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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Immigration will again be an issue debated next year in Congress, and President Obama announced plans to address the issue in an upcoming speech. How would YOU advise the President? I would like you to address at least one of the following prompts, using information from class discussion and resources:

Legal Immigration: Where do we draw the line and why?
Border Control: How do we secure our borders?
Illegal Immigration: How do we address the 11-20 million people currently residing in the US without legal status?

Due Tuesday a.m. for all sections.


Unknown said...

Erica Meister-

I would advise the president over many of the different immigration issues. Immigration has been in debate for many years with many issues at concern. The different issues I would address are border control, legal immigration, and illegal immigration.
With border control, there are many different immigrants trying to cross the border from Mexico everyday. The laws and patrol we have are not has enforced as they should be. With Other than Mexican immigrants, Our border patrolmen basically send them into the country anyway since the immigrants have to go through a court hearing. Yet, only a few immigrants go to the court hearings. The other different immigrants are not going to go to the hearing since they achieved their goal of getting into the United States. I believe that we should increase the security of our border control. We could build a fence even though a fence for our border between Mexico and the U.S. has created controversy. I think the fence is a good idea except according to geographic location. Instead of the fence, I think that we should just increase the authority of our border security. We should run more background checks and different security precautions.
With legal immigration, I would advise the President to run background checks and tests in order to have those who want to be legal or even citizens of the United States. Legal immigration is important to those who want to live within the United State's borders. Those people should follow the same laws as we who are citizens of the United States. We should draw the line at where those who have attempted to get into the country illegally, cannot become legal immigrants of the United States..
With the topic of illegal immigration, I would advise the President that he should give a chance to those who are illegal within our country to go through the process of being legal. Those who are illegal should think about becoming legal since they are already in our country. If they work in agricultural production or any part of the work force, Social Security checks will be ran in order to see if they are legal and part of the United States. If they do not pass through social security then they will be sent back to Mexico.

Zentek said...

Border Control:

The United States should stop trying to build fences around the border. The fences will not work due to the fact that people can get around them. Also it is proven that illegal immigrants get around the fences by building tunnels, simply jumping over them, and by cutting through them. Building fences is a worthless effort. Instead we should use that money to hire more national guards to watch the border. Instead of one man for every two kilometers there should be one man per a kilometer. This change would lessen the gaps and make it harder for illegal immigrants to cross over the border from Mexico. In short we need more men and fewer fences.

Legal Immigration:

The United States is a rapidly growing country that should start to limit the amount of immigrants coming into our country. Every year the U.S. lets in one million immigrants. These immigrants over time have a huge toll on our population. It is also said that by 2050, their will be 400 million people living in our country is things stay the same. That means that our country will grow by 100 million in forty years. We should try to crunch these numbers by drawing the line on immigration. We should only allow 150,000 immigrants in a year. Letting in one million immigrants a year will not change the world. It will only hurt our country. We need to draw the line on immigration at 150,000 because having too many immigrants will make it harder to get jobs and cause our population to go out of control.

Illegal Immigration:

We should address the 11-20 million people living in the U.S. without legal status much different than we do now. It has gotten so out of hand that even we don’t know how many illegal immigrants are living in the country. We should fine all the illegal immigrants since they don’t pay taxes. They should also be sent to serve prison time. If we don’t have any consequences for these illegal immigrants they will just keep coming back to America after we drop them or sent them back home. If we don’t become stricter to these immigrants then they will continue to take advantage of us.

CMinardi said...

Many people believe that illegal immigration is the cause of the influx of population growth in the United States. Although it does account for some of it, it is not fully responsible for the population growth. The primary reason we are growing is mainly because of the amount of legal immigrants we are letting in, added to the amount of illegal immigrants sneaking in. If we increased border protection and limited the amount of immigrants per year from one million to half a million, then that should greatly reduce the influx of people. On top of slowing down the amount of people coming into the country, it would also stimulate the economy. Less people coming into the country means fewer positions will be imposed upon. We are a nation of immigrants, but there is a part in every nation’s history where they need to care about the population and the economy. China and India didn’t care how many people came into the country and now look at the populations of those two countries. I think we need to cut the amount of people we are letting into the country by half.

Megan Aitro said...

I would advise the president first about border control. I believe that we should definitely have a stronger border patrol and build a good fence like the one that they started. Even though this might take a lot of time and money, it would be minimize the amount of illegal immigration that is taking place in this country. On the issue of illegal immigration, I believe that those who are found to be illegal should be deported and have to go through the system to become a citizen. If an illegal immigrant is found for doing somehting illegal like selling drugs or breaking the law in any way, i think they should be deported and never allowd back into the country. I also believe that we should severely limit the amount of legal immigration in this country. There are way to many immigrants that get to come in and it is causing many problems.

Emily said...

I would want to make sure our president knows that immigration, but mainly illegal immigration should be a topic not taken lightly. Illegal immigration is a crime just like robbing a bank, or murdering someone. If we are going to allow illegal immigration and make excuses for the 11 to 20 million illegal aliens currently in our country then we should also make excuses for other crimes.

Obviously, I believe any immigrant who is in illegally living in the United States should be deported and sent back to their country. Then they can become a legal citizen. This would be sort of unrealistic to capture every single illegal alien, however I think has a country we have a right to protect our lands as well as our laws. One thing our country can definitely do is protect and control our borders. The reason millions of illegals are getting in is because we do not have a strong border. We need to control our borders and stop the illegal immigrants. We could build some type of fence that sends off a trigger or temporarily "hurts" the aliens trying to come over.

Illegal aliens live off of legal citizens by not paying taxes and not attributing to our economy. Many of them do work however what does it matter if technically they are not our citizens?

Angela Romano said...

If I were an advisor to President Obama I would discuss some guidelines to set in regards to immigration. We cannot let just ANYONE into our country. There need to be some set rules as to who we let in. I do believe in anyone coming into the United State of America should be able to communicate in English. There too many immigrants in our country, that have been here for years and years who STILL cannot speak a but of English. I'm not saying they must be completely fluent but should have a basic understanding of the language. As far as border control I do feel it has become a pointless matter. Obviously nothing we are doing is working so we are essentially wasting funding for our borders. There are many ways that people can get around these borders despite how hard and many men we have protecting them. I do think we need to limit the amount of immigrants we let into the country. I feel as though the United State is slowly becoming very over populated. These are a few suggesting I might advise President Barack Obama.

Unknown said...

As an advisor to the President i would ask him to address the issues that we face everyday. One of them being Immigration. The Leagal, and illegal immigrants America takes in every day, and how we control our boarders. On a daily basis immigrants are coming into the states through the boarders, but it doesnt seem like we see everyone comming through. Not all of the laws are being followed through with, having immigrants only saying they will attend their court date, and are sent on they're marry way. A fence would be one option into trying to limit the illegal immigration, but at some time or another they will figure out how to cross it. So the best option would have to be taking the security up a notch and really keeping an eye out on who goes in and out of the country.

Greg Trifone said...

I feel that a drastic change has to be made in the number of legal immigrants this country allows to cross its boarders. People trying to enter the U.S have to right to come but the citizens already living in America with a job. However allowing such a large number of these people to come into our country has had a serious impact on our country. Because of the large number of immigrants allowed into this country population overload that becomes a bigger problem each day. There is a lack of food and water along with the availability of proper education and health care to all these people.
In order to fix this problem strict annual immigration limitations has to be passed by congress as fast as possible

Holly said...

