every man we had. I would institute a draft that made men which would be males that are 18 and older fight for this war. If we concentrate our efforts to win and put everything we had into this "last stand" then we could end this. If that doesn't work return to isolationism.
Our failures in Afghanistan come down to the fact that the entire country is broken at its foundations and the lack of US forces taking action to combat this. The United States must deploy more troops and funds to build the communities of Afghanistan. The US also needs to improve its image in the eyes of the Middle Easterners. To accomplish this, in the short term, food and other necessary supplies are essential to winning over the local population. The most effective community implementation would be building schools. Though this would be challenging, and require much security, education is vital to creating a society that can advance and rebuild itself, and it is something that the people of Afghanistan would truly appreciate.
If these steps are not taken, our presence in Afghanistan and the money that we are pouring in is useless. We will not be able to gain influence over the communities and eradicate the insurgents unless the citizens are in full support of the US’s efforts, and are educated and no longer impoverished so that they do not have to depend on the Taliban. The Taliban have been successful thus far because the local populations are reliant on them and living in fear of them. We must boost our military presence so that the people know that the Taliban are not in control.
Because Afghanistan is in such a disastrous state, things would be exacerbated if the US were to pull out; it is too late for this. Because we have already invested so many troops and money, to completely solve the problem we will have to invest even more; there is no other option if we wish to be successful in the war on terror.
The war in Afghanistan is one that is so complex, it’s hard to determine the right strategy. For me there are a few options. One is that instead of only putting half our energy into the war we should increase the forces and focus our attention on the issue. This force could finally end the conflict because our work so far isn’t accomplishing much. On the other hand this approach would be difficult since our military is already spread thin and many people don’t support us being in Afghanistan. Another is to create a stable government so that Afghanistan can help itself instead of us doing all the work. This would allow our troops to come home. But doing so could appear as us giving up which would only provoke the Taliban. We have spent so much time on this issue that I feel at this point we should see it through or what we have done will be a waste.
In terms of Pakistan I think it is very important that we get their full support. Without their people committed to our cause against the Taliban we will never be able to solve it. There needs to be a stronger government in Pakistan so that the people will not fear India and therefore stop supporting the Taliban. The problems in the Middle East are very complex and therefore we must fix smaller problems to reach the main goal of fighting the Taliban.
Obviously there is no easy solution to the war in Pakistan. However, I believe that the best thing for the US is to continue to strengthen the Pakistani government.
So far the United States' efforts to do so have not brought us any closer to ending our war. However, I think that we should continue and strengthen our efforts and actually bring change to Pakistan.
If this were to happen, it would be possible for our troops to leave Pakistan comfortably knowing that the Taliban insurgents had less control. In addition, our alliance would build since we would have proved to Pakistan that we actually do care about their country.
The US has already succeeded in mostly removing the Taliban-now it's the time to construct something better in its place. Therefore, I believe that the best solution would be to double our efforts in creating a stronger Pakistani government.
Mikayla Golebiewski
I am completely undecided as to what to do in the war in Afghanistan. If we left Afghanistan it could make things so much worse, the Taliban would regain control and kill more innocent family's and even try and attack us. On the other hand if we sent more troops in it could either be a good thing or a bad thing. If we sent more men into Afghanistan we would have a greater chance of building an infrastructure, helping form a government and get rid of the Taliban. Sending more soldiers in could also be a bad thing, it could mean more lives lost and could ultimately end in a lost cause. For those reasons i am undecided as to what to do in the war in Afghanistan.
There are many ways to possibly deal with the war in Afghanistan. If I were put in charge I would propse a radical and unique plan to help bring and end to the conflict in Afhanistan. I would create a separate country of Waziristan in the Pashtun tribal regions where most of the violence and support for the taliban comes from. Having hopefully contained the beligerants and appeased them temporarily, I would have NATO and the UN declare war on this newly formed country that is already by its nature in a war against the US. Having accomplished this I would encircle the country and then commence total war against them. Hopefully destroying any all support for the taliban or al-quaeda any future problems.
