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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Election News 2/25-2/29.

Democratic Debate. Finish watching the debate (next link) and respond to one of the following questions. MAKE SURE that you make specific references to points raised in the debate to support your position and get full credit. Responses are due Monday. We will begin comparing the positions of Clinton/Obama to those of the republicn nominee, Sen. John McCain, beginning next week.

1) Was there a winner? Who/Why or why not?
2) Does either candidate develop clearer pictures of his/her policies?

Final? Clinton/Obama Primary Debate.

Additional Articles:
1. Finding Political Strength in the Power of Words
Oratory Has Helped Drive Obama's Career -- and Critics' Questions

2. Democratic Governors See McCain As Formidable
They Cite His Life Story, His Appeal to Independents


HannahDV said...

At completion of viewing the Democratic Debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, one can get a clearer view and insight into both candidates' policies, politics, and future plans to execute when and if they are elected as President of the United States in the upcoming election. Although both candidates carefully and craftily circumvent each of the mediator's specific questions, their sidestepping and refusal to give specific and insightful details on these questions caused them to exhibit clearer pictures of topics of politics of which they were not originally asked. For example, when questioned on her plan for making healthcare mandatory for all Americans, Senator Clinton refused to straightforwardly give the specifics of how she would make this healthcare plan affordable, and furthermore, how she would enforce the mandatory possession of such healthcare by each individual. Each time confronted with this subject, she, as well as Senator Obama, fell into the habit so common of many politicians. That is, never answering a specific question on their plans of actions in office in a detailed and insightful manner, yet as a result, deviating into the specifics of another area of their politics.

reillyoc said...

The debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton has definitely given me a better view of how they each plan to carry out their specific policies and plans. It was extremely heated, but it showed that they both seem to know how to avoid certain topics and recover from certain accusations or finger pointing from the opponent, both qualities that would be needed in order to become president, especially for negotiation reasons. When asked specific questions, Hillary never would completely give an answer, especially in the beginning when she was asked to specify how she would make healthcare affordable. This makes me think that she doesn’t have an organized plan in order to carry out her plan. Obama was definitely able to gain composure any time he was accused of something by Hillary, he also has the ability to prove that she often contradicted herself when comparing her views before and after she decided to run for president. Hillary made it very clear that she wants to renegotiate NAFTA. Obama stated that he thinks he should always cooperate with the allies. The point Obama brought up that has finalized my own decision that I am rooting for him was the fact that she decides to pick and choose what she did and did not “support” behind the scenes when she was first lady. He said that it is just unreasonable to say she only helped with the positive things and had nothing to do with the negative things and I agree. I don’t think that Obama developed a significantly clearer picture of his policies but I do believe that his picture was much better represented than the picture of the self-contradicting Clinton.

Alex H said...

In my opinion Barak Obama was the clear winner of the Ohio debate. This is because he specifically stated what he stood for and what he wanted to change while Clinton often got off topic and talked for a long time while not really specifically stating what her opinion was. She also frequently attacked Obama's ideas such as his health plan and on several occasions cut the host off to get her point across. Obama also seemed more in control because he took more of a back stage stance, listening to what Clinton had to say but strongly stating what he stood for and responding to her attacks with his own remarks.

eric zoref said...

After viewing Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Debate, my support for Barack has grown. Clinton displayed many negative qualities throughout the debate. For instance, her cutting off of the questioners was extremely distasteful. Also, her contradicting views of NAFTA portrayed her as untrustworthy. On the other hand, Obama appeared much more composed and confident. He was a respectful debator, and I agreed with many of his policies. For example, I support his mandation of children to have healthcare until they are 25. It is now clear to me why Obama is so close to securing the Democratic representation, and why Hillary is losing so many followers. Therefore, Obama clearly won the debate.

Brittany Hellreich said...

