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Friday, January 13, 2012

The Legislative Branch

The Dynamic Legislative Branch online "textbook"
Schoolhouse Rock I'm Just a Bill
How Does Congress Work

Blog Response:  Due Thursday am.

Does Congress adequately represent the will of the American people?  Why or why not?


David Brzozowski said...

In my opinion, I do believe that congress does adequetly represent the will of the american people. By having so many representatvies and senators in congress it allows for the voice of every american person within the country to be heard. As far as the legislative process goes there are so much red tape that it allows for no bills or to be passed that would obstruct the will and the rights of the american citezen. Also since their is immense diversity within the country, the compromise allows congress to listen to both sides of the country and if they dont agree than the bill or issue being argued does not make any progress. So in conclusion I believe that congress does adequetly represent the american peoples will.

Kerry Chavoya said...

Kerry Chavoya
I believe that Congress does adequately represent the will of the American People because they are just like normal citizens but they are able to make more important decisions. Their job is to represent the American people and what they believe would be best for the country. After looking at “A Day in the Life” I was able to see how many a congress man or woman does in a day. From caucus meetings to talking to high school students on the Capital steps they are doing things for the country. The people in Congress talk to state officials, visitors, people of the community, and people at the White House to make important decision and to also make the country better. But not only do they speak with these people they also speak to foreign dignitary’s to see a new perspective on certain situations. Congress does represent the will of the American people because they want citizens to be happy and safe in the country that they are living in.

Jordan Ruocco said...

I believe that Congress does adequately represent the will of American people because they give them the power to have influence on an important political or economic or basically anything decision that the country ultimately makes. I watched “ A day in the Life,” and saw how congress people go visit people in high schools or going to meetings every day. They are putting effort behind helping America and it’s people make the decisions that need to be made. They also talk to outside nations to see what they think about what we are proposing. All around, Congress makes it a point to interact with our countries people and make them a part of what goes on around us.

Jordan Ruocco

Kim Labbe said...

I believe that the Congress does adequately represent the will of the people. For example, the people that are a part of the Congress are just like you and I, they are regular people. They have to same rights to everyone in making decisions. As being a part of the congress that is your job, to make educational judgments for the people so they represent us. Also the congress holds a very large number of people and this can mean many opinions. Everybody might have a different opinion but you may agree or disagree with some. Also as an American you have the right to vote so if you believe the Congress doesn’t represent the will of the people then you can vote a new person into office during the next election. In conclusion the Congress does adequately represent to will of the people.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that Congress adequately represents the will of the American people. There are several steps and debates in the legislative process to make sure passing or denying a bill will positively impact the country. There are many people in the House of Representatives and the Senate, so the decision isn’t based off of just one opinion. The final decision is based off of not only their opinions, but what they think other people would want. Americans are the ones who are voting these people into Congress, so they have a say to what kind of people they want to represent them. People in Congress are normal, educated citizens, and take their jobs seriously. They take time out of their day to talk to the community and take other people’s opinions into consideration. In conclusion, congress does make an effort to represent the American people and do what is best for them.

Megan Robles said...

I believe that Congress does adequately represent the will of the American people. I believe this because there are so many steps in the legislative process to even pass a bill so it shows that congress has the rights of American citizens as the goal and that is why it takes so long to pass a bill. Also, there is not one person representing the rights of American citizens there is a group of people, the House and the Senate. These people should be a representation of the American people because the people voted who they wanted to put in office. In is the job of Congress members to adequately represent the American people so if they didn't represent the American people then they wouldn't be doing their job. In conclusion, Congress does represent Americans adequately to protect the right of citizens.

Aida Feng said...

When America was in its early days, the setup and representation distribution of Congress was established so that representatives could effectively represent the will of the American people. The House of Representatives, which assigns seats to states based on population, can adequately speak for the areas with greater population densities. The Senate, which consists of two representatives from each state, gives lesser populated states an equal say in the lawmaking process. Thus, theoretically, Congress should be able to accurately represent the wills of American citizens; however, these days, their ability to do their job effectively is limited by the law-making process, partisan divisions, corruption. First, from a logical perspective, only about 10% of proposed legislation actually gets considered, and of those bills, only a fraction actually makes it out of Congress for the president to consider. Currently, there are drastic differences between the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress with regard to national issues such as the economy and health care. A stubborn unwillingness to compromise has, on several occasions, resulted in no action being taken at all. It is fine to stand up for what one believes in, but there comes a point when opposing parties must put aside their polarized views to do something for the American people. Citizens want Congress to act; endless debating with no real accomplishment is insufficient. The all-or-nothing attitude from members of both parties serves only as a tactic to increase their chances of reelection into the House or Senate. Thus, Congress members ultimately have their personal interests in mind when they should be representing the interests of the Americans who voted for them. While they are strongly representing the will of Americans, they cannot find common ground on which to take action. Additionally, the Congress today is heavily influenced by lobbyists, who pay members millions of dollars to introduce or fight for a particular bill. SOPA, for instance, is the heavily disputed anti-piracy bill that opponents argue was incompetently drafted by Washington lobbyists with no technological background. One opponent criticizes Congress for “failing to address unemployment or the nation's deficit, but ‘as soon as a lobbyist shows up with $94 million, Democrats and Republicans line up to co-sponsor it. Something is wrong there.’” That basically sums up the growing opinion about the inefficiency of Congress. Their efforts to represent and act on the will of the American people are hindered by the persuasive effects of enormous sums of money. The legislative branch was originally effectively designed to ideally reflect the views of the nation. Nowadays, though, it is already difficult to get things done in Congress; there is absolutely no reason for members to, on top of it all, put their personal interests before those of the American people.