If I were to advise the president, I would tell him to be most concerned with border control. Legal immigration is not as large of an issue as illegal immigration, because illegal immigration is potentially dangerous because we do not know exactly who is here, and illegal immigrants most often work under the table and do not pay taxes. I would advise the president to continue with the fencing project being executed along the Mexican border. I would also increase funding for people who actually patrol the border because I believe this is the most effectigve preventive measure to reduce the intake of Mexican immigrants, and other immigrants from the Mexican border.

Adriana DiCenzo said...

In advising the President I would mainly focus on border control. If we take care of the borders it can help with slowing illegal immigration and stop the growing number of illegal immigrants who are in the US. I first would be likely to advise not releasing those who they capture and set the court dates for. Ones those immigrants are free they do not show up for their court dates, and that just adds to the growing number of illegal immigrants. I would also suggest not building up the walls but instead find a more cost effective, and just effective way of patrolling the borders. Walls do not do all that much if the immigrants can get a ladder and climb over them. Also with the movement detecting walls, it would only work if we kept them maintained and that would cost a lot of money. I think we need to find a more reasonable way of capturing those who are trying to cross the borders, and find a way to not release them until they have their court date. Also if we only just send them back to Mexico, it will not stop them from returning another day and trying to get across the border. We should have strict punishments for those who are trying to illegally immigrate.
Along with border control, I think Illegal immigration needs to be addressed. We have 11-20 million living in the US without legal status, which means they are not paying taxes. If they are living here and we are going to let them stay, we need to begin finding ways of getting them to pay taxes and do everything a citizen has to. Otherwise we will never be able to solve this problem. If we had all of the illegal immigrants here paying taxes, we could probably support and finance ways to control the borders. These areas of immigration are the main things that need to be taken care of and that is why I would advise the President to do something about them.

Anonymous said...

Katherine Peinhardt
Period 7

To me, immigration has been blown out of proportion by some people. I find it completely hypocritical when they say that our "American" culture will be compromised if immigration keeps up. What exactly is "American" culture, might I ask?

To give any one set of traditions, cultural practices, and holidays as an answer would be wrong. Being American is such a wide, beautiful definition that I cannot think that someone would be so narrow-sighted as to close it off from the traditions that immigrants bring to the nation. It is condescending and horribly offensive to suggest that American life so high above the lives of those in other nations that the entrance of people of those other nations is "tainting" America. To me, in this respect, there is no way to peacefully "drown out" a culture: this can only occur by violent means like war and genocide. Simply entering and bringing your own life to the table is adding to the nation, supplementing its culture with the rich colors of your own upbringing.

America is the one place that people are supposed to be able to go to be "free" and have the human rights that are given to them at birth; to live safely and without oppression. When we tell the story of the first Thanksgiving, many Americans consider ourselves the descendants of the pilgrims--who were immigrants themselves.

We have to see this perspective before we close off our borders. Most of us are descended from immigrants. Times change, but even so, somehow today it is being made unacceptable to immigrate into America. This is also hypocritical.

For this reason, I see this issue as being solved in a somewhat radical way: Let the immigrants in legally. We have to stop making things restricted and dangerous by trying and failing to keep immigrants from entering illegally. Closing off our borders just encourages more radical attempts to get in illegally. Making it easier for people to become legal will decrease the number of illegals.

I realize that this would allot a flood of population entering the nation. But, I believe that at some point, when the population rises, the entrance will begin to decrease. The population will reach a leveling-off point eventually, and there is certainly enough room in the less-populated areas to accommodate a population increase.

There is a very simple end to this proposal: Legal immigration will increase dramatically, and after the legalization process becomes less torturous, illegal immigration will slow down.

Naveed Ghani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jjackson said...

there needs to be a change in the number of immigrants that the country allows to cross over. People have the right to come into the us but they hsould do it legally so we know how many are here and control the number so jobs, money, and space isnt in wasted. However allowing such a large number of these people to come into our country has a serious impact on our country. The over load of the people aloud here is a huge problem and now knowing how many is worse. Knowing how many people are coming into the us we can make a better idea of how many more schools to make for better education, how to get better health car, and better job conditions for them. In order to fix the immigration control there needs to be more border control and fences.

Naveed Ghani said...

Immigration and its laws and regulations have always been a huge controversy in politics. Some believe that we should limit the number of immigrants allowed into the country each year and focus on keeping out illegal immigrants. I, however, believe the opposite.

The main reason there are 11-20 million illegal immigrants in the United States right now is because they either didn’t try to get in legally, or they weren’t allowed. The United States’ immigration process is truly brutal. I immigrated into the United States when I was 2 years old. We applied for citizenship right away, and I finally became a citizen when I was 15. 13 years is a long time to wait to become a citizen of the country. Obtaining a visa is also an option, but getting it approved without any family or employer sponsor in the United States is near impossible. Thus, these immigrants have no choice other than going into the United States illegally or staying home. We should support this increasing diversity and the fact that immigrants are seeking a better life in the “land of opportunity”, not deter it by making it difficult to enter.

Some may argue that the United States might become overpopulated, but the United States has many unpopulated areas that are perfectly adequate for living. We have an average of roughly 81 people living per square mile, which is miniscule in comparison to other nations, such as Great Britain, which has roughly 720 people per square mile. So overpopulation is not a discouraging factor, because we have plenty of room. So the easiest way to combat illegal immigration is to make the visa process and citizenship process easier. Trying to enforce the borders won’t work effectively because the immigrants will always find a way around. But if the process is easier, they would want to come in legally instead.

Breslyn said...

I believe there needs to be a serious change regarding immigration into the US. Immigrants should be allowed to come into the US for better opportunities, but there needs to be a more organized way in controlling it. Border Control needs to be changed drastically. The President should but more patrolmen on the borders to make sure that no one gets by. I know this is a costly way, but all of the illegal immigrants coming into the US isn't safe. Also, illegal immigrants are taking away jobs from legal US citizens. If the immigrants became legal citizens, then there wouldn't be such a controversy.

Julia Strobel said...

I feel that immigration has become a big problem for the United States. Major changes need to be made in border control to stop this issue. Since their is very minimum control the border an overload of immigrants came across the borders and took many jobs away from actual american citizens. I believe the fence they started to build now should be built across the whole border even though it might take alot of time and money. The fence will provide security towards the United States. The laws and patrol we currently have is not strong enough to prevent people from crossing. I feel that if one is found illegal in the United States then they should be deported right away to their own country. I also believe that if an immigrant is found selling/ dealing or doing illegal things they should be deported also. Limits should definitely be put on immigrants because of the many problems occurring with them.

Lindsay Morales said...

Legal and Illegal Immigration has been a reocurring problem for a long time. This just means a lot of things need to be fixed. In terms of border control we need more guards and security for immigrants entering the country illegally. There also needs to be more punishment for trying to enter the country illegally. We should also consider building the fence around the border, as a precautionary measure. We let in one million immigrants yearly. These legal immigrants do take a toll on the population. We need to do something to also put limits on legal immigration, like reducing numbers. It is said that by 2050, their will be 400 million people in the United States. That number can be reduced by lowering the number of legal immigrants as well as illegal immigrants. There's not much we can do to address the 11-20 million living illegally in the U.S. However, they need to be found somehow and should start paying taxes like regular citizens. They should either be forced to go through the process of becoming American citizens or they need to be deported back to where they came from. There should also be heavier consequences for reentering the country after being caught the first time.

