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Monday, December 21, 2009

The New Age of Walmart

What are your thoughts on the Walmart debate?

Due Wednesday 1/6/10

Macro-Economics Video from class. You need the United Streaming login info from the library.


Holly said...

I think that WalMart is nothing more than a great example of successful entrepreneurship. I think the accusations made by the corporation's employees are illegitimate. They claim to not be paid enough for their services, however their jobs require unskilled labor and the employees are already being paid well above minimum wage. The employees need to realize that they are generally uneducated people working jobs that don't require any real ability. For example, in the video we watched in class, an employee complained about only being paid $11.15 per hour; however, when asked what his job for the WalMart corporation was, he told them he was "experienced" in his job of loading and unloading boxes from trucks. He then continued to complain about not being able to support his family, however it would be unrealistic for him to expect to be able to support his family working an unskilled job. Also, the accusations that WalMart is destroying communities is also ridiculous. WalMart stores create domestic jobs in any community one is built. Although the statistics show that many associates leave their jobs at WalMart within the first year of working there, their reasoning is that they are "unsatisfied" with their jobs. Again it is unrealistic to expect to be entirely "fulfilled" in such a position. Finally, there are claims that WalMart has become "too powerful" because it is the largest retailer in the world. WalMart should be seen less as a threat and more of an example to other small business owners at it is pretty much the epitome of the American capitalist economy. WalMart is a success story rather than a story of demise.

Zentek said...

I believe that debating about Wal-Mart should not even occur. Wal-Mart is truly a successful company that should be able to operate without having discussions over it. Wal-Mart increases jobs and does more positive things for a town than negative. Why should we debate over something that obviously has a positive effect on communities? These debates only start because people are scared and jealous of the power that Wal-Mart has. I believe that the Wal-Mart debate should calm down and let the world’s biggest company keep doing its thing. In the end no one is going to be able to stop this power house. I believe that an end to these debates is the way to go in the future.

Robson Valente said...

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dcabrera said...

There are pros and cons to Wal Mart as there are to most things. Wal Mart creates jobs in communities. It stimulates the economy in areas that could be struggling or contribute to places that are thriving. But the con to that is that at the same time it is creating jobs it is taking jobs away as well. It demolishes the competition of small business. Since Wal Mart is a company that brings in 400 billion dollars in revenue there is no way small business can compete with it buying power.
Wal Mart also does not have a good relationship with its employees, as much as the CEO of Wal Mart Mike Duke likes to think so. Wal Mart has had a lot of bad press with being accused of locking night workers in over night, paying below minimum wage, and exposing there employees to health hazards. Along with all the negitive attention Wal Mart does not allow their workers to unionize. I one situation Wal Mart workers demanded to allow a union and Wal Mart closed down the store rather than allow for the worker to unionize. I think this is ridiculous of Wal Mart to not allow its worker to unionize. Many feel this way as well and it has reached a point to where the government is getting involved. The Employee Free Choice Act is a bill going through Congress right now, designed to make it mandatory to allow workers to unionize. Wal Mart is obviously against this.
Overall there really are pros and cons of Wal Mart, as a consumer it is an incredibly convenient store but as a person looking in to the workings of Wal Mart I am not its biggest fan.

trishSWFL said...

I see good and bad in WalMart.

Good: I can actually afford to shop there.

Bad: Many smaller stores in the area go out of business after a WalMart opens.

Unknown said...

Erica Meister

I believe that Walmart is an example of a successful business that turned into a worldwide corporation. There may be some flaws to the corporation of Walmart but overall it has provided a lot of things for different towns and cities across the world.

Walmart is a successful business that has provided the world with many things. Walmart has provided jobs for people who need them or lack in certains areas of other jobs. Walmart provides low prices for its customers so that things are more affordable. The low prices are incredibly helpful especially with how the economy is now. Walmart has helped towns and cities that were in need of money and help. It has helped them become more financially stable. Walmart also provides many products in its stores so you can basically buy everything you need or want within the walls of one store.

Even though Walmart is a great success story, there are some flaws in the corporation. The CEO of Walmart likes to claim that the whole staff is like one big family. How could a whole staff of millions of people be one big family when The CEO's and bosses might not even know millions of its employees. Also, employees can't afford the health care insurance that Walmart provides. Employees complain of their wages. They claim that they can't afford anything even though Walmart is one of the richest companies in the world. Where does all of the money go? Walmart also doesn't allow its workers to create a union. They'd rather close a Walmart store then have their workers unionize. Due to this accusation, many believe that the government is involved. Walmart has been getting lots of bad press for all of the negative things that go on within the company.

Overall, Walmart has it's successes and it's flaws. Walmart is a successful worldwide corporation that has some bad accuastions in its name. I believe that Walmart is a great store for people because it provides many things yet, I feel that Walmart should change some things with how it effects its employees.

ccriscuolo said...

I believe that Walmart is a great success. They sell many things at such a low price. This would help out so many lower class people. Walmart gives millions of people jobs who need them. Even though it doesn't pay as much as the workers would like, it still is a significant amount and does allow them to live in the homes they do today. People who protest Walmart are just trying to get attention. They don't need a college education or any experience for that matter to work there. If they have a problem with Walmart, why do they continue to work at Walmart? They should leave and try to find a better job somewhere else. The problem with that is, it's going to be very hard to find a place better then that, so the people who work there should stop complaining.

On the other hand, Walmart employees are asking to raise their hourly wage a few dollars. Once you add all that up, Walmart would only be losing a couple million dollars. That is not a huge difference compared to the billions of dollars they make each year.

Safia said...

I believe that Walmart is a good and successful corporation or company that has made its name in the past years. Many people shop at Walmart who are in the lower class because they can afford it. It provides many things at an affordable price. This is the good point of view for the people. But on the other side Walmart seems to not keep its promises which it makes to its "one big
family". As soon as the employees work the Walmart corporation tells them that it will increase their wages after some time. But they do not and that causes them to leave or quit their jobs. An example can be taken from the video in class that showed that a woman from Texas, if I am not mistaken, moved to get a job in Walmart. But after working for three months she quit the job and went back. She could not do anything about it. This shows that at this certain point Walmart let her down and this happened to a lot of people. Because of that Walmart has had a bad reputation for the past year.

Mostly, I think that Walmart is good for the people but we should also take into consideration the point that it is a loss to the employees who work there. I think that Walmart is a big corporation that has provided a lot of different things to it's customers at an affordable price, but still I think that it should be fair to its employees.

Meghan said...