After watching the democratic debate in Ohio I think that Barack Obama ultimately won. Both politicians avoided answering many questions directly, but I think that Obama presented himself and his ideas in a much better way. When Senator Clinton was asked about healthcare she completely sidestepped the question and was extremely vague. Obama also pointed out that Hilary’s plan was mandatory even if it wasn’t affordable to everyone. By watching this debate it shows that Senator Clinton’s plans have many flaws, and she wasn’t able to support her ideas very well. Whenever Clinton accused Obama of something he remained poised and calm while answering. Clinton on the other hand got riled up a few times and she didn’t seem able to keep her composure. Obama seemed to remain in control of the debate the entire time and never seemed to get nervous or anxious throughout the debate. The debate also showed that Clinton has changed her mind on many issues throughout the past few years. Although neither politician clearly stated where they stood on the issues that were asked about, I believe Barack Obama won in Ohio because he presented himself in a more diplomatic and tactful way than Clinton did.

eladen said...

After watching the debate, it was clear that Obama won. Clinton has become desperate becuase Obama clearly has the majority of the Democratic vote. She is lashing out and being very rude to Obama. He just has to sit there and be patient and calm. Clinton is digging herself into a whole. Clinton references times that Obama has said one thing and done another, and this is not true. Clinton tries to prove that Obama says he will force healthcare on people even if they can't afford it. Obama clearly has done nothing of the sort. In one instance, Clinton referneces a skit from SNL and makes herself look terrible while trying to embaress Obama.

Mary Gagliardi said...

Senator Obama was the clear winner of the last Democractic debate, although he really did nothing to help his own cause. It was more of Senator Clinton embarrassing herself combined with the clear bias of the debate that brought Obama to victory. To begin with, in the beginning of the debate, Hilary forced the proctors to talk about health care for an extended amount of time when they wanted it to be a shorter segment. Interupting them repeadedly made her seem childish and unprofessional. Interms of the bias in the debate, the questions were clearly aimed to be harder for Senator Clinton than Senator Obama. There was an instance where she was asked about 200,000 jobs she had promised to upstate New York, which now has a net loss of 30,000 jobs. She then proceded to make excuses as to why it wasn't her fault. Senator Clinton pointed out early how she was always being given the questions first, which left Senator Obama with a better chance to be on the offensive. Senator Obama, who ran into minimal obstacles was the clear-cut winner of this debate.

Mark M said...

After reviewing the most recent debate Clinton I was able to formulate a much clearer picture of the political agendas of both the democratic candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Both candidates did a good job in explaining there plans and policies. Obama and Clinton shared many of the same views though they made it a point to bring out the differences especially when it came to healthcare, NAFTA, and foreign policy, key issues for both parties. I do not think it is so important to have set plans for these types of issues because it essentially is not up to the president to pass the plans. That job is up to the congress. Inevitably the ideas set forth by each presidential contender will be changes if they are to be passed. I believe that it is the job of the president to be a visionary rather than to have set ideas cut in stone. Barack Obama is the visionary in this fight and I believe the winner of the debate. Both candidates clearly are very intelligent and seem to have good ideas on how to run the country. However it was not the ideas that won the debate for Mr. Obama, it was his composure. Hillary came across as an angry aggressive and pushy almost to the point of rudeness. This was particularly poignant during the discussion on healthcare where she seemed to argue with the reporters for time in trying to get her ideas across. Obama never once lost his composure or his cool. He answered each question with dignity and confidence. Hillary attempted to throw jabs at Obama especially when dealing with his experience in foreign policy, but these jabs seemed to hurt her more than her incredibly resilient opponent. This debate proved the point that if the democrats want any chance at retaking the White House Obama is the candidate that they must choose. If Hillary is letting the pressures of running for President get to so much that she cannot hold herself together for a debate than she most certainly couldn’t handle the pressures running a country.

astephan said...

