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Friday, March 9, 2012

The War in Afghanistan

Eleven years into the war in Afghanistan, where do we stand? Have me made progress since the 2008 Frontline Report? What advice would you give the the President as to the course of action from this point forward (2012)?  Response Due Friday

Questions to Consider:
Who are we fighting?
What is our objective?
What is the role of Pakistan?

Obama's decision Making Process
We have discussed the role of the President as Commander in Chief, and the awesome weight of this responsibility.  Read the articles from 2010, taking into account what we learned from Frontline's Forgotten War (2008).  What options was President Obama presented with?  Who were the people giving him this advice?  How does he make his decision?

Reading For Tuesday All readings/videos located HERE
Obama's War Part 1
Obama Mulls Way Forward (video)
A Divided Team

For Thursday
Obama's War Part 2
Amid anger over Afghan killings, U.S. faces growing public weariness about war
More Stories on the Afghan War