Due Wednesday 9/15
What advice would you give to either Linda McMahon (R), Richard Blumenthal (D), or Brian Hill (I), as he/she campaigns for a CT Senate seat (other than "Quit" if you don't like one). Google them. Check out their campaign sites for their views on issues. We will be examining the candidates, as well as the whole election process, over the next few weeks.
Well i'm really not into politics so i am not really following the campaigns or anything. So the first thing i would sugggest for them to do is to reach out to the community see people that haven't been really invested with politics and convince them why they should get involved and how it could benefit them. Another suggestion would be to instead of having a person that a candidate pays to update their blog maybe sometimes the candidates should respond to the people that commented on their blog. Lastly I think that the candidates should visit the high schools to try and get high school students interested in politics and once they are and have the students supporting them, the student could tell their parents about their candidate and how they will help them. This will show the parents that their son or daughter is getting interested in politics by this candidate so the parents will take a look into the son or daughters candidate that affected them so much that might change the parents view on who they are supporting.
Well i'm really not into politics so i am not really following the campaigns or anything. So the first thing i would sugggest for them to do is to reach out to the community see people that haven't been really invested with politics and convince them why they should get involved and how it could benefit them. Another suggestion would be to instead of having a person that a candidate pays to update their blog maybe sometimes the candidates should respond to the people that commented on their blog. Lastly I think that the candidates should visit the high schools to try and get high school students interested in politics and once they are and have the students supporting them, the student could tell their parents about their candidate and how they will help them. This will show the parents that their son or daughter is getting interested in politics by this candidate so the parents will take a look into the son or daughters candidate that affected them so much that might change the parents view on who they are supporting.
This coming November Connecticut voters will have the option of voting for a new Senator, and some actually will. While the race appears to be largely going in favor of Democrat Richard Blumenthal, challenger Linda McMahon does have legitimate chance of adding another Republican seat to the senate. I believe that both major candidates have the potential for victory by playing to their respective strengths rather than personal or trivial attacks on their opposition. Blumenthal’s greatest strength is most definitely his long history of political service for Connecticut, something he should add emphasis to as frequently as he is able to do. Many voters find experience very valuable in politicians. Blumenthal might also want to consider running part of his campaign as a counter to “the party of no” as Republican senators are occasionally referred to by Democrats. Connecticut is a highly liberal state compared to the rest of the country and as such, Blumenthal might see success by campaigning on a platform of accomplishment, both past and potential.
McMahon’s strengths are based on her conservative ideology and history. As a successful businesswoman she holds a venerable position on the issue of economics and creating jobs. McMahon vehemently opposes the current President’s administration and its economic policies, regulation, stimulus, and reforms. While campaigning on conservative platforms in a state as historically Democrat as Connecticut might be difficult there is a growing anti-Democrat sentiment in the United States as the current democratically dominated government has failed to quickly solve the nation’s economic and fiscal woes. McMahon might find success pushing for an end to rampant deficit spending and expressing to voters how her senatorial plans will help bring an end to the current recession and high unemployment rates.
I believe that Linda McMahon should focus on working to create jobs for the people. So many are suffering from no job opportunities, and the lack of jobs out there. Also from the amount of people being laid off is ridiculous! If Linda wants to get people to vote for her, in my opinion she needs to focus on helping the people find jobs, and help the people with certain benefits. If she does this, she will succeed in her election!
As Richard Blumenthal is preparing to run for Connecticut state senate in early November, he must take into account the opinions of Connecticut citizens. I strongly agree with his viewpoint on pushing back tobacco companies trying to deceive our state's youth into thinking that using tobacco is a good thing and by doing this, he earns $3.6 billion dollars for the state of Connecticut. I also agree with his ideas of taking on the large internet companies to try to get sex offenders away from their sites and taking it all the way to the Supreme Court so that internet companies can track these offenders quickly and effectively.
Because of my strong agreement with his ways of trying to protect our state's youth, I would advise him to intently listen to the people he is trying to protect by being an avid philanthropist. He should stick to his personal morals as well as the ideas and hopes for the Connecticut people. Additional advice I would give to him would be to listen closely to the ideas and proposals of his competitors and make strong rebuttals to show Connecticut people how much more he can do over his competitors.
