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Thursday, May 10, 2007

6 Men Arrested in a Terror Plot Against Fort Dix


nicole a. said...

The religious leader from the neighboring mosque never saw the suspects before. And according to the article there are not many mosques in the area, so if the Duka brothers were in fact pious people they might have reached out their religious community. Although they say their motivation for planning attacks on Fort Dix was to sacrifice themselves for Allah, their words do not follow in a similar manner. One of the brothers said they have enough people and that their group was crazy, crazy enough to do a lot of damage. To me that does not rationalize the killing of people nor does it explain how crazy is the same as religious. This coordinates with the notion, also mentioned in the article, that there is a new form of terrorism on the rise. One that is not based on an established religion rather a new sect of people that are angry and frustrated and take it out on soldiers or innocent citizens.

Unknown said...

I find it frightening that these men, some of whom were not even legal residents of the United States, could obtain weapons of such destructive power. As Christie put it, it is "a new brand of terrorism" -- one that lacks an intelligent guiding force behind it or even a greater purpose or ideal for which they are fighting. While they claimed to be fighting for Allah, their lack of religious devotion suggests that this was not the case, that instead, they were only attracted to violence and intoxicated by the idea of being important and having such power under their control. I have always found violence perpetrated in the name of religion to be particularly abhorrent. But it seems that they are not blindly devoted to any religious doctrine, and that is more terrifying... that people could so aimlessly, purposelessly pursue violence.

steve h. said...

I am pleased with the great work done by the FBI and various sources of intelligence which aided in thwarting a terrorist attack. I find alarming that these men were able to obtain auotmatice weapons and gernade launchers, whether they were citizens or not. I feel that if those weapons were purchased here in the states that the government should beef up background checks for gun purchasers. It is clear that these terrorist are not directly linked to al-Queda, but follow by their example. Their primary purpose was to take innocent lives by declaring a jihad. In closing, I would like to, again, commend the FBI and any federal agents who helped to foil this plot.

BrittanyOwen said...

It is scary to think that someone right across the street could be planning terrorist attacks on us and our army. But it did happen in New Jersey and Philadelphia. There were seven men claiming that they were going to do an attack on our army at Fort Dix. The even scarier part is that these men weren’t even supposed to be in the country! They are illegal immigrants who should not be here and definitely should not be in possession of weapons. The seven men claim to be fighting because of their religion but I believe that that is not true. Muslim religion, Islam, is all about peace so they are going against their religion. They just have hate within them and they don’t know how else to deal with it. These men were practicing their shooting right outside of their homes. People didn’t think anything of it, but next time I see people randomly shooting guns, I’ll think twice.

Pete Begina said...

Upon hearing of this incident, the first thing that I thought was how scary it is to think that people who wish to do harm to our way of life can be found with in our own borders. What makes this worse is that these men were inspired by information that was easily accesible through the internet. As it was said in the article this is "a new brand of terrorism" that I personally can not see a solution to. It is hard enoungh to fight a war on terror in Iraq, but now we have to worry about members of our very own society. Since 9/11 this nation has gone through drastic security measures to help ensure domestic security, but how prepared are we. Yes we were able to thwart this most recent plot but how many of these groups, not connected to a specific terrorist group, are really out there. There is one thing for certain, as great and as grand as this country is there will always be those who absolutely despise the U.S. I guess what I'm saying is that it is great that the F.B.I. was able to uncover this plot but we must search for a solution that will not only prevent inncidents like this from occuring but stop such plans before they even start.

katiemala said...

I don't necessarily believe that these men were going to kill soldiers for their own religious beliefs even though that is what they claim, because their plans were more than just their religious beliefs, it was about power. I think that we should pay more attention to the illegal citizens here, because some may keep to themselves and get away with it, but others are just too risky and will cause damage, that's a risk we should not be willing to take. We should also be questioning how these people got control of such harmful weapons, which would be another thing to focus on. I believe that religions should not compose the aspects of mass violence to people in order to show their values toward their religion. It just does not make sense to me, most religions seem to want peace and work things out constructively and violence and killing is deffinetly not showing working things out. It was truly frightening for one of the men to say, “Seven people, and we are all crazy, we can do a lot of damage with seven people.” By him saying this shows that they would be willing to get into a lot of trouble because they are not mentally stable people. This just shows how disturbing people can be in this world and the damage they are willing to cause for their own power and "showing of their religious values."

RachelSchuyler said...

When I read the headline of this article, I was almost scared to read it. I think it is terrifying that your local pizza man could possibly be drawing up plans in his house to execute American citizens. The way in which these people disguise themselves as American citizens is besides me. They must feel no guilt or anything because of their beliefs that they have been raised on. Although beliefs are a major thing for some people, what it comes down to is what is the right thing to do as a human being. Why massacre men who are innocent, and especially when they do not have any chance to defend themselves because the attack came as unexpected. The whole excuse of sacrifice for Allah may help them justify the act in their own minds, but it seems to me that these men were more about the violence, and not the actual belief that they were bettering their people. We are very fortunate that we have such a successful FBI, and that they intercepted the actual purchasing of the guns. That is what is so great about America; it is the smalltown people that help play a role in these things. Had it not been for the man who worked at the video store, we could have lost many lives at Ft.Dix.

jake s. said...