MCroteau said...

I would advise the president over the issue of immigration in a few ways. The debate over this issue has been going on for several years now and is getting out of hand. The numbers of immigrants coming into the country is growing at an alarming rate and needs to be stopped. The main thing i would change is boarder control. Our policy says that all immigrants trying to cross should be just be sent back. This consequence is too light. Obama should make a law that prosecutes illegal immigrants coming into the coutry. This would start a decrease in immigrants.
Also legal immigrtions needs to have restrictions. I belive Obama should only let in 100,000 people a year. He would run background checks on these people as well to make sure they are fit for our nation.

Unknown said...

On advising President obama the first topic I would help him on was legal immigration. I believe legal immigration could be good and bad. Immingrants coming to america who make a good living and have worked hard in the country diserve to stay. No criminal records or anything bad on there records. For people who have not sustained a living inwhich they are able to take care of them selves and there family should be sent home to there original country. As far as border protection it would be in the United States best interest to secure the border with some kind of fence or security. The U.S has to of the largest unportected borders. If we cannot put up a border in the next 5 to ten years the U.S could have a bigger problem then what its facing here today.

NGuarino said...

Immigration has been a huge issue over the last decade. The president knows that the amount of illegal immigrants coming into this country is a big part of the immigration debate and this is why the border patrol would be the first place I would talk to Obama about over Immigration. I feel as though we need to invest in a wall that is high tech and tall. This would cost a lot of money but in the long run would help tremendously with the amount of illegals in this country. With this I think we should increase border patrol. With the new high tech wall going up and in increase in border patrol guards I think the amount of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S. will be very minimum. I also think that if someone is caught trying to sneak in something harsher should be done rather than just sending them back into Mexico if they live there because the next day they will just try and sneak back into the U.S. again which is ridiculous.

DDesmarais said...

The problem of immigration needs to be addressed to President Obama. Our borders need to be secured more sufficiently because it is way too easy for people to get over. I believe that the fences do not fully replace the job of the National Guard holding the border. It has been shown that many people have been able to get around the fence and have decided to come in from the border around Canada. To secure our borders, the fence needs to be put around all borders of the U.S. and to have more members of the National Guard patrolling them.
Our country also needs to be stricter when it comes to illegal immigration. Each year, the United States allows in 1 million legal immigrants. This number needs to be reduced by at least 50%. Our population is already growing rapidly and we don’t need more people coming into our country. Although some feel that we are bettering the people that want to get away from their corrupt country and start a new life, we need to draw the line somewhere. Too many people in the United States is bad for our population and for the well being of all of our citizens.
Lastly, we need to address the 11-20 million illegal immigrants that are in the U.S. The United States is being way to lenient towards illegal immigrants. They do not pay taxes but during our recession many of them hold the jobs that U.S. citizens should be having. They should be fined and have to serve prison time for their crime. A punishment needs to be set up towards illegal immigrants because they are taking advantage of our country. Immigration is become a huge problem and President Obama needs to address these issues.

Safia said...

I would advise the president on many different issues of immigration. The first would be the legal immigrants. Our country's population is increasing day by day. There is a capacity of a country to hold a certain amount of people and over the years America has kind of crossed that line. Too many immigrants are entering the United States. This should be minimized by making the laws more strict. If the population increases at this rate then we will need more jobs, schools and more facilities that make up for those amount of people.
Another point that should be made is the illegal immigration. There are over a million of immigrants that are present in the United States. They do not have legal documents that can specify for what reason they are here in this country. These people should be tracked down. We should give them another chance for legal immigration and if they do not pass that process then they shall be sent back to their country. This should be taken care as soon as possible because it is increasing.
The last point that I would like to make is about the borders. Borders should be improved and there should be more security. As this will be increased there will be less chance of people crossing the border and entering the United States. If these three points are put into action the issues of immigration will be taken care of.

Unknown said...

If I was to advise President Obama about the upcoming immigration issue, I would advise him to limit immigration, but not completely forbid it. America is the land of the free and for many years we were open to immigration of people from other countries. Since then, the population has increased to 300 million. Many people have argued that the mass immigration, mainly from Mexico, is going to over populate the nation. Many want immigration completely ended.

I believe immigration is a very valuble thing to this country. Many of the incoming people are desperate for jobs and will do just about anything for some money. They are very hard workers and are key in our agricultural society. Some may argue that they are a cause to lowering wages, which is sort of true. I think that is where we draw the line. If immigrants are lowering wages and taking money away from Americans, immigration should be limited.

Another issue at hand is the conflict that there are 11-20 million people residing in America without legal status. To help some this issue, I would tell the president to identify those immigrants, and then tax them higher than the average American. They should be taxed until their legal papers are filled out. I think going to the point where they would have to be deported is going a little too far, but being able to live illegally is not acceptable.

Chepler said...

I believe that it would be beneficial to our country, as well as the countries from whom the immigrants hail from if we were to drop the number of immigrants legally allowed to enter the country each year. The video shown in class, in which the gum balls were used as a representation of immigration in the united states, showed that no matter how many millions of immigrants we allow to enter the country, it does almost nothing to help the countries from which they leave. The best way to help these people and nations escape poverty is have them deal with it in their own countries, for allowing them to move here only worsens our own situation, while not helping the third world nations problems. The United States should place stricter rules on the immigration numbers in order to help itself, and by doing this, allowing other nations to deal with their issues of poverty. In terms of illegal immigration, the lengths that the nation would have to go to in order to punish or rid itself of the 11-20 million illegal aliens residing within the nation would be far to costly to ever be beneficial. There should just be stronger enforcement along both borders in order to stop the flow of so many illegal immigrants. Stricter punishment should be placed on those who are caught in the act of crossing the border. In order for any hope to be shed on the immigration issues, stricter immigration laws should be set, including the number of legal immigrants allowed in, and the punishment for those who illegally cross the border

Chris DiDonato said...

I feel that a problem with the number of immigrants entering the United States has grown immensely in the past few years. With the shortage in jobs the U.S. can’t afford to have more people entering the country. With illegal immigrants working for less it has caused a problem for actual citizens to find work. I feel that there needs to be stricter border control in the U.S. They can’t keep letting more people enter the country and they need to draw the line at some point. As far as immigrants who enter the country illegally, there needs to be stricter laws as well. Deportation is not going to stop more immigrants from entering illegally. Without improving these laws the countries problems will just increase.

Dan Sweeney said...

Border control has become a serious issue when it comes to regulating the amount of immigration into our country. I would advise the president on a series of options we would have to regulate immigration. To begin, the wall isn't the best idea because ways around it are easily found. But if the wall has scientific improvements to prevent damage to it, then it should considered. For ways around the wall such as digging underneath it, our country should definitely increase the number of border patrol force. The more patrols there are, the more land can be covered and illegal immigrants caught. National Guard can help increase border patrol force and some spots can even be opened up as job opputunities to certified citizens.

Unknown said...