Amanda Holstein
I haven't been following the recent upcoming Connecticut elections but so I don't think I'd have a specific person to give advice to other then to say that all candidates should focus on creating jobs, stimulating the economy, and bringing up the morale of the people. That is a priority especially after the economic decline, and it something that still needs to be taken care of. While doing so, incorporate the everyday lives on the people into their campaign. Many politicians say that they're going to bring "Washington" to their state. The truth is, not many people even know what Washington has done or is attempting to do. Making sure that the people are aware of their intentions and the problems that face us will make it easier to have a successful election based on who would truly be best suited for the job. Instead of focusing on McMahon stands strong on financially supporting herself with her excess wealth, that's not a concern for the PEOPLE. What the concern is, is boosting the local businesses and bringing up the morale. Thus, making politics become a part of everyday life -- a meaningful part.
One issue that Linda McMahan was talking about is economic growth and job creation. Smaller businesses have created 70% of new jobs. Also to grow, small businesses need to reduce the tax burden and predictability so that they can plan and make investments. The economy is trying to recover from this recession, but they are spending too much and creating tax and not allowing new businesses to be created. Rich Blumenthal wants to cut property taxes but he really doesn’t talk about economic growth. Rich also talks about special education and costs of it and try to help out the New York State in education. Brian Hill agrees with the president plan to re program bank bailout funds to small businesses tax credits. Brian believes in job creation and economic growth. Brian wants create jobs so that people can make a career out of it. I believe in Linda McMahan and Brian Hill about economic growth and job creation because that’s what we really need to people can live. They both believe we should thank our military for there hard work and give them a break. They also both want to reduce taxes, which is very good I think that everyone would be happier. My advice that I would give Linda McMahan and Brian Hill is to create more jobs and build this economy, and have more money and less taxes to pay.
For this campaign, Richard Blumenthal is the obviously the favored for he is a democrat and CT is a democratic state, but Linda Linda McMahon can come out on the winning side if she plays her cards right. What I suggest for her is to reach out to not only the people who follow politics but everyone else and everyday people. Because of hard times, I feel that less people are following politics and the campaign, so I believe that Linda should reach out to those people and tell them that she will do there best to lower taxes and bring back more jobs to the community. I believe she should also show the community that's she's fit to win and that her years with the wrestling organization and the experience will help her because I feel a lot of people turn her down because of the sport.
As the race for senate approaches I am not too informed about the candidates and I’m sure many others, especially teenagers, aren’t either. Because of this I advise all the candidates to get voters more informed. They need to visit high schools and other establishments for the young voters who are less likely to be informed. By doing so they will be able to spread their message and gain votes in the young population. For example, Richard Blumenthal is a candidate I support in his work to help small businesses. In these hard economic times his efforts to keep jobs in Connecticut and support small businesses is huge. I know that I have been directly impacted by the economy and so have many others so this work is something he should focus on. It is the biggest issue and is something that almost everyone can relate to so it could gain wide spread support. By spreading his message and reaching out to the people that are uninformed Blumenthal would be able to gain more votes and support from people who weren’t even aware of his fight for jobs.
Other than the presidential races, I typically don’t follow politics and elections of the House and Senate. That being said, I know many of the younger generation people also ignore campaigns and don’t utilize their right to vote. So I would strongly recommend getting younger people more involved in the election process. As advice to all the candidates I would suggest them to visit high schools and colleges throughout Connecticut and inform students about the advantages of voting and how it could help the state. Deep into a recession and economic letdown, I think that the younger generation should lead the way and help vote for the best candidate. The spectrum of young to old voters should be completely utilized and I think that all citizens of age should be pushed to vote during all elections.
Richard Blumenthal The key to getting more votes at this stage is to target the voters fears and dreams. Starting with the economy voters will primarily think about money and the best advice I could give is tell them how you are going to help put more cash in their pocket. Say your primary goal is to save cash by cutting down on your own salary and unnecessary programs. Promise drastic change and more security for the average employee so they may feel safer in their assets. Because most of Connecticut’s population is for immigrant reformation in a positive way say you will fight to help immigrants. Listening to peoples needs Is key however pleasing everyone is impossible no one wins in a compromise. Your goal should be to please the majority. If I were you I would change my view on global warming as most believe it a myth and an unimportant as well as a waste of resources to pursue and reform it. Internet limiting and tracking is a good idea but over tracing is a bad idea. The key is to mediate and to pursue it to an extent. Furthermore your stance on same sex marriage should change because most are perfectly okay with it. Continue on cross country trips to rally support especially at this stage it is extremely important. Continue to attack marketing aimed at children involving tobacco as it shows your interest in Connecticut’s children.