I felt that there was no clear cut winner of this debate, but if I had to judge I would say it was Obama. Both candidates seemed to raise valid issues and points about their policies and the other candidate’s policies. The point that really seemed to decide the debate for Obama in my eyes was when he said that Hillary Clinton needed to be able to take responsibility along with credit for the things that happened while she was first lady. Until that point it seemed like she was trying to take credit for all of the good things, and distance herself from the bad. This is hard to justify for a candidate attempting to win based on being more honest and realistic than their opposition. I also felt like Clinton made a mistake by complaining about supposed press bias. She’s correct, the press is biased towards Obama, but she has got to accept the fact that the press is a part of every campaign and she has to deal with it. Complaining about it will just make the situation worse. She accuses Obama of living in an idealized world, but she cannot accept the fact that the press is somewhat biased against her. Unfortunately, that’s just a part of the real world.
As for both candidates’ policies, I felt like the only policy that they really talked about in depth was healthcare. Their discussions about the mandates in each plan helped me understand them much better. Most of their other policies I felt were somewhat vague, especially their ideas to “renegotiate” NAFTA, where they really did not say what or how they would renegotiate.

Shauna said...

In my opinion, after watching the Democratic Debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Barack Obama would be considered the winner. This is mainly because the tension in the air and the interuptions were not lead by Obama, but Clinton. As were the unneeded commentaries, unclear responses and shrilling voices. It also seemed that Clinton forgot that quality is more fruitful than quantity during a political debate. Instead of stating a few solid points that backed up her opinions, Clinton stated many that were not carried out to the end and that were quite unclear and unjustified. For example, her beliefs on NAFTA were not easy to follow, and lead to the point of contradiction, and each time she was corrected Clinton would continue to dig herself into an even deeper hole. Even Clinton's many attempts at misdirecting Obama fell through the cracks. For example, when Hillary said that Obama would force healthcare upon American Citizens and Obama clearly faught that he never stated such, and false or not, it made Hillary look like she had no idea what she was talking about . Even though I had no real decision between Clinton and Obama before, after watching this debate my opinions have changed quite drastically, and now it is clearer to me. Since a presidency holds a large representation of how America is seen, I would much rather have sturdy, controlled, and respectful Barack Obama than Hillary Clinton.

Unknown said...

Honestly, I cannot say that there was a clear winner in this debate because I can find pro and con points for both candidates. I could see that for each question the candidates had their own ideas of what would be best for the American people and clearly pointed out how they would help the people better than their opponent would. However, I found that Clinton’s overbearing personality and Obama’s meek personality made for interesting debates. Clinton seemed to be getting attacked more so than Obama as far as questioning and the order in which the candidates answered the question which I believe gave Clinton the advantage and left Obama to trail behind her and basically agree with much that Clinton said. The only point that the two really differed was their healthcare programs, which admittedly are so similar that I’m not sure any of the American people know the difference anyways. At this point, it seemed as if Clinton was fired up over her opponent’s foul play with false flyers, but the truth is that both sides have put out their fair share of dirty tactics that no matter what comes with the political territory. Did one opponent win over the other? My answer is that both candidates stuck out for different reasons but I do not believe that either candidate moved the American people to move from the candidate they already support. The issues and where each candidate stands on the issues has not chanced from debate to debate and, I believe, has not brought forth a winner for this particular debate.

Evan G said...

After watching the democratic debate between Clinton/Obama I feel that Obama won. He had much more clearer views of his polices. He was more courteous and let Hilary speak but numerous times she would interrupt while he was talking. It was funny when she mentioned that she always gets asked the questions first and also her reference to Saturday Night Live about his comfort. Clinton was not answering the questions very clear, talked in circles, and was very aggressive. She would not let Oboma finish his answer without her injecting another statement. Clinton's Health care plan is not very clear on how it's going to be paid for. Obama also pointed out that Hilary’s plan was mandatory even if it wasn’t affordable to everyone. She does not have a very clear plan for the future.

gvalestra said...

I do believe there was a clear winner after viewing the most recent debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Both candidates did a good job explaining their plans and policies. Obama and Clinton shared many of the same views through they made it a point to share their differences. They ultimately agreed that their healthcare plans were 95% the same but Hillary was going to make every American purchase healthcare, while Obama believed they should have the option. This is where I found Obama to be stronger. But I did seem to find that the people asking the questions tended to give Hillary tougher questions, which required a specific answer. This in my eyes hurt Hillary a lot. She looked very angry, aggressive and pushy which I thought was way over the top. Whereas Obama was much more composed and I believe did a better job answering the questions. So by far is gaining steam as he is moving closer to winning the Democratic nomination.

bragone said...