There is no debating whether or not Walmart is a successful business, they clearly are, but it is their techniques at becoming so successful that rub me the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong, I do give Walmart a lot of credit for opening up stores world wide, keeping their prices low and reasonable for middle to lower class citizens, and for supplying so many people with a steady job. During this economic recession, a lot of people are relying on Walmart for their basic needs of food and clothing, yet those people are consumers, not employees. For a company that is bringing 400 billion dollars in revenue, more than many countries bring in, it’s a shame the way they treat their employees. Back in 2004 a man named Michael Rodriguez, a Sam’s Club employee, was working and a piece of heavy machinery smashed into his ankle. Rodriguez was unable to get to the hospital because he was locked inside the store and there was no manager with a key to let him out. “For more than 15 years, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, has locked in overnight employees at some of its Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores. It is a policy that many employees say has created disconcerting situations, such as when a worker in Indiana suffered a heart attack, when hurricanes hit in Florida and when workers' wives have gone into labor.” Although this is no longer happening, employees are still not happy with their jobs. Walmart refuses to allow their employees to unionize and they will not raise their employees hourly rates. I understand that Walmart would lose a couple million dollars by raising their employees income but in the scheme of things, a couple million out of their 400 billion revenue isn’t that much and their employees would be happier, and therefore work harder. I find the amount of power that Walmart has to be creepy, not an accomplishment. Walmart may offer many people jobs but it also puts people who work at small businesses out of jobs.

Anonymous said...

Katherine P.

As a company, which is independent and stands on its own, there is no more of a social responsibility assigned to Wal-Mart than to any other large corporation. It functions in ways not strange in comparison to other large corporations.

Yes, it outsources jobs.
Yes, it has had controversy in its healthcare policies for employees.

These practices are obviously not good for Americans. However, it seems to me that Wal-Mart has only been part of this controversy because of the fact that so many people and groups have formed a sort of tunnel vision regarding Wal-Mart. They focus on the faults of this one corporation, while ignoring the fact that other stores are doing the same things; clothing companies are paying for cheap labor in Asia, polluting areas around their factory production areas, etc.

For example, Unilever has recently faced opposition for its use of palm oil in the production of its Dove products. The use of this palm oil has contributed to extreme levels of destruction of forests, natural species in Indonesia, etc. This company was on the receiving end of a lot of anger, but it is likely that many fewer consumers are aware of this issue than are aware of the Wal-Mart debate. This is because many consumers have narrowed their anger for the present economic condition on Wal-Mart's business practices.

I do not think that Wal-Mart is a commendable corporation by any means. Its policies are effective, but in many ways immoral. To me, there is a trade-off there; profits, or levels of consumer trust. Wal-Mart has clearly chosen the profits. This is a justified decision, and Wal-Mart does not owe this decision to anyone. It is independent.

However, I do support the possibility of legislation which would reduce some of the issues Wal-Mart has highlighted in its duration. I think that the necessary laws regarding environmental practices would prove highly effective in this case. Wage and healthcare reforms would also be powerful tools for change, if these also became necessary.

I simply believe that all of the opposition that Wal-Mart has faced is somewhat unjustified; business is business. We cannot single out the bad and the good and still retain a capitalist system. Unless Wal-Mart begins to show violations of federal law, it is completely within its bounds.

Unknown said...

I feel like the corporation of WalMart has a great number of pros and cons. There are many great characteristics of it, but at the same time, there are many characteristics that are not something to be proud of.

WalMart is an example of a successful American business that soared to the top of the economic rankings. It is stocked with anything imaginable at a reasonable cost. This makes it easier to shop for citizens going to the store. Some WalMarts even have dental offices and small fast food restaurants like Subway inside them. This gives people even more reasons to shop at WalMart. Another advantage of WalMart is that it provides a great amount of jobs. In this economic recession, jobs are needed and WalMart can provide that job.

A major disadvantage of WalMart is that it is causing many of its host town stores to go out of business. This obviously upsets many townspeople and can lead to great debates like the current one going on. These small stores that are going out of business as a result of a WalMart are the foundation of the American way of life, in a perspective. In many eyes, it is disappointing to see these innocent businesses being run out of town by bigger corporations like WalMart.

The debate could go either way in my point of view. WalMart has many advantages, but it also has many disadvantages that could hurt the community.

Megan Aitro said...

I believe that Walmart is a great business for the US. Critics claim that walmart is to powerful, doesn't pay its employees enough, and destroys small towns. I believe that it deserves to be as powerful as it is because it started off as any other small business and grew into a great success. Walmart just shows that people love low prices which is exactly what walmart promises. The people who claim walmart is too powerful don't understand that it got all of it's power through the shoppers who want low prices.
I also believe that the emplyees are getting payed enough money for their job because honestly, they are working an unskilled job that doesnt really deserve a lot more than the minimum wage. If they want to be payed more than they should look for a job that more effort and education is needed.
Lastly, I believe that walmart doesn't destroy towns but helps them. It opens so many jobs and helps the towns economy tremendoulsy. In the video, some people were mad that walmart was coming because they are a "small town" that just doesn't want this huge corporation taking away business from other local businesses. I believe that in the long run, walmarts will help any town and attract more people to the town. The citizens that get upset are just angry that something new and successful is going to disrupt "their" town. Walmart to me is a great example of a successful corporation that has so many benefits for out country.

aouellette said...

i think that Walmart is an extremely successful business that has done nothing wrong. Walmart is a prime example of how far a business can come and how much hard work pays off. This store first started out as a single discount store. It grew to be what it is today cause it was managed well. I think that Walmart employees are making too much of a fuss about wages. The labor often requires little skill or previous experience and the workers are making more than what others make for a job that requires that. I feel that if they are not satisfied with what they are making then they should find a new job because someone else would be more than willing to take their spot. Walmart provides almost a million people with jobs. If you ask me, they are doing a good job

Angela Romano said...

With everything, there are pros and cons. With the increasing severity in our economy, places like WalMart, Kmart and dollar store have increased in popularity becuase you can get alot of products for a lower cost. You have to know to pick and chose. There is a reason why a toy at Walmart in $10 then $25 or $30 in other spots. It could be mass produced but many of the toys or projects could contain up to lethal amounts of lead. When shopping at Walmart, it can be easy of the wallet but you should be cautious about what you purchase there. Walmart has provided thousands of jobs for Americans and opened the door of opportunites with many. Without out the copious amounts of Walmarts stationed around the globe there would be so many more unemployed Americans in our countries. It is a successful company. Blatenly, if you don't like it, then do not shop there but all in all I feel it is a positive stimulus in our economy and I think we will see Walmart in our pop culture for an unlimited amount of years in the future. Walmart is here to stay and Americans might as well utilize its fair prices in these tough times where most Americans are counting pennies.

Lindsay Morales said...

I see Walmart as a very successful global business. Their success can be attributed to hardwork and great management. I wouldn't necessarily shop there, and I have no desire to work there, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the store in general. Walmart employees striking for higher wages and better conditions are absolutely ridiculous. The conditions at the store are fine and the wages are appropriate to the amount of skill required to work at Walmart. They're even paid above minimum wage! So they should stop, they look stupid. I can see how Walmart would be seen as a threat to other small businesses, Walmart does have extremely low prices. As of now, I think Walmart should be praised for its success. However, there are certain urban areas and communities where building a Walmart just wouldn't work. I can see why some citizens of these areas get upset by the idea of a Walmart opening in their town. But what they don't see are all the great opportunities that Walmart brings.

rachel aliotta said...