If I had the opportunity to give Linda McMahon campaign advice, I would first and foremost recommend that she focus less on criticizing Blumenthal, and more on highlighting what she believes makes her the better candidate. Negative campaigning inspires more negativity. This is a poor image to be promoting. Successful politicians must always hold themselves to the highest standards of ethics and motivate the public to follow in their optimistic outlook and bring about improvements to society.
I would also recommend that she downplay her role as CEO of the WWE. This alone leaves me with a poor impression of her. An ex-CEO and wrestler is not the most appealing image to Connecticut voters, who are primarily democrats, to be a representative in the Senate. It is apparent to Connecticut voters that she is running because she has a lot of money to throw around, and that this is the only reason she has made it so far as a candidate. All she is known for is her financial success. Although this is important for a Senator, if all the public believes she is knows about is finances, then that will not be enough.
Furthermore, McMahon could better improve her image by making more educated statements about her policies. On her campaign site, her slogan for education is, “I support competition and choice through charter schools.” This does not even begin to scratch the surface on the education reforms that are needed in Connecticut schools. As far as the environment goes, McMahon says, “I oppose cap-and-trade because it will increase energy costs and Connecticut already pays the highest electricity rates in the continental U.S.” It seems futile that her primary concern is lowering electricity costs, when there are much more pressing environmental issues at hand.
If McMahon would like to have a chance in the November election, she needs to reevaluate her current public image. Her vague and generic views do nothing to inspire confidence in the public, and her negativity about Blumenthal makes her seem like a whiner.
I think the number one thing I could tell Linda McMahon would be to get her viewpoints out to her audience, especially her secondary audience, us. I feel like despite our age group currently not being able to vote, we would still be able to influence those who can with our opinions. In the next six years when she may be running for reelection, having gone to high schools to campaign would most likely influence young voters and may be the deciding factor in her reelection. In addition, I think it would be beneficial to her appearance to voters if she avoided all that political mudslinging. This is part of the reason why I am not avidly interested or involved with politics is because opposing politicians demote each other rather than promote themselves. Based on her website, she seems dead on with her stances on several hot topics like financial reform, health care, and job creation however I would not have known about any of these stances were it not for this assignment; I feel like she should have a wider base of advertisement rather than just twitter and facebook which does not really target the voter audience. Overall I like her topics and how strong her stance however I feel she should look into the long term and target both teenagers and voters with her viewpoints, as well as avoid mudslinging politics, and advertise with a wider base.
This senate race will come down to which candidate can get out THEIR vote more effectively. Democrats and Republicans both have dedicated supporters in Connecticut and it is up to the candidates to get those supporters out to the polls. This can be accomplished by targeting those voters through phone calls, door knocking, and other personal means of communication. While Linda McMahon has blanketed the state in her pamphlets, she has not targeted her base group of support. Instead of wasting money to do robocalls to all CT citizens or sending pamphlets to every household, she should just target the houses of Republicans and Independents so she can conserve her money. Besides, the more contact some individuals have with McMahon, the more likely they will get out to vote for Blumenthal.
Blumenthal's campaign needs to ramp up the fundraising and outreach. I have not seen one Blumenthal sign up which is a great concern. Blumenthal's campaign wants to raise $10 million for the race, and to my knowledge they have only raised $3,000. This needs to be an election, not an auction. But Blumenthal still needs to raise money if he intends to compete with McMahon.
Candidates need to get back to the basics of campaigning: tell us why they offer us the brighter future and how their experiences have prepared them to do so. NO one can come off the streets who hasn't had experience making a difference in the lives of others and expect to be a good statesman. Blumenthal NEEDS to focus on what he has done for Connecticut because what he has done for Connecticut is what he will do for the United States.
I am not into politics nor do i follow the election so its hard to point at their views and platform. But as a teen growing up in this generation obviously there are things that i am aware of that i believe need to be worked on. First off, the biggest problem for the nation right now is clearly the economy contributing to lack of jobs. These cadidates need to focus on creating smaller jobs and business's. This will direct the attention to the majority of people nowadays, the unemployed. Secondly,as the years go on the younger generations are getting less and less involved in politics and the government. These candidates should focus on getting younger people to pay more interest in our country helping us in the future. Lastly, it would be in their interest to pay more attention to the people; their needs, wants concerns, and so fourth. In doing this they can tell that you care and take it to heart and are souly focused on changing the country in a positive way for all.