Eric Icaza said...

Eric Icaza
Congress does not represent the will of the people in a very effective way. In a true democracy the people would vote, but in the USA we elect officials to make the decisions. The representatives are suppose to vote in our interest, yet are often swayed by the politics of government. Some politicians will vote certain ways because big corporations pay them to, because they are voting on party lines, or because of unbalanced compromises. In the end, some choices are made that do not properly represent the will of the people. It is difficult to measure Congress's efficiency because our values are on the opposite spectrum of what most the Congress agrees with. We may disagree, but it may not mean that the Congress is inefficient. However, recently Congress has been making poor decisions because they aren't putting the will of the people foremost in all cases. If there was a lesser distinction in class between politicians and the people they represent I believe things would be better.

Katie Schmitt said...

Congress represents the views of the American people in the most accurate way possible. The structure of the law-making process as well as the structure of the House and Senate themselves is compatible with a collaborative effort where the people work with their representatives or senators to have their opinions heard. In the “I’m Just a Bill” video we learned that it is not only members of Congress that can originate bills to be voted on, but if any citizen has an idea or proposal for a law they can suggest it to their Congressional delegate for introduction. In addition, the proportions of Congressmen in each house are also in the best interest of the people. The Senate appoints two members from each state every six years no matter the size or population to give even small states equal representation. The House employs members from every state proportional to that individual state’s population. This allows states with more people to adequately represent their extra citizens. Both the representatives from the House and the Senate are voted into office by the people, which is another way that Americans have a say in what goes on in Congress. Finally, the elaborate seven step law-making process completed by Congress is another means for protecting the rights of the people and making sure that they are properly represented. By completing this thorough process, Congress ensures that each proposed bill is heard at some time and given apt consideration. Through all of these measures and structural components Congress does its best to represent the people accurately in the proposal and consideration of legislation.

Amro Manaa said...

The current state of the legislative branch is very unproductive. Both sides are too evenly split between democrats and republicans to the point where neither side can make a coherent decision. Also, people in the House and senate are more focused on making decisions that will lead to them getting reelected, rather than to do whats best for the country. Especially in an election year, members of the house and senate are way to blinded by their partisanism, that they are not willing to work with the other party whatsoever.

Erin Williams said...

I believe that Congress represents the american public very much so. They are basically just normal citizens that get the right to make decisions, and they know what problems the public is having. They may not meet much, but they do get enough work done in that time they do meet. They may compromise, but it is to fit the needs of the whole, not a single person. They simply do what they believe is best for the country. And since the people elect them, we have the ability to elect someone else later if the person who was in office didn't do the job we wanted. So yes, I believe that Congress does represent the U.
S. public fairly well.

Blake Dawson said...

Blake Dawson

I do not believe that congress adequately represents the will of the American people. There are over 300 million people in the United States and all of them have there own opinion on things. There’s no way that any group of people could ever represent every one in America. Although congress does take outside opinion into consideration they still can’t represent every one’s opinion. For what congress has to work with they do, do a good job. They talk to the public and they get there feed back but in the end the decision is usually made by what the congress man himself wants. Sometimes they only vote for bills if someone else votes for a bill they want passed creating gray areas.

Matt Neveu said...

I don't believe that congress represents the wants of the American people as much as they should. The problem is that the representatives are so split on their preferences, that they can't get anything done. Even if a democrat comes up with an idea and another republican congressman likes it, he will argue with him just for the sake of arguing. This is called partisan bickering, and it is one of the worst problems going on in congress. There is so much arguing going on within congress that I don't think they are able to get anything important done. Even if they consider a bill or law that the American people want, there are so many steps to go through before it can go into affect. The process is so complicated it rarely ever happens. Since congress is so split, they usually have to compromise on whatever they do. The American people don't like this very much because they want their congressmen to be strong and stand up for their beliefs and for the beliefs of the people they are representing. Nowadays it just seems like congress can't get anything done because they bicker and disagree so much. In my opinion, this is not what the American people want; therefore congress is not adequately representing the will and wants of the American people.