There are various routes that can be taken in terms nof dealing with the very complicated issue of immigration. President Obama is presiding over an era that is evolving into a bilingual america, with an ever increasing hispanic population. While recognizing immigration situations in the past, we can now look towards the future of establishing more reasonable and civil means to conduction immgration into the United States.
If I were an advisor to the president, I would suggest that a strong offensive be made on combating illegal immigration and border security. This offensive would help assure the American people that the government is doing all that it can to enforce the borders, and protect U.S citizens.

Border Control: How do we secure our borders?
Build a wall. I wish it were simpler. If a border were completely enforced (IE Berlin Wall) the amount of illegal immigration would decrease significantly. Also increasing the amount of border patrol would assist this initiative.

Illegal Immigration: How do we address the 11-20 million people currently residing in the US without legal status?
I feel that we should force all illegal immigrants to take a citizenship or green card examination, as well as paying a fine for their offense, through pay or community service. Any and all illegals convicted of a felony would be immidiatley deported without appeal. Enforcing these iniatives is an excellent way to cope with the extreme anount of illegal immigrants in the United States.

Kyle Copes said...

3. How do we address the 11-20 million people currently residing in the US without legal status?

I would really like to advise the President on several of the current immigration situations. First of all, in regards to legal immigration, we need to limit the amount of immigrants that enter the country every year. The limit on legal immigrants should be around 100,000 per year. If we do not do so, the population in the United States will grow to an uncontrollable amount.

The next issue that needs to be dealt with is how the U.S. should control the border to prevent excessive numbers of illegal immigrants from pouring into the country. I believe it is necessary for a wall to be built along the entire border with Mexico. Along with the wall, we need to increase the security in the areas around the border. It doesn't matter if we use our military or S.W.A.T. team to defend the border from these trespassers, but some kind of armed group needs to protect our country from the influx of illegal immigrants for the betterment and protection of our nation. Creating this wall and supplying the area with security will create a lot more jobs and should help our economy climb out of this recession.

In account of the 10-20 million illegal immigrants already in the country, we need to make it more difficult for them to find jobs by enforcing all employers to look into background, citizenship, and social security numbers. Once these illegal immigrants are found within our borders they will be either imprisoned or deported back to Mexico. The United States needs to crack down on the current immigration problems that are afflicting our country and these key steps would be a great start.

RNA said...

Due Tuesday am. Don't forget!

Unknown said...

Eric Ploch
I would give the president advice in the illegal immigration issue, how do we address the 11-20 million people currently residing in the US without legal status? I think that the government should give any illegal immigrants a specific time frame in which they can apply for United States Citizenship status. Due to how long this process may take just registering to become a citizen will suffice as long as they continue to go through with the process. After the allotted time frame, if an illegal immigrant is found, then he or she should be deported to their country of origin. Also, if someone signs up for their citizenship but doesn't follow thought then they too can be deported. This also leads to the idea of how to control our borders and what we should do to keep immigrants out. I think we should put more money into our borders and be tighter on security, whereas if an illegal is found entering the country they should be deported on the spot and not be taking up spaces in our own jails and prisons. Fences and an increase in security as a whole could all help in keeping our borders safer.

Anonymous said...

I would first strongly advise the president about the border control problem. I believe we should have a much stronger border patrol, with a strong barrier to prevent people from entering. Though this probably would cost a lot of money to build plus the labor, it would be effective in ridding the country of further illegal immigration. On the issue of illegal immigration as a whole, I believe that any person founded to be an illegal immigrant should be detained for the minimum amount of time allotted and then should have to be submitted to the citizenship test or is otherwise deported. If an illegal immigrant is found committing a crime of any sort, they should be deported and never be allowed to re-enter back into the country. I also believe that the amount of legal immigration we have at this time is too much, we should find a number that would maximize the benefits for the country of immigration, and minimize the negatives.

Unknown said...

I believe that the most important topic out of these three would definitely be border control. I would advise the President that we need to make our border control much more effective. Our current border control does basically nothing and doesn't keep out many illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants that we do capture are just sent back to their home country without any consequence. I believe that these people should be penalized for their misbehavior. By allowing these people to have such loose restrictions, more people try to cross the border. If we had a stricter policy, people would be more afraid to come to The United States illegaly.

What we also have to keep in mind is that these immigrants arrive in all different forms of transportation. Some travel by foot, some by car or bus, and all other forms of travel. One fence along the border would not be enough to prevent all illegals from crossing the border. We would have to have the coast guard paying more attention to people arriving by the sea.

These mass numbers of immigrants are hurting our country. If there was a smaller amount of people entering the country, I would not be as opposed towards these people. We need to be accepting to some of the immigrants, but we should have some kind of cap on the number of people arriving in this country. If more and more people enter each year, the U.S. will become even more overcrowded with the immense amount of foreigners.

Emily Werth said...

I would advise the president on the border control issue. The population in the U.S. is already too high not only because of the amount of Americans, but also the amount of immigrants that come to our country. The amount of illegal immigrants needs to be controlled and stopped by having better border control. This would probably cost a lot of money, but I think it would be worth it in the long run. If an illegal immigrant is found I think that they shouldn’t be given a court date far from the date they are found in the U.S., but they should be submitted to a citizenship test and if failed deported. This would be more effective because when the illegal immigrants get a court date, there is so much time in between that most just run off and are never seen again. Border control needs to be improved to decrease the amount of illegal immigration.

Unknown said...

For securing are borders we need to up high fences so that no one can just use a latter to jump over the fence. They need to dig into the earth to stop the illegals from digging there way under the border. Put more people on the line to prevent more illegal’s from coming over.

mike kaplan said...

If I were to advise the president about I would address the boarder control first. The U.S. needs to strengthen the boarder, even if it means spending money. They would need to build a barrier that would not allow illegal immigrants to just walk and enter the states. As for the 11-20 million illegal immigrants currently in our country they should be forced to take the citizen test to become a U.S. citizen, or should be deported back if they fail to do so. I know this would be nearly impossible with all the illegal immigrants in the country already, but if we start today, and not allow any illegal immigrants in the country, it would be a success to only have 11-20 million illegal immigrants compared to millions and millions more which is expected to happen in future years. If an illegal immigrant today gets caught committing a crime, they should be deported back to where they came from, or should have to pass the citizen test. This is how I would advise President Obama in drawing line with immigration.

jaldo1 said...

The immigration issue has been a huge debate for far too long. I would advise the president that the huge number of immigrants in this country is causing a lot of problems such as the illegal drug-trafficking. Although a good amount of immigrants are caught when attempting to cross the border some do get across. The only consequence for the ones that get caught is they get brought back to their country. Since the risk of crossing isn't so bad they will just keep trying to come back. America has to get stricter with these crossing and perhaps create a law that will give them a fine or prison time. These immigrants need to understand that they can come into are country but only if they enter legally. I also believe that patrol needs to change a lot because all of the immigrants getting in are taking away jobs from tax-paying citizens. These immigrants will keep affecting the economy more and more if we allow them to. We need to send more patrol to secure the border or maybe even a fence, even though these ideas may seem expensive if you think about it the final outcome will be a lot better for America and our economy. I think that we definitely need to end this immigration issue as soon as possible or America is going to have some serious issues.

Megan Robles said...