In regards to the coming election in November, I would have to say that the candidates all really need to touch on all the big topics concerning America today. Such as the struggling economy and what they as senators will do to get the voice of the people into the ears of the right people in government. I myself don’t follow many other elections besides the presidential one so I am not really caught up on all the candidates other than what I have read on their campaign websites. But I believe they should focus more on creating a positive image of themselves rather than a negative image of the other candidates. Also I think that they should try and attract the votes of the 18 and 19 year olds who usually wouldn’t vote. Seeing as they are the future of this generation I think that their vote counts for a lot. Seeing that they will be the ones to possibly re-elect them in the future. If I myself were elligable to vote in this election I would want to see the candidates trying to do something about the debt my generation is going to be paying off our entire lives. Another topic I would want to hear covered is the unemployment rate and what said candidate would do if elected to change it.
Paige Deprey
I am not that into the politics. But I think that Richard Blumenthal would do a wonderful job in becoming senate of CT. The advice I would give him is to keep your mind to what you plan on doing and I am sure you will get very far. Blumenthal tells people that he will do certain things and I think that if he sets his mind to them he will do a wonderful job.
That is the advice that I would give to Richard Blumenthal.
Not being a stout politician like one some of the Tea-Party members we see standing outside the town hall on a regular basis, I really don’t have any great political commentary or advice to offer to these people running for senator Christopher Dodd’s former seat in Congress. I have heard quite a bit about Richard Blumenthal. Towards the beginning of his campaign he was in crisis about lying about his service in the Vietnam War. Although this glitch in his conduct did hurt him quite a bit (apparently Linda McMahon is really closing the gap between them) he should not let that become a deciding factor. He has a great history of helping everyone in everything and caring about the smallest things. He should build his campaign around that (if he hasn’t already that is), how he will work to help all individuals recover from the economy and etc. From what I hear (and I could be really wrong) many people are criticizing Linda McMahon because her campaign involves a lot of money. Many people think the outcome of an election may be based upon the dollars that go into it but I don’t feel that that is always accurate. Linda should focus more like Dick Blumenthal on winning personal attention rather than using funds to spread her campaign. I really know next to nothing about Brian K. Hill other than that he is an independent (and I’m too sure entirely what that means either, only that they are not affiliated with either party and are somewhat in the middle on their policies) and that he will be coming to school to talk to us during period 6. I may have heard somewhere that he is crazy but I’m not too sure about that statement. I think that Hill is doing by coming to our school is a great technique. By appealing to us kids, it can really make a difference, even if we can’t vote. We can still help to “get out the vote” and help in canvassing, making phone calls, or etc with a campaign and the little things that we can contribute to can make a great difference. My main advice to all of these candidates is to not forget the kids. We may not contribute directly to the votes they receive but if they can get us motivated and working together, think of the influence we could have on our community. Adults seeing high school kids that normally wouldn’t care about politics go out of their way in support of a candidate could really help heighten their view of that candidate in their minds. To be a good politician, one has to be able to appeal to each and everyone.
I'm not the type of person to have an in depth conversation on politics with, but after looking through each candidate's website I found Linda McMahon the most interesting. She seems to be having a rivalry with Richard Blumenthal mentioning him in her Latest Updates for "funneling state party political attacks". McMahon mentions him again in her biography sections coming out that she in fact does have a rivalry with Blumenthal. I have known this to be negative campaigning which isn't usually looked up upon. Something I would give her advice on is this. Usually negative campagning can lead towards negative effects and possibly less votes.
McMahon also has tons of information in her issues section on the website. However its a lot to read. People these days use the internet a lot but are also very busy. On Blumnethal and Hill's websites they have short summaries about their views on issues and if you'd like to read more about it you can click on it. McMahon doesn't have this which is a problem for those who want to know her view but don't have time to read her essay long idea. Its simple yet vital to have people know what she wants to do in a short and sweet type of way.
My last advice is to all candidates. People like me aren't into politics but like many people, I watch TV and see their ads. On those advertisements they should try saying things that interest all viewers, not just those following the campaign. By doing this they can gain more votes.
I haven't been following the election, but I asked my parents who they thought would win so I decided to go with that person, Richard Blumenthal. My main concern at this point in my life is education. I think that a big problem is that government is forgetting about the students who are doing exceptionally well in school and only focus or underprivileged or underachieving students. Now, don’t get me wrong, that is all well and good, but I think the exceptional students should get more attention. I especially don’t agree with his NCLB policy because it just holds the high performing students back. So I think he should work on his education policy.