This event really brings out two major issues in the country right now, immigration and gun control. The men who entered the country illegally, to me, is the biggest problem. This just shows that as a country we need to crack down on our immigration. Even with more intense screenings and control of the flow of immigrants, things like this will still happen. We need to take drastic measures to solve this problem, otherwise potential terrorists and other aliens with the intent to cause harm to America can easily sneak into the country and live here for years before anyone even realizes it. It is hard to believe that my neighbors could have been faking their lives for the past ten years and are actually conspiring to commit acts of terror.
Furthermore, with the recent VTech shootings and others in the past, I think this even will only further heat the debate about gun control and I feel incidents like this will only further the bad reputation arms are starting to get. Like with immigration, people looking to commit illegal acts with arms will still be able to get their hands on them without a problem even with more extreme gun control. I feel this incident and others will start to blind officials and soon our constitutional rights will be attacked and taken away. This is really a problem and it is a shame illegal immigrants are coming into the country and giving our civil liberties a bad name.

TrishaIrving said...

The other day in my french class we had a very heated conversation about privacy and the discovery of this operation against Fort Dix. A few students believe that it is not worth losing some civil liberties to save lives. I disagree strongly and feel that we would have lost so many people at Fort Dix and the amount of national tragedy and sadness that would have followed is worth the invasion of the brother's privacy. I think that the fact that we were able to obtain this information is strong support for the government's ability to intercept personal information or objects that are suspicious or could potentially be harmful. Stories such as this article are frightening to me because the places that they named are such important American landmarks and would hit very close to home. Terrorism is becoming more widespread and less focused into a religious or specific group. Any person who is angry with the way the United States is dealing with certain things seem to be getting involved with terrorism. This can be proven by the terrorist's use of the word "crazy" to describe themselves. I think that this has the connotation of being less dedicated or particular about a cause. I feel that this article is showing people that terrorism is becoming a more dangerous and more prominent aspect of our society even with our increased efforts in the war on terrorism. How did these men get such weapons in the United states? I will once again stress that gun control is a serious issue in our country that must be dealt with accordingly and swiftly, especially in such times of terrorism and outrage.

Mike Sutherland said...
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Mike Sutherland said...

I feel that it is very scary to think that people who you could be working with could be plotting terrorists attacks against our country. I don't understand how people can sacrifice themselves to kill other people who have never done anything to hurt them. I also feel that we as Americans need to do something to help with the gun control problem. I think that the people who sell the guns need to do stronger background checks before selling guns to people. I also feel that the United States Government needs to do something to control the immigration problem that is affecting America right now. If we were able to fix the gun control and immigration problem some of the worries that we have now as Americans we wouldn't have to worry so much about. Although many of the terrorists say that they are sacrificing themselves these ones were not and it shows that people such as these are going to do whatever they want to injure Americans. Lastly i feel that it is great that the FBI was able to stop these terrorists before they were able to go through with there plan to attack Fort Dix.

melissa mccaughey said...

I think it's refreshing to hear about the government stopping terrorist plots from happening in the U.S. Not to say that the F.B.I. doesn't stop them everyday but it's nice to actually hear about it, I guess. It's really scary to think that the men who plotted to attack Fort Dix were just living like normal people here in the U.S., going to school, working as roofers, and worked at a pizzeria. This could be happening all over the country too, I'm sure, not just this one incident. Like the article said, even this small amount of people could cause a lot of loss of life and damage.
Also, the fact that these people were in the country illegally is really unsettling because it seems that just about anyone can get into the U.S. these days. I really think that the government needs to work on illegal immigration and improve security around the country in general. If they work on issues like that I don't think our country would be in situations such as this one. I would feel a whole lot safer if there were some way we could regulate who was coming in and out of our country.

Aimee said...

The fact that six "devout" muslim men would be able to pull off a plan to do so much damage is a frightening thing to think about. When you think of how many sick people there are in this world, you never think that a few of them combined could lead to destruction, but this event proves otherwise. The men were in the last phase of their plan, and if it weren't for their mistake of going to a local video store, the plan would most likely have been completed. It is events like this that make the Patriot Act seem worthwhile. The FBI are the ones who took authority and pulled through and saved the lives of many. Despite how "normal" and unharmful these men may have appeared, the videos warned the FBI to step in, and they did a great job. However, I am sure that these are not the last men who will attempt a terrorist attack. For all America knows, there could be six back up men waiting to take over the job. All we can do is hope that the FBI can catch these men too.

kellyp said...

