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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Health Care Address

Below are links to President Obama's health care address delivered to Congress, and the Republican response. As you watch, consider some of the following questions:
  • What are the main objectives of the plan put forward by President Obama?
  • Did his speech answer questions you might have about health care reform? What questions would you want to ask President Obama?
  • Did this address shape or change any views you had on the issue?
  • How did the members of Congress react to this address?
  • How/Does this issue affect you?

President Obama's Address

President Obama's Plan

Republican Response and Republican Plan

"Lies, damn lies and statistics." Who do we believe????

Interesting Sites w/ Healthcare Cost and Other Data:

Center for Disease Control: Health Insurance Coverage

Congressional Budget Office: Health

CBO Director's Blog

CBO Testimony 2007: Interesting charts and graphs

Interactive Graphic: How the Bills Stack Up

WP: Healthcare Reform 2009

Due Friday 9/18 (pm)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing?

What is your reaction to President Obama's speech to students? Was it political? Should the President be addressing students in this manner? How does it compare to President Reagan's speech to students in 1988. Below are links to the speech and text, as well as a letter from Florida Republican Party Chairperson Jim Greer that launched a national debate, news stories, and Greer's response just prior to the speech.

Local Debate:
Rep. Jim Himes, D-Greenwich
Reporting about Obama speech, Jim Himes' reaction was one-sided
New Canaaan BOE

Due Monday 9/14 (pm).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Afghan War

One of the current events/political issues we will be following is the war in Afghanistan. Read the stories below and some of the history of the conflict. How much do you know about the war? Do you have any opinions on what course we should pursue?

Updates from Afghanistan
Taliban Surprising US Forces....
Time to Get Out...
Video Reports...
Airstrike Kills 90..

Links to my website and the history of the conflict HERE.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Test Sign-In

Your first submitted assignment is to create a google account (username and password) if you do not have one, and respond to this blog by clicking on "# comments" below and submitting a comment of "Test Submission."