Also, I think that he should stop pointing fingers and worrying about whose fault the failed economy is, and focus on just fixing it. This would certainly make him a lot more appealing to me in general. All this finger pointing is not getting the economy anywhere. And if Blumenthal plans on doing what he wants to do with jobs, he needs to better the economy first.
I strongly believe that all of the runners should focus a lot on stimulating the economy and creating more jobs for everyone. By doing these things, the United States will succeed more and we will become stronger than never before. By creating jobs it will impact peoples lives and change others. People won't be depressed anymore, bankrupt, etc. First start off with having more job opportunities and then it will help with the economy and it will keep building a stronger government and country. One of Linda's quotes is "People create jobs, not governments."
Brad Mahar
Linda McMahon is a strong supporter of creating jobs in Connecticut. She understands that small business provide 70 % of jobs and is working to reduce regulations on Connecticut businesses. She plans to do this by significantly lowering taxes on businesses in order to let smaller businesses flourish and open up jobs to unemployed Americans. I also strongly agree with Linda McMahon’s fiscally conservative beliefs. Learning to not spend more than we are able is important for the government to understand. McMahon will try to limit government spending by passing a Balanced Budget Amendment. I would advise Linda McMahon to talk to people in the community of Connecticut in order to share her ideas on a more personal level as well as listen to constituents’ concerns and ideas. By appearing in the community people would get a feel that she is seriously committed to the people of Connecticut.
I don't know to much about the elections this year because i havent been following it. For some reason it dosent appeal to me.
But anyways i would give this addvice to all the canidates
that they should visit the high schools to try and get high school students interested in politics and talk about what they are going to do for our town and school. also i would like to see the winner of the election work on making more jobs for ct citizens
because it is very difficalt to find a place to work
Before I researched Richard Blumenthal, I had no idea what his political standpoint was on any issues. I'm glad to see that I share the same beliefs on many of the same issues as him. If I gave him advice it would be that he needs to work on his campaigning and reaching out to the youth and educating them on him and what he's all about.
Blumenthal believes that global warming is a pressing issue and is trying to the the Environment Protection Agency to declare carbon dioxide as a dangerous air pollutant. It's good to see he is trying to preserve the environment.
Richard Blumenthal should speak out more about the failing economy and tell voters what he is willing to do in order to lower the rate of unemployment.
Blumenthal is looking out for the youth by trying to get Myspace to give a list of known sex offenders so that users are less likely to be targeted by sex offenders online. I think Richard Blumenthal would have a lot more people voting for him if he reached out to the youth more because many would agree with his opinions and actions and vote for him. He should try and target the college students and try and get them more involved in the political process.
Personally, I don't know much about politics or care about them, but if I were to give some advice to one of them, I would give it to Linda Mcmahon.
Linda has never before done anything large in politics. She reallys has only been in control of things like wrestling. I would like to have her handle a reform project or something to prove to the connticut citzens that she can lead on a federal leave.If this project goes well [or if she has already done one]she should avertise it. That would help her gain support.
I'd also like her to help work on creating a better environment for the people of America. A few ways to do this is by first going green; recycling, community projects, protecting the environment, etc. Another is that she could try to help create more jobs for people, even if its just community jobs.
She should also help kids [and adults] to eat healthier foods and to exercise more. What bugs me most is the fact that alot of people that want to work in government just say stuff and don't actually do much about it.If Linda came to schools and actually talked to kids as well as adults, she would be more involved in the community.
Talking doesn't do much. Action does.
If I were to give Richard Blumenthal advice, I would tell him to focus on America's job crisis. Obviously our country has been severely affected by the lack of jobs and unemployment and therefore, creating and sustaining new jobs should be a candidate's top priority.
Blumenthal has already stressed this issue in his campaigning. However, I would advise him to really make sure that his promises are believable since unemployment has become such a widespread problem.
If I were Blumenthal, I would visit and campaign with more small businesses. Rallies with small businesses would be a good way to generate revenue for the businesses and support from average workers.
In addition, many young people graduating college are leaving school to no jobs. Therefore I would also direct more of Blumenthal's campaigning towards the younger generation who are going to be affected by this issue.
