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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The War Powers Act

Is our current system for deciding when, where and for how long to deploy US armed forces fairly balanced between the executive and legislative branches? Do "The People" have enough input?

Discuss with regard to the War Powers Act and the current conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Uganda, etc.

Due Friday by 7:30am

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Afghanistan Crossroads

Ten years into the war in Afghanistan, where do we stand? Have me made progress since the 2008 Frontline Report? What advice would you give the the President as to the course of action from this point forward?

Afghanistan Crossroads

10 years on, Afghan Americans see lost opportunities

U.S. Recalibrates Remarks About Pakistan

Karzai accuses Pakistan of supporting terrorists

India and Afghanistan sign security and trade pact

U.S. drone strike kills Haqqani insider

Wallstreet Journal Interview w/ Adm. Mike Mullen

Due Wednesday 10/19 @ 7:30 am.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Current Issues 10/10

Sorry for the delayed post. Below are three current stories making headlines today. Read all three. Which you you find most appealing or interesting? Why? Which story is the most significant? Be sure to explain your answers with references to the articles.

Occupy Wall Street: Newcomers bring their worries and hopes to New York protest
What’s Next for Apple?
Perry Video Attacks Romney on Health Care

Responses are due Thursday by 7:30am.