The war in Afghanistan is a very difficult decision. The United States government is very much deep in the war by now. We have already sacrificed a lot and have spent both our money and exhausted our troops. However, the current state of matters in the war is that the United States is not as prominent a force as it should be. To be able to win this, we would need to up the number of troops in Afghanistan and maintain influence in the area. Although I am not totally for sending any more of our soldiers to fight, I see it a solution better than the others. Totally pulling back all our troops would waste all our effects, and keeping it how it is now would only slowly kill off the resources we have. So the best choice we have is to increase our forces. We need to also take care of matters in the border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan. This area is a main root of the insurgents that portray to the locals that we are dangerous and a threat to their culture. Because of this, we should find a way to introduce ourselves with a positive image and quickly lessen the power of the Taliban. They are definitely turning the local citizens against us and are posing a huge threat to us. As for Pakistan, they are worried about India gaining influence. We make it clear that we are not about to arm them against India, as that will only make matters worse.
If I had to deal with the war in Afghanistan, I would probably want to create a certain type of government, such as a democracy so that we can show them that it truly works and creates a healthier and more efficient way of governing themselves. I also believe that we need to institute this type of government because if we don't and we leave eventually and take our troops out, I think they will try and attack us once we leave their territory.
Our presence in Afghanistan is both necessary and detrimental. A decade ago it was of vital importance that we assert ourselves in a region that harbored some of the most dangerous and vindictive terrorists in the world. However, we have failed to make any significant headway in altering the conditions within the country itself since we’ve been there; such is the nature of guerrilla warfare. (We “beat” the British in the Revolutionary war because they realized it was no longer economically or logically sound to fight a war against a relentless home team.) While I fear that there may be some negative repercussions, I realize that it is time for the United States to abandon its presence in Afghanistan.
The best way to deal with Pakistan is to openly address the issue of harboring terrorists who are hostile to the United States. If we continue to avoid direct confrontation over this issue, then we will end up wasting millions of dollars and the lives of countless soldiers in the attempt to appease Pakistan by addressing it as an “Afghani issue” (and continuing the “war” in Afghanistan) rather than a Pakistani one.
Nate Howard
I think that we are wasting are time in Afghanistan. We are fighting a war where nothing is happening. we are just wasteing are time there and are troops. I feel like it is not a war we should be in. If we want to win we will have to send in more troops which we do not have. And that may lead to a draft which no one wants. SO we should leave or do something affective without sending in more troops.
While visiting Washington D.C. this past summer I had the chance to talk with a Marine who told me about an Iraqi he encountered who had attempted to detonate a road side bomb. When asked why he constructed the bomb, the Iraqi explained that he had been paid by local terrorists to assemble it. He harbored no ill feelings toward America, but the money he was promised would provide his family with food that they would have otherwise been denied. When poverty becomes a matter of national security, it's time to question where our defense dollars should really be going.
I believe there are two motives which have caused the ill feelings from our enemies in the Middle East: frustration due to poverty and radicalism. To many of our enemies, the radical beliefs they possess are their version of the truth. These beliefs can not be changed because in their world radical beliefs are fact, and our beliefs are fiction. But what we can do is address the issue of poverty. Poverty provides the irrational feelings caused by radicalism to seem rational. Poverty is a a problem we CAN solve and even if it is partially alleviated, we can win over the hearts and minds of Pakistanis and Afghans alike.
Terrorists have attempted to eliminate this approach by threatening people who accept aid from troops. This has scared away people who could be put in a better economic position by the help they would receive by troops. In order to bring aid to people, more troops must be put into Afghanistan. Troops are needed for the ongoing operations, but the additional troops could be used to address the security threats posed to Afghans and Pakistanis.
Pakistan is a very poor country, so on some level it must be addressed using the same methods. But it is their government we must worry about because of the support they give the terrorists. We could attack this issue by saying we will help India's army if they help the terrorists, but any approach we take in handling Pakistan will be tricky.
I would still have to say that I have mixed feelings about the war. I hear all these crazy stories and want our troops to be back home, but then again if we were to leave how would things turn out? Building a stronger government is clearly crucial. We need to focus on the needs, organization, and what we could all benefit from a stronger government. With organization we could come up with a way to get rid of the Taliban without the violence and eventually be able to send our troops home.