Mikayla Golebiewski
If I were to give advice to Linda McMahon, Richard Blumenthal or Brian Hill. I would tell them that they should really know what people of Connecticut want along with what they will provide in terms of government upgrades, economic successes, etc. Anything that would make them a fan favorite would help them out tremendously. At this point most people are pretty much fed up with our government so if I were one of the speakers I wouldn't say something that I couldn't make happen or couldn't keep a promise of. I would really do some research about Connecticut to the point where I knew what political views each town had within CT, I wouldn't lie to receive votes, but I would tell them to persuade the voters who aren't of their political view and such.
There are three canidates running to earn the seat in the senate.All of the canidates are fighting to
make the government better. They all want to help the smallbuisnesses. Also they want to help create more jobs.
For advice id say that Linda and Richarad need to continue trying to fight for jobs and to help the government get
stronger. Also for all the canidates i say that they need to reach out the the community and listen to their veiws
on issues and try to fight for us. Also i would say that they should stop advertising about each others flaws
and focus more more about the people. They should focus more on what the communitys needs, and how they could
help us. All of the parties have their good and bad points.
I do not really follow any of the political campaigns but in order to do well I feel like they should be very pro-active and focus on large evens such the war and the bad economy. They need to have set issues and an open mind. Also I think that they should really look into what type of social group they are aiming for. When they campaign, they should focus on such issues that affect the majority of the people. If certain issues affect a lot of people they are most likely going to vote for you considering you are hard working and ready for change. The biggest topis today to me is the economy and lack of money. This has an affect on all ages and a push for success will win you votes from all ages. Lastly, having an open mind and good morals will help you reach your goals and a shot at the CT senate seat.
Melissa Kenney
I think that Brain Hill, as an independent candidate took a good approach in general. It seems to be hard to reach out to an America that is already so defined in membership to political parties. Due to this fact, I don’t think it’s a good idea for him to state, "have become infected with career politicians trying to protect special interests and not the interests of the American people," on political parties in the United States. This approach to his election is very blunt and direct and it is definitely a risk for him to say things such as this especially if he wants the peoples votes. But, I think his honesty is very brave and, therefore, could even gain him some votes because some people appreciate knowing exactly how the candidate feels without any sugar coating.
On his public opinions of the other candidates, he seems a bit harsh in saying that they only have a chance of winning the election because of the amount of money they have spent campaigning. I think this is a valid point and I personally think that Blumenthal and McMahon have an advantage due to their wealth but I also think he should be a bit more positive about his fellow candidates. Overall, his views are very strong on where the direction of the elections is going, but in stating the hard truth, he may be able to win some voters. On the other hand, those who already identify with a party will not be impressed.
I don't really follow politics and i don't pay attention to the campaigns. I am always hearing names, but none of the candidates do anything to reach out to the people who don't pay any attention to politics. I feel that it is important for the candidates to reach out to all the people and to tell them what he/she thinks is right, But i also think it is very import to get the attention of people who are younger and reaching the age where they can now vote. That would be my advice as a high-schooler to all of the candidates running in the election.
Also i feel since the economy is so bad and so many people are loosing/ have lost jobs lately, that it is important to really focus on bringing jobs back to Connecticut, reducing unemployment, and improving the economy.
Advice that I would give canidate Linda McMahon whom is running for senater would be to explain how she is going to create more jobs to help boost the unemployment rates. Many Americans are out of jobs, and it's a really big issue that she should concentrate on. I also think she should say how she is going to cut spending, and i would like to know what her opinion is on the war in terror.
Mike Carbone
Based on Richard Blumenthal’s website, the biggest challenge being faced today is creating jobs and brining back the economy. And that is the advice I would give to Blumenthal. Creating jobs and reviving the economy is the most important issue in America. Blumenthal has experience with saving American people jobs with small businesses…imagine what he could do if he is elected to represent Connecticut in the Senate. Having a job is obviously the most important thing in people’s lives. Without a job, you don’t have any money. This makes it almost impossible to pay the bills, especially if you had a low income job before you got laid off. It is even harder for the people who didn’t have a job in the first place. Since nobody is hiring, it’s almost impossible to find a steady job.
If I were to give campaign advice to Linda McMahon, it would be for her to gain more political experience before funneling millions into a campaign to gain a spot in our country’s highest body of legislature. Those millions come from her career as manager and CEO of WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment. This international business is based on theatricality and staged violence, endorsed and profited by Linda McMahon. While I do not criticize her for this occupation, I don’t believe that it qualifies her to have a say in the lawmaking of our nation. The scripted drama of the wrestling ring does not translate to the reality of the political arena. Frankly, her background of excessive theatricality and money is visible in her campaign itself; her campaign photographs are airbrushed and glossy and much like the wrestlers on WWE, she talks smack about her opponents to get the crowd (voters) on their feet.