After watching the Democratic Debate between Senator Clinton and Senator Obama I feel that Obama was the winner. Although both candidates had good ideas and policies I strongly feel that Sen. Clinton was very rude in how she always talked down about Sen. Obama’s ideas while Obama states Clinton’s ideas are very good but his are better. He speaks clear and concise about his policies while Clinton dances around her ideas and then states the policy. It seems as though Senator Clinton is more worried about bashing Obama instead of talking about her policies. I thought that the point that Senator Obama brought up about how Sen. Clinton takes credit for the good things that happened during her husband’s term in office and she says she had nothing to do with the bad things that happened. This became evident about her contradicting views of NAFTA and it showed that she can not be trusted. Therefore, I feel that Senator Obama was the winner of this debate and will be the winner of the Democratic primary.

Abby said...

Sen. Borak Obama succeeded over Sen. Hilary Clinton in the last democratic debate. He remained collected and composed throughout most of the discussion whereas Clinton was defensive and even frantic in some of her answers, cutting off and speaking over the host. For example, the question was raised as to whether either candidate would reinvade Iraq if Al Quaeda resurged post withdrawal. Sen. Obama expressed clearly stated that in an effort to maintain homeland security and defend our interests abroad, that he reserved the right to invade Iraq. Conversely, Clinton, in response to the same question, said defensively “You ask a lot of hypotheticals.” On the same issue, Clinton proved to be less clear on expressing her ideas by sidestepping the question completely: she continued to discuss her plans to withdraw troops upon becoming president. Clinton also proved to be an inconsistent candidate. Her positions on the NAFTA policies were confusing as well as her positions on healthcare. Although Obama avoided certain questions during the debate as well, he remained more consistent and came off as more confident than Sen. Clinton.

pmanacek said...

If I were to choose the winner of the Ohio debate I would say it was Obama. Hilary Clinton often times did not seem to answer the actual question but tended to drift away from the answer. Her healthcare plan did not seem as effective as Barack’s either. It was said that in her plan healthcare would be mandatory. I do not see her plan as one that will work and be helpful. I just see that it already has its problems and flaws. She also was very rude with how she seemed to interrupt Obama to put her opinion in. I also don’t like how much she either would talk about Obama’s flaws or past things she has done. I want to know about the future and what she hopes to accomplish. I would like to hear more about her policies in the future then the policies during her husband’s presidencies. Whatever she may have done in the past is over. What needs to be focused on is the future. I believe Obama not only won this debate but will win the democratic party in the 2008 presidential election.

PJ Foti said...

I'd have to say Obama came out of the Ohio primaries the winner. I noticed that he answered all questions asked of him, while Hilary did everything in her power to avoid a few of them. She also seemed childish as she needed to get the last word in for every topic. She also needed to make note that she recieved many of the questions first. In the mean time, Obama just went about his business and explained the differences between their two campaigns, and why his was better.
His plans did seem better as well. For healthcare, he isn't forcing it upon the country, but trying to make it more affordable. Hilary wants to fine those who don't have it (can't afford it) so they will be in a deeper hole. Obama seemed like he might be the favorite in Ohio now, or atleast steal a large majority of the delegate votes.

ksparzo said...

Having never seen one of these debates prior to the viewing in class I learned a wealth of new information. The first thign I noticed right off the bat was why people think that Hillary Clinton is so annoying. She was so outrightly rude and just showed such terrible debate decorum that it withdrew from her intended points. This introduction is an excellent segue into the question as to who won. I think without a doubt the answer is Barak Obama. Not olny was his composure and decorum superior to those of Hillary I also felt that the points that he was making were much more relavent and clear. Hillary often did not give clear answers to her questions which made me doubtful as to whether she actually knew what she was talking about. Barak seemed to always have clear concise answers though. The aformentioned example is just one of many that I encountered when viewing the debate. My vote for winner definitely goes to Barak Obama.

keri said...