I feel that even though Walmart is causing many retail stores to go out of business, that it should not be targeted as much as it is. Walmart is nothing more than a enviornment friendly, and very well laid out store in which many people chose to shop at. Walmart in my opinion is smart in its choice of "everyday low prices", in addition to it's structure and layout inside the store. I was blown away from the Walmart documentary when I realized how much effort actually goes into the setup of the store as a whole. One marketing technique that caught my eye was when I learned that they place one of the top buys in their store, milk, all the way in the back in sight for the customers to locate right when they walk in the store. By doing this, Walmart has made it so that each customer will have to pass a bunch of other products before reaching the milk in the back.

Walmart has set affordable prices on all of their products, and by doing this, they have taken in many of the lower class citizens who can not afford to shop elsewhere. Walmart also sells everything that anyone could ever need from food, clothing, jewlery, electronics, arts and crafts, and outdoor gear and recreational equipment. They have gone above and beyond in terms of making their store one of the biggest retail stores of all time.

However, the only con I see in Walmart is the benefits given to it's workers. If Walmart makes as much money as it does, then I don't understand why they the employees don't get paid more, or have better health benefits. One guy in the video can barely afford for himself and his family, and it hurts me to listen to how much he was struggling to support his family. Walmart is meant to help people in todays society afford items that they couldn't purchase at other retail stores, and by doing this, they are continuing to prosper. I feel that Walmart should not be targeted as much as it is because of its successful planning and vast amount of customers. Lastly, I think that Walmart can still improve in some areas such as it's opportunities given to it's employees, and the way in which the corporation as a whole continues to run and place their stores. But thanks to Walmart, many people can afford neccessary items on a daily basis.

mike kaplan said...

There are two sides to the Walmart debate, the side saying it is affordable and a good place to shop due to the recession, and it closes local businesses. My take on it is that Walmart helps the country, because it is a reliable place that people can get what they need there for cheap. It is also good, because it has almost everything, so you don’t need to go all over town to purchase different items. Although Walmart takes away some local businesses, it also adds a lot of job opportunities for people to work at Walmart and the unemployed will have a chance to find a new job. Being in the recession, people want to save as much money as they possibly can, and a store like Walmart, with very cheap prices allows people to do that. I feel that Walmart is good for the country.

DDesmarais said...

I believe that Walmart is a great business for the United States. Some people believe that Walmart is too powerful, doesn’t pay its employees a fair amount, and ruins small towns. Walmart’s low prices are what attract so many customers, and they should be a powerful company. Walmart once started off as a small business too and thrived, so I believe that it isn’t their fault that they are so powerful and shouldn’t be punished for that. I think that it would be nice if Walmart paid their employees more money because they have million dollar incomes annually, but working at Walmart isn’t a very high skilled job so minimum wage is fair. Also, Walmart can help many towns and I don’t think that it destroys them. I understand that small towns don’t want a huge store that will run the smaller companies out of business, but Walmart officials don’t place a store just anywhere. Walmart is a very successful business and its low prices really benefit many people during this recession and should not be punished for its great achievements.

Anonymous said...

I believe Walmart was ingenious business plan that truly changed global economics forever. The prices Walmart promises is unbeatable, and there a millions of countless Walmart stores internationally.

Walmart gave millions of people jobs, provides a cash revenue that is wealthy towards America, and supplies billions with a variety of merchandise. Walmart is a success and only the people who are getting run out of business by a fiercer competitor are complaining. I dont blame them, I would be just as frustrated with my incompetence to think of newer ideas and better prices if Walmart was in town.

Arguments made towards Walmart that they do not pay employees a decent wage is not accurate. Employees are payed what they deserve and what they demand is not much higher.

Emily said...

I really dont see why wal mart is such a debate. They are one of the few businesses that are still "alive" during these bad economic conditions. Many companies are going out of business and as a result many workers are losing their jobs. Wal Mart, on the other hand, is continuing to grow and their workers are still employed.

Also, no one would ever know there is so much controversery about wal mart because thousands of people shop their and purchase their goods.

Kyle Copes said...

I feel that there should not even be a debate over the 'Walmart Situation.' Walmart is clearly an extremely successful business and contribute to society is several positive ways including supplying low priced goods for consumers, supplying countless jobs for families, and much more. I feel as though most of the bad history of Walmart is just speculation and rumors created to draw attention to the continuously growing power house and possibly give competitors a chance. The debate should eventually be forgotten. Walmart is the most successful business franchise in the world for a reason and I highly doubt that this will change any time in the near future.

jake said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jake said...

I believe walmart is a very successful corperation. The debating going on wih walmart, I think is completly unnecessary and should not even exist. Walmart is helpful today for many reasons. Walmart has given jobs, low prices, and is a great store for most all shopping needs. What good does debating over something that has nothing but a positive effect on communities? Many people around the U.S would love to have such a store like walmart around their area. Walmart is such a powerful company that little debates wont be able to solve anything so we should just let walmart continue growing and expanding. I believe that an end to this debating will be the best way to go.

Unknown said...

I believe Walmart proved itself during this rough economic time and doesn't deserve to be debated upon. Just because a business is successful doesn't mean there is something wrong with it. Many people argue their wages aren't as high as they could be. This store is for the lower class to afford items that a middle/higher class can afford. Prices are cheap because it's an easier way to make a profit when your products are more reasonable for the customer/consumer. Walmart offers many jobs for the community and allows the public to shop at a reasonable price. That's called business.

Unknown said...

Walmart, along with many other buisnesses have their pro's and con's. Walmart provides jobs to many people, and provides pay above minimum wage and offers benefits to the employees who can afford it.
But the con's that occur out number the pro's. Walmart take's out small privetly owned buisnesses that are having a hard time keeping up the the prices Walmart offers on the same items, closing them down, causeing even more unemployment. Walmart has a large amount of employees working there, it says they are a "family" but with so many people comming in and going out of walmart, its only a name, not a face to the top of the walmart chain. Then you have the situations where some employees are just getting by with working at walmart, but they cannot afford the health care it offers, so in the end they arent able to pay for the medical needs they may need or even the rest of their family. Walmart doesnt seem to want to try anything in increasing the pay of the employees even though they are making billions of dollars, the least the CEO's could do is try and figure out something to help their struggling employees and finally put the name to the face.

Unknown said...

I believe that WalMart is very successful. They produce many jobs which is good for unemployed people. It brings more opportunities for people who can't find any jobs to get one. They also sell products at a lesser rate than most other companies which is good for middle and lower class who may not be able to afford other necessary things. WalMart has a positive effect on a community and should not have to be debated about.

Dan Sweeney said...

I don't really side either way about Walmart because I don't really shop at all since my mom does. There are a lot of benefits that Walmart as there are many problems it causes. For instance, as the Walmart empire grows, it creates many job opportunities for lower class citizens just as Walmart slowly puts small town stores out of business taking jobs away.

One benefit from Walmart is the prices they sell their products. The prices are much lower compared to other stores which make Walmart so popular for people to shop at and for their success. It's great for low and middle class citizens to shop at because they can afford products for their family. Another benefit is the immense amount of job opportunities it creates. There are Walmart stores all over the world that create jobs for unemployed people across the globe.

As to benefits, there are downsides to Walmart. Walmart's prices are lower to local town stores and easily put them out of business because people choose Walmart over these stores. Walmart does not also benefit employees that much. They don't offer very good health benfits and their wages are much lower than other stores because it's how they keep their prices so low. People who often work at Walmart for the first time leave the store like the woman did in the video.