Linda McMahon may be a savvy businesswoman who knows how to make money, but she does not know how to make decisions for a country. Running for a lesser office may be a sound alternative if she wants to make a leap into politics. Ultimately, she needs to gain credibility before she can go for the gold. (Kind of like the world class athletes who compete on WWE Raw.)
Nate Howard
I am not really into politics and I have not been following the elections. So I dont know much that is going on. But If I was them then I would tell them to reach out to the people and find out what they want and need. Many government people do not ask the people what they want and that is why some people are hated. I also think they need to find ways to get jobs to more people. They also need to make a better economy. If they have good reasons to make a better economy then they should get alot of followers. Thats the advice i would give them.
If I had to give advice to any of the candidates about their campaign strategy I would give my advice to Linda McMahon. I would tell her to try and distance yourself from the WWE in the entertainment perspective because it can be used as a character attack by the opposition. Though at the same time play up how you were able to create a large billion dollar corporation from a small undeveloped company and how that can best be applied to government. I would tell her to stick to only business issues because that is where she has the upperhand over Blumenthal.
I’m really not into politics, so I haven’t been following the election but if I would give advice to someone it would be Richard Blumenthal. I would give advice to him to keep on going with the economy and the job creation because that’s the one thing I think is hurting America the most. And that’s what most people are worried about. But I think to win a campaign you can’t just be helping that one thing and tell him it’s good to go with the big ideas but also the small ones like the reaching out to students in high school because there the new generation of voters. And if you get them involved then there is a higher percentage of winning the election.
Marco Iovanna
ichard Blumenthal, as the democratic candidate for the CT Senate seat in the upcoming election, should focus on a few main issues in his campaign. He should focus mainly on increasing the amount of jobs available, which should in turn help boost the economy. I think that should be his main focus. He should also focus on repealing the Bush tax cuts for the upper class. The economy will not improve any time soon unless the government gets out of the massive amount of debt they have accumulated. The only way to do that is to increase taxes, and if taxes have to be increased the people who make an excessive amount of money should be the first to pay more. Blumenthal should try to focus on those issues in his upcoming campaign.
Currently, Richard Blumenthal has the upper hand because Connecticut is a democratic state. Therefore, CT will most likely support a democratic senate seat. My advise to Blumenthal is to continue on the path he has already chosen. Blumenthal has the right ideas on how to make the community a better place. Dick Blumenthal has made efforts to preserve long island sound and produce jobs that involve clean energy. My advise to Blumenthal is to help the financial situations of small businesses; especially business that focus on green energy. Green energy already plays a big role in our society, and it shows promising results for the future. Also, Blumenthal has fought sex offenders on the internet, making Connecticut a safer place for our youth. Blumenthal should push for a safer environment for CT's youth population by providing programs on decision making. Now's the time for Blumenthal to improve his already outstanding reputation.
My advice to Richard Blumenthal would be to cut down on taxing the high profit business he antagonizes over the course of his career. He seems to be the favored candidate to most people, but his competitor, Linda McMahon, could easy surpass him if he doesn't become more business-friendly. They are the ones that are going to keep business in the state as well as jobs to support the economy.
To start off, I want to say that I'm not really a political person. I generally dislike both Linda McMahon and Richard Blumenthal, even though I'm fully aware the chances of Brian Hill winning are slim to none. However, since I don't follow any campaigns super closely, I decided to advise Brian Hill in this response.
I would begin by recommending that Hill does an overwhelming amount of direct campaigning, door-to-door. Especially as a write-in candidate, he needs to make it clear to the public that he IS running and what his plans/beliefs are. He clearly doesn't have anywhere near the campaign funds of the other two candidates, so he really needs to spend his money wisely and think about the long-term effects of his advertising on his campaign, since there's clearly no room for error. He should take certain actions that will reach a number of people, like visiting schools and community affairs. Since a number of people are discontent with the current government, giving off the impression of an involved member of his community might make him more appealing to undecided voters.