To deal with the war in Afghanistan, I believe the best way to solve all of the problems going on would be to try and build up a healthy, well running governemtn in Afghanistan. Unlike when the United States went into Iraq, there is no established government in Afghanistan. This would increase the size of the conflict and maybe help to solve some probelms that the country had been having over the last couple of years. I think that abandoning the reigon would not be a substantial solution because nothing would be solved, and we would have been sending troops to fight for our country for no reason. For Pakistan, I would think that the United States government should make a deal with the Pakistani government, telling them that they will cut back aide to the country unless they help to defend us when we are fighting on their foreign lands.
I would address the war in Afghanistan by slowly begninning to withdraw troops however not abandoning the region. I believe it is important to help in the building of schools, hospitals, roads,and would continue training their military and police officers until next july. we need to reaccess the situation then. At that point we would determine the size and scope of the situation. In terms of pakistan i feel we need their full committment in keeping out and not harboring terrorists, unless we have that its unfair to ask our soldiers to risk their lives for a country that could be working against us.
To deal with the war I would most likely try to have less involvment since our original goal was reached. The amount of troops in Afghanistan could be lessened a little but not by to much. Since we backed the Taliban out of Afghanistan I think we should have most of our troops stay there and help the Afghan people recreate their society without letting Taliban interfere. If they do try to interfere our troops would push them out once again.
If the Taliban decided to start trouble in Pakistan as well I believe we should take quick action otherwise they may influence Pakistani people. Having that opportunity would give the Taliban access to nuclear weapons. Overall I would have our troops lay in Afghanistan for now protecting it while keeping an eye of Pakistan.
The chief cause of anti-Western and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East is perception of American foreign policy. Some complaints of American interventionism and even imperialism are legitimate while others are based on fabrication. The Middle East agenda of the United States revolves around establishing peace through diplomacy towards moderates as well as military actions against militants. However, the two objectives are partly contradictory as diplomacy requires a less interventionist doctrine, although intervention is necessary to combat insurgency and terrorism.
I don’t believe that a simple solution can be applied to Afghanistan to best serve the interests of humanity. The United States has a long road ahead that must be battled along each step of the way, literally and figuratively. Without military experience I can’t plan any American war plans, although it seems as though the American forces required to maintain a barrier between extremist combatants and civilians should be lessened and constituted of unmanned aerial vehicles and marksmen. Instead of pushing forward into the mountainous regions that are full of opposing forces I believe that the most efficient way to establish a self sustaining government in Afghanistan would be to focus more on securing the heart of the country geographically and using limited resources to keep a line between extremist forces and the rest of the nation. Once an Afghani government is stable United States forces, with the aid of the Afghani military can push outward and exterminate extremist threats.
Eliminating the Taliban requires action in Pakistan which has severe diplomatic implications. Once the government of Afghanistan has proved strong enough to go on the offensive against the Taliban, the governments of the United States and Afghanistan must negotiate with Pakistan to ensure cooperation. As leverage the United States can cut funds to the Pakistani government and engage militarily if no agreement can be reached. Hopefully United States aid, through military and humanitarian causes, will be sufficient motivation for Pakistani cooperation.
Overall I would temporarily focus the American military on improving the Afghani government until it is suitable and then pushing the Taliban into extinction with Afghan aid, with or without Pakistan.
It's very difficult to form a strategy on the Afghan war as while the US may have the advantage in funding and brute military power, it faces a major disadvantage with losing support from both the US and Afghan citizens, Pakistan's ISI secretly supporting the Taliban with the funds we give to Pakistan, and the insurgents are used to fighting in Afghan's hostile terrain while are troops have difficulty in doing so. There is also the unsettling fact that great empires from the past ranging from Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire and even the USSR have all failed in attempting to permanently occupy the territory and have some form stable government in the region. If these Empire's failed then even under the pretext of Democracy it is unlikely that we can do the same. On the other hand, we simply can't abandon the $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits that have been found in Afghanstan. Personally I would suggest sending in a large amount of reinforcements to completely the Durand Line not only to cut off the Taliban from Pakistan, but also to threaten Pakistan with the possibility of military intervention if the country continues to lend aid to the Taliban. I would also suggest peace negotiations with the Taliban as this war is taking its toll on the American taxpayers and soldiers at an unsustainable price. The negotiations would allow the Taliban to temporarily take control of the Afghan regions that do not possess the valuable mineral fields and withdraw their support from terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda. As cruel as this may be to the Afghan civilians, there is no other realistic alternative that would end this war in a reasonable time span. This would allow us to concentrate our efforts on our tanking economy with the aid of the mineral fields. The instant the Taliban breaks the terms made in the negotiations, then the war will restart only this time with a massive amount of reinforcements sent to Afghanistan to completely annihilate the Taliban's military capability.