For every benefit Walmart has to the people and the economy, there is always a negative. Therefore Walmart can't either benefit the economy as a whole or destroy it.

jaldo1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jaldo1 said...

I believe that Walmart is a very successful business seeing as it started as a single discount store and grew into an immense chain throughout the world. I don't understand why the employees of some Walmarts are arguing that they should have increased wages. These workers need to realize that they are getting payed well above minimum wage for jobs requiring no special or advanced skills. This job requires much of unskilled labor and most other stores requiring the same type of labor get payed minimum wage because they work in different stores. If I was working at Walmart I would not expect more than what they are paying now. I think that Walmart is giving the world great chances, especially for the United States in these difficult economic times.

Adriana DiCenzo said...

I am one who is not a fan of Walmart. I do not understand the fact that all of its employees are making very little. The store has huge amounts of money as seen in the documentary; they are not a struggling company to say the least. I do not understand why for their shareholders meeting they needed to pay an actor to come and be the host when money they use on that type of thing can instead be going to help pay its employees more, or give them more benefits. I also do not like the fact that the labour that they use is cheap labor. I know this is what is able to help keep their costs low, but I do not comprehend why we have to make someone suffer to produce goods for so little money, in bad working conditions.

I also do not like it because it seems to destroy towns that it comes to. It does not destroy in the literal sense, but when a Walmart comes to a town, it seems like it causes many smaller run and family owned businesses to close down. Its like once the stores come to town, there is no chance of running a small business, since people in the area will go to the place with the cheaper prices. I also feel through watching the video that Walmart in general is just a bit off. It seems rather cult like with all of the cheering they do. I have never seen a group of workers act like that, and be so happy to work for a company they that do not get very much back from. Overall I do not think Walmart is a good store to shop at, I recognize that they are a successful business, but it is a business that I am not a fan of.

Unknown said...

Walmart is an extremely strong business that helps out the people who can't afford the expensive products at other grocery and department stores. It helps give people with not a lot of money the opportunity to purchase foods and other needs at a lower cost but with good quality. With so many Walmarts put into place they also need employees. With the employee situation there are both pros and cons. The pro is that it provides people with a job and some type of income. However the downside is that the employees here do not get paid well and do not have the proper rights as people that work in other places do. A major disadvantage of having a Walmart in a small town is that it drives local and small businesses right out of business leaving people with no jobs. In reality Walmart greatly helps out the lower classes because it has lower prices that they can afford but at the same time it is still good quality.

NGuarino said...

I understand both sides of the arguments with Wal-Mart, and I think that Wal-Mart has more pros than cons. Wal-Mart is so big that it offers so many job opportunities to people around the world. This is incredible because without Wal-Mart all of these people would be unemployed and wouldn’t have a job. Because Wal-Mart is huge they buy in bulk which means that we the consumers pay a lot cheaper for an item there than say at another small store down the street. This might be bad for the average storeowner down the street that is trying to make a living but would it be worse for one storeowner to lose a job or the 300 Wal-Mart employees to not have a job, I think the one person would be a lot better. Wal-Mart is growing rapidly all over the world and as far as now I don’t see a problem with it. Maybe when I get older my mind will change but as of now I don’t mind Wal-Mart at all.

Anonymous said...

I believe that there shouldn’t even be a debate like this over Wal-Mart. There are much more important and higher priority things that should be debated over, such as healthcare, abortion, etc.
Wal-Mart is a business that brings tons of jobs not only to Americans but to people all over the world, even if they are not directly employed by Wal-Mart they probably work for some company with Wal-Mart affiliation.
Each year Wal-Mart alone brings billions of money and business into this country. The workers that argue that they do not receive enough pay shouldn’t be complaining because they receive well over minimum wage even for the lower end jobs, and so if these people are unhappy with their job they should start to look for a new one.
Overall I think that Wal-Mart shouldn’t even be up for debate it is a great company that helps a lot of people and does a lot of great business

Jess Sudock said...

I believe that WalMart is a helpful way to supply more people with jobs, especially during the recession. WalMart may not have very high wages and that many of their employees are asking for higher wages, the jobs that they supply either with a new store or with an existing one can employ a large number. As for the WalMart factories that are all over the globe, changes can clearly be made so that those workers are treated better. Due to the fact that WalMart is making immense amount of money they should not have a problem when it comes to increasing the wages of their workers. In turn a wage increase would not greatly affect the amount of money they are making. WalMart also is beneficial because it offers many products at a lower price than other stores. This allows people to save money and have a way for the lower class a place to work and a place to shop.
Overall WalMart is beneficial to our overall economy and the American public. WalMart does need to make some changes but the changes that they could make will not really affect their business too much.

MCroteau said...

Personally I do not feel there is a need to debate whether or not walmart is a good or bad thing in society. Walmart is obviously one of the most successful industries in the world. They cut their prices so the lower and middle class can afford food, electronics, and clothing. Walmart also employs several thousand people worldwide and is a business of opportunity. They started out as a small discount store and have built their way up to being and international super business. Therefore in my opinion walmart has done nothing wrong and is a great industry.

Megan Robles said...

I have mixed views about Wal-Mart. First of all I feel that Wal-Mart is a great example of how a business has the chances to grow and become even more successful than ever imaginable. Wal-Mart started off as a small local store in Arkansas. As the store became more popular due to its low prices and its great customer service it began to expand and more stores were opened up. Soon the store had thousands of locations nationally and its success grew. Wal-Mart became known to have low prices, a decent quality of product, offering a variety of products in their store and also their signature smiley face. Again their success became overwhelming as everyone in America soon became acquainted with Wal-Mart and all that it had to offer. Today Wal-Mart is also become successful internationally and has locations in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, United Kingdom, China, Japan, Chili and India. Due to all this success that Wal-Mart has had I think that it does a great job of demonstrating how a small business has the possibility to blossom and grow into a huge powerhouse. Like the store, it also gives people who work there the opportunity to rise up in the corporate ladder. Some of the people who are now in charge of regional stores, or the international section of Wal-Mart began working as greeters at the store and through opportunities that they were given, rose up to become successful. Wal-Mart also makes shopping affordable for people who do not have a lot of extra money to spend. This allows them get more for their dollar, which is especially important now that are country is in a recession.

While Wal-Mart is also able to offer all of these great things I feel like the way that they run their business is a little unusual. I think that it is important to have people who like their employer and are excited to go to work everyday but I feel that some of the people that work at Wal-Mart take it a step to far. With the chants that they do at every meeting and the way the people got so excited about the company at the stock holders convention struck me as odd. It is one thing to celebrate the success of a company but I feel that they took it a step to far. The people seem to be obsessed with the store and it reminds me a lot of a cult. This seems to be a very unhealthy to me, and is a huge turn off for me to shop at Wal-Mart.

CMinardi said...