After watching the debate I believe that Barack Obama was the winner. Everytime he was asked a question he got right to the point of what he would do for it, while Senator Clinton went off topic and kept talking forever. For example when they talked about the health plan, Obama said straight out foward what he would do and Clinton just kept going about it and then attacked Obama on his ideas. Also she really wouldn't let Obama get a word in and would cut of the host just to get her own point across. Most of the things she said was her opinion while Obama actually stated what he would want to change or do about a situation. Also when Hillary finally gave Obama time to talk he came out really strong to what he was going to do and his view on it.

Jake Dore said...

Obama seemed to “Win” the debate. This is mostly because Clinton made herself look bad by accusing her competition after she was asked a question. When the question about health care came up, Clinton directly mentioned that her plan is better than Obama’s because she will make sure everyone will have it, while Obama’s will simply make it so not everyone can get health insurance. Yet Obama waits and lets Hillary go on and on until she is finished so that he can justify his means. With the issue of healthcare, he clarified his position by saying that he will make it so everyone who wants healthcare can get it, but if they don’t want it, they don’t have to get it. Obama seemed to defend himself and stayed away from attacking Clinton which made him look good as to how he can fight off accusations (false or otherwise) that are against him.
Obama seems to describe his policies a bit more than Hillary. But I can’t see a great distinction between both of their policies. They were somewhat said, but not given enough detail for me to see how they would happen. I want to know exactly what the candidates want to do in office so that I know which I like more or dislike more. When it came to talking about health care, neither of them would let the fight settle. They would fight over whose plan was better more than describe what exactly they would do in their situations.

Jamie B said...

After watching the Ohio debate between Senators Obama and Clinton one would be able to find a clearer hint of what the opponent’s beliefs and views are however one would not be able to understand them as clearly especially in Senator Clinton’s case. When Clinton was asked a question about any one of her views she was able to begin to discuss the issue but then drastically danced around the subject by talking about where Obama would fall short on the issue. Clinton’s only defense for certain attacking questions is that she has a long list of experience, but this list is only long due to the fact that her husband was once the country’s president. She states that she would have a better rate of pace and is able to hold her own on the trail to peace. Obama however states that he is one of the most vocal opponents of the war and that Clinton was ready to give into President Bush and his views on the war. Obama said that he is ready to put forward a plan that offers a clean break against Bush and Channey and how he will be able to debate against McCain. Obama also said that if the Iraqi’s wanted the U.S. out after a drastic withdrawal of U.S. troops then he would do so but he is ready to let Iraq know that they are not going to be able to depend on us forever. Clinton began to answer the question by stating that Iraq must step up to the plate after U.S. withdrawal if it began a major downward fall. If I had to choose a winner of this debate I would say Obama. He was able to answer all questions with straightforward answers and didn’t begin to bash opponents. He was able to make his views on certain topics clearly known to the viewers without having to fall back on to off topic comments and bragging. I believe that Obama is the more professional candidate and showed this from beginning of the debate till the very end.

paul v said...