I feel that when President Obama addresses immigration in his next speech he should make note of the 11-20 million people who are currently residing in the US without legal status. I think the President should come up with some sort of arrangement to allow these immigrants to have legal status. If these people were allowed to get inside of the United States and start a life here, they should then have an opportunity to stay not be deported back to the life that they are trying to escape. If illegal immigrants can prove that they have been in the country for two or more years they should have the right to stay in the country and go through the process to become a legal citizen of the United States. This is because if someone has been the country for two years they have most likely been able to find a steady job and become used to the way of life here. If illegal immigrants have been found and they have been in the country for less than two years they should have to be deported back to their country were they would have to go through all the legal work to become a citizen before they entered the country. I also feel that people who move here illegally, but are staying with relatives that are of legal status they should be able to become legal immigrants and not be deported. This is because they came to be with their family and they should not be forced to have to return home. These are just some suggestions that I feel the President should take in order address the issue of illegal immigration in the United States.

Unknown said...

I believe that we should have a stronger border patrol on the Mexican border. Especially in a time of economic trouble we do not need illegal immigrants making it harder for US citizens to find work. Although this would cost a lot of money, it would solve the problem of illegal immigration from mexico AND it would create jobs. Another problem is the amount of illegal immigrants already in the country. I believe that if a strict deadline was made for illegal immigrants currently in the United States to attempt a citizenship test, then it would be fair to make the punishment for being caught harsher. In other words, if an illegal immigrant makes no effort to become a citizen, then they can be permanently deported.

ccriscuolo said...

Many people are trying to be apart of the United States but there is just too great of a number doing this. We should most definitely limit the amount of people residing in this country. It's leading to so many economic problems. The born citizens of the U.S. are having trouble finding work and we don't need even more people coming in taking other people's jobs. What we are doing now, by securing the borders, is all we can do. But, we should be much more strictor with the people we do let in. If we find illegal immigrants here in the U.S., we should most definitely send them back to where they came from. Some action needs to be taken now and fast, especially in these critical time periods.

Unknown said...

In regards to immigration, I would specifically advise president Obama about border control. I think something has to quickly and thoughtfully be done to the current issue on border control. Many Mexicans keep crossing over to the U.S border illegally, and the current laws and registration the U.S maintains in regards to this issue are completely ignored. Not only are these people illegally entering this country, but the fact that the U.S government doesn’t know the “type” of people coming in, is a fact to be taken into consideration. In other words, the U.S knows nothing about these people’s backgrounds or history which could be dangerous not only to the country in general, but people surrounding these newcomers. Therefore, I think not only does a new physical and stronger system need to be built but these laws and registrations need to be very strictly enforced and fallowed by everyone. First off, start with making either a new, or a stronger physical blockage, like with the fence. Along with the strengthening of the blockage, a row of armed guards should be there if not already, covering the whole fence across. This would not only provide for a stronger blockage but for extra control and security as well.

Loan Le said...

In order to control the 11-20 million illegal immigrants in the United States, it's important that we keep a close watch on the activities that illegals might be involved in.

I'm sure there are places where many immigrants will find refuge. Most likely, the areas near the coast would be most populated. There should be an increase of police forces to monitor these areas.

Illegal immigrants are more likely to find jobs that are easy to get by and pay well.
There are businesses that prefer to take in illegals because the employers believe there is a surplus and the number of employees they can maintain is therefore expendable. These are usually large businesses where it is harder to keep track of the illegals. The government should monitor the hiring process of these businesses and do background checks. Those who can not be identified based on Social Security number are those who need to be investigated.

The illegals caught should then be deported back to their country as they had entered our country without permission.

aouellette said...

There is no doubt that illegal immigration is a huge and growing problem in the US. It is dangerous to our legal citizens because it poses a security threat. We cant protect our people from those we dont even know are there. Also, many illegal immigrants work for cash and dont pay taxes. Although it is "said" that they contribute more to the economy, many illegals send the money they earn back to their families.
I believe that i would advise the president about stricter border patrol. I believe that in heavy populated areas, more man power is needed. I feel that this is much more effective because a wall could just be manipulated and the damages can go unnoticed. More man power would also open more jobs to US citizens. I feel that this would be much more effective in the effort to keep out illegal immigrants.

Unknown said...

Immigration is a serious issue that needs to be discussed as soon as possible. The President has to cover a variety of issue, one involving illegal immigration as a whole. There are already between 11 and 20 million people currently living within the U.S border without legal status. These people do not pay taxes like the everyday American, and work for businesses on lower than minimum wages, depriving legal citizens of jobs they normally would be able to fill. My honest opinion would be to deport as many of these illegal immigrants as possible, but that scenario is certainly not realistic. Due to the fact that the U.S does not have enough resources or manpower to remove the amount of immigrants, I believe that some sort of a compromise will have to be reached, such as what is seen in the article “Breakthrough on Senate immigration bill breaks down” by Gail Russell Chaddock. In this article it talks about a bill that is passing through the Senate that gives any immigrant who has been in the country for over five years the ability to apply for citizenship, while also giving anyone who has been in between two and fives years the ability to fill out a temporary work visa. Lastly, anyone who has been in the country for less than two years without legal citizenship will be deported. I agree with this bill mainly because it gives an option for many immigrants to become citizens while also cutting down on the total amount by deporting any who fit the last category. Hopefully this bill does pass, and eventually regulates the mass amount of illegal immigration that is being seen in this economy.

Mike Gargiulo said...

I strongly believe that immigration must be controlled. First of all, nobody should be able to enter the country without going through the legal process, and there must be punishments given to those caught in order to set an example for other potential illegal immigrants. In order to control this, we need a more extensive fence and other equipment to help prevent illegal immigration. In addition to stopping illegal immigration, we must address the amount of illegal immigrants already living in the U.S. by somehow finding out who is legal or not and take action.
Secondly, we must begin to limit the amount of legal immigrants entering the United States. We can barely compensate for the people that are already living in the United States. Though I don’t believe that we should eliminate immigration, we must begin to severely limit it.

rachel aliotta said...

I would address many key issues concerning immigration with the president. Some of these issues that I would discuss would be legal immigration, border control, and illegal immigration.

With legal immigration, I would advise the president to perform tests and extensive background searches of anyone who wished to become a US citizen. This way, those people can have an equal opportunity to become legal in the US, and in doing so, can be given the opportunity of freedom that all US Citzens have. However, I strongly believe that any person or persons who have attempted to enter the US illegally, should not be given the chance to gain US citizenship, but should be sent back to their country for good.

In terms of border control, I feel that our security at the borders can be improved greatly. We need to secure our borders with more protection, and that we should really make sure that no one can enter our country illegally. To do this, I feel that we should build a fence or wall, that seperates the border between Mexico and the US. At this "check point", we will enforce background checks, including enforced security.

Lastly, I would advise the president with the issue of illegal immigration. I feel that everyone should be offered the chance to be a US citizen. Those who are illegal, should either wait and become legal, or they shall be sent back to Mexico. If any of them are involved in work in the US, we should run backround checks on them to make sure that they are allowed to be in our country. Anyone who has not passed, or is not legal should be sent back to Mexico. No exceptions should be given to any immigrant. Immigration laws should be fair to all, and in doing so, they should be monitored on a daily basis.

Unknown said...