I think that all Walmart is, is an example of excellent salesmanship. When Walmart first opened its doors, all Sam Walton wanted was a way to make a living while still keeping people happy by lowering prices. When he found it to be very successful, he decided to expand his walls and began to build other Walmarts and grow the company. However this does not justify the thousands and thousands of stores built. I would understand a few hundred, but in order for capitalism to work there needs to be smaller companies, taking some of the credit. Walmart is a very successful company and should still be around, but I also believe that its expansion should be controled.

Loan Le said...

I’m not a frequent shopper at Walmart but I can see the benefits of shopping there from the video and also the many positive things that Walmart is made of. The criticism that they get is mostly from the employees, but their complaints unfairly blame Walmart. Their minimum wage is perfectly fine for their certain job, which does not require any high level educational background. If they expect greater salaries, they should invest in an education that can get them where they want to be.

As for the argument of where to place Walmart, I think the video explained very well where and why they place their establishments in particular locations. They don’t want to merely get the attention of lower classes and middle class, but also in between. The placement of Walmart gives the people closer employment with reasonable pay, and gives the customers satisfaction because of their low prices.

The only thing I would say against Walmart is the whole idea that they are one big family. There are too many employees for them to be close as a family; now that is just campaigning for their cause and stretching the truth.

shannon o'connor said...

Honestly, I love WalMart despite all these accusations made by employees. WalMart benefits all different types of people and losing it would be terrible. The corporation provides thousands of jobs all over the world and since the company buys in bulk all the individual items for sale are much cheaper than other stores that aren't as well known. I understand that if a WalMart comes into a smaller town then small business owners will suffer from lack of customers but that town will also have a lot of job openings and new/cheaper products. I believe that WalMart does have its flaws. They claim they cannot increase workers pay because it will put a big dent in business but thats clearly not true. WalMart is a massive corporation and raising the wages would cost a few million but WalMart makes billions of dollars. They can sacrifice a little for their so called "family" of workers.

Unknown said...

Wal-Mart has become a great success over the years, and personally I think they’re headed in a good direction. I believe Wal-Mart is currently attracting even more costumers due to our economic crisis; because most people can’t afford the more expensive stores, Wal-Mart is a great alternative where they find great variety for much lower prices. Of course the quality is not the same compared to other stores, but in most situations, especially at times like these where the economy has severely declined, people turn to stores like Wal-Mart where they also find a great deal of selection for affordable prices. Although I have a positive view on Wal-Mart, I think the employers strike for higher wages is ridiculous. This action is definitely understandable when considering the bad economy, but I just don’t think higher wages for such employment is necessary or appropriate. The economy has gotten so severe; it’s already hard enough to even find a job, so I think the money could be put to better use like creating more jobs for those who currently remain unemployed. Higher wages for those who already have a job is very unfair in my opinion, when that money could easily be used to create more jobs to offer for those unemployed.

Unknown said...

I believe that the whole Walmart debate is one that cannot be argued strictly from one side. There are many reasons that can be argued both for and against the massive expansion of this retail company. While Walmart does provide over three million jobs throughout America, these jobs are mainly filled by uneducated adults who are not paid enough to support their families. Also, while Walmart provides the lowest prices in almost every category of goods, it does so by using cheap labor overseas and buying mass amounts of products, which in turn ruins most if not all small businesses. I believe that in the state that our country is in today, the expansion of Walmart should be slowed down and the concentration should be set on putting money back into middle-class citizens, rather than fattening the already expanding pockets of corporate owners.

Unknown said...

Walmart has been around for a long time now. Its hard to not side with walmart. Its prices are hard to compete with because its such a big corparation and smaller and mommy and pappi buisnesses do not make as much. They supply people with jobs and are econmically providing for the average american. Negatives state that there are unfair wadges but for example a man who loads trucks was getting paid 11.15 and hour. Such pay is a reasonable seeing howminimum wadge is around 4dollars less. It gives un edgucated people or teenagers and partime job.

Unknown said...

WalMart is the most successful businesses in the world. This is why there is a lot problems with WalMart. I don't think its far that the spot light should just be on WalMart because of the success it has. There are other company that could share the same problems as WalMart but WalMart takes all the heat because of who while know it is around the world.

Unknown said...

WalMart is the most successful businesses in the world. This is why there is a lot problems with WalMart. I don't think its far that the spot light should just be on WalMart because of the success it has. There are other company that could share the same problems as WalMart but WalMart takes all the heat because of who while know it is around the world.

Greg Trifone said...

I believe the debate over WalMart is a perfect example why large companies are leaving the united states and going overseas. The employees do unskilled labor that any highschool or anyone above 12 could do. These are people who did not graduate highschool and it is there fault in not doing so and that is why there in the position there in. The employees make at least minimum wage and although this is not enough money for someone to live off of, it is not walmarts fault there workers could not get the job done in school. One problem i do have with walmart is the way they treat the factory employees. Although they are not directly in charge of the factorys, walmart is the reason most of these factories are in business so they are therefor obligated to force change, a power they definetly have.

Unknown said...

Walmart is known as being a very successful, affordable, and fun place to shop. It is spread worldwide and many people have different opinions about it. I believe that no one can judge the Walmart workforce unless they have spent actual time working as an employee. Only through ear have people grown to love or hate it. Some communities have become flourished with traffic and less nature do to even building Walmarts. But many areas also benefit from having the store in their community. Walmart supplies people with affordable products which people need until they are able to spend money more freely once again. Walmart has provides jobs for people who need jobs as well. Overall, I see more benefits and pros from Walmart as opposed to cons.
(Alexis Taylor)

Daniel Friedman said...

WalMart is just like any other successful business. Claims of low wages for their employees are completely bogus as the jobs are meant for unskilled, uneducated workers (and they still get far above the minimum wage, as the video pointed out). No matter how “experienced” a person is at unloading boxes from trucks, that person cannot expect to earn enough money to sustain a family. Overall, one cannot expect to receive large amounts of money without education unless he or she becomes a plumber.

Furthermore, the accusations that WalMart weeds out businesses in surrounding communities is not entirely true. Those who choose to shop at WalMart obviously prefer lower prices over the survival of their town shops. If others are forced to shop at WalMart due to a bad economy, they will not be able to afford the regular stores anyways. A business is a business: it can only remain if people allow it to.

Emily Winch said...

I believe that Walmart is great business. Walmart's low prices make such a difference to lower class people who can't necessarily afford to buy clothing, groceries, or other necessities at more expensive stores. Although Walmart takes away business from small local stores, Walmart also provides a variety of jobs for people. Walmart is said to treat it's employees poorly by giving them low wages. Since working at Walmart requires no skill I believe that the wages which are already above minimum wage are more than fair. Walmart is a great company and should not be penalized for its success.

emilyperine said...

I think WalMart is admirable in the sense that it has grown into a world wide business, and it started from one small store. I think that building WalMarts in certain places has advantages. First of all, it creates competition for other businesses, who are bound to try and lower their prices to keep up with WalMart's. This way people will be obtaining goods at lower prices. Building WalMarts also creates job opportunities for many people. However, I do think that WalMart can hurt small towns in the sense that because they are so competitive in their prices, they may wipe out small business owners.
I have to say, I never really thought twice about WalMart, I know my mom shops there a lot, and I’ve always just thought of it as another supermarket. But after watching the videos about WalMart it makes me think twice about its image and the effects on populations it has. I also thought it was kind of weird and cultish with all of the WalMart chants!