If we had to deal with the war in Afghanistan i would send a bunch of troops there to just wipe them out. When I saw the film that we watched it was really bad but then again we want to cope with the people and help them out. But its very hard us Americans to find them because its in the mountains region and its hard to find them because there in caves and they don't just come out of them. I wouldn't abandon the region because we wont to help these people that don't listen to us and we don't want to start another war against them. Yes, I would increase the size of our troops there I would make it so that the afghan people don’t have a chance. The Pakistan people are helping us because they don’t like the Afghanistan people either and they want them out to so if we work with them. I think we can stop this and get them out of there, and we would make peace
If I could go back and prevent the United States from ever entering the war in Afghanistan, I would. However, since we have already gotten ourselves into what appears to be a hopeless endeavor, we cannot dwell on the past and must look forward and attempt to bring this conflict to a close.
I suggest that the United States send more troops out to Afghanistan, as dangerous and heartbreaking it is for them to leave the safety of America. We need to attempt to change our overall philosophy regarding foreign affairs.
We need to help the Afghani and the Pakistani rebuild their communities and cultures, and gain their trust so that they might view us as an ally once more. We should offer to protect Pakistan from India,eliminating their need for Taliban cooperation. Something needs to be done to reduce Taliban influence in the narcotics industry, cutting off much of their funding.
Overall, the wear in Afghanistan is basically a lost cause. The Afghani and Pakistani people will never fully cooperate with our troops, and the Taliban influence will never be eliminated entirely. All we can do is hope for the best.
Labi, I think that the was should be stoped because were not doing anything its taking to long and we dont have enough troops and its getting really bad over there. I think it would be best just to end it and take the troops to iraq and finsh there and lets just end all war.
Personally, I feel that Afghanistan is becoming a lost cause. We have been in there longer than we have been Irag with less progress. It's harder to establish a government, then it is to change a government which is being done in Iraq. I think we should start to move out, but not announce it because they would attack more.
If i was the President of the united states i would pull all troops from afghanistan because the most of the native people dont even want us there. Also we are losing many soldier and our young americans are dieing for there benefit and the afghans wouldnt even care if we were there or not. This is why it is smart to pull all of the soldeirs in this country because it is there problem let them deal with it.
The only way to deal with the war is to send more troops in. We cant just tke all the troops out, after all the damage we have done. Yes we havent declared war. but we are at war... so to speek.
We need to send more troops in and find who the real enemy of this war is. We have held are ground fro quite some time. so now its time to push back and finish what we have started
I would deal with the war in Afghanistan by increasing the troop size because from the video the soldiers are saying it would be easier if they had more soldiers by their side. The reason I would increase troops size is because we just can’t pull out of the war because it would be wrong for all the people who lose their lives and nothing happened. So if we increase the troop size it would be easier to infiltrate the valleys and search the caves for the Taliban. The more troops we have the easier it would be. I also believe we should have an increase is if we leave now the Taliban will just regain positions and later regain power. So this is how I would deal with the war.
I believe that we need to keep troops in Afghanistan. If anything strenghten our support there. There would be no point in removing the troops, it wouldnt make all the problems go away. We need to control the taliban because if we left they can take over the country like they have once before. If we left they would most likely come attack us here in the US. At this point there is no "calling a truce" we need to fight the battle we began. In order to gain support from the people in Afganistan that arnt apart of the taliban we must better there living conditions.
