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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Obama Makes Push For Fuel Efficiency


samanthapesce said...

I definetly agree with this article in some aspects and disagree with it in other aspects. First of all, I agree that we should absolutley start or at least try using other methods of fuel for cars such as corn or another oil. One thing that I find disappointing is that a $7 billion increase in taxes over the next ten years would be a factor in this process. I guess however, the price is worth preventing global warming and the effects of cars that aren't fuel efficient for our environment. If what Barack Obama is saying would be true then decreasing carbon in the air by 10% would be a huge help to everyone. So overall, I guess I am more satisfied with the message of this article because I believe serious action should be taken to prevent unpleasant effects of global warming. If this means higher taxes, then people will just have to find a way to deal with this and recover from these taxes in the long run.

samanthapesce said...

I definetly agree with this article in some aspects and disagree with it in other aspects. First of all, I agree that we should absolutley start or at least try using other methods of fuel for cars such as corn or another oil. One thing that I find disappointing is that a $7 billion increase in taxes over the next ten years would be a factor in this process. I guess however, the price is worth preventing global warming and the effects of cars that aren't fuel efficient for our environment. If what Barack Obama is saying would be true then decreasing carbon in the air by 10% would be a huge help to everyone. So overall, I guess I am more satisfied with the message of this article because I believe serious action should be taken to prevent unpleasant effects of global warming. If this means higher taxes, then people will just have to find a way to deal with this and recover from these taxes in the long run.

chrisjasinski said...

The standards that Obama is trying to set for the automotive industry can only have a positive influence on the world. By giving rewards to the industries that promote more environmentally friendly solutions to transportation and fuelling issues, the automotive corporations that are doing productive work will be more successful and will be further able to invent, construct, and distribute innovative products. In addition to this, the workers for these companies will have ensured benefits in health care. Universal health care is something that I think would be a great asset to our country and I feel government funded health care options are a step in the right direction. For those that feel he is crossing the line between environmental safety and energy security, I say that the restrictions will force the industries and the government to look into alternative fuel and power sources, something that will positively impact out Nation.

davebrunetti said...

The beginning of this article demonstrates what I believe to be a fatal flaw of American society today. Businesses, as a macrocosm of the people who own them, care only about their profit margins. It could be argued that that is the objective of business, but it need not be the only objective. While Senator Obama’s intent with this proposal is exactly what this country needs in order to make that first step back towards building a brighter future for the next generation, it will most probably fail. This is due solely to the fact that businesses, especially in America, are looking to make the maximum amount of profit for themselves with blatant disregard to the effect such actions will have on the future of the American economy and planet Earth. Our economy is weakening as jobs and productions are shipped over seas. The lack of volition to improve emissions from all sources is killing our planet. I am thankful for Senator Obama’s dedication and attention to this topic, as it is a subject about which most politicians of the day are neither willing nor able to discuss in an intelligent and progressive manner.