Jjackson said...

i think that walmart is a successful company and should not have a negative reputation because of how they run it. They sell many things at such a low price. This would help out so many lower class people. every walmart to open, opens more jobs to poeple inneed durin the recession and many job loses. Even though the employees say it is low paying consider what they have to do, but they hire more people to give them chances also but still pay enough for people to make a living. People who protest Walmart are just trying to get attention. If people do not like their job at walmart they should not work their and let other people who want it do it. There are not many companies are hiring now a days so finding a better place with higher paying work is going to be much harder to find. so i think if people work they should enjoy it and stop complaining about how they don't like it or they should quit so the people who work there should stop complaining.

Kelly Carlson said...

I believe Walmart is an out of control entrepreneurship. Although they supply many jobs to many communities in need of employment, many after 6 months end up quitting. So if the argument is that people without jobs are getting employed because of Walmart, who is it helping if they are unsatisfied and have to quit and look for another job just a few months later. That is not helping the unemployed rate, it just keeps the cycle moving. Many think the great low prices are something to be proud of as well, but at what cost to people in other countries that make these lowly priced items? If Walmart is such a successful and thriving business, then why can they not increase the pay of their workers? Is someone humanity really worth the discount?

Unknown said...

I have no problem with Walmart. If they offer the cheapest products that I need, I will shop there. If they don't, I won't shop there. It's as simple as that. Obviously if they are making such a huge profit than they are also contributing a lot to society.

Unknown said...

I think that WalMart is a very successful company because it has brought plenty on money to the US and it has made it possible for americans to buy at a low price. WalMart also provides plenty of jobs for people who are in-need witch brings a positive work to the environment and society.

Unknown said...

Although I think that Walmart is a successful business, and they are making an abundant amount of money, I believe they should take some of the mass amount of profit that they make and treat their employees better. Walmart has set up a very successful business, but it is also successful partly because of the way they treat their employees: both in the stores and at their manufactures. Like any large corporation, Walmart should allow their employees to have a union. This would provide better employee satisfaction and in turn better service towards customers. Walmart also does have one of the largest workforces in the world and it is only right for them to take care of their employees. But this fact also shows that it is hard to please everyone. I think that Walmart is good in that they are employing many people, but I also think that they need to take care of their employees better.

Vaughn said...

In a dog eats dog world, Wal-Mart is just doing what it needs to survive and thrive. By expanding its business and growing its numbers, Wal-Mart is the figure or father-role for many businesses today. It, like many other stores, started out as a single store one a public street. Yet look at where it is now. Wal-Mart is a success story, not an "evil" cooperation. Wal-Mart is a save when it comes to many families. Its low prices help numerous buyers ever day. Plus, when people are being asked about their wages, you need to think on a bigger picture. Even a one dollar raise would mean more then a billion dollar loss for the company. It is just a hard working company.

Unknown said...

Eric Ploch
There are definitely both positives and negatives to the entire Wal-Mart debate. Wal-Mart is good in a way because it creates a consumer friendly environment. The store has cheap prices and helps middle to lower class families pay for items that otherwise might be overpriced at other local stores. It also creates an environment where a family can go in and get everything that they might need in one shopping trip such as clothes, food and electronics instead of having to go to many different stores to get everything.
Wal-Mart also has a negative side too. They don't treat their workers right in that they have low wages and very few benefits while there are stories of workers being forced to work long hours, sometimes an entire 24 hours without time off. I think Wal-Mart needs to make sure that the companies they buy from take care of employees that way their isn't any issue over treatment and they need to take care of their own employees as well. If Wal-Mart can take care of these problems I think they can become even more powerful because more people will be willing to purchase from them.

Unknown said...

I believe that Walmart is good for shoppers who go their and buy their goods for cheap prices, but for other store owners who want to make a living and are located near a walmart they will go out of business because they can not keep up with their low prices.

Chris DiDonato said...

I believe that Wal-Mart is a very successful company that people look at as an evil business because of the way it pretty much takes over smaller businesses. Wal-Mart can’t help that its prices are just flat out better than all the other stores you find throughout the world. People don’t complain when they shop there but have a problem Wal-Mart when they find out how much they pay there employees. For what there employees do I believe that they get paid a reasonable amount. No one can say that they think that Wal-Mart is a bad company when they provide an abundance of jobs and product at the lowest price it can be sold at for profit. With the recession that the United States is in today a store like Wal-Mart help a lot. I do not feel that Wal-Mart has become too powerful of a company. It has just grown so much that people can’t accept that it hasn't done anything wrong. It is not even debatable that Wal-Mart doesn't help communities.

Mike Gargiulo said...

I believe that Walmart is a very successful international business. People claim that the company pays employees too little and destroys towns. I do not believe that this is true, and I believe that Walmart has become the successful business today because of their business method of offering low prices to customers. Addressing the issue on wages, Walmart employees are getting paid above minimum wage to hold unskilled labor positions. I do not understand how people can expect a big paycheck by getting these types of jobs, no matter where they work. The wages that employees receive are quite appropriate for the jobs that they hold. Secondly, critics say that Walmart is destroying towns. Sure, some small businesses cannot compete with Walmart’s prices, but I believe that it is a risk you take when you open a small business. If Walmart has the money to open a new store and make profit, there is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to. Also, Walmart stores provide many new jobs for previously unemployed people and offer customers low prices. So in reality, Walmart helps towns for this reason.

mna234 said...

The Walmart debate has its pros and cons. Walmart has over two million people working for them. Wlamart also helps poor families, and has products at very cheap prices. Walmart serves the whole nation ans international countries. I believe that Walmart has more pros than cons because they help our economy a lot. Walmart gives so many jobs to people and has reasonable prices. One thing Walmart does not do right is that it does not treat its workers very good. Many people quit after they start a job at Walmart.

Chepler said...

I believe that the people who criticize Walmart are simply jealous or ignorant of the fact that it has gained its success through years of hard work and excellent business ownership. There are many arguments stating that the workers at walmart are not paid enough for their services. They are actually paid quite well considering the labor they are performing requires minimal education. They should be happy with what they are receiving, because working in many other places would yield only the state minimum, while walmart will pay more than that in many instances. For example, the man in the video who complained his 11$/hr wage wasn't enough to support his family, however he was getting paid a good salary to simply load and unload boxes. The fact that he is paid that much to begin with is ridiculous, because that sort of labor deserves minimum wage at best. The other popular argument is that walmart will destroy the local economy of any town it is planted in. Small business owners complain that they steal business by slashing prices that they cannot compete with. When viewed from more of a general population approach as opposed to a single business owner, you realize that it is offering goods at affordable prices, and bringing dozens of jobs to a town that may have not been provided by small businesses in place before walmart's arrival. When viewing walmart in an objective manner, you realize that all their success has simply been spawned from smart economics and headstrong leadership. The arguments are only brought up in order to taint the large amounts of success that the company so rightfully deserves.

Unknown said...