Immagration is a topic that is very contraversial. Some argue that immagrants belong in their ountry and if they cross over then they should be emmeidietly returned to their homeland and have no right to be in America.Border control is certainly not very stricts in most areas and there are some areas where there is no effort being made to stop immagrants from passing. The numbers of illegal immagrants will strongly decrease if the control is more strict and law inforcement along the border is stronger. Obama should advise chante and hopefully less immagrants that are illegal will intrude in the future.

Unknown said...

The first thing that I would advise the president about would be border control. I would advise the president about this topic first because this is the main reason why illegal immigrants are getting into the United States. I would suggest to build a stronger and better fence, like ones that have been proposed. I feel that there also has to be more border control because obviously the people that are supposed to be keeping an eye out aren't exactly doing there job. If we get a stronger border control and create a way to lessen the flow of immigration, I think that we will see some positive changes.

Vaughn said...

If I were to advise the President, I would advise him on our Border Control polices. For too long we have been going around this topic in the wrong ways. Even our actions to enforce this issue have been absurd. Having one foot soldier per kilometer? That's playing the game "Where's Waldo"...only there is a lot more sand and a lot more space to cover. If I were ever out in the middle of nowhere trying to look for illegal immigrants, I would most likely give up half way through. There is no way that I would be able to catch everyone and overlook everything.
I feel that we should invest in putting more men on our borders in order to secure our nation. We should have vehicle patrols hourly, and we should have cameras set up in places that we don't already. Our nation depends on border land security, and with the way our nation is running things now, it won't be long until we regret our tactics.

Unknown said...

I would advise the President to definitely try to control the illegal immigration as much as possible. Illegal Immigration is a very large problem and needs to be addressed. This problem no only puts a burden on the infrastructure of United States, but also plays a major factor in drug and illegal firearm trade. Although this may be a stretch, one way to ease illegal immigration may be to legalize marijuana. If we did this there would be less illegal smuggling, crossing, and drug related crime because marijuana is one of the major illegal drugs that cross over the border. A better way to secure our borders may be to increase the numbers of our border patrol, which would also decrease unemployment. Lastly, we can secure our borders by increasing the penalties for those attempting to cross, including fines and imprisonment.

Unknown said...

If advising the president on the issue of immigration, I would strongly push the idea of much stricter border control. With the current number of those entering the country illegally far exceeding those entering legally, something needs to be done to stem the tide. Tighter control on all areas of the border, not only the sections near urban areas, could be the key to helping to slow the flow of illegal Mexicans and "OTM"s across the border.Instead of appointing only one border patrol agent per ever three kilometers, halving the number of distance each agent is responsible for would not only create many jobs, but it would greatly tighten gaps in security. Also, a cheap yet effective fencing along uninhabited areas of the border would help ensure that no one is trying to cross illegally out of sight. Finding methods to stem the flow of illegal immigrants across U.S. borders will help maintain the safety and security of our nation.

Unknown said...

Immigration causes a big debate in congress. If I advised the President I would start by telling him to have a better boarder control. Either with more people watching or a continuous fence that they have already started. With illegal immigrants in the country should have to reenter the country and apply for a citezinship if they want to. But if an illegal immigrant is caught doing something bad, like driving under the influence or selling drugs they should be deported and never allowed back into the country.

Robin said...

I believe the first concern for immigration is closing the border. We need a better more effective way to stop illegal immigration. Legal immigration-I believe it is ok to let immigrants in legally. I think we should allow a certain number of legal immigrants in a year. There needs to be better control over who comes into the country and how many come in. I think they best way to control the border is to spend the money on a high tech fence to keep people from illegally coming into the US. For the 11-20 million illegal immigrants here already I believe they should have much more sever consequences then they have now. They should have to pay taxes like all other people living in America. I believe that if they don’t follow the laws they shouldn’t have the right to live here.

Kelly Carlson said...

The amount of immigrants is an increasing problem in the US. Although it seems that it has become a hard issue to control, I think the really issue is why the immigrants are coming to US. I believe we should find away to improve condition in Mexico so to stop people from coming over. If we keep letting people in, the US will be much to over populated and have increasing inflation. And clearly we are failing to stop the immigration from happening. So the only solution is to help the Mexican goverment by inproving their situation which will result in less immigration.

ashley rotondo said...

I believe that the president should be advised about the different issues going on and about the border control. We need to build a bigger and better fence if possible and also get better border control. Many American citizens would not be very about how much time and money this would take but it would stop a lot of the illegal immigration that everyone is always complaining about. Those that are caught "jumping the border," they should be deported back to their own country. Although just deporting them for doing bad things, or even just trying to get over wouldn't stop them from coming back over, they should start running background checks and come across with different security matters. Illegal immigration should not be happening because there are way to many immigrants coming into the country and the population will keep rising and this will be keep causing more problems in America than there already are.

emilyperine said...

I think the first thing that needs to be addressed is boarder control. The numbers of illegal immigrants coming into our country is increasing because America isn’t in control of its boarders. Clearly building fences isn’t working because they just cut through them, find ways around them or climb over them. The motion detector fences don’t work because there aren’t enough men patrolling the boarders to catch the immigrants in time. I think we need more people on patrol and if we are going to use fences to keep them out, they have to be durable and indestructible. It’s understandable that people are worried about the cost of building such a wall, but the immigrants are living in our country, off our resources, and most aren’t even paying taxes, so building this wall would prevent these people from taking advantage of our country.
Securing our boarders would control the amount of illegal immigrants that enter our country. As for the ones already in America, I think they should be subjected to taking a citizenship test, and if they fail they should be sent home, or they should be fined for illegally entering out country. Also, I don’t think they should be subjected to a hearing because by the time its time for their hearing, most of the immigrants don’t show up and are therefore illegally in our country. We need to make sure there’s a way they get officially deported, and aren’t just running free in America.

Unknown said...

Legal Immigration:
People from other countries should not be allowed to enter the country without going through the legal operation in order to become a resident. There should be a specific date from this point on to stop the illegal and legal immigration into the United States because it weakens our economy. In order for a foreigner to come into the states, they should have a job and pay social security to keep that job. It is not fair for the other residents because it doesn’t allow them the same opportunity as legal residents. As we all know the US is overpopulated and can’t survive without government bailout, so as of right now legal immigration and illegal immigration is not beneficial for our country.

Graham M. said...

Obama needs to gain favor with the American people right now. The economy seems to be at the point where it can turn around, so now is a chance for Obama to surge forward, and immigration could be a place for him to start. The public opinion right now concerning immigration is that non-Americans are taking away jobs from American citizens, and this is a problem for many people. If I were given the opportunity to advise President Obama, I would suggest that he restrict legal immigration. This decision can promote the job market for Americans, and hopefully this can spur economic growth. As an immigrant myself I personally disagree with this, but it would probably be in his best interest to take this approach to the situation. As far as border control and illegal immigration, I propose the following idea. A system can be put into place to allow the illegal immigrants to apply for American citizenship, and enforce stricter regulations for border control. Their is a program in place that allows people to view the Mexican border from their home computer, and this is a good start to stricter border control. More programs like this can be put into place to try and cut down on illegal immigration. If the United States also works on making current illegal immigrants U.S. citizens, then that equals less illegals and more benefits for the United States. A system such as this could work if there is enough enforcement from the government, and it is my advice for President Obama for the issue of immigration.

Unknown said...