In recognition of his outstanding debate skills, speaking abilities, and most importantly his manners, I would like to proclaim the winner of the most recent Democratic debate to be Barack Obama. This debate was an extremely important one with the Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont primaries right around the corner. This was a must win situation for Hilary Clinton, and unfortunately for her she did not win. The debate overall was a close tie, and because I consider it an Obama victory. All he needed to do was make sure she did not have an exceptional night, and because he was able to quickly respond to all questions and counter all arguments Barack Obama won the debate. When the public chooses to watch debates, one of the aspects of the candidate they are looking for is the ability to put forth intelligent answers to the questions and suggest plans they have for the future. Hilary did a poor job in answering the questions of the two overseers of the debate, Tim Russert and Brian Williams. She never seemed to answer the question, and rather danced around the issue at hand. For instance, with regard to the topic of healthcare, Hilary stated, “Achieving universal affordable healthcare is a passion of mine.” Yes Hilary, it is a passion for the great majority of our country, but what are your plans to achieve this goal? She would not say. In contrast, Barack put forth his ideas speaking of people under the age of 25 being able to remain under the wing of the parents with regard to healthcare and more specifically about his plans for the older generation of our country. Another aspect of the debate that the public was looking for, although not as intellectually demanding as the first aspect, was manners. Barack clearly put forth better manners and acted very respectful and polite throughout the debate. Clinton acted in a parallel way to Obama’s approach. Clinton’s actions were abhorrent and overall galling. With regard to the War in Iraq, Hilary rejected a question by stating, “This isn’t reality. You are making a lot of hypothetical situations.” Hilary later complained of having to answer the majority of the questions first by saying, “In the last few debates, I seem to get the first questions several times and I find it curious.” I do not in any way feel sorrow for her, for in reality it is Barack receiving the majority of the questions first. In conclusion, Barack had an excellent decorum and held a positive and powerful position throughout the debate while Hilary struggled to hurt Obama and cause him to falter. Obama kept Hilary at bay, and functioned as a candidate with a purpose, to be the next President of the United States of America.

Rebecca McCormick said...

After watching the Democratic Debate between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama, I learned more about each of the democratic candidates. I can't say there was a winner. Both candidates had very stong views and different ideas that they wanted to be clear about. Hilary put up at strong fight to get her points across as Barack, was straight forward and knew what he wanted to get done. Hilary seemed as if she were fighting for time to speak, she kept adding small tidbits as the debate went on in certain topics such as health care; this to me seemed as if she wasnt fully prepared to speak about her new ideas becuase she did not state specific details. All in all, to me, there was not a winner to this debate.

Brandon C said...

In my opinion, I feel that Barack Obama definitely bested Hillary Clinton. Although the debate addressed only a small amount of issues, Obama seemed to be more on top of things that Clinton. Clinton not only tryed to get a word in edge wise at every chance she possibly could, but seemed to only focus on a few major things. One thing she would talk nonstop about was health care, and she would keep criticizing Obama's plans for solving the issues. Many people could point out and say well Clinton was being asked harder questions than Obama, but on the other hand she would never seem to answer the question she was asked, with out calling Obama's plans on an issue into question or saying it was a mistake. At on instance of the debate there was mention over jobs that Clinton had promised to create for workers, however it was pointed out just how badly it backfired in her face, only making herself look even more foolish on national television. In small instances, I was able to tell that Clinton seemed to be cracking under the pressure of the debate, while Obama seemed to know what he would say and be able to somewhat back it up for the time being.

Irene K said...

After viewing the primary debate between the democratic candidates, I felt Obama won the debate. Although neither candidate gave clear and direct answers to many of the questions, Obama gave a more realistic plan for health care and presented himself in a much more effective way and therefore gained an edge over Clinton. When the issue of Medicare was introduced, Clinton repeatedly attacked Obama’s plan as being full of lies while her own plan unrealistically forced everyone to purchase health insurance at a “reasonable” price, however she neglected to mention what this cost would be. Obama, on the other hand, countered her plan with a program he admitted was similar, but would not place the additional burden of health care on those unable to afford it. Whenever he was given a question, Obama would answer calmly and avoid using a harsh tone or language, even when receiving severe criticism from his opponent. Clinton allowed herself to become angry and let her frustration show at multiple points in the debate. At one point she become angry with the hosts for asking her all the questions first, and although she may have had a valid point, it made her come across as whiny and irritating. The hosts also aided Obama in his victory by discrediting Clinton to a certain degree. One of the hosts confronted Clinton about how as senator she asserted that there would be many thousands of jobs created in New York after a given time period, however in reality there was a net loss of about 30,000 jobs. Clinton did her best to argue this point by saying her plan was meant to in place under democratic president Al Gore but under Bush the plan was unable to be successfully implemented. However, the inconsistency placed doubt in my mind as a viewer in regards to the effectiveness of Clinton’s policies, and there was no such attack on Obama during the debate.

Anonymous said...

