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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

82 Inmates Cleared but Still Held at Guantanamo


nicole a. said...

Guantanamo Bay should be a world-wide investment because world peace should be a global goal. I agree with the end of the article that says the United States needs to approach allies collectively, not individually, if they want support for Guantanamo and its detainees. As for the prisoners, those who were imprisoned for trivial offenses or wrongfully captured should be cleared, but more importantly they should receive notification from a unified global governing body as to what the prisoner did and how they are not a threat to their country of origin or the country they are currently living in. Country’s today are looking to pull and Britain and send prisoners to a new Australia. They have a “Not in my backyard” mentality when countries should be uniting together to find a solution to housing former Guantanamo prisoners.

Sarah S. said...

The United States needs to come up with a new solution for the Guantanamo Bay problem. It is not fair to the prisoners who have been cleared to have to stay there. The reason why their native countries do not want them back is because the U.S. made them seem like very dangerous criminals and terrorists. Of course they aren’t going to want these people back. I agree with Manfred Nowak on this issue. He thinks that we need to solve this problem internationally instead of asking individual countries to help. Asking them individually just makes it easier for them to say no. We must get organized in order to solve this problem. As Nowak said, perhaps an international commission that would be responsible for finding a solution would be more effective. Whatever we decide to do, we must do it as soon as possible so that we may achieve the goal of releasing these 83 cleared prisoners.