If I had the chance, I would advise President Obama with the current issue of immigration. It is obvious that immigration is a huge concern today, so I would try to advise him on how to slow down the rate of immigrants coming into the country along with how to address the immigrants that are already here.
To start, I think that the president should deal with the immigrants who are attempting to come into the United States. Both legally and illegal, millions of individuals are trying to enter the country. Many people leave their homes to come to this country. As they look for better opportunities, escape current situations across seas, etc; people attempt to come into the US at a fast rate. Some individuals go about this the wrong way, and try to illegally arrive in. A popular solution to this problem is to build a fence to keep illegal immigrants from completing their task. However, it is not that simple. Aside from the high cost of this project, I also think that this solution to the problem is not reasonable. Because there are other routes to come into the U.S (such as going around or under the fence) I think that the president should try to put a hold on this, and look into increasing border control. Patrollers should be increased near the border and there should also be an establish set of consequences for those who repeatedly try to illegal enter the country. As of right now, if someone is caught they are just sent back. However, these individuals are usually persistent and try again the next few days. To avoid this, an establish set of rules could clearly state that a fine or punishment is given to the people who do this. I do not see anything wrong with immigration, but it does need to be more controlled and monitored. To make the immigration process better, the people who are illegally trying to come into the country should have to go about the process in the appropriate manner and properly get US citizenship. As for the illegally immigrants that are already here, I think that they should have to do the same. Right now so many illegal immigrants are in the country and it is almost as if they are taking advantage. Natural born citizens must pay taxes and so should immigrants. It's only fair that the illegal immigrants that are currently here become legalized to stay in the country. They obviously want to be in the US so I think that if this is important to them, they will be fine with going through the necessary steps to stay in the country.

Meghan said...

Immigration is a very difficult, but critical, issue for the United States. Personally, I would advise President Obama to weigh the pros and cons of both legal and illegal immigration and make a reasonable ruling afterwards. When immigrants are taking away jobs from Americans who need them, I do not support immigration. My father works as a computer programmer and due to the current recession his company has laid off many of his colleagues and replaced them with immigrants who will work for lower wages. In this case immigration is hurting our country. As far as border control goes, I would advise that we put money into much stronger security. We need a greater number of patrolmen and we need higher, more dangerous fences. I feel that this money will be well spent as long as it reduces the number of immigrants that enter the US each year. I support legal immigration because that number is much less than illegal immigration and it shows that these immigrants are here to work and serve as loyal American citizens. Finally, in response to the 11-20 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the US, we can not do anything about these people now so we must focus on the border control and the legal processes that immigrants must go through in the future.

mna234 said...

Immigration has been a big in the past and today. There are so many illegal immigrants coming from Mexico everyday. What Obama should do is either make a wall or tighten border control so the number of illegal immmigrants will be lowered. If we do this than it will be harder for illgeal immigrants to come over. The Penalty should be harder on them if they are trying to bring illegal drugs to this country. The President should not let illegal immigrants go back to Mexico if they are trying to get into America. Because the next day they will try again, and might succeed. If we stop this problem then this means than our popultaion will be decreased very quickly.

Jacquie St.Pierre said...

The issue of border control is definitely something that needs to be adressed. I don't believe the US should have a set number of immigrants they let in because that only makes illegal immigrants think they have a chance and more determined to get through. I believe our country needs to set up better control of it's borders and not allow random foreigners to enter. They could easily be terrorists. As far as the illegal immigrants that are already in the country, they should have to register for citizenship or else be deported. I also do not think its fair for Americans to employ mexican immigrants because they will work for less. Many of these issues would be solved if congress made final decisions instead of keeping these issues in debate for so long.

Anonymous said...

Immigration is a long heated debate that needs to be solved soon. I would advise the president to first, enforce a greater security to cover the border. I think that there should be higher fences on the border, along with more people covering it.
Also, illegal immigrants need to be monitored more closely. I don't believe that they should be allowed to live in our country. The government should make more of an effort to catch illegal immigrants and deport them right away. I believe that if an immigrant would like to join our country they should do it the right way, and go through the process that all the other immigrants go through.
Another topic that needs advising is legal immigration. I feel that legal immigrants are a great asset to American culture and currency. They make America as diverse as its known for. They also cause for great money that is spread through the U.S. This money is needed especially to help fix the recession we are in.

dcabrera said...

On the issue of legal immigration we do need to accept immigrants into this country but we need to establish a limit in which there does not become an over population problem in the next 20-30 years. As of now we allow 1 million people in the United States a year but according to Beck by 2050 there will be 400 million people living in the United States.
To go about securing our boarders the best course of action is not building a large wall. It cost too much money on to one: build, two: the cost of repairs would plague tax payers. Another more effective solution would to be employ troops to secure our borders I feel it would be more effective and I feel cost would be lower than the wall.
To address the issue of the 11-20 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States, I believe we should offer an incentive to become a legal citizen. A good example would be a tax break or another type of monetary bribe. That is what many immigrants are coming to America for in the first place right? People come to America for a better life and more opportunities to provide for their families. What better way to encourage people to become true American citizens than to bribe them with what they came here for: a better living standard for themselves and their families.

jake said...

I would advise the president about border control. I believe the US should have a stronger boarder control, but i do not belive that fences are the best choice to stop the immagrants. I'm not saying that fences should not be used, though, they should be used as a back up plan. the president should consider more national gaurds gaurding the border, while having a simple fence. This fence would slow the immagrants down and allow time for the national gaurds to stop these illegal immagrants. For those immagrants who are illegal i believe they should be captured and forced to go to jail, but while they are there, they should be allowed to take a citizens test, and if not passed they should be deported back to mexico, or where ever they came about from. I also believe that we should strongly limit the amount of legal immagrants in this country. Today, there are an abundant amount of immagrants here in america, and the amount is growing very fast. If we dont reduce the amount of immagrants allowed the population will highly increse to the point of where there are far too many people for this country to handle.

Unknown said...

There are a few steps I would advise the President to take. The only viable option I see to solve the illegal immigration problem is to make legal immigration a more appealing choice. Lowering taxes to what they should be and taking other similar measures would make more immigrants want to come here legally. They would stand to make more money through minimum wage and not "take away" jobs from Americans by working for so little. Another more radical step would be to abolish citizenship as a birthright by revoking the part of the 14th amendment that deals with that. Henceforth, citizenship would be determined by a citizenship test, which can be taken at any age. This would cut down on illegals moving to America to have children that are born on American soil. This would also have the added benefit of making sure only people who are well-informed enough to vote actually have the right to do so. The process for immigrating legally is convoluted, so creating a simpler process would also make legal immigration more appealing. As for the millions already living in the country illegally, not much can be done but offer them a path to citizenship, but with restrictions. After lowering taxes and getting rid of the incentive to remain an illegal immigrant, a set time frame should be established to allow any and all illegal immigrants to come forward with the sincere promise that no legal action will be taken. They will then be treated as a normal immigrant. Any one left after that would be deported upon discovery.

Unknown said...

Legal immigration is a great benefit to our country and is one of the things our country prided itself on. But at this point in our countries progression I do not believe we can maintain the rate of immigration we are currently allowing. In one presentation we saw it should the projections for upcoming years and if our current immigration rates continue our population will sky rocket above any number we can maintain. I believe we should draw the line and unfortunately this number is very low, around 500,000. I believe this is the correct number because a report we watched stated that around the most beneficial times of immigration the number was around 300,000. Now I believe that immigrants do have an extreme benefit which is why I raised the number but it is obvious that the number needs to be lowered. As well as limiting the number of legal immigrants we need to drastically slow the flow of illegal immigrants, and get a better system to secure our borders is how we need to address this issue. This explains the state of our border control. I believe by increasing border security and border control we will in turn slow the stream of illegal immigrants.

