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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Immigration Debate

Read/view multiple perspectives on the immigration reform debate and make up your own mind. This will be one of the topics for our debate rounds in the new year.

Question to Respond to:
How should we as a nation address the issue of immigration? Justify your response by citing evidence/arguments presented in the sources below. You must incorporate at least three four sources into your response for full credit. Due Monday 12/8/08

Specific areas of immigration you can address. These are but a few.:
Cost to Taxpayers
Border Control
Illegal Immigrants
Effect of Population Growth

Additional Guiding Questions:
  1. On what issues do the various sides agree?
  2. What are the major points of disagreement?

The Arrival of Immigrants at Ellis Island - Brief look at immigration from a historical perspective.

By the Numbers - (Numbers USA - Advocacy Organization) What is this organization advocating? Are there flaws in the interpretation of the "Numbers"?

Immigration and Hispanics Forum - (NDN - Advocacy Organization)
Beginning to 19:00. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) - Introductory comments
23:00 to 39:00.Simon Rosenberg - President of NDN - Changing demographics and the hispanic voters.

States' Immigrant Policies Diverge
In Differences, Some See Obstacles For a National Law

Benefits of Immigration

Minutemen: The Immigration Debate

English only debate over immigration in Carpentersille, Illinois. A small town grapples with immigration.

The above videos and stories are but the tip of the iceberg. Do some of your own research.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Campaign Commercials

Links to some of the commercial sites we used in class.

Dueling Ads

News Story on the Obama 1984 ad

Hillary 19841 min 14 sec - Apr 10, 2007Description: Barack Obama spot using Macintosh 1984 ad.

Barack 19841 min 8 sec - Mar 19, 2007Average rating: (2 ratings)Description: Barack Obama in a 1984 like moment. A must see for all Obama, and Hillary Clinton Fans.

Infomercial/Attack Ads:

Code Pink Hillary Clinton Cindy Sheehan Sean Penn Barack Obama 1984 anti Iraq8 min 32 sec - Feb 12, 2007Average rating: (67 ratings)Description: Pansy4Peace Production's anti war video featuring Code Pink, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, 1984, Senn Penn, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon. Original music written and performed by Code Pink. Thanks to Kirsten Michel - - for her contribution of footage from Code Pink. *******Code Pink clips used by permission - Kirsten Michel -*******

Hillary Clinton 1984 in 2008: The Big Lie That Won Her Election to the Senate10 min 36 sec - Jan 25, 2006Average rating: (58 ratings)Description: Documentary trailer that exposes the lies Hillary made to the voters and her opponent through the Washington Post ( and to the FEC in 2000 about who her largest contributor was,(Spider Man creator Stan Lee's partner, Peter F Paul) how much he gave and why he gave more than $1.6 million to her so he could have Bill Clinton work with his public company, Stan Lee Media, when Clinton left the White House.

Ad Sites:

Political Communication Lab – Stanford U.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Primaries

As Campaigns Chafe at Limits, Donors Might Be in Diapers

Date of N.H. primary rests with one man
Granite State's Gardner waits to schedule first-in-the-nation contest

A taste of '08 in fight to split electoral votesInitiative on electoral votes has become a battleground for Giuliani, Clinton

The Disciples of Ron Paul, Spreading the Word in N.H.

CNN Political Tracker

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Student Rights Blog - Due by End of Tuesday (11:59pm)

Do you agree or disagree with the decision of the Supreme Court majority in your case? Why? Be sure to ID the case and be specific in your reasoning. 1/2 to 1 page.

Bong Hits 4 Jesus - The latest Supreme Court case examining your rights.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering 9/11

Stories of 9/11 and the aftermath 6 years later. A New York Times special section.

Photo: Alex Fuchs/Agence France-Presse

Your Questions: Respond to 1 of the following by Monday.

1. Should we as Americans be expected to personally sacrifice more in order to protect our way of life? If so, how? If not, why not?

2. Can you defeat a group that believes they are doing God's work?

3. Is the government doing enough to prevent another 9/11?

4. How can we get other countries to better assist us in this war?

5. Will we continue to remember 9/11 as time goes by?

6. Can we win this war?

Current Events 9/10-9/14



Rudy Giuliani
Hilary Clinton
John McCain
Barack Obama
Fred Thompson
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
Dennsi Kucinich
Tom Tancredo
Chris Dodd
Mike Huckabee

Stories to read:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Hampshire Debate

Click on the link below. This will take you to the Fox News video page. Click on "Top Videos" in the upper right quarter of the page.
1. Identify 5 major issues focused on by the candidates.
2.Each segment is about 7-10 minutes long. Watch at least one segment and respond to at least two of the candidates performance in the segment. What did you like/dislike about the candidate or teh responses? You must identify the specific candidates and topics discussed to get credit.NOTE: If the debates are no longer in the "Top Videos," click on the Videos link and then select "Politics" or go to the Google Videos linked below.,2933,295899,00.html


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Republican Debate 5/15/07

Click on the link below. This will take you to the Fox News video page. Click on "Top Videos" in the upper right quarter of the page. Each segment is about 7 minutes long. Watch at least one segment and respond to at least two of the candidates performance in the segment. You must identify teh specific candidate, segment # and topics discussed to get credit.

NOTE: If the debates are no longer in the "Top Videos," type GOP Debate in the Search Fox News box.

DUE Friday!