The fact that American citizens as well as people who lived in America for a significant amount of time were planning to attack their own country is disgusting. This country has given these men a livlihood, and it can only give back as much as you put into to it. Their hate was completely unjustified, especially since they were not even extremist muslims, just extremists. The men were using Islam and Al Quedas actions to justify their own private war. As to the fact that the men were purchasing weapons when some of them were illegal aliens just furthers the arguement of stricter gun laws in America. Yes, it is the right of all American CITZENS to bear arms, it is not the right of illegal aliens. And since there seems to be no end of those in this country, maybe we should consider that when talking about gun control. Regarding the mens' planned terrorist attack, it is unsettling that such small factions could have the willpower and ability to pull off such a manuever. But the people who say they are fighting for Islam could really be hurting their people because stunts like this could cause a stereotyping mass of people (perhaps the Americans?) to severely distrust all Arabs (as if it isnt bad enough alrady). And that could lead to another interment camp type situation, I wouldn't put it past the people to demand something like that. Anyways, selfish actions like those of these men are completely short-sighted and foolish, and groups like Al Queda aren't helping anything.

Stephanie Santoro said...

I find it astonishing and terrifying that something like this could be happening inside our own country. While religion has been a big reason for people committing crimes in the past, it is sad to know that people living in our country would want to do something to harm it. In the past we have only had to worry about other countries trying to destroy us, now we have to worry about what is inside our country too.
The fact that the Duka brothers were aware of their strength as a group is very scary, and im glad that they were caught before they could have done any harm. It is sad to know that these men were local people living daily lives like most of us lead. Now people will be more conscious of who they talk to and who they trust in their own towns, which is the sad truth but a reality in todays day in age.

Sarah Siniscalco said...

Reading this article truly scared me. When we think of terrorsim we think of people in the Middle East who are far away. But there are terrorists here in our country, and apparently they could even be U.S. citizens as on of the terrorists in this article was. Without investigation and what some people would call an "invasion of privacy" of these people, a devastating attack could have taken place. There is no price that you can put on a human life. If we have to give up some of our personal privacy to save lives then we should. Some people complain and think the government has no right to invade privacy of U.S. citizens but if it prevents terrorist attacks (which this is clear proof that it does) then we should allow it.

kaecey said...

After reading this article, it made me think alot about trusting everyone around me. These six men were living in the united states as normal people. They looked like regualr american citizens, and even had normal jobs. But really they were planning to kill many american at a military base. Although we got to them before they could carry out this attack i am extremly scared to think there are more people out there just like these six men. Although these men were not part of the nine eleven attacks or any other terrorist group they formed one just to sacrifice themselves for their religion. If three of thesse men were living in the united states illegally why didn't anyone know? i think our government isn't putting out enough protection for the citizens of the us. I think there needs to be more done to keep us safe. We got to these men before they did it, but how do we know they are going to get to the next group that wants to do it.

nicole toth said...

This article scared me. To think that terrorists could be living in our communities and are not only international is very frightening. These seemed like normal men, living and working in a suburban town, but really they were plotting to kill many people. I don’t like to believe in the worst of people, or judge them before I know them. But I think this incident will make many Americans even more wary of immigrants, especially of Middle Eastern decent. I also think that this occurrence made the growing issue of immigration even more controversial. Some of the men were illegal immigrants, and the others were legal immigrants. What kind of example is this setting for other legal or illegal immigrants in the future? I think that this event will probably make people less supportive of immigration in the future. I’m just really glad the terrorists were caught. We can’t afford any more deaths due to terrorism in our country, or outside of it.

Shauna Bouteiller said...

After reading the first few paragraphs of this article, I realized that these groups of terrorists could be absolutely anyone from the person who you live next to, or the person you bumped into walking down the street. The fact that most of these people who were planning the attack on Fort Dix were here illegally just intensifies the whole situation. Especially because of the recent controversy over illegal immigration and the policies that concern it. These seemed to be normal every day people who went to school and work and it does not seem like they would be plotting a terrorist attack, but in reality none of them are what they appear to be. ‘“Seven people, and we are all crazy,” Dritan Duka said. “We can do a lot of damage with seven people.”’ The terrorists had obviously had planned to attack because of the maps and the amount of reconisence work that they had done, and they were in the final stages before the actual attack before they got caught. It’s scary to think of what might have happened if these people were not caught and they were able to go through with the attacks.

jules said...

personally, i think this is a really sad thing. terrorism is on the rise in our world today. America is fortunate in that citizens inside the country do not usually perform act of terror on other citizens like many third world countrys deal with daily. but unfortunatly, we act like jerks alot of the time. we are one of the most hated countries in the world, and we only egg on similar thinking by doing forceful things. one example is the war we placed ourselves in. we are bullying iraq for oil. we lied about weapons of mass destruction, when we in fact have tons of nuclear weapons ourselves. i think its a blessing these men were caught before they had the chance to carry their actions out, but i also feel events such as this one should be a wake up call to our country.