After watching the 2008 presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama I think the winner was somewhat clear. I think that Obama won. I have this opinion because I felt like Clinton dragged her answers on and on were Obama got right to the point, answered the question, and just stopped. Clinton would try to back herself up and try to make Obama look bad but that failed. When she noticed that people always ask her the questions first she made sure she said something about it. I really think that that was so unnecessary and she should have saved her breath. Her saying that didn’t accomplish anything. It was a pointless statement, that I think just made her look worse. Also she looked like she was angry sometimes and she wasn’t presenting herself as a powerful person because she wasn’t confident about her topic and would have to fight for her answers to look good and correct. Obama would sit and shake his head and not interrupt Clinton. He was polite where Clinton was rude and did interrupt so she could get her points in and correct them. Although Obama didn’t look that great by just sitting there and just nodding but it did look a lot better then being a rude candidate. So I believe that Obama definitely presented himself as a stronger and better candidate with the way he handled the debate.

nowen said...

I think that the clear winner of this debate in Ohio is Barack Obama. I am not saying this because I like him better but because I think he makes his point a lot stronger than Hillary Clinton. Although he may not talk as much as Hillary when he says something he is right to the point. Most of the time Hillary will just ramble on and talk about nothing but Obama will just sit there and listen and put in what he has to say after she is done talking. I think his plans for health care are going to be very effective and help many people more then Hillary’s. Barack also seems much more confident in his answers and believes he can win.

kdouglas said...

After viewing the debate i feel as though that Barack Obama was a clear cut winner over Hillary Clinton. This is because Barack was more clear cut in his answers and had a strong opinion in what he wanted. For example in the areas of the troops and NAFTA. While Hillary would get off topic and ramble on about something that wasn't important. Also on occasion she would attack Barack because she thought it would make Barack look bad, but in reality made her self look bad. In addition Barack stayed calm, cool, and collective and wasn't jumpy like Hillary. Plus he stayted clear answers and that is truely what America wants to hear. After this Debate is strongly believe that Barack was the winner!

T-Meltz said...

In a debate like this, it is difficult to determine the winner. In my opinion, though, Obama dominated much of the debate. The men that were questioning the two candidates seemed to be drilling Clinton, just to test her. She, however, simply broke under the pressure. She began to get very frustrated and even started to attack Obama and his beliefs personally. Obama stayed calm and stayed away from personal attacks to Clinton. This showed the public that Obama is probably more capable of being under pressure as opposed to Clinton. If Clinton can hardly keep her cool during a debate, how is she expected to remain calm if the question of war is at hand? Also, the way Clinton constantly interrupted Obama and the two questioners was a sign of vulnerability. She seemed to feel that if she did not get a few extra words in, that her intentions would be misjudged. She did not look confident in her words while sitting next to Obama, who was definitely comfortable with himself. Without a doubt, Obama dominated this debate and showed the public a level-headed candidate that would be trusted to lead this country.

goggins said...

After watching the final statements of the Democratic Debate in Ohio between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, one can conclude that the winner of this event was Senator Obama. It probably was not one of the cleanest debates, with each candidate taking sucker punches at one another, and neither candidate completely answered any quest that was brought to their attention. But all in all Obama presented himself as the stronger opponent. Senator Clinton was asked about the 50,000 jobs she had promised for the people of New York when she was running for the senate spot. Instead of increasing 50,000 jobs in the state, while she was in office, the state of New York actually lost 30,000 jobs. So when she states that if elected president she will create 2 million new jobs for the American people, why should we believe her pledge is even remotely realistic. Another time in which Senator Clinton did not shine, was when she was asked how she had voted one time in the senate. She had claimed she had voted yes for a proposal, yet did not agree with it. She stated that the only reason she did vote for it was because she did not believe that there was a chance it would pass. This shows that she really has not taken her position all too seriously, so why should one have faith in her as a leader of the country. Hillary Clinton also appeared bad in the debate was when she would always either avoid the questions brought to her attention, try to be funny, or rudely interrupting Senator Obama. Obama's tremendous speaking skills my have had a part in his "victory" over Clinton, but the points that he had brought up were ones that what the people of the United States care about. One of which was making it mandatory for children to have health care until they are 25. Finally Obama was seen as the "victor" is mainly because he always delivers the same message time and time again "CHANGE".

abarchini said...