I think that Walmart is a great business that has come along way. Walmart has low prices that almost any one could afford. It has everything you could possibly need and I bet millions go into Walmart everyday. I don't think that the workers should be complaining about wages because this is probably one of the only jobs they can get. The jobs don't require alot of skill so what they are getting paid now is more than what a person would normally get. I think Walmart is doing a fine job, and hires many people.

Unknown said...

There are much more important things to debate about than Wal-Mart. There is no reason to complain about a company for being a success in a country with equal opportunity. Wal-Mart creates jobs for people who are unemployed and provides cheap merchandise in this rough economic time. The fact is, Wal-Mart is a successful store. The employees there are obviously being paid minimum wage at the very least for a job that is not very academically challenging. Just because Wal-Mart is such a success doesnt mean that it should be required to give an outstanding pay check to its employees over other companies with similar jobs.

ashley rotondo said...

I think WalMart is an amazing business in the USA. In this whole debate, there are two side. One side saying that it's affordable and an easy place to get things. The other side would say that it has caused the closing of many local businesses. I think WalMart really helps out the country because it's affordable with the recession going on currently and it's a place that people can go and get things for cheaper prices. Even though WalMart took away some of the local businesses, it also adds a lot of job opportunities for people to work at WalMart. With the recession going on currently, people ware trying to save as much money as they possibly can, and a store like WalMart, with very cheap prices helps people to do that. I believe that WalMart is very good for the USA.

Graham M. said...

Walmart is the definition of a successful business in the world today. They can give consumers low prices beyond that of anyone else, and still make more revenue than some countries. Small business owners complain that walmart is running them out of business. I consider myself a business minded person, and those small business owners need to use different strategies to compete with the low prices that walmart offers. There are companies that offer similar products than other companies, but at a greater price. These businesses are able to advertise themselves as a better place to purchase their product. While walmart is focusing on lower prices, small business can be focusing on customer satisfaction and higher quality. Business owners fight to keep their business alives, and those who strive for success should be able to survive even with the presence of walmart.

Anonymous said...

I feel the Wal-mart is a good entrepreneurship, and good for shoppers. Though, this is a good entrepreneurship I feel it has caused too many problems for its own good. It has caused many people in the town who own businesses to loose their jobs because of Wal-marts prices. Also, the prices at wal-mart are low because of cruelty to the employees. I feel that wal-mart has enough money and could afford to pay their employers fair wages. I dont think that it is fair, just so customers can buy things at low prices

Alyssa Taglia, Miss Connecticut Teen USA 2010 said...

When it comes to stating my opinion on Wal-Mart I have to say I am on the fence . I do believe there are both positives and negatives that are carried along with Wal-Mart as it opens more and more of its super stores nationwide. One of the positives that Wal-Mart offers is VERY low prices on their products. Having low prices is a great thing in today’s society because America is in a recession. The recession is pushing many more people to shop at Wal-Mart by making daily needs more affordable.

Though low prices may help people today, Wal-Mart also clouds the publics judgment.

What some people may not know is where Wal-Mart gets their products. They get their products from what we like to call sweat shops. The workers who make Wal-Mart products work long hours everyday in poor conditions. This is unacceptable and something that MUST be changed.

Jeeha Park said...

Wal-Mart has been successful for decades, providing merchandises at low prices. People who are opponents of the franchise are ignorant of Wal-Mart’s hard work. The franchise started from nothing to become one of the world’s major franchises. Their success should not be shunned upon; rather other private businesses should learn the system that Wal-Mart has in order to enlarge their stores.
Some workers complain about their wages and health insurances. First of all, they should have studied harder in school rather than slacking off to put themselves to have better jobs. It is their fault that they have such low paid jobs. Secondly, if they don’t work at Wal-Mart they should get a job somewhere else. The workers should either be satisfied with their jobs or go somewhere else. Lastly, people who complain about the wages need to stop spending money on unnecessary items. The governments set up minimum wages to make sure people are able to live with the pay. Most Wal-Mart workers are paid more than the minimum wage, so obviously money is being used somewhere unnecessary.

Hillary Dutton said...

I feel as though WalMart has both positive and negative aspects to the company. WalMart provides a lot of jobs for people who have a difficult time getting employed. However, the negative aspect is that the wages the employee are given are unfair and they work long hours for a small amount of money. WalMart does however provide many goods to people all across the world at a very low price. This allows for those who don't have a lot of money to afford the things they need to live. I think WalMart is a strong company that provides great prices for it's customers but I also feel that they need to be treating their employees more reasonably.

Unknown said...

Although there is a lot of controversy surrounding WalMart these days, i believe it is a successful company helping to create jobs in a tough market. Opening a WalMart in any community not only creates jobs within that community, but it also creates jobs for delivery drivers and creates more jobs in production facilities either domestic or overseas. Even though WalMart doesn't pay the highest wages and they don't have excellent healthcare benefits, they have created a whole lot of jobs and save many more people money with their highly competitive prices.

rbeesmer said...

I beleive that Walmart would not have gotten to where it was without the types of business practices that it uses today. Though some of these practices, mainly how they will not allow their employees to join unions, seem very unfair to their employees. But the jobs created by the large amount of Walmart stores would not be there if the company wasnt as profitable as it was, therefore many of their employees would not have job had Walmart let their past employees join unions, or if they had paid them better wages. If i persons only option is to work at a Walmart for an income then they should be greatful for the opportunity to work their. Had they had a better option then they should be working there. Walmart pays all of their employees fairly according to state minimum wage costs and they do what they must to make as much money as possible, this is a very smart strategy for a business, particularly in these tough economic times, i do not feel like anyone should rationally have a problem with Walmarts business practices.

abonilla said...

I think Wal-Mart is a great thing for communities all around the world. It sells various types of products at prices that can't be beat.Lower class people or people on a budget greatly benefit from this. Also because Wal Mart is a large,continuously growing company it provides numerous of jobs for people in need of employment in thousands of locations around the world. Unlike many other businesses, Wal Mart starts all their employees above minimum wage ,even if they are inexperienced. Wal Marts stimulate the economy in many areas around the world and are great stores during tough economical times. Wal Mart is truly a successful business which will continue to thrive in the future.

Unknown said...

Walmart is a double edged sword that plagues and flourishes in our current economic state. In the state of recession Walmart has proven to be one of the most valuable commodities we have in our society. With less money in everyone’s pockets spending is tighter and Walmart allows people to get essentials needs such as food, clothing, and anything else one might need and get them at very low prices. This is why Walmart has continued to grow in these tough times, because with lower prices on literally everything than anyone else their number of costumers increases rapidly therefore making more money. Also in our free market economy one can’t really argue against Walmart because all they’re really doing is succeeding in a system that has worked for numerous people before and is sitting on top of everyone else. But if one was to make an argument against Walmart it would have to be one of morals and not of policy. The truth is Walmart is playing by the rules of our economic system the only downside is what it’s destroying in its path. As Walmart gets bigger and bigger and grows into more communities around the U.S. and around the world they force smaller local businesses to close. With Walmart low prices a smaller local business cannot compete with one of the largest companies in the world. This forces people to lose jobs, and also takes money away from communities and overseas to workers in other countries. Walmart is a legitimate success story that comes out of this recession and because of that they have a target on their backs and are taking fire from individuals who it affects.