I am for the plan Phil talked about in class. It's brilliant and takes care of both Afghanistan and Pakistan. To take the Pashatan region and make it its own country and then declare war on it would work very well. It wouldn't end the war but it would take out a considerable number of terrorists. This would also help get more countries involved because it would be a war with a defined enemy so it wouldn't be as messy as the war is now. Besides that I would also send in more troops to reinforce other areas.
The only way the war in Afghanistan will come to an end is if the people of the country start trusting Americans. The conflict will not be resolved by military force because the situation does not involve two established armies battling it out for dominance. The Taliban is everywhere in that region of the world and in order to exterminate them America would be killing a large number of the population. My proposition to resolve the issue in Afghanistan is to create an environment where everyone gets what they want. Surely this is not easy task because it would have been done by now, however by establishing a school system, aid services, and other needs of the population, the conflict will come to an end. If all these tasks are completed, there simply will not be a reason for the insurgents to continue to rebel. As for Pakistan, the US needs to strengthen it's relationship with the country. Without Pakistan's help it's going to be close to impossible to capture Al Qaeda and fix Afghanistan.
The way I would deal with the war would to send more troops in Afghanistan and try to stop them. Nothing is really affective right now so by sending in massive troops, would would increase the chance of winning the war and stopping. By sending the troops early, the better because you can stop if faster. We need to stay strong and keep our ground. The United States is very strong and is the strongest and we need to show them that we can be strong. It would be very costly to send troops and might take a bit, but it is worth it in the end and we can win! This is what I think we should do about the war in Afghanistan.
Melissa Kenney
The war in Afghanistan is very complicated and to come up with a simple solution isn't even an option when America is so deeply involved in the conflict. I think Obama is handling the problem well and it is good that troops are slowly leaving. Yet, although I wish we could just remove all the troops, it is not a good idea. This would just make Pakistan weaker and allow the Taliban to take back all the power we have given so much to keep from them. At this point, it is important to stay in Pakistan and build up the infrastructure and government. It is very unorganized there and projects such as these would make it much harder for the Taliban to get stronger. The only problem would be the cost and effort involved. I think it is important to make sacrifices when an ally country is in danger and to look out for them when, in the long run, it will benefit the U.S. too. Of course, we would not be able to handle the situation alone; it would be necessary to ask for more aid from other wealthy countries. As a team effort, there is a chance that organization could be possible. This seems to be the only option that would keep the Taliban at bay and make it so that troops could leave the area all together and not have to return to finish the war.
The situation in the Middle East is very delicate and difficult to address effectively. The Taliban operate by instilling fear in the villages of Afghanistan and among many other citizens. The current government in the Middle East is not strong enough to combat the problems its countries are facing. Since the problems of the Middle East effect U.S. national security I think it is necessary for the United States to step in in greater numbers in Afghanistan. We need to help strengthen their government system significantly not only by sending over financial aid. Increasing our military presence in Afghanistan is also very necessary in order to see any improvement. As for Pakistan I believe we need to monitor and aid their government so that they do not try to continue, “buying off the Taliban”. The Taliban cannot be reasoned with and is certainly too dangerous to be trusted to make an alliance with them. We must make sure we are supporting a government wishing to fight the Taliban and build up Pakistan’s military. Most of all we need to keep Pakistan in our good graces so we do not need to become heavily involved militarily in their country as well as Afghanistan.
the war in afghanistan is a tough situation to try and solve. I believe our government is going about it all wrong. Thoug hit may seem like sending in troops to "regain control" is working its really making no progress. I think we should take a more offensive approach against the terrorists or completely pull all troops out. I think tha the more offensive approach would make the innocent people of afghanistan view the troops presance as protection wrather than a threat. If we were to pull all troops out, it would save countless american lives and would make it easier to cut the country off from the rest of the world.
Trully and fully this war is a hopeless one. Were probably going to be in Afganistan for a very long time, such as the Russians were way back when. Our 'ally' packistan are making deals with the taliban behind our backs, we don't know excatally who we are fighting nor if we are shootin at the right person, these people are liars, we are at a field disadvantage and the government is week. The only thing I would probably do is try to get their government rolling and getting it better so that they can actually lose threats to the Taliban. But I'm sure that won't happen any time soon. I pray for our troops!
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