Alyssa Taglia, Miss Connecticut Teen USA 2010 said...

I would like to advise the president on a lot of things that relate to mainly ilegal immigration. One main thing is that I believe that the United States needs to stop building the large fence around the border. I believe this because though we may think we are decreasing the amount of illegal immigration, they find other ways to get into our country. The fence is very costly and ot 100 percent effective.

Illegal immigration I believe causes a negative impact on our country as a whole. I believe they should have to be deported AND fined. They in a sence stole many things from us. Jobs being one of them and getting away with not paying taxes is another. We need to take a stronger and more effective plan on this, this way our number decrease.

Emily Winch said...

Legal Immigration has gotten to the point where we are letting in over one million immigrants per year. Our country can only hold so many people. At this rate by the year 2050 the US will consist of over 400 million people. This alone will break our economy. The number of Immigrants let in to the US per year needs to be severely cut to at least 200,000 if not less. With Border Control there is only so much we can do. Putting up a fence along the border is expensive and irrational. The only thing we can do about border control is to increase the number of guards we have protecting our borders and make the punishment for trying to cross more severe. Finding all 11-20 million people residing in the US without legal status and deporting them is next to impossible. Although making sure that number does not increase is not. With more borderline security and less loopholes we can somewhat control illegal immigrants

Jess Sudock said...

I think that the president shouldtry to secure our borders. Without securing our borders he is allowing for many people to enter the US illegally therefore increasing our population and reducing the number of jobs available. Securing the borders will allow us to try to keep our population at a lower number and not have an over abundance of people here in the United States. Overall I think that with secruing our borders will benefit us in the long run. With the border control I think a new system should be put in place to try to allow OTMs not to continue to enter our country. The OTMs should not be able to enter without having their trial.I would try to reduce the time it takes to recieve a trial and then find a place where we can keep all illegal immigrants until they have their trial.

Dave Winiarski said...

On the topic of border patrol, I believe that the best and so far most effective way to secure our border would just be more border patrol agents and a way to end the catch and release program of OTMs. Building really tall fences is easily countered by just a tall ladder from the local hardware store in Mexico. Either you have more border patrol agents out there, or if you’ve spent millions of dollars to create virtual walls, you maintain them properly. The best final solution would probably be an electronic method that requires little or no maintenance. Until one is developed, you need some guys down there to secure the border.
However, since there is a drug war going on that threatens the lives and security of Americans, I would suggest sending in a division of soldiers to secure the most hazardous areas of the border, where the conflict spills over, while allocating the Nation Guardsmen to calmer areas. If the conflict is really becoming as bad as it is said, having regular army troops with armor standing at the border would be a good intimidation tactic, and hopefully would ward of any threat of conflict. The next possible step would be to help the Mexicans destroy these cartels, as they affect most of America.

matt borowy said...

If I were an immigration advisor to the President I would advise him on illegal and legal immigration. On the issue of illegal immigration I would tell him that if we do not do something soon the number of people coming to America illegally each year will grow. The illegals might see how easy it is to sneak into America and how light the punishment is if you get caught. To counteract this I would advise the President to increase the punishment to more than just sending them on their way with a court date. The illegals won’t even show up to their court date because if they do, they will just get sent back to their country. I recommend that the illegal is detained until their court date and if convicted face jail time; but I don’t know, that sounds really harsh. On the topic of legal immigration, I would advise him from a logical standpoint that he does something to slow down the amount of immigrants coming to America, but from an more heart filled point-of-view I say you keep it the same.

Unknown said...

I would advise the president on such matter relating to immigration. I would talk to him about legal immigration, border control and and illegal immigration. On the matters of legal immigration, immigrants should get background checks and tests to those who want to be a citizen of the US. Also people who try to come over and as an illegal immigrant should not be able to become a legal immigrant. For border control we need to increase border protection. As of right now it is to easy for immigrant to pass over from Mexico into the US. to fix this problem we need more security and to make the borders stronger. For legal immigrants the immigrants should have to pass a test and also get background checks on there lives before coming a part of the US. they should live by our rules and have to do the same stuff that we do such as jury duty, serving time in jail, paying taxes and so forth.

Jon R said...

Jon Rocci

I would advise the president and recommend that we step up the amount of boarder patrol that we have right now. The government would have to find a new way of trying to keep illegal’s away from the boarder. We need to set up laws that take more aggressive actions on the boarder itself instead of just throwing a person over the boarder and having them come back the next day to try again. If we used nonlethal ammunition or rubber bullets to use against illegal’s trying to cross, the fear of getting harmed might make some of the people trying to cross the boarder scared and not willing to try to cross.
Also if we could make a full high Tec fence with motion cameras and also maybe to have it electric that could also make the flow of immigrants less and less into the country.

Hillary Dutton said...

Immigration is a large problem in the United States. I feel as though we are not doing enough to solve this issue. Too many illegal immigrates are coming into the United States. This causes American citizens to lose their jobs and over populates the US. These immigrants come for a better life but I feel it is necessary to help our own American citizens before we help others. Although it would take a lot of time and money to finish the wall that has been started, I feel it is necessary to complete in order to sustain a stronger more affective border control. Too many people are coming into the United States than should be aloud. If we set up the right system along the border than this will drastically reduce the immigration problem in America. Therefore we will be rewarded with more jobs for Americans which will strengthen our economy.

ncarisio said...

I believe when President Obama addresses the issues on boarder control. I believe boarder control is the most important part in securing America. If we don’t know whose coming into our country, how can we be sure we are safe? President Obama should make sure more boarder control police are issued for the Mexican boarder. This will make sure less illegal immigrants enter over the boarder. By allowing fewer immigrants to enter into the country, crime rates for illegal immigrants will decline. Obama should also allow more fences to be built on the American boarder so that we can track the traffic of illegal immigrants. The fences will create a more challenging entrance into America which will make less immigrants enter the country.

Daniel Friedman said...

Border control should definitely be the President’s main concern. Such control will significantly reduce the amount of illegal immigration, therefore slowing the rate of the United States population growth. Those who are captured should not be released before the court hearing as history has shown that they simply escape in the “catch and release” events. Also, it has been proven that walls to very little to protect from people entering the country; therefore, border patrol measures should be increased instead: a far more cost-effective method. Furthermore, laws should be passed that present illegal immigrants with imprisonment, not just deportation. That way, those who are caught will not have a chance to breach the borders again and others will be more hesitant to attempt such a breach in the first place.

Jeeha Park said...

I believe President OBama should install a stronger border patrol system. The new program might cost more money and time, but it is a small cost in comparison to the benefits that the Amercan citizens will receive. Illegal immigrants should given a certain time frame to go back, on their own, with their own money. If they cannot meet the deadline, then they should be punished in a certain way. Legal immigrants should have restrictions. I believe that people with certain income and backgrounds should be allowed to move to America. Too many immigrants who are not able to pay for themselves only complain about their lack of money. Many problems can be rooted back to the amount of immigrants, whether they are legal or illegal.