The first piece of advice i would give to Richard Blumenthal would be to not only support extending the bush tax cuts for the 95% of Americans making under a quater of a million dollars a year,(which he has stated) but more importantly, to end the bush tax cuts for the top 5%. The second piece of advice i would give is if he becomes senator, he support legislation similar to the jobs bill that president obama is currently pushing for. This would afford small businesses the great opportunities that he supports. The third and final piece of advice i would give to Blumenthal is this, blumenthal has many good ideas such as holding wallstreet and big banks accountable in terms of regulation and giving tax deductions to companies with new employees as well as small businesses, but what is most important is that if is he elected, he remembers his promises and works for the publics interest and not special interests.
To start off, I want to say that I'm not really a political person. I generally dislike both Linda McMahon and Richard Blumenthal, even though I'm fully aware the chances of Brian Hill winning are slim to none. However, since I don't follow any campaigns super closely, I decided to advise Brian Hill in this response.
I would begin by recommending that Hill does an overwhelming amount of direct campaigning, door-to-door. Especially as a write-in candidate, he needs to make it clear to the public that he IS running and what his plans/beliefs are. He clearly doesn't have anywhere near the campaign funds of the other two candidates, so he really needs to spend his money wisely and think about the long-term effects of his advertising on his campaign, since there's clearly no room for error. He should take certain actions that will reach a number of people, like visiting schools and community affairs. Since a number of people are discontent with the current government, giving off the impression of an involved member of his community might make him more appealing to undecided voters.
Given the chance to advise one of the candidates for Senate, I would advise Linda McMahon on the flaws she has when running for a position. Right now my view of her is more on the negative chance so I would like to point out to her why this would be. First of all, I constantly see her on ads and commercials. She is spending way too much money on publicity when she should be doing other things like connecting with the audience firsthand by visiting more towns, school, etc. I don’t know that she is a reliable candidate because I keep hearing her being involved with the WWE. With her money and her involvement in such groups, she doesn’t seem like she would do too well in real politics and government. Furthermore, on every public announcement I have seen, she doesn’t give her ideas of bettering our country but either brags about herself or bashes other candidates. She really should spend less time researching her opponent’s faults and more on her abilities and qualifications for the job. For these reasons, I feel she should change the way she’s campaigning and only then will she get more supporters.
I am really not into politics but I would have to say that getting people involved in campaigns as much as possible would be helpful. Most high school students don't have much knowledge on politics. With more awareness it will give a better understanding to those who need it most. After checking out Linda McMahon's campaign site I realized that she is big on putting the people first. That is what we want and i think that if she gets that point across even more then she will have a good chance!
I have not been following recent elections, but I share republican views, so i would give advice to Linda McMahon. My advice would be to stick to republican values; pro-life, anti gay marriage, etc. I'm not sure where she stands on the subjects but i hope its a conservative view. i would also advise her to play to the current wants, mainly jobs. Jobs will always be needed, especially now so now would be the time to really expound upon that want. I believe that if she follows that advice she will win most republicans and many independents, but unfortunately the state is democratic, so hopefully it will be enough for her to pull out ahead.
I don't follow politics, but if i had to give advice to one of the candidates I would give it to Linda McMahon. The advice that I would give to her is to inform people more about what she hopes to do about major issues in Connecticut like the bad economy and the decrease in jobs. I think that she needs to reach out to people on a more personal level and to get them involved in what she is doing. I would also advise her to reach out to the people more personally because it would allow her to have a greater understanding of what they need and it would help her campaign to be more involved in this area.
Even though I’m not watching the current campaigns for Senate, I still feel I can give advice to both the democratic candidate Richard Blumenthal and the republican candidate Linda McMahon. Even though Blumenthal is currently winning the race with 53% of the vote in comparison to McMahon’s 44%, the fact that myself and many other young adults my age aren’t in tune with current events means that there’s still improvement left to be made in our state. I would recommend both Blumenthal and McHahon to encourage young adults like myself by visiting high schools and middle schools alike all over Connecticut in attempt to further get in touch with Americans and to persuade people into pursuing political ambitions. This statement especially applies to McMahon who seemingly made it this far in the race not because of her policies and abilities, but only because she is a multimillionaire who was the CEO of WWE. If anything, she try to remove her affiliation with WWE in order to get in touch with the American people.
My advice would be to have them talk to seniors in high school as well as college students about what they are going to do to help with college loans and financial aid. The economy is suffering and college tuition is a problem for many people. They should help make it easier to pay for college so more people with have the opportunity to go.
I think that all the candidates should reach out to the people and talk with them see what they think take peoples opinion and also let them know what the people are going to expect in the future from them.
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