The last democratic debate was a clear win for Barack Obama. Though neither candidate was successful in clearly presenting their views, Senator Clinton's accusatory attitude and lack of composure made her seem hostile and unpresidential next to the eloquent and proffesional Obama. Clinton's self contradicting policies on NAFTA also made her seem weak, untruthful, and deceptive. Obama, however, even when faced with Hilary's constant glares and blow ups, kept cool and seemed strong and honest. When faced with the issue of health care, Senator Clinton maintained the focus on the fact that Obama's policy fails to provide insurance for 15 million Americans, and that her plan is much less expensive. She supports this financial information with research from vague resources, which Obama soon after disproved (with yet more research from vague sources). Overall, the debate seemed to be a battle for Senator Clinton, while Senator Obama only needed to remain composed and seem likealbe. The debate was a clear win for Barack Obama.

Ryan Carbone said...

The issues point of views addressed by both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were made clear during the Democratic Primary Debate in Ohio on the 26th of February. Senator Clinton made it clear that her experience in the senate and as the first lady presents itself as a major advantage over Senator Obama. She discussed her position and plan for a new Healthcare policy as well as her position on NAFTA. An emotional high point in the debate occurred on the topic of the war in Iraq and each candidate’s view on the current strategy and each one’s future plans for the conflict. Clinton continued to complain about receiving more difficult questions and being asked them first, before Barack. She claimed that the media including Tim Russert and Brian Williams were giving Senator Obama an unfair advantage over Clinton. I believe that Barack Obama won this debate because throughout the program all Senator Clinton seemed to do was try to belittle her opponent and talk negatively about his policy’s and campaign. Senator Obama however, seemed to stay on topic and was concerned mostly only with answering the questions asked.

kevin stango said...

Through out the entire debate both Obama and Clinton seemed evenly matched as far as their views went. Their heath care plans were accentually the same as far as what each senator was trying to offer. Clinton says that Obama’s plan leaves the “bread winner” uncovered by the mandate in his health care plan. As far as the views of each candidate, we can determine that they are very similar. Obama seems to be shooting for a more peaceful way to end the war in Iraq and to get the troupes out, but it was stated before that he voted with Bush on the war in Iraq until just recently. Clinton is the exact same way, she voted for and then just change her mind. I feel that there realy wasn't a winer in this debate because of the fact that their views were so close.

Unknown said...

After watching the democratic debate in Ohio, between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, it was clear to see that Barack Obama had won that debate. He presented himself very professionally, and waited until he was given a moment to speak, whereas Hillary butted in wherever she felt her opinion was needed. Barack Obama also seemed to speak a lot clearer than Hillary Clinton. I noticed many times where Hillary would either say um, or jumble her words which made it confusing at times to understand the point she was getting across. Senator Obama spoke more fluently and had well thought out answers to all of the questions presented to him. So after watching this debate i came to the conclusion that Obama is a much more better canidate and came across as more of a patient, well-spoken person than senator Clinton.

Kayla D said...

With guarenteed certainty, Clinton cutting off Obama appeared extrmely distasteful while he seemed composed and patient. Clinton talked more than Obama, although Obama in the end said much more. Hillary Clinton wants universal healthcare, Obama assuring her the healthcare will be granted to anyone who needs it.He says that he will not force healthcare on those who cannot afford it. Obama also brings up the point that NAFTA if proven unsuccessful will be declined and stop in 6 months. Ulitmatly, Obama's much clearer, clearafing his points backing them up with facts.

DylanS said...

In my opinion Barack Obama clearly won becasue he was much more confident and composed while speaking. While on the other hand Hillary Clinton seemed very uncompfortable. I say this because she was cutting off questions and she had contridicting veiws on NAFTA. I agree more with Barack Obama. I support his views on health care and how children should have it till they are 25. I now see why Oboma is close to clinching the Democratic vote and why Clinton is losing voters.