Unknown said...

I really do feel that Wal-Mart has taken their need for monetary wealth too far. Our countries were built upon the mom and pop shops that used to riddle our towns. Now, those shops are out of business and those people are unemployed, trying to figure out how to make ends meet. Wal-Mart says they create jobs, yet they treat their employees so badly that many of them don’t make it past one year of employment. They either need to improve the conditions in which their employees work, or they need to get out of the towns and cities that did not want them there in the first place. They may be a cheap store in a time of financial crisis, but the way they go about running their business is simply disgusting.

Unknown said...

Walmart is a worldwide corporation that has brought value to middle and lower income families across America and abroad. I feel that Walmart is a excellent symbol of capitalism, as well as the American dream.

However, with that said, I feel the Walmart has also hindered small businesses across America, and has limited customers to few other options. This monopoly has become a household name, and will continue to grow, for better, or worse.

Unknown said...

After watching the documentary "The New Age of Walmart" I find myself siding with Walmart on the debate. Walmart has done nothing wrong, they have simply found ways of selling there goods for the lowest prices. One reason a lot of americans are against walmart especially the citizens of the town its coming to are because it's prices are difficult to compete with. Walmart has been know for killing off the smaller "mom and pop" stores in there communities. In my opinion you cant blame walmart for this, the economy is bad people are out of work and can only afford the cheapest products. All business are doing bad these past years not just the "mom and pop" places. Some of the Debaters argue that Walmart does not pay there workers livable wages. Walmart has to pay each person they higher at least the state determined minim wage. the employes learn what they will be paid in advance to starting. also the types of jobs that walmart are offering are unskilled jobs aimed at lower educated americans. In this tough economy there are plenty of americans out of work that would love to earn even such a low salary. Walmart is also helping the country by suppling so many jobs, including companies that work with walmart and truck drivers walmart provides a lot of the countries jobs. So i this is why i believe that walmart is doing nothing wrong.

Robin said...

I believe that Walmart is a very successful company. It creates many jobs for people. It is also a store that is affordable for many people. With todays economy people are looking to save money. Walmart is a store they can go to and save some money. The down side to the Walmart debate is that it puts many small businesses out of business. I think that Walmart should give their employees raises it would not be an extreme loss for them. Overall I think Walmart is a good company.

Graham said...

-Cheaper prices (30% less than competing companies)
-Jobs opened up for people in surrounding area
-In slow economy, the products are affordable and easy to obtain since they have everything from food to electronics and even sports equipment
-Even groceries can be bought there!
-Great stock to hold

-Shuts down competing small companies in the area
-Labor in Asia gives the workers awful wages for extreme hours, in some cases people are working for a full 24 hours
-The store is basically taking over the market, town by town.

There are many pros and cons about Wallmart, good for the customer, bad for the business owners. Although whether you like it or not, it's slowly taking over.

Emily Werth said...

After watching the Wal-Mart video in class, I see that Wal-Mart is not necessarily a good thing. Even though the prices are low and there are good deals, it’s at the workers expense. Some people devote their adult lives to working at Wal-Mart and need that to provide for their families. On the salary these workers get, they are not able to do that. I like Wal-Mart because of the everyday low prices, but I would be willing to pay more if that means the employees can live a better live and provide for their families. Wal-Mart is the biggest super center in the world and should be for the amount of people who shop there. I don’t understand why so many people would work there with the conditions they work under. Wal-Mart should be paying its workers more so they can provide for their families.

Julia Strobel said...

Walmart doesnt need to pay their employees more then there current salery. The labor there employees perform is one of not hard work that requires minimum skill level. They don't need a college education or any experience for that matter to work there. If they have a problem with Walmart, why do they continue to work at Walmart? The people are getting paid minimum wage for work that isn't justified for this payment. No education is needed for stocking shelves. Its not walmarts fault their employees never finish high school.

Chad Citron said...

I feel that debating an extremely large and successful company is useless, in that even though restrictions may be set on Wal-Mart, the success that it holds will not be cut short. I don’t have an opinion that is for or against Wal-Mart, however; it is clear that because of Wal-Mart’s high inventory, low price stature, it has become nearly impossible for small local businesses to prosper. I am not against Wal-Mart because it is a successful company that offers household necessities at a low price. I do think that Wal-Mart should offer better insurance coverage and higher wages. If not a direct raise in wages and coverage; Wal-Mart should make it possible for workers to form a union.

Unknown said...

I think that WalMart i just an example of a successful business. It offers products for those who may be on a tight budget, but it also has products that attract others who have money to spend. Walmart offers not only products but their department also offers services for specific items. It is a convenient "one-stop store" where you can pick up a variety of products. Many complain that Walmart brings competition to smaller businesses...but in reality every business is in competition with one another. Individuals may rely on Walmart for groceries instead of a local market, but people also rely on stores such as Stop&shop over the local market as well. Business owners should realize that companies compete with one another, and they should focus on other ways of targeting the consumer. Also, many people are against WalMart because they pay employees minimum wages. Once again, WalMart is not the only business to do this. If people look down on WalMart because of the salaries they offer, then they should also look down on other businesses that do the same thing. As a young adult, most jobs that I have applied for has offered positions at minimum wage. WalMart is not the only business that does this. Overall, I am all for WalMart. Even if the people who dislike this business stop supporting it, WalMart will still continue to do well. It is such a big business and I personally think that it will remain successful even when some people stop shopping there.

Naveed Ghani said...

Wal-Mart has been accused of various treacheries such as pathetic pay to their employees and complete domination and monopolization of the retail field. The latter isn’t as absurd as the former. An average, full-time employee earns slightly less than $11 per hour, which comes out to a little less than the yearly poverty line. What else did you expect for an uncertified, uneducated employee? If the employees wanted a higher wage, they should have gone to school longer. If the employees don’t like the way they are treated, they should quit. If the employees depend on Wal-Mart’s salary, they should stop complaining. At least they are being paid well above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. There are plenty of other companies that are of equivalent status or even worse, but just because Wal-Mart is the biggest company, they are the main target. No pun intended.
As for Wal-Mart’s domination of the retail business, they are successful because they have low prices. They can afford to have low prices because they are successful. I wouldn’t be in favor of some federal regulation on Wal-Mart, but I wouldn’t think it would be entirely out of context either. Wal-Mart pretty much kills any small business retailer within a few miles of it, but that is what competition is and what makes up our capitalist economy. But if any regulation took effect on Wal-Mart, it would also have to take effect on other major retailers like Target, Costco, Macy’s, etc.

RNA said...


Jacquie St.Pierre said...

WalMart is one of the largest businesses in the world. I feel that they will continue to be succsessful because of the extremely low prices they offer their consumers. No matter what businesses will always be competing with one another so I don't think it is right to rule out WalMart for that reason. Also, in these stressful economic times people will always be looking for the least expensive items which may mean not always going to the local gourmet market. Therefore local businesses are most likely losing business already. However, I don't feel that they should be placing WalMarts in small farm towns where they would stick out like a sore thumb. They should be placed in cities and towns in which they would benefit the people the most, and not cause an uproar within the community.