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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Forgotten War

What do you know about the war in Afghanistan? Answer the following before watching the videos.

1) How long has the US been fighting in Afghanistan?
2) How many troops are deployed there?
3) Are more soldiers being killed in Afghanistan or Iraq?
4) What other countries are involved in this conflict?

What are three additional questions about Afghanistan you would want to know the answers for?

Now watch the videos and check your responses. Could you answer all of the questions?

Find the additional answers to your questions. How have the presidential candidates addressed the war in Afghanistan? What should the next president do to try to resolve this conflict?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Final Debate

You can watch the final debate by clicking below. Answer the questions that follow and submit your responses to

Debate Part 1
Debate Part 2
Joe the Plumber Reacts

Questions to answer:
1) Identify three specific issues discussed in the debate. You must also provide a time reference for each issue.
2) For each issue you identify, cite 1 specific difference between McCain and Obama.
3) Who is Joe Wurzelbacher? Why has he become the focal point of the final debate?
4) Locate and provide web addresses for two sites you could go to for comparing the candidates.
5) Who won and why. Give me at least three reasons for your opinion.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Campaign Finance

Essential Question: Is the way we fund elections a help or hindrance to the democratic process?

Responses due by Friday evening.

Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate

Who is the winner and WHY?
Did this debate alter/influence your views on the Presidnetial race? Explain.