Jessie Zelisko said...

I do believe that Congress represents the will of the people. However, I think that there could be improvements in Congress, especially in regards to these last years where little has gotten done because of the divide in parties. As George Washington said, “Parties will be the downfall of our country”. Holding to specific party ideals and not one’s own personal ideals is a potential problem in our governmental system. In terms of Congress, however, I believe each congressperson tries their best to serve their country by hearing each distinct side, even when they don’t necessarily agree with that side. Making decisions is something I have a lot of problems with, so I give great respect to those in Congress in trying to make a decision on what they deem is best for their country.

Blake Wetmore said...

I believe that congress accurately represents the will of the people. When the people of their state or distract have an opinion on a bill, they can send their opposition or support to the congressman or congresswoman and the congressperson will use these opinions in their decision to vote on a bill. For example, when the SOPA bill came up this week, thousands of people around the country started sending complaints against the bill to their senators and representatives. Also, when Wikipedia shut down operations for 24 hours to protest the bill, hundreds of thousands more people began sending complaints to the people in congress. I personally see this as a method of presenting the will of the people and addressing their opinions. Another time they represent the people is when they put forth new bills. Most of the bills sent in to congress were brought up by people from the congressperson's state or district. The congressperson will modify the idea a little before submitting it, but the ideas of the people are always considered by the congresspeople. The extreme amount of bills introduced each year is due to congresspeople doing actions such as this. Lastly, people believe that the congresspeople are not adequetly representing them because they are compromising, but this is the only way to get the ideas of the people accepted. Without doing that, the ideas would never get passed, therefore not representing the people at all.

P3 Joshua Gonzalez said...

Joshua Gonzalez
I believe Congress does great in representing the will of the American people. People continue to make criticisms of Congressman and Congresswoman not thinking that they're not normal people. Well they are normal people and they represent all normal of people of America. There are two houses in the Congress and both have enough to allow all others in the Congress to know both sides of an argument and to make others realize that there are a diverse amount of people in the US. So that is why i believe that Congress does an Adequate job.

Magali said...

Congress does adequately represent the will of the American people because while they cannot listen to everyone’s opinion, the majority can agree with the decisions that Congress makes. Considering the number of people in Congress and all their different views, they are able to discuss many options and ways to change and create the bills in question. People are able to vote on the people elected to Congress so they in turn help to make the decisions Congress makes. Overall, Congress adequately represents the will of the American people.

Alyssam said...

I feel congress does adequately represent the will of the American People. Since they do have to look out for them and make important decisions to what is best for the people, I think they do represent this well. I believe that if they failed at this then they weren't doing there job. Also, the congress people are normal people trying to make an effort to be apart of everything and what is going on in the world. This shows that they are trying to interact with us and do what is best for the people. In conclusion, I do feel that Congress does adequately represent the will of the American People.

Rachel L said...

I believe Congress represents the will of the American people adequately. Congress has a great deal of responsibility to make the correct decision for the country. In doing so, they go through many steps to achieve this. Although many people have criticisms like “ all they do is waste time bickering” or “ ordinary people don’t have a say in what congress does”, they prove to be untrue. Well, in order to debate a bill and get all the issues with it on the table, they have to argue them and see if it is important for the country. Congress people take each persons opinions in to consideration and this can sway their decision on the bill. In the activity on the congress website that showed you what congress people have to go through before making a decision, demonstrated that they have to listen to and consider each persons views and arguments on the bill. Each piece of information can help or confuse the congress person on what is the better decision. Making the correct decision is difficult enough. By involving other peoples arguments they are taking in to consideration whether it is best for the people or not which I think adequately represents the will of the people.

Alison Dempsey said...

I believe that congress does adequately represent the will of the American people. By having so many people in congress, it ensures that the opinion of every American person can be heard. There are several steps in the legislative process to pass a bill so that congress can be sure that they are going to impact America in a positive way. The final decisions in Congress is based off of not only their opinions, but what they think American citizens would want. Congress was put in office to represent the American people, so if they are only representing a minority of American people, than they are not doing their job properly.

Catherine Dykty said...

I feel like at first, it may seem like Congress does not represent the American people well. With hundreds of millions of United State citizens and only 535 senators, there’s no possible way for every single person to have a direct say in the daily decisions made by Congress. However, I don’t think there is any other way for this branch of government to be set up so that people have more of a say. The American people elect representatives to represent their state who have similar views as they do. Anybody can contact their Congressmen from their state with any questions, suggestions, or concerns about the government. Also, these elected Congressmen come from all over the country with diverse races, religions, backgrounds, beliefs, and upbringings, which show a good representation of the diversity of the country. Because of this, when Congress meets, they are able to discuss things and make decisions for the best interest of the entire country, not just a small group. I think Congress represents the American people as well as they possibly can.

Rachel Lochowski said...

I believe that Congress does adequately represent the will of the American people. I believe that Congress does the best they can with the legislative process to pass bills that will help the American people. They go through several steps to pass a bill, which shows how important every bill is, just to make sure they make the right decision on which ones to pass. Since Congress is a large group, it is fair to say that everyone’s opinion is shared. Not only that, but the final decision is based off of what they think American citizens want. They have a pretty good view point on what citizens think because they are citizens as well. They get voted in by the public, so it’s the duty to represent them well. Congress gives up there time to also go out in public, and learn about what people truly need. Overall I believe Congress does do a good job of making an effort to represent and help out the American people.

Lila Purvis said...

I do not believe that Congress adequately represents the will of the people. Admittedly they are under a lot of stress and scrutiny while attempting to do their jobs, but that's what they signed up for. Many members of Congress are refusing to compromise because of the election that is rapidly approaching. But the problem with that is there is always an election approaching. Does that mean that the members of Congress are just going to stop working for an entire year leading up to an election? That's absolutely ridiculous. How can they get anything done if they're following that outlandish schedule?
Another thing that I think keeps Congress from adequately representing the will of the people is the fact that they can do whatever they want once they get into office. Sure, this runs them the risk of not being re-elected, but what other punishment will there be for them? Politicians are infamous for the idealistic promises that they make on the campaign trail, so what's holding them to those promises? I think it's very easy for politicians to vote for themselves instead of the people once they get into office. So no, I do not think that Congress adequately represents the will of the people, but I also don't believe that it is necessarily their fault.

Jessica Joseph said...

I believe that the congress accurately represents the will of the people. First of all, American’s vote for what congressperson they feel will most accurately represent their views. Additionally, when the people feel strongly about something, they can voice their opinion about it to their congressperson. If they don’t like their congressperson’s point of view, they can always vote for someone else the next election. Additionally, congress members can submit bills new bills, most of which were brought up by people from that congressperson’s state or district. This is another method of presenting the peoples opinion. Also, congress members go through a very long process to pass bills in order to make sure they accurately represent the people. They bicker about differing opinions, just as the average American citizen does, and also usually come to a compromise, in order for the peoples’ wills to be equally represented. Congress does the best they can to represent such a large, diverse group of people, and I believe their actions (and/or lack of actions) accurately represent the opinions of the people.

Jen Lonergan said...

Congress does a pretty good job representing the will of the American people. They try their hardest to do what the people want and to do what they feel in their hearts is right. We as Americans vote and tell them our opinions on what we believe should be done in our nation, and they act upon it. People have many different opinions, and there is almost never going to be a complete agreement on what is to be done about many issues. This means that no matter what Congress does or what decisions they make, some people will be disappointed and upset. These people who are upset feel unrepresented because their beliefs aren't shared with their Congressman or Congresswoman. However, even if they don't agree, it is still the Congress person's job to represent the American people, not to make everyone happy. Congress have a hard job. They must listen to the American people, listen to others in government, respect others opinions, and do what they feel is right. Congress today, while not pleasing everyone, does do a good job representing the majority of the American people.

Kelly Gunneson said...

Kelly Gunneson
I feel that Congress does adequately represent the will of the American people. The members of Congress (both the House of Representatives and Senators) are elected to their position by the American people. They are citizens who have agreed to work to represent the ideas of Americans in Congress. The members of Congress are divided into districts so that all people are represented. Many people feel that the members of Congress are always fighting and end up compromising too much. The Senators and House of Representative members vote on different legislation according to the people they represent. Sometimes they have to compromise with other members of Congress to meet the needs of the majority of Americans and not just a few individuals. Also, many people feel that the members of Congress do not care about their opinion. The members of Congress take a different role after they have been elected and are meeting in Washington DC. This has caused people to believe that they are in effective. Congress makes decisions on whether or not to pass different legislation. The laws that are passed have an impact on all Americans lives. Americans can express their opinions to their local representatives and affect the legislative process. The members of Congress are distributed equally to represent all districts and adequately represent the American people.

Sean Murphy said...

Yes I believe that congress adequately represents the will of the American people. Congress takes a long time to debate and pass a bill into law, which makes the process much more efficient because law making is better off being a slow process. Every part of a bill must be understood and discussed, so it would be worse if congress passed bills on a whim. Also, since congress represents both democrats and republicans, their ideas would embody many of the beliefs that the American public would have on various issues. That is why i believe the